def rungame(): pygame.init() ai_setting = Settings() screen_game = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_setting.game_width, ai_setting.game_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Panic at the pizzeria") # Создание кнопки Play. play_button = Button(ai_setting, screen_game, "Play") # Создание сковороды. pan = Pan(screen_game, ai_setting) # Создание пиццы. pizza = Pizza(screen_game, ai_setting) # Создание группы спрайтов. pizzas = Group() pans = Group() # Объявление переменной stats. stats = GameStats(ai_setting) # Вывод очков на экран. sb = ScoreBoard(ai_setting, screen_game, stats) chef = Chef(screen_game, ai_setting, pizza) # Вывод колличества пиццы на экран. numberspizza = NumbersPizza(ai_setting, screen_game, stats) """Основной цикл игры.""" while True: # Обновление экрана. screen_game.blit(ai_setting.bg_fon, ai_setting.bg_rect) gf.update_screen(screen_game, ai_setting, pizzas, pan, pans, pizza, stats, sb, chef, numberspizza, play_button)
def install(config_file): """ Coordinates the cluster deployment from start to finish. :param: config_file - Path to main configuration file :return: None """"Beginning the deployment of a cluster") # Create a Deploy object deploy = Deploy(config_file) # Update logging handler to reflect process configuration logger.setLevel(deploy.log_level) # Build blueprints for ambari blueprint_builder = BlueprintBuilder(deploy) blueprint_builder.create_all() # Create deployment directory environment = Environment(deploy) environment.create() # OST phase openstack = Openstack(deploy) if deploy.use_existing_openstack: openstack.rebuild() else: # Log out the cluster thus far with open(os.path.join(deploy.installation_directory, 'cluster.json'), 'w') as cluster_json_file: cluster_json_file.write(deploy.cluster.to_json()) # Chef phase chef = Chef(deploy) chef.converge() # Ambari phase ambari = Ambari(deploy) ambari.install()'REDstack install completed - Ambari: https://{0}:8443'.format( deploy.cluster.master_node.floating_ip))
def __init__(self): self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH - 200, HEIGHT)) #self.background = pg.image.load(backgrounds[level-1]) self.background = pg.image.load('background.png') self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('background.png'), (0, 0)) pg.display.set_caption("Chef War") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.running = True self.playing = True # groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.chef1 = Chef(5, 5, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) self.chef1.cabbage = 100 self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) #font variable self.font1 = pg.font.Font('caligraphy.ttf', 50) self.font2 = pg.font.Font('Organo.ttf', 20) self.font3 = pg.font.Font('Arial.ttf', 15) self.font4 = pg.font.Font('Arial.ttf', 15) self.font5 = pg.font.Font('Organo.ttf', 10) = maps[1] self.block2 = Block(8, 7, 4, False, 4) self.block3 = Block(8, 6, 3, False, 1) self.block4 = Block(8, 5, 0, True, 0) self.g = g = gm.Game(8) self.story_progress = True self.story_progress2 = True self.story_progress3 = True self.story_progress4 = True self.story_progress5 = True
def __init__(self, start_day=0, start_date=None, num_days=14): self.num_days = num_days self.start_day = start_day self.start_date = start_date self.chefs_main = [] self.chefs_side = [] self.schedule = [None] * self.num_days self.roommates = {} self.max_times_per_period = 2 self.nobody = Chef("-")
def add_worker(self, form): """ Adds a worker """ level = int(form['classlvl']) worker = None backpack = ", " backpack = backpack.join(form.getlist('check')) if (level == 1): worker = Staff( name=form["name"], classlvl=form["classlvl"], backpack=backpack ) elif (level == 2): worker = Manager( name=form["name"], classlvl=form["classlvl"], backpack=backpack ) elif (level == 3): worker = Chef( name=form["name"], classlvl=form["classlvl"], backpack=backpack ) for item in form.getlist('check'): self.own(self.get_material_by_type(item), form['name']) if not form.getlist('check'): for item in self.session.query(Materials).filter(Materials.owned == self.deown(item) self.session.add(worker) self.session.commit()
def add_the_squad(scheduler): main_chefs = [ Chef("Alex", unavailable=[Const.MON, Const.THURS]), Chef("Maddy", unavailable=[Const.MON, Const.TUES, Const.THURS]), Chef("Austin", unavailable=[Const.MON]), Chef("John", unavailable=[Const.TUES]), Chef("Zana", unavailable=[Const.WED, Const.THURS]), Chef("Adam", unavailable=[Const.WED]), Chef("Steph"), ] side_chefs = [ # Chef("Maddy", unavailable=[Const.MON, Const.TUES]), Chef("Alex", unavailable=[Const.MON, Const.THURS]), Chef("Austin", unavailable=[Const.MON]), Chef("John", unavailable=[Const.TUES]), Chef("Zana", unavailable=[Const.WED, Const.THURS]), # Chef("Adam"), Chef("Steph") ] roommates = { "Alex": ["Zana"], "Zana": ["Alex"], "Adam": ["Maddy", "John"], "John": ["Adam", "Maddy"], "Maddy": ["Adam", "John"], "Steph": ["Austin"], "Austin": ["Steph"] } for chef in main_chefs: scheduler.add_chef(chef) for chef in side_chefs: scheduler.add_chef(chef, False) scheduler.add_roommate_config(roommates)
def main(): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() fondo = pygame.image.load("imagenes/cocina.png") intro = pygame.image.load("imagenes/intro.png") fondorect = fondo.get_rect() introrect = intro.get_rect() pygame.display.set_caption("Chef Race (Universidad Distrital)") pizarra = pygame.image.load("imagenes/pizarra.png") sInicio = util.cargar_sonido('sonidos/inicio.wav') sHorno = util.cargar_sonido('sonidos/horno.wav') sCuchillo = util.cargar_sonido('sonidos/cuchillo.wav') sLicuadora = util.cargar_sonido('sonidos/licuadora.wav') sPrincipal = util.cargar_sonido('sonidos/principal.wav') chef1 = Chef((width - 900, height)) chef2 = Chef((width - 700, height)) chef3 = Chef((width - 500, height)) pizarra1 = Pizarra((width - 900, height)) pizarra2 = Pizarra((width - 700, height)) pizarra3 = Pizarra((width - 500, height)) receta1 = Receta((width, height)) receta2 = Receta((width + 200, height)) receta3 = Receta((width + 400, height)) listaChefs = [chef1, chef2, chef3] listaPizarras = [pizarra1, pizarra2, pizarra3] listaRecetas = [receta1, receta2, receta3] cuchillos = Cuchillos(size) licuadora = Licuadora(size) horno = Horno(size) reloj = pygame.time.Clock() fuente1 = pygame.font.Font(None, 70) fuente2 = pygame.font.Font(None, 25) textoBienvenida = fuente1.render("Bienvenido a Chef Race UD", 1, (255, 255, 255)) textoAutor1 = fuente2.render("Marlon Arias", 1, (0, 0, 0)) textoAutor2 = fuente2.render("David Amado", 1, (0, 0, 0)) textoAutor3 = fuente2.render("Realizado por:", 1, (0, 0, 0)) aux = 3 while aux > 0: screen.blit(intro, introrect) screen.blit(textoAutor1, (width - 170, height - 680)) screen.blit(textoAutor2, (width - 170, height - 660)) screen.blit(textoAutor3, (width - 170, height - 700)) screen.blit(textoBienvenida, ((width - 880, (height / 2) + 30))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(1) aux = aux - 1 while 1: reloj.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: for x in range(810, 881): for y in range(137, 257): if event.button == 1 and event.pos == (x, y): chef1.estado = "trabajandoLicuadora1" licuadora.rect.move_ip(-700, +70) elif event.button == 2 and event.pos == (x, y): chef2.estado = "trabajandoLicuadora1" licuadora.rect.move_ip(-505, +70) elif event.button == 3 and event.pos == (x, y): chef3.estado = "trabajandoLicuadora1" licuadora.rect.move_ip(-305, +70) for x in range(770, 890): for y in range(282, 402): if event.button == 1 and event.pos == (x, y): chef1.estado = "trabajandoHorno1" horno.rect.move_ip(-690, +45) elif event.button == 2 and event.pos == (x, y): chef2.estado = "trabajandoHorno1" horno.rect.move_ip(-490, +45) elif event.button == 3 and event.pos == (x, y): chef3.estado = "trabajandoHorno1" horno.rect.move_ip(-290, +45) for x in range(780, 900): for y in range(27, 125): if event.button == 1 and event.pos == (x, y): chef1.estado = "trabajandoCuchillo1" cuchillos.rect.move_ip(-700, +95) elif event.button == 2 and event.pos == (x, y): chef2.estado = "trabajandoCuchillo1" cuchillos.rect.move_ip(-500, +95) elif event.button == 3 and event.pos == (x, y): chef3.estado = "trabajandoCuchillo1" cuchillos.rect.move_ip(-300, +95) for elemento in listaChefs: elemento.update() time.sleep(0.5) screen.blit(fondo, fondorect) for elemento in listaChefs: screen.blit(elemento.image, elemento.rect) for elemento in listaPizarras: screen.blit(elemento.image, elemento.rect) for elemento in listaRecetas: screen.blit(elemento.image, elemento.rect) screen.blit(cuchillos.image, cuchillos.rect) screen.blit(licuadora.image, licuadora.rect) screen.blit(horno.image, horno.rect) pygame.display.update()
