コード例 #1
def test_clone_from_cache_bad_namespace(tmpdir):
    """ this should fail since the namespace is invalid."""
    latest_artifact_url = checkout.urljoin(checkout.TC_INDEX, 'task', 'bar')
    with mocked_urllib2({'http://bad.url/': '{"taskId":"baz"}'}, no_size=True):
        assert not checkout.clone_from_cache('foo', 'bar', None, tmpdir.path)
コード例 #2
def test_urljoin_no_slash():
    """ arbitrary number of elements should be joined with a forward slash"""
    test_input = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']
    expected = 'foo/bar/baz/qux'
    actual = checkout.urljoin(*test_input)
    eq_(expected, actual)
コード例 #3
def test_urljoin_right_slashes():
    """ arbitrary number of elements followed by a slash should be joined with a single slash"""
    test_input = ['foo/', 'bar', 'baz/', 'qux']
    expected = 'foo/bar/baz/qux'
    actual = checkout.urljoin(*test_input)
    eq_(expected, actual)