コード例 #1
def test_wildcard(makecert, utcnow):
    from check_tls_certs import Domain
    from check_tls_certs import check
    cert = makecert(cn='*.example.com')
    d = Domain('www.example.com')
    (msgs, earliest_expiration) = check([(d, [cert])], utcnow)
    errs = [m for m in msgs if "doesn't match the certificate domain" in m[1]]
    assert errs == []
    assert (earliest_expiration - utcnow).days > 360
    d = Domain('foo.bar.example.com')
    (msgs, earliest_expiration) = check([(d, [cert])], utcnow)
    (err,) = [m for m in msgs if "doesn't match the certificate domain" in m[1]]
    assert "foo.bar.example.com doesn't match the certificate domain *.example.com" in err[1]
    assert (earliest_expiration - utcnow).days > 360
コード例 #2
def test_expiration_far_in_future(makecert, utcnow):
    from check_tls_certs import Domain
    from check_tls_certs import check
    d = Domain('example.com')
    cert = makecert()
    (msgs, earliest_expiration) = check([(d, [cert])], utcnow)
    (msg, ) = [m for m in msgs if m[1].startswith('Valid until')]
    assert '(364 days,' in msg[1]
    assert (earliest_expiration - utcnow).days == 364
コード例 #3
def test_check_self_signed(makecert, utcnow):
    from check_tls_certs import Domain
    from check_tls_certs import check
    d = Domain('example.com')
    cert = makecert()
    (msgs, earliest_expiration) = check([(d, [cert])], utcnow)
    (errmsg, ) = [m for m in msgs if m[0] == 'error']
    assert 'Validation error' in errmsg[1]
    assert 'self signed certificate' in errmsg[1]
コード例 #4
def test_expiration_within_warning_range(makecert, utcnow):
    from check_tls_certs import Domain
    from check_tls_certs import check
    from check_tls_certs import default_expiry_warn
    d = Domain('example.com')
    cert = makecert(days=default_expiry_warn)
    (msgs, earliest_expiration) = check([(d, [cert])], utcnow)
    (msg, ) = [m for m in msgs if 'certificate expires on' in m[1]]
    assert '(%s days,' % (default_expiry_warn - 1) in msg[1]
    assert (earliest_expiration - utcnow).days == (default_expiry_warn - 1)
コード例 #5
def test_expiration_expired(makecert, utcnow):
    from check_tls_certs import Domain
    from check_tls_certs import check
    import datetime
    d = Domain('example.com')
    cert = makecert(days=1)
    utcnow = utcnow + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    (msgs, earliest_expiration) = check([(d, [cert])], utcnow)
    (msg, ) = [m for m in msgs if 'certificate has expired on' in m[1]]
    assert msg[1].startswith('The certificate has expired on')
    assert (earliest_expiration - utcnow).days < 0