from chef import Chef from ChineseChef import ChineseChef myChef = Chef() myChef.make_chicken() myChef.make_special_dish() myChineseChef = ChineseChef() myChineseChef.make_special_dish() myChineseChef.make_fried_rice() myChineseChef.make_chicken()
from chef import Chef from chinese_chef import Chines_chef mychef = Chef() mychines_chef = Chines_chef() mychef.lunch() mychef.dinner() mychines_chef.noodles() mychines_chef.dinner()
def __init__(self, level, chef1_points=0, chef2_points=0): pg.mixer.init() self.running = True if level == 0: self.background = pg.image.load('startscreen.png') elif level > 0 and level < 6 or level == 8: self.background = pg.image.load("background.png") self.board = pg.image.load(backimages[0]) self.door = pg.image.load(backimages[1]) self.right_margin = pg.image.load(backimages[2]) self.skip = pg.image.load('SKIP.png') self.bonus_image = pg.image.load('BONUS.png') elif level == 6: if chef1_points > chef2_points: self.background = pg.image.load('player1_end.png') elif chef2_points > chef1_points: self.background = pg.image.load('player2_end.png') else: self.background = pg.image.load('tie.PNG') elif level == 7: self.background = pg.image.load('credit.png') else: g = Game(0) self.running = False self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pg.RESIZABLE) pg.display.set_caption("Chef War") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.level = level self.clock = pg.time.Clock() #sprite groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.chef1_points = chef1_points self.chef2_points = chef2_points self.transition_image = pg.image.load('transition.png') self.show_transition = False self.darkmode = False print('points:', self.chef1_points, self.chef2_points) #light up if self.level == 5: self.fog = pg.Surface((800, 800)) self.fog.fill(BLACK) self.light_mask1 = pg.image.load(light1).convert_alpha() self.light_mask2 = pg.image.load(light2).convert_alpha() self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RS) self.light_mask2 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.light_rect2 = self.light_mask2.get_rect() if self.level > 0 and self.level < 6 or level == 8: if self.level > 0 and self.level < 6: = maps[self.level - 1] else: = tutorial for i in range(20): for j in range(20): if[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 'a': self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) elif[i][j] == 'b': self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef2_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) #apend sprite here self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2)
from chef import Chef from chineseChef import ChineseChef myChef = Chef() myChef.chicken_soup() myChineseChef = ChineseChef() myChineseChef.chicken_soup()
def __init_chef__(): global chef global __CHEF_START_X__ global __CHEF_START_Y__ chef = Chef(__CHEF_START_X__, __CHEF_START_Y__)
##This is a basic OOP project with python from person import Person from chef import Chef from manager import Manager from waiter import Waiter from dishwasher import Dishwasher from client import Client if __name__ == "__main__": c = Chef("Jesus", 45, "Male") m = Manager("Beto", 72, "Male") w = Waiter("Eduardo", 25, "Male") d = Dishwasher("Sarah", 33, "Female") cl = Client("Female") print( f"{} is the chef name, is {c.age} years old, and is {c.gender}. {c.cook()}" ) print( f"{} is the manager name, is {m.age} years old, and is {m.gender}. {}" ) print( f"{} is the waiter name, is {w.age} years old, and is {w.gender}. {w.serve()}" ) print( f"{} is the dishwasher name, is {d.age} years old, and is {d.gender}. {d.wash()}" ) print(f"The client is a {cl.gender} and {cl.order()}")
from employe import Employe from chef import Chef from directeur import Directeur liste = [ Employe("NOM1", "PRENOM1", "03/04/1991", 1001), Employe("NOM2", "PRENOM2", "03/04/1992", 1002), Employe("NOM3", "PRENOM3", "03/04/1993", 1003), Employe("NOM4", "PRENOM4", "03/04/1994", 1004), Employe("NOM5", "PRENOM5", "03/04/1995", 1005), Chef("NOM6", "PRENOM6", "03/04/1996", 1006, "Informatique"), Chef("NOM7", "PRENOM7", "03/04/1997", 1007, "Comptabilité"), Directeur("NOM8", "PRENOM8", "03/04/1998", 1008, "Informatique", "Microsoft") ] for i in liste: print("*************************************") i.affiche()
class Game: def __init__(self): pg.mixer.init() self.level = 1 self.background = pg.image.load(backgrounds[self.level-1]) self.board = pg.image.load(backimages[0]) self.door = pg.image.load(backimages[1]) self.right_margin = pg.image.load(backimages[2]) self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pg.RESIZABLE) pg.display.set_caption("Client1") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.running = True self.playing = True self.waiting = True #sprite groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() for i in range(20): map = maps[0] for j in range(20): if map[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j,i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j,i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 'b': self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites,self.all_superbullets) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) # self.chef1.set_center(j, i) # self.chef1.set_cabbage(10) # self.chef1.set_life(1) elif map[i][j] == 'a': self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef2_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2) # self.chef2.set_center(j, i) # self.chef2.set_cabbage(10) # self.chef2.set_life(1) # def light_up() #if self.level == 5: self.fog=pg.Surface((800,800)) self.fog.fill(BLACK) self.light_mask1=pg.image.load(light1).convert_alpha() self.light_mask2=pg.image.load(light2).convert_alpha() self.light_mask1= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1,LIGHT_RS) self.light_mask2= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2,LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1=self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.light_rect2=self.light_mask2.get_rect() def create(self): #0 is nothing #1 is empty bl #2 is not shootable #3 is life - health = 3 #4 is cabbage - 2 #5 is point - 3 #def __init__(self, x, y, health, indestructable = False, bonus = 0 ): map = maps[self.level - 1] for i in range(20): for j in range(20): if map[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j,i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j,i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 'b': # self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites,self.all_superbullets) # self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) self.chef1.set_center(j, i) self.chef1.set_cabbage(10) self.chef1.set_life(1) elif map[i][j] == 'a': # self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) # self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2) self.chef2.set_center(j, i) self.chef2.set_cabbage(10) self.chef2.set_life(1) def setup_next_level(self): for bl in self.all_blocks: bl.kill() self.level += 1 self.create() self.playing = True def update(self): hit_block = pg.sprite.groupcollide(self.all_blocks, self.all_bullets, False, True) hit_block2 = pg.sprite.groupcollide(self.all_blocks, self.all_superbullets, False, False) #if the block turn into the bonus -> True, False shoot_chef1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef_1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_superbullets, True) shoot_chef_2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_superbullets, True) if shoot_chef1 or shoot_chef_1: self.chef1.is_hit() if self.chef1.get_life == 0: self.running= False self.chef2_points +=1 if shoot_chef2 or shoot_chef_2: self.chef2.is_hit() if self.chef2.get_life == 0: self.running= False self.chef1_points +=1 for bl in hit_block.keys(): bl.decrementHealth() if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus()==0: bl.kill() else: self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) for bl in hit_block2.keys(): bl.setHealth(0) if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus()==0: bl.kill() else: self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) chef1_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef1_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef1.