コード例 #1
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: joshwarren/VIMOS_analysis
def get_slit(galaxy, h, w, pa):
	from checkcomp import checkcomp
	cc = checkcomp()
	pa = np.radians(pa)
	data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir)
	# different data types need to be read separetly
	z_gals, vel_gals, sig_gals, x_gals, y_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, 
		unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,2,3,4,5))
	galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str)
	i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0]

	x_cent, y_cent = x_gals[i_gal]*res, y_gals[i_gal]*res
	return get_slit2(h, w, np.degrees(pa), x_cent, y_cent)
コード例 #2
# Routine to show global Mg-sigma relation

import numpy as np  # for array handling
from astropy.io import fits  # reads fits files (is from astropy)
from checkcomp import checkcomp
cc = checkcomp()
if cc.device == -1:
    cc = checkcomp(override='glamdring')
if cc.remote:
    import matplotlib  # 20160202 JP to stop lack-of X-windows error
    matplotlib.use('Agg')  # 20160202 JP to stop lack-of X-windows error
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # used for plotting
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # used for plotting
from errors2_muse import run_ppxf, set_params, get_dataCubeDirectory
from errors2 import apply_range
from classify import get_R_e
from pop import get_absorption
from global_mg_sigma import in_aperture

# aperture in arcsec
def mg_sigma(galaxy, aperture=1.0):
    ## ----------===============================================---------
    ## ----------============= Input parameters  ===============---------
    ## ----------===============================================---------
    params = set_params(reps=10,
コード例 #3
#				each bin.
#			max: use the maximum of the residuals in
#				each bin.
#			False: do not calculate and produce plot of
#				residuals.
# overplot   {}	Dictionary containing name of thing to overplot and its color.
# D 		None Option to pass in the Data object instead of loading it.
## ************************************************************** ##
import numpy as np  # for array handling
import glob  # for searching for files
from astropy.io import fits  # reads fits files (is from astropy)
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from checkcomp import checkcomp
cc = checkcomp()
if 'home' not in cc.device:
    import matplotlib  # 20160202 JP to stop lack-of X-windows error
    matplotlib.use('Agg')  # 20160202 JP to stop lack-of X-windows error
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # used for plotting
from plot_velfield_nointerp import plot_velfield_nointerp
from plot_histogram import plot_histogram
import os
from sauron_colormap2 import sauron2 as sauron
import cPickle as pickle
from errors2_muse import get_dataCubeDirectory

# Give axes a saveTo property
plt.axes.saveTo = property(lambda self: str())
# Give axes an x and y on figure grid property
plt.axes.figx = property(lambda self: int())
コード例 #4
# Routine to create a 'bin' which contains the entire image.
import numpy as np
import os
from astropy.io import fits
from checkcomp import checkcomp
cc = checkcomp()
from Bin import trapz_uncert
from global_mg_sigma import in_aperture
from tools import moving_weighted_average, gaussian
from classify import get_R_e

n_e = 100 # cm^-3
c = 299792.458 # speed of light in km/s
H0 = 70 # km/s/Mpc

# Solar masses
def get_Mass(Ha_flux, D, instrument='vimos'):
	if instrument == 'vimos':
		return 280 * (D/10)**2 * (Ha_flux*10**-15/10**-14) * (1000/n_e) 
	elif instrument == 'muse':
		return 280 * (D/10)**2 * (Ha_flux*10**-20/10**-14) * (1000/n_e) 

def whole_image(galaxy, verbose=True, instrument='vimos'):
	print galaxy

	data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir)
	galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, 
		usecols=(0,), dtype=str)
	i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0]
	if instrument=='vimos':
		from errors2 import run_ppxf, apply_range, set_params, get_dataCubeDirectory
コード例 #5
ファイル: sigma_e.py プロジェクト: joshwarren/VIMOS_analysis
## Propergate uncertainty
## ==================================================================
## warrenj 20150216 Process to progerate the uncertainty using Monty
## Carlo methods to get uncertainty in velocity space.
## warrenj 20170405 Addapted to get sigma_e

import numpy as np # for array handling
import glob # for searching for files
from astropy.io import fits # reads fits files (is from astropy)
from scipy import ndimage # for gaussian blur
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import os
import sys
from checkcomp import checkcomp
cc = checkcomp()
if cc.device == -1:
	cc = checkcomp(override='glamdring')
if cc.remote:
	import matplotlib # 20160202 JP to stop lack-of X-windows error
	matplotlib.use('Agg') # 20160202 JP to stop lack-of X-windows error
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # used for plotting
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # used for plotting
# import of matplotlib.pyplot is within errors routine
from errors2 import run_ppxf, set_params, apply_range
from ppxf import ppxf
import ppxf_util as util
from classify import get_R_e