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef1.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef1.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef1.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() ==6: self.chef1.gainLight() else: self.chef1_points +=1 chef2_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef2_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef2.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef2.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef2.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef2.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() ==6: self.chef2.gainLight() else: self.chef2_points +=1 chef1_old_x = self.chef1.get_x() chef1_old_y = self.chef1.get_y() chef2_old_x = self.chef2.get_x() chef2_old_y = self.chef2.get_y() self.all_sprites.update() chef1_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_blocks, False) if chef1_collide_block: self.chef1.set_x(chef1_old_x) self.chef1.set_y(chef1_old_y) # self.chef1.set_sound(None) chef2_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_blocks, False) if chef2_collide_block: self.chef2.set_x(chef2_old_x) self.chef2.set_y(chef2_old_y) # self.chef2.set_sound(None) def run_level(self):'song.wav') while self.playing: if self.chef1.get_speed() == True: self.chef1.set_endSpeed() elapsed = self.chef1.get_endSpeed() - self.chef1.get_stSpeed() if elapsed >= 5.00: self.chef1.close_speed() if self.chef2.get_speed() == True: self.chef2.set_endSpeed() elapsed = self.chef2.get_endSpeed() - self.chef2.get_stSpeed() if elapsed >= 5.00: self.chef2.close_speed() for bl in self.all_bullets: bl.kill() # for bl in self.all_superbullets: # bl.kill() #self.clock.tick(FPS) lc.handle_timeout(1) self.draw() if self.chef1.is_dead() or self.chef2.is_dead(): if self.level == 5: self.running = False self.playing = False # for spr in self.all_sprites: # spr.kill() def level_successful(self): if self.playing == False: return True else: return False def done(self): if self.running == False: return True else: return False def events(self): for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: if self.playing: self.playing = False self.running = False key = pg.key.get_pressed() sending_out = input_t() sending_out.player = 1 if key[pg.K_LEFT]: sending_out.move = "left" elif key[pg.K_RIGHT]: sending_out.move = "right" elif key[pg.K_UP]: sending_out.move = "up" elif key[pg.K_DOWN]: sending_out.move = "down" elif key[pg.K_SPACE]: sending_out.move = "shoot" lc.publish("CLIENT_INPUT", sending_out.encode()) def makefog(self): self.fog.fill(BLACK) # if self.chef2.get_Light(): # self.light_mask1= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1,LIGHT_RB) # self.light_rect1=self.light_mask1.get_rect() # self.chef2.set_endLight() # elapsed = self.chef2.get_endLight()-self.chef2.get_stLight() # if elapsed >= 5.00: # self.chef2.close_Light() # self.light_mask1= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1,LIGHT_RS) # self.light_rect1=self.light_mask1.get_rect() if self.chef1.get_Light(): self.light_mask2= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2,LIGHT_RB) self.light_rect2=self.light_mask2.get_rect() self.chef1.set_endLight() elapsed = self.chef1.get_endLight()-self.chef1.get_stLight() if elapsed >= 5.00: self.chef1.close_Light() self.light_mask2= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2,LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect2=self.light_mask2.get_rect() #[0]-200,self.chef2.get_center()[1]-200)[0]-200,self.chef1.get_center()[1]-200) # self.fog.blit(self.light_mask1,self.light_rect1) self.fog.blit(self.light_mask2,self.light_rect2) self.screen.blit(self.fog,(200,200),special_flags=pg.BLEND_MULT) def draw(self): self.screen.blit(self.background, [200,200]) self.screen.blit(self.door, [0,200]) self.screen.blit(self.board, [0, 0]) self.all_sprites.draw(self.screen) #text to print # if self.chef2.get_Light(): # t2 = 5.00-self.chef2.get_endLight()+self.chef2.get_stLight() # text_Light2 = str("%.1f" % t2) # else: # text_Light2 = 'No' if self.chef1.get_Light(): t1 = 5.00-self.chef1.get_endLight()+self.chef1.get_stLight() text_Light1 = str("%.1f" % t1) else: text_Light1 = 'No' if self.chef2.get_speed(): t4 = 5.00-self.chef2.get_endSpeed()+self.chef2.get_stSpeed() text_Speed2 = str("%.1f" % t4) else: text_Speed2 = 'No' if self.chef1.get_speed(): t3 = 5.00-self.chef1.get_endSpeed()+self.chef1.get_stSpeed() text_Speed1 = str("%.1f" % t3) else: text_Speed1 = 'No' draw_text(self.screen, str(self.level), 55, 550, 40)#level draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_cabbage()), 25, 100, 85)#c2 cabbage draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_cabbage()), 25, 810, 85)#c1 cabbage draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_life()), 25, 100, 127)#c2 life draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_life()), 25, 810, 127)#c1 life draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_point()), 40, 380, 130)#c2 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_point()), 40, 600, 130)#c1 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_superbullet()), 25, 225, 127)#c2 superbullet draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_superbullet()), 25, 930, 127)#c1 superbullet draw_text(self.screen, text_Speed2, 25, 100, 167)#c2 speed up draw_text(self.screen, text_Speed1, 25, 810, 167)#c1 speed up draw_text(self.screen, text_Light2, 25, 225, 85)#c2 light up draw_text(self.screen, text_Light1, 25, 930, 85)#c1 light up if self.level == 5: self.makefog() pg.display.update() def get_block(self, x, y): for bl in self.all_blocks: if bl.get_x() == x and bl.get_y() == y: return bl def show_start_screen(self): background = pg.image.load('startscreen.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0,0]) pg.display.update() # waiting = True #click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() while self.waiting: lc.handle_timeout(10) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 700 < mouse[0] < 800 and 600 < mouse[1] < 850: background = pg.image.load("missing2.png") start = input_t() start.player = 1 start.move = "start" lc.publish("CLIENT_INPUT", start.encode()) #waiting = False if 212 < mouse[0] < 314 and 862 < mouse[1] < 964: background = pg.image.load("missing2.png") start = input_t() start.player = 1 start.move = "start" lc.publish("CLIENT_INPUT", start.encode()) #waiting = False if 42 < mouse[0] < 144 and 862 < mouse[1] < 964: background = pg.image.load("missing2.png") start = input_t() start.player = 1 start.move = "start" lc.publish("CLIENT_INPUT", start.encode()) #waiting = False self.screen.blit(background, [0,0]) pg.display.update() def show_waiting_screen(self): pass def show_go_screen(self): pass
# Inheritance is where we can define attributes and functions inside of a class, # create another class, and inherit those attributes. # Essentially a class has the functionality of another class you define, but more. (easier for big classes) from chef import Chef newchef = Chef() # Giving the Chef class attributes to "newchef" newchef.make_chicken() # Checking if newchef has Chef's attributes. # Let's assume we want to make another class called "Chinese Chef" that does everything generic "Chef" does. # First let's import from from chinese_chef import Chinese_Chef new_chinese_chef = Chinese_Chef() new_chinese_chef.make_fried_rice() # Checking if new_chinese_chef has Chinese_Chef's attributes. # The more efficient way (without copying and pasting to class Chinese_Chef) is to inherit. class Chinese_Chef_2(Chef): # Be sure to import the class in the parentheses first. def make_special_dish(self): print("The chef has made congee.") # Overriding the inherited "chef makes BBQ ribs" attribute. def make_fried_rice(self): print("The chef has made fried rice.") new_Chinese_Chef_2 = Chinese_Chef_2() # Don't forget to define an object. new_Chinese_Chef_2.make_fried_rice() # And the inheritance worked!
from chef import Chef myChef = Chef() myChef.make_salad()
class Game: def __init__(self): pg.mixer.init() self.level = 1 self.background = pg.image.load(backgrounds[self.level - 1]) self.board = pg.image.load(backimages[0]) self.door = pg.image.load(backimages[1]) self.right_margin = pg.image.load(backimages[2]) self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pg.RESIZABLE) pg.display.set_caption("Client2") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.running = True self.playing = True self.waiting = True self.inf1 = '' self.inf2 = '' self.release = True self.pressTime = time.time() #sprite groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() for i in range(20): map = maps[0] for j in range(20): if map[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 'b': self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets, self.all_blocks) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) # self.chef1.set_center(j, i) # self.chef1.set_cabbage(10) # self.chef1.set_life(1) elif map[i][j] == 'a': self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef2_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets, self.all_blocks) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2) # self.chef2.set_center(j, i) # self.chef2.set_cabbage(10) # self.chef2.set_life(1) # def light_up() #if self.level == 5: self.fog = pg.Surface((800, 800)) self.fog.fill(BLACK) self.light_mask1 = pg.image.load(light1).convert_alpha() self.light_mask2 = pg.image.load(light2).convert_alpha() self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RS) self.light_mask2 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.light_rect2 = self.light_mask2.get_rect() def move(self): if self.inf1 == 'left': self.chef1.move_left() #print("get message") elif self.inf1 == 'right': self.chef1.move_right() #print("get message") elif self.inf1 == 'up': self.chef1.move_forward() #print("get message") elif self.inf1 == 'down': self.chef1.move_backward() #print("get message") elif self.inf1 == 'shoot': #print("get message") self.chef1.shoot() if self.inf2 == 'left': self.chef2.move_left() #print("get message") elif self.inf2 == 'right': self.chef2.move_right() #print("get message") elif self.inf2 == 'up': self.chef2.move_forward() #print("get message") elif self.inf2 == 'down': self.chef2.move_backward() #print("get message") elif self.inf2 == 'shoot': self.chef2.shoot() def create(self): #0 is nothing #1 is empty bl #2 is not shootable #3 is life - health = 3 #4 is cabbage - 2 #5 is point - 3 #def __init__(self, x, y, health, indestructable = False, bonus = 0 ): map = maps[self.level - 1] for i in range(20): for j in range(20): if map[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 'b': # self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites,self.all_superbullets) # self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) self.chef1.set_center(j, i) self.chef1.set_cabbage(40) self.chef1.set_life(1) self.chef1.set_block_group(self.all_blocks) elif map[i][j] == 'a': # self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) # self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2) self.chef2.set_center(j, i) self.chef2.set_cabbage(40) self.chef2.set_life(1) self.chef2.set_block_group(self.all_blocks) def setup_next_level(self): for bul in self.all_bullets: bul.kill() for sbul in self.all_superbullets: sbul.kill() for bl in self.all_blocks: bl.kill() for bn in self.all_bonus: bn.kill() if not self.waiting: self.level += 1 self.create() self.playing = True def update(self): self.move() self.reset_inf() hit_block = pg.sprite.groupcollide(self.all_blocks, self.all_bullets, False, True) hit_block2 = pg.sprite.groupcollide( self.all_blocks, self.all_superbullets, False, False) #if the block turn into the bonus -> True, False shoot_chef1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef_1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_superbullets, True) shoot_chef_2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_superbullets, True) if shoot_chef1 or shoot_chef_1: self.chef1.is_hit() # if self.chef1.get_life == 0: # self.playing= False self.chef2.claim_point() self.chef2.claim_point() if shoot_chef2 or shoot_chef_2: self.chef2.is_hit() # if self.chef2.get_life == 0: # print('client 2 should be dead') # self.playing= False self.chef1.claim_point() self.chef1.claim_point() for bl in hit_block.keys(): bl.decrementHealth() if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() sound = pg.mixer.Sound('blockcrack.wav') else: sound = pg.mixer.Sound('powerupblock.wav') self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) for bl in hit_block2.keys(): bl.setHealth(0) if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() sound = pg.mixer.Sound('blockcrack.wav') else: sound = pg.mixer.Sound('powerupblock.wav') self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) chef1_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef1_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef1.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef1.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef1.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef1.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() == 6: self.chef1.gainLight() else: self.chef1.claim_point() chef2_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef2_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef2.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef2.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef2.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef2.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() == 6: self.chef2.gainLight() else: self.chef1.claim_point() # chef1_old_x = self.chef1.get_x() # chef1_old_y = self.chef1.get_y() # chef2_old_x = self.chef2.get_x() # chef2_old_y = self.chef2.get_y() self.all_sprites.update() # chef1_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_blocks, False) # if chef1_collide_block: # self.chef1.set_x(chef1_old_x) # self.chef1.set_y(chef1_old_y) # # self.chef1.set_sound(None) # chef2_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_blocks, False) # if chef2_collide_block: # self.chef2.set_x(chef2_old_x) # self.chef2.set_y(chef2_old_y) # # self.chef2.set_sound(None) def run_level(self):'song.wav') while self.playing: # for bl in self.all_bullets: # bl.kill() # for bl in self.all_superbullets: # bl.kill() self.clock.tick(FPS) lc.handle_timeout(1) self.update() self.draw() # if self.chef1.is_dead() or self.chef2.is_dead(): # if self.level == 5: # self.running = False # self.playing = False # for spr in self.all_sprites: # spr.kill() if self.chef1.is_dead(): out = input_t() out.player = 1 out.motion = "dead" lc.publish("TO SERVER", out.encode()) if self.level == 5: self.running = False self.playing = False elif self.chef2.is_dead(): out = input_t() out.player = 2 out.motion = "dead" lc.publish("TO SERVER", out.encode()) if self.level == 5: self.running = False self.playing = False def level_successful(self): if self.playing == False: return True else: return False def done(self): if self.running == False: return True else: return False def events(self): for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: # if self.playing: # self.playing = False # self.running = False pg.quit() key = pg.key.get_pressed() sending_out = input_t() sending_out.player = 2 judgeTime = time.time() if key[pg.K_LEFT]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.1: sending_out.motion = "left" self.release = False lc.publish("TO SERVER", sending_out.encode()) self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_RIGHT]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.1: sending_out.motion = "right" self.release = False lc.publish("TO SERVER", sending_out.encode()) self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_UP]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.1: sending_out.motion = "up" self.release = False lc.publish("TO SERVER", sending_out.encode()) self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_DOWN]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.1: sending_out.motion = "down" self.release = False lc.publish("TO SERVER", sending_out.encode()) self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_SPACE]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.5: sending_out.motion = "shoot" self.release = False lc.publish("TO SERVER", sending_out.encode()) self.pressTime = time.time() else: self.release = True def makefog(self): self.fog.fill(BLACK) if self.chef2.get_Light(): self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RB) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.chef2.set_endLight() elapsed = self.chef2.get_endLight() - self.chef2.get_stLight() if elapsed >= 5.00: self.chef2.close_Light() self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() # if self.chef1.get_Light(): # self.light_mask2= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2,LIGHT_RB) # self.light_rect2=self.light_mask2.get_rect() # self.chef1.set_endLight() # elapsed = self.chef1.get_endLight()-self.chef1.get_stLight() # if elapsed >= 5.00: # self.chef1.close_Light() # self.light_mask2= pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2,LIGHT_RS) # self.light_rect2=self.light_mask2.get_rect() = (self.chef2.get_center()[0] - 100, self.chef2.get_center()[1] - 200) #[0]-200,self.chef1.get_center()[1]-200) self.fog.blit(self.light_mask1, self.light_rect1) # self.fog.blit(self.light_mask2,self.light_rect2) self.screen.blit(self.fog, (100, 200), special_flags=pg.BLEND_MULT) def draw(self): self.screen.blit(self.background, [100, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.right_margin, [900, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.door, [-100, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.board, [0, 0]) self.all_sprites.draw(self.screen) #text to print if self.chef2.get_Light(): t2 = 5.00 - self.chef2.get_endLight() + self.chef2.get_stLight() text_Light2 = str("%.1f" % t2) else: text_Light2 = 'No' # if self.chef1.get_Light(): # t1 = 5.00-self.chef1.get_endLight()+self.chef1.get_stLight() # text_Light1 = str("%.1f" % t1) # else: # text_Light1 = 'No' if self.chef2.get_speed(): t4 = 5.00 - self.chef2.get_endSpeed() + self.chef2.get_stSpeed() text_Speed2 = str("%.1f" % t4) else: text_Speed2 = 'No' if self.chef1.get_speed(): t3 = 5.00 - self.chef1.get_endSpeed() + self.chef1.get_stSpeed() text_Speed1 = str("%.1f" % t3) else: text_Speed1 = 'No' draw_text(self.screen, str(self.level), 55, 550, 40) #level draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_cabbage()), 25, 100, 85) #c2 cabbage draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_cabbage()), 25, 810, 85) #c1 cabbage draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_life()), 25, 100, 127) #c2 life draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_life()), 25, 810, 127) #c1 life draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_point()), 40, 380, 130) #c2 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_point()), 40, 600, 130) #c1 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_superbullet()), 25, 225, 127) #c2 superbullet draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_superbullet()), 25, 930, 127) #c1 superbullet draw_text(self.screen, text_Speed2, 25, 100, 167) #c2 speed up draw_text(self.screen, text_Speed1, 25, 810, 167) #c1 speed up draw_text(self.screen, text_Light2, 25, 225, 85) #c2 light up draw_text(self.screen, '???', 25, 930, 85) #c1 light up if self.level > 2: self.makefog() pg.display.update() def get_block(self, x, y): for bl in self.all_blocks: if bl.get_x() == x and bl.get_y() == y: return bl def show_start_screen(self):'song2.wav') background = pg.image.load('startscreen.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() click = False # waiting = True #click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() while self.waiting: if click == False: lc.handle_timeout(10) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if 700 < mouse[0] < 800 and 600 < mouse[1] < 850: background = pg.image.load( 'startscreen-select-play.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: click = True start = input_t() start.motion = "start" start.player = 2 print("client2 click") lc.publish("TO SERVER", start.encode()) #waiting = False elif 212 < mouse[0] < 314 and 862 < mouse[1] < 964: background = pg.image.load( 'startscreen-select-tut.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.tutorial() #waiting = False elif 25 < mouse[0] < 145 and 855 < mouse[1] < 975: background = pg.image.load( 'startscreen-select-creds.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.show_credit_screen() else: background = pg.image.load('startscreen.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() else: lc.handle_timeout(10) print("clicked") print(self.background) background = pg.image.load("missing1.png") self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() def show_credit_screen(self): print("show credit screen") background = pg.image.load('credit.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() credit = True while credit: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if 735 < mouse[0] < 1000 and 915 < mouse[1] < 1000: background = pg.image.load("credit-select-back.png") self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: credit = False self.show_start_screen() else: background = pg.image.load('credit.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() def show_end_screen(self): if self.chef1.get_point() > self.chef2.get_point(): background = pg.image.load("lose1.png") elif self.chef1.get_point() < self.chef2.get_point(): background = pg.image.load("player1_end.png") else: #JUST TEMPORARY background = pg.image.load("tie.png") self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() while True: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 750 < mouse[0] < 1000 and 920 < mouse[1] < 1000: pg.quit() def tutorial(self): title = pg.image.load("story title.PNG") block1 = Block(7, 6, 1) block2 = Block(7, 7, 3, False, 1) block3 = Block(7, 8, 3, False, 3) blocks = pg.sprite.Group() bonus = pg.sprite.Group() all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() blocks.add(block1) blocks.add(block2) blocks.add(block3) all_sprites.add(block1) all_sprites.add(block2) all_sprites.add(block3) chef_test = Chef(10, 10, chef2_moves, True, self.all_bullets, all_sprites, self.all_superbullets, blocks) all_sprites.add(chef_test) click = 0 tutorial = True while tutorial: print(click) #self.screen.blit(skip, [100, 100]) self.screen.blit(self.background, [100, 200]) self.screen.blit(title, [0, 0]) self.screen.blit(self.right_margin, [900, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.door, [-100, 200]) #self.screen.blit(self.board, [0, 0]) picture_blit = pg.image.load(tutorial_graphics[click]) if click == 0: self.screen.blit(picture_blit, [100, 200]) elif click == 1: self.screen.blit(picture_blit, [100, 200]) tutorial1 = pg.image.load('tutorial1.PNG') self.screen.blit(tutorial1, [0, 0]) else: self.screen.blit(picture_blit, [0, 0]) all_sprites.draw(self.screen) skip = pg.image.load("continue.png") skip.set_colorkey(WHITE) self.screen.blit(skip, [700, 930]) self.clock.tick(FPS) key = pg.key.get_pressed() judgeTime = time.time() if key[pg.K_LEFT]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_left() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_RIGHT]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_right() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_UP]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_forward() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_DOWN]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_backward() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_SPACE]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.5: chef_test.shoot() self.pressTime = time.time() for event in pg.event.get(): mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 700 < mouse[0] < 1000 and 930 < mouse[1] < 1000: click += 1 if click == 4: #if 100 < mouse[0] < 350 and 100 < mouse[1] < 185: tutorial = False self.show_start_screen() hit_block = pg.sprite.groupcollide(blocks, self.all_bullets, False, True) for bl in hit_block.keys(): bl.decrementHealth() if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() sound = pg.mixer.Sound('blockcrack.wav') else: sound = pg.mixer.Sound('powerupblock.wav') bonus.add(bl) blocks.remove(bl) hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(chef_test, bonus, True) all_sprites.update() pg.display.update() # for i in range (5): # g1 = Game(i+1) # lc.subscribe("SERVER_OUTPUT", get_my_handler(g1)) # # pg.quit() # for i in range (5): # g1 = Game(i+1) # subscription = lc.subscribe("SERVER_OUTPUT", get_my_handler(g1)) # g1.show_start_screen() # while g1.running: # # g1.show_go_screen() # lc.unsubscribe(subscription) # pg.quit() def show_transition_screen(self): self.waiting = True if self.level == 2: background = pg.image.load("darktransition.png") background = pg.transform.scale(background, (1000, 1000)) self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) skip = pg.image.load("continue.PNG") self.screen.blit(skip, [700, 930]) else: background = pg.image.load('transition.png') self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) if not self.level == 2: draw_text(self.screen, str(self.level), 55, 550, 375) draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_point()), 40, 380, 465) #c2 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_point()), 40, 600, 465) #c1 score pg.display.update() while self.waiting: lc.handle_timeout(1) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 700 < mouse[0] < 1000 and 900 < mouse[1] < 1000: background = pg.image.load("missing2.png") self.screen.blit(background, [0, 0]) pg.display.update() next = input_t() next.player = 2 next.motion = "start" lc.publish("TO SERVER", next.encode()) #waiting = False def reset_inf(self): self.inf1 = '' self.inf2 = ''
#------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes and Objects # - Create your own data type using class # - Define your own data type # #------------------------------------------------------------- from student import Student from chineseChef import ChineseChef from chef import Chef student1 = Student("1111", "Anna", "Business", 3.1, False) student2 = Student("2222", "Alex", "Computer Science", 3.8, False) print( # Using object functions print(student2.isOnHonorRoll()) mychef = Chef() mychineseChef = ChineseChef() mychef.makeSpecialDish() mychineseChef.makeSpecialDish()
def tutorial(self): title = pg.image.load("story title.PNG") block1 = Block(7, 6, 1) block2 = Block(7, 7, 3, False, 1) block3 = Block(7, 8, 3, False, 3) blocks = pg.sprite.Group() bonus = pg.sprite.Group() all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() blocks.add(block1) blocks.add(block2) blocks.add(block3) all_sprites.add(block1) all_sprites.add(block2) all_sprites.add(block3) chef_test = Chef(10, 10, chef2_moves, True, self.all_bullets, all_sprites, self.all_superbullets, blocks) all_sprites.add(chef_test) click = 0 tutorial = True while tutorial: print(click) #self.screen.blit(skip, [100, 100]) self.screen.blit(self.background, [100, 200]) self.screen.blit(title, [0, 0]) self.screen.blit(self.right_margin, [900, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.door, [-100, 200]) #self.screen.blit(self.board, [0, 0]) picture_blit = pg.image.load(tutorial_graphics[click]) if click == 0: self.screen.blit(picture_blit, [100, 200]) elif click == 1: self.screen.blit(picture_blit, [100, 200]) tutorial1 = pg.image.load('tutorial1.PNG') self.screen.blit(tutorial1, [0, 0]) else: self.screen.blit(picture_blit, [0, 0]) all_sprites.draw(self.screen) skip = pg.image.load("continue.png") skip.set_colorkey(WHITE) self.screen.blit(skip, [700, 930]) self.clock.tick(FPS) key = pg.key.get_pressed() judgeTime = time.time() if key[pg.K_LEFT]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_left() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_RIGHT]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_right() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_UP]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_forward() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_DOWN]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.05: chef_test.move_backward() self.pressTime = time.time() elif key[pg.K_SPACE]: if judgeTime - self.pressTime > 0.5: chef_test.shoot() self.pressTime = time.time() for event in pg.event.get(): mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 700 < mouse[0] < 1000 and 930 < mouse[1] < 1000: click += 1 if click == 4: #if 100 < mouse[0] < 350 and 100 < mouse[1] < 185: tutorial = False self.show_start_screen() hit_block = pg.sprite.groupcollide(blocks, self.all_bullets, False, True) for bl in hit_block.keys(): bl.decrementHealth() if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() sound = pg.mixer.Sound('blockcrack.wav') else: sound = pg.mixer.Sound('powerupblock.wav') bonus.add(bl) blocks.remove(bl) hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(chef_test, bonus, True) all_sprites.update() pg.display.update()
from chef import Chef from japChef import JapChef chef1 = Chef() chef1.make_special_dish() chef2 = JapChef() chef2.make_chicken() chef2.make_special_dish()
class Game: def __init__(self, level, chef1_points=0, chef2_points=0): pg.mixer.init() self.running = True if level == 0: self.background = pg.image.load('startscreen.png') elif level > 0 and level < 6 or level == 8: self.background = pg.image.load("background.png") self.board = pg.image.load(backimages[0]) self.door = pg.image.load(backimages[1]) self.right_margin = pg.image.load(backimages[2]) self.skip = pg.image.load('SKIP.png') self.bonus_image = pg.image.load('BONUS.png') elif level == 6: if chef1_points > chef2_points: self.background = pg.image.load('player1_end.png') elif chef2_points > chef1_points: self.background = pg.image.load('player2_end.png') else: self.background = pg.image.load('tie.PNG') elif level == 7: self.background = pg.image.load('credit.png') else: g = Game(0) self.running = False self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pg.RESIZABLE) pg.display.set_caption("Chef War") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.level = level self.clock = pg.time.Clock() #sprite groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.chef1_points = chef1_points self.chef2_points = chef2_points self.transition_image = pg.image.load('transition.png') self.show_transition = False self.darkmode = False print('points:', self.chef1_points, self.chef2_points) #light up if self.level == 5: self.fog = pg.Surface((800, 800)) self.fog.fill(BLACK) self.light_mask1 = pg.image.load(light1).convert_alpha() self.light_mask2 = pg.image.load(light2).convert_alpha() self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RS) self.light_mask2 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.light_rect2 = self.light_mask2.get_rect() if self.level > 0 and self.level < 6 or level == 8: if self.level > 0 and self.level < 6: = maps[self.level - 1] else: = tutorial for i in range(20): for j in range(20): if[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif[i][j] == 'a': self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) elif[i][j] == 'b': self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef2_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) #apend sprite here self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2) def run(self): music = ['sountrack.wav', 'song.wav', 'song2.wav'] music_playing = music[2] if self.level == 0 or self.level > 3 or self.level == 8: music_playing = music[2] elif self.level > 0 or self.level < 3: music_playing = music[1] self.playing = True while self.playing: self.clock.tick(FPS) if self.level > 0 and self.level < 6: if self.chef1.is_dead() or self.chef2.is_dead(): self.show_transition = True else: self.update() elif self.level == 8: self.update() if self.show_transition == False: self.draw() else: self.transition() def update(self): hit_block = pg.sprite.groupcollide(self.all_blocks, self.all_bullets, False, True) hit_block2 = pg.sprite.groupcollide( self.all_blocks, self.all_superbullets, False, False) #if the block turn into the bonus -> True, False shoot_chef1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef_1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_superbullets, True) shoot_chef_2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_superbullets, True) if shoot_chef1 or shoot_chef_1: self.chef1.is_hit() if self.chef1.get_life == 0: self.running = False self.chef2_points += 1 if shoot_chef2 or shoot_chef_2: self.chef2.is_hit() if self.chef2.get_life == 0: self.running = False self.chef1_points += 1 for bl in hit_block.keys(): bl.decrementHealth() if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() else: self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) for bl in hit_block2.keys(): bl.setHealth(0) if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() else: self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) chef1_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef1_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef1.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef1.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef1.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef1.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() == 6: self.chef1.gainLight() else: self.chef1_points += 2 chef2_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef2_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef2.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef2.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef2.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef2.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() == 6: self.chef2.gainLight() else: self.chef2_points += 2 chef1_old_x = self.chef1.get_x() chef1_old_y = self.chef1.get_y() chef2_old_x = self.chef2.get_x() chef2_old_y = self.chef2.get_y() self.all_sprites.update() chef1_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_blocks, False) if chef1_collide_block: self.chef1.set_x(chef1_old_x) self.chef1.set_y(chef1_old_y) # self.chef1.set_sound(None) chef2_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef2, self.all_blocks, False) if chef2_collide_block: self.chef2.set_x(chef2_old_x) self.chef2.set_y(chef2_old_y) # self.chef2.set_sound(None) def events(self): for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: print("Quit") if self.playing: self.playing = False self.running = False def makefog(self): self.fog.fill(BLACK) if self.chef2.get_Light(): self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RB) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.chef2.set_endLight() elapsed = self.chef2.get_endLight() - self.chef2.get_stLight() if elapsed >= 5.00: self.chef2.close_Light() self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() if self.chef1.get_Light(): self.light_mask2 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2, LIGHT_RB) self.light_rect2 = self.light_mask2.get_rect() self.chef1.set_endLight() elapsed = self.chef1.get_endLight() - self.chef1.get_stLight() if elapsed >= 5.00: self.chef1.close_Light() self.light_mask2 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect2 = self.light_mask2.get_rect() = (self.chef2.get_center()[0] - 100, self.chef2.get_center()[1] - 200) = (self.chef1.get_center()[0] - 100, self.chef1.get_center()[1] - 200) self.fog.blit(self.light_mask1, self.light_rect1) self.fog.blit(self.light_mask2, self.light_rect2) self.screen.blit(self.fog, (100, 200), special_flags=pg.BLEND_MULT) def draw(self): if self.level == 0: self.screen.blit(self.background, [0, 0]) if self.level == 0: mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if 700 < mouse[0] < 800 and 600 < mouse[1] < 850: self.background = pg.image.load( 'startscreen-select-play.png') if click[0] == 1: g = Game(1) self.playing = False elif 212 < mouse[0] < 314 and 862 < mouse[1] < 964: self.background = pg.image.load( 'startscreen-select-tut.png') if click[0] == 1: t = tut.Tutorial() self.playing = False elif 42 < mouse[0] < 144 and 862 < mouse[1] < 964: self.background = pg.image.load( 'startscreen-select-creds.png') if click[0] == 1: g = Game(7) self.playing = False else: self.background = pg.image.load('startscreen.png') self.all_sprites.draw(self.screen) elif self.level > 0 and self.level < 6 or self.level == 8: self.screen.blit(self.right_margin, [900, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.door, [-100, 200]) self.screen.blit(self.background, [100, 200]) if self.level == 8: self.screen.blit(self.bonus_image, [0, 0]) else: self.screen.blit(self.board, [0, 0]) mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if self.level == 8: self.screen.blit(self.skip, [740, 910, 210, 50]) if 740 < mouse[0] < 950 and 910 < mouse[1] < 960: self.skip = pg.image.load('SKIP-select.png') if click[0] == 1: g = Game(1) self.playing = False else: self.skip = pg.image.load('SKIP.png') self.all_sprites.draw(self.screen) #text to print if self.chef2.get_Light(): t2 = 5.00 - self.chef2.get_endLight() + self.chef2.get_stLight( ) text_Light2 = str("%.1f" % t2) else: text_Light2 = 'No' if self.chef1.get_Light(): t1 = 5.00 - self.chef1.get_endLight() + self.chef1.get_stLight( ) text_Light1 = str("%.1f" % t1) else: text_Light1 = 'No' if self.chef2.get_speed(): t4 = 5.00 - self.chef2.get_endSpeed() + self.chef2.get_stSpeed( ) text_Speed2 = str("%.1f" % t4) else: text_Speed2 = 'No' if self.chef1.get_speed(): t3 = 5.00 - self.chef1.get_endSpeed() + self.chef1.get_stSpeed( ) text_Speed1 = str("%.1f" % t3) else: text_Speed1 = 'No' if self.level != 8: draw_text(self.screen, str(self.level), 55, 550, 40) #level draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_cabbage()), 25, 100, 85) #c2 cabbage draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_cabbage()), 25, 810, 85) #c1 cabbage draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_life()), 25, 100, 127) #c2 life draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_life()), 25, 810, 127) #c1 life draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1_points), 40, 380, 130) #c2 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2_points), 40, 600, 130) #c1 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1.get_superbullet()), 25, 225, 127) #c2 superbullet draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2.get_superbullet()), 25, 930, 127) #c1 superbullet draw_text(self.screen, text_Speed1, 25, 100, 167) #c2 speed up draw_text(self.screen, text_Speed2, 25, 810, 167) #c1 speed up draw_text(self.screen, text_Light1, 25, 225, 85) #c2 light up draw_text(self.screen, text_Light2, 25, 930, 85) #c1 light up if self.level == 5: self.makefog() #self.chef1.get_all_bullets.draw(self.screen) elif self.level == 6: self.screen.blit(self.background, [0, 0]) # pg.draw.rect(self.screen, BLACK, [740,910,210,50]) mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if 740 < mouse[0] < 950 and 910 < mouse[1] < 960: if self.chef1_points > self.chef2_points: self.background = pg.image.load( 'player1_end-select-back.png') else: self.background = pg.image.load( 'player2_end-select-back.png') if click[0] == 1: g = Game(7) self.playing = False else: if self.chef1_points > self.chef2_points: self.background = pg.image.load('player1_end.png') else: self.background = pg.image.load('player2_end.png') else: self.screen.blit(self.background, [0, 0]) mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if 740 < mouse[0] < 950 and 910 < mouse[1] < 960: self.background = pg.image.load('credit-select-back.png') if click[0] == 1: g = Game(0) self.playing = False else: self.background = pg.image.load('credit.png') pg.display.update() def show_start_screen(self): pass def show_go_screen(self): pass def transition(self): mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if self.darkmode: self.transition_image = pg.image.load('darktransition.png') self.screen.blit(self.transition_image, [0, 0]) self.screen.blit(self.skip, [740, 910, 210, 50]) if 740 < mouse[0] < 950 and 910 < mouse[1] < 960: self.skip = pg.image.load('SKIP-select.png') if click[0] == 1: self.darkmode = False g = Game(5, self.chef1_points, self.chef2_points) self.running = False self.playing = False self.show_transition = False else: self.skip = pg.image.load('SKIP.png') else: self.screen.blit(self.transition_image, [0, 0]) if 750 < mouse[0] < 965 and 925 < mouse[1] < 975: self.transition_image = pg.image.load( 'transition-next-select.png') if click[0] == 1: if self.level == 4: self.darkmode = True else: g = Game(self.level + 1, self.chef1_points, self.chef2_points) self.running = False self.playing = False self.show_transition = False else: self.transition_image = pg.image.load('transition.png') draw_text(self.screen, str(self.level), 55, 550, 380) draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef1_points), 60, 350, 460) #c2 score draw_text(self.screen, str(self.chef2_points), 60, 600, 460) #c1 score pg.display.update()
def __init__(self): pg.mixer.init() self.level = 1 self.background = pg.image.load(backgrounds[self.level - 1]) self.board = pg.image.load(backimages[0]) self.door = pg.image.load(backimages[1]) self.right_margin = pg.image.load(backimages[2]) self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pg.RESIZABLE) pg.display.set_caption("Client2") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.running = True self.playing = True self.waiting = True self.inf1 = '' self.inf2 = '' self.release = True self.pressTime = time.time() #sprite groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() for i in range(20): map = maps[0] for j in range(20): if map[i][j] == 1: bl = Block(j, i, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 2: bl = Block(j, i, 0, True, 0) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 3: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 1) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 4: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 2) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 5: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 3) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 6: bl = Block(j, i, 1, False, 4) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 7: bl = Block(j, i, 3, False, 5) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 8: bl = Block(j, i, 2, False, 6) self.all_sprites.add(bl) self.all_blocks.add(bl) elif map[i][j] == 'b': self.chef1 = Chef(j, i, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets, self.all_blocks) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) # self.chef1.set_center(j, i) # self.chef1.set_cabbage(10) # self.chef1.set_life(1) elif map[i][j] == 'a': self.chef2 = Chef(j, i, chef2_moves, True, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets, self.all_blocks) self.all_sprites.add(self.chef2) # self.chef2.set_center(j, i) # self.chef2.set_cabbage(10) # self.chef2.set_life(1) # def light_up() #if self.level == 5: self.fog = pg.Surface((800, 800)) self.fog.fill(BLACK) self.light_mask1 = pg.image.load(light1).convert_alpha() self.light_mask2 = pg.image.load(light2).convert_alpha() self.light_mask1 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask1, LIGHT_RS) self.light_mask2 = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask2, LIGHT_RS) self.light_rect1 = self.light_mask1.get_rect() self.light_rect2 = self.light_mask2.get_rect()
class Tutorial: def __init__(self): self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH - 200, HEIGHT)) #self.background = pg.image.load(backgrounds[level-1]) self.background = pg.image.load('background.png') self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('background.png'), (0, 0)) pg.display.set_caption("Chef War") #self.screen.blit(self.background, [250,250]) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.running = True self.playing = True # groups self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_blocks = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_bonus = pg.sprite.Group() self.all_superbullets = pg.sprite.Group() self.chef1 = Chef(5, 5, chef1_moves, False, self.all_bullets, self.all_sprites, self.all_superbullets) self.chef1.cabbage = 100 self.all_sprites.add(self.chef1) #font variable self.font1 = pg.font.Font('caligraphy.ttf', 50) self.font2 = pg.font.Font('Organo.ttf', 20) self.font3 = pg.font.Font('Arial.ttf', 15) self.font4 = pg.font.Font('Arial.ttf', 15) self.font5 = pg.font.Font('Organo.ttf', 10) = maps[1] self.block2 = Block(8, 7, 4, False, 4) self.block3 = Block(8, 6, 3, False, 1) self.block4 = Block(8, 5, 0, True, 0) self.g = g = gm.Game(8) self.story_progress = True self.story_progress2 = True self.story_progress3 = True self.story_progress4 = True self.story_progress5 = True def button(self, msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac): self.mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() = pg.mouse.get_pressed() self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('conf.png'), (300, 950)) if x + w > self.mouse[0] > x and y + h > self.mouse[1] > y: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('conf-select.png'), (300, 950)) if[0] == 1: self.story_progress = False self.story2() def button2(self, msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac): self.mouse2 = pg.mouse.get_pos() self.click2 = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if x + w > self.mouse2[0] > x and y + h > self.mouse2[1] > y: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('story2-select-con.png'), (100, 200)) if self.click2[0] == 1: self.story_progress2 = False self.players() def button3(self, msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac): self.mouse3 = pg.mouse.get_pos() self.click3 = pg.mouse.get_pressed() self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('conf.png'), (x, y)) if x + w > self.mouse3[0] > x and y + h > self.mouse3[1] > y: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('conf-select.png'), (x, y)) if self.click3[0] == 1: self.story_progress4 = False self.blockex() def button4(self, msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac): self.mouse4 = pg.mouse.get_pos() self.click4 = pg.mouse.get_pressed() self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('bigcon.png'), (x, y)) if x + w > self.mouse4[0] > x and y + h > self.mouse4[1] > y: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('bigcon-select.png'), (x, y)) if self.click4[0] == 1: self.story_progress3 = False self.controls() def learnButton(self, msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac): if self.lhold == False: self.mousel = pg.mouse.get_pos() self.clickl = pg.mouse.get_pressed() #pg.draw.rect(self.screen, ac,(x,y,w,h)) text = self.font2.render(msg, True, (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() = ((x + (w / 2)), (y + (h / 2))) self.screen.blit(text, textRect) if x + w > self.mousel[0] > x and y + h > self.mousel[1] > y: if self.clickl[0] == 1: #self.lhold = True self.story() def gameButton(self, msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac): self.mouseg = pg.mouse.get_pos() self.clickg = pg.mouse.get_pressed() self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('pred.png'), (x, y)) #pg.draw.rect(self.screen, ac,(x,y,w,h)) if x + w > self.mouseg[0] > x and y + h > self.mouseg[1] > y: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('pgreen.png'), (x, y)) if self.clickg[0] == 1: self.playing = False def run(self):'song.wav') while self.playing: self.clock.tick(FPS) self.update() #play the walking sound but will be none if movmt was invalid if self.chef1.get_sound() != None: #self.chef1.get_sound().play() pass self.story() def update(self): hit_block = pg.sprite.groupcollide(self.all_blocks, self.all_bullets, False, True) hit_block2 = pg.sprite.groupcollide( self.all_blocks, self.all_superbullets, False, False) #if the block turn into the bonus -> True, False shoot_chef1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bullets, True) shoot_chef_1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_superbullets, True) if shoot_chef1 or shoot_chef_1: self.chef1.is_hit() if self.chef1.get_life == 0: self.running = False for bl in hit_block.keys(): bl.decrementHealth() if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() else: self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) for bl in hit_block2.keys(): bl.setHealth(0) if bl.getHealth() == 0: if bl.getBonus() == 0: bl.kill() else: self.all_bonus.add(bl) self.all_blocks.remove(bl) chef1_hit_bonus = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_bonus, True) for bonus in chef1_hit_bonus: if bonus.getBonus() == 1: self.chef1.claim_life() elif bonus.getBonus() == 2: self.chef1.claim_cabbage() elif bonus.getBonus() == 4: self.chef1.gainSpeed() elif bonus.getBonus() == 5: self.chef1.claim_superbullet() elif bonus.getBonus() == 6: self.chef1.gainLight() else: self.chef1.claim_point() chef1_old_x = self.chef1.get_x() chef1_old_y = self.chef1.get_y() self.all_sprites.update() chef1_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_blocks, False) if chef1_collide_block: self.chef1.set_x(chef1_old_x) self.chef1.set_y(chef1_old_y) # self.chef1.set_sound(None) chef1_old_x = self.chef1.get_x() chef1_old_y = self.chef1.get_y() self.all_sprites.update() chef1_collide_block = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.chef1, self.all_blocks, False) if chef1_collide_block: self.chef1.set_x(chef1_old_x) self.chef1.set_y(chef1_old_y) self.chef1.set_sound(None) def events(self): for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: print("Quit") if self.playing: self.playing = False self.running = False def draw(self): # create a text suface object for drawing text text = self.font1.render('Chef War', True, (0, 0, 255)) #self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('sushibar.png'),(400,130)) textRect = text.get_rect() # set the center of the rectangular object. = (400, 100) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('left_margin.png'), (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('right_margin.png'), (800, 0)) self.screen.blit(text, textRect) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('2-R3.png'), (250, 75)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('1-L2.png'), (620, 75)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('sushi1.png'), (325, 125)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('sushi2.png'), (475, 125)) pg.display.update() self.learnButton("Learn to Play", 250, 500, 300, 50, (0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0)) pg.display.update() def story(self): if self.story_progress == True: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('story title.png'), (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('left_margin.png'), (0, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('right_margin.png'), (800, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('story1.png'), (150, 200)) self.button("next", 350, 950, 200, 50, (0, 0, 0), (194, 81, 77)) pg.display.update() else: self.story2() #self.screen.fill(pg.Color("black")) def story2(self): if self.story_progress2 == True: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('story title.png'), (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('left_margin.png'), (0, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('right_margin.png'), (800, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('story2.png'), (100, 200)) self.button2("next", 500, 900, 300, 60, (0, 0, 0), (194, 81, 77)) pg.display.update() else: self.players() #self.screen.fill(pg.Color("black")) def controls(self): if self.story_progress4 == True: #clear the screen self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('background.png'), (200, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('left_margin.png'), (0, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('right_margin.png'), (800, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('p1.png'), (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('p2.png'), (0, 600)) self.button3("next", 793, 850, 200, 50, (0, 0, 0), (194, 81, 77)) pg.display.update() else: self.blockex() def players(self): if self.story_progress3 == True: #clear the screen self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('players.png'), (5, 5)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('background.png'), (200, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('left_margin.png'), (0, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('right_margin.png'), (800, 200)) #self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('fill.png'),(0,200)) self.button4("next", 250, 450, 500, 100, (0, 0, 0), (194, 81, 77)) pg.display.update() else: self.controls() def blockex(self): if self.story_progress5 == True: self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('bonus.png'), (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('background.png'), (200, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('left_margin.png'), (0, 200)) self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('right_margin.png'), (800, 200)) self.all_sprites.draw(self.screen) #self.screen.blit(pg.image.load('sushibar.png'),(-10,800)) self.all_blocks.add(self.block2) self.all_blocks.add(self.block3) self.all_blocks.add(self.block4) self.all_sprites.add(self.block2) self.all_sprites.add(self.block3) self.all_sprites.add(self.block4) self.all_sprites.update() self.gameButton("play game!", 860, 325, 100, 190, (0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0)) pg.display.update()
from chef import Chef from chinese_chef import ChineseChef chef = Chef('Digender') chineseChef = ChineseChef('Digender', 'Chinese') chef.can_make_food() chineseChef.can_make_chinese_dish() print('==============================') print('after overriding method can_make_food()') print('==============================') chineseChef.can_make_food()
from chef import Chef myChef = Chef() myChef.makes_bbq_dish() from chinese_chef import Chines_Chef my_chinese_chef = Chines_Chef() my_chinese_chef.makes_chinese_dish() # after inheriting from general Chef # we can make all other dishes my_chinese_chef.makes_bbq_dish()
from chef import Chef from Telugu_chef import telugu_chef myChef = Chef() myChef.make_roti() myChef.make_sabji() myChef.make_spl_dish() myChef2 = telugu_chef() myChef2.make_spl_dish() myChef2.make_gongura()
from chef import Chef from chef_chinese import ChineseChef myChef = Chef() myChef.make_special_dish() myChineseChef = ChineseChef() myChineseChef.make_fried_rice() myChineseChef.make_special_dish() # => Inheritance function from Chef
from flask import Flask, request import datetime import json from chef import Chef app = Flask(__name__) manager = Chef() manager.load_conf() @app.route("/lunch", methods=["GET"]) def select_lunch(): now = lunch_date = request.args.get('date', None) if lunch_date is None: lunch_date = now else: fields = lunch_date.split("-") if len(fields) < 3: return "Bad Format of Date", 400 lunch_date = datetime.datetime(year=int(fields[0]), month=int(fields[1]), day=int(fields[2])) list_dishes = manager.filter_dishes(lunch_date) return json.dumps({"dishes": list_dishes}, indent=4), 200 if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080)
class DialectizerPlugin(plugin.PluginObject): """Dialectizer plugin object""" commands = None data = None events = None storage = None dialectizers = { "chef": Chef(), "fudd": Fudd(), "lower": Lower(), "off": Dialectizer(), "olde": Olde(), "reverse": Reverse(), "upper": Upper() } def setup(self): """The list of bridging rules""" self.commands = CommandManager() = EventManager() = StorageManager() =, "data", YAML, "plugins/dialectizer/settings.yml")"MessageSent", self, self.handle_msg_sent, 1) self.commands.register_command("dialectizer", self.dialectizer_command, self, "dialectizer.set", aliases=["dialectiser"]) def handle_msg_sent(self, event=MessageSent): """Handler for general message sent event""" if isinstance(, User): return name = target = with if name not in[name] = {} if target not in[name]:[name][target] = "off" subber = self.dialectizers[[name][target]] message = event.message message = subber.sub(message) event.message = message def dialectizer_command(self, protocol, caller, source, command, raw_args, parsed_args): """Handler for the dialectizer command""" args = raw_args.split() # Quick fix for new command handler signature if isinstance(source, User): caller.respond(__("This command only applies to channels.")) return if not len(args) > 0: caller.respond(__("Usage: {CHARS}dialectizer <dialectizer>")) caller.respond( __("Available dialectizers: %s") % ", ".join(self.dialectizers.keys())) return with if not in[] = {} if not in[]:[][] = "off" setting = args[0].lower() if setting not in self.dialectizers: caller.respond(__("Unknown dialectizer: %s") % setting) return[][] = setting caller.respond(__("Dialectizer set to '%s'") % setting)