コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: chemprop/chemprop
def get_data(path: str,
             smiles_columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
             target_columns: List[str] = None,
             ignore_columns: List[str] = None,
             skip_invalid_smiles: bool = True,
             args: Union[TrainArgs, PredictArgs] = None,
             data_weights_path: str = None,
             features_path: List[str] = None,
             features_generator: List[str] = None,
             phase_features_path: str = None,
             atom_descriptors_path: str = None,
             bond_features_path: str = None,
             max_data_size: int = None,
             store_row: bool = False,
             logger: Logger = None,
             loss_function: str = None,
             skip_none_targets: bool = False) -> MoleculeDataset:
    Gets SMILES and target values from a CSV file.

    :param path: Path to a CSV file.
    :param smiles_columns: The names of the columns containing SMILES.
                           By default, uses the first :code:`number_of_molecules` columns.
    :param target_columns: Name of the columns containing target values. By default, uses all columns
                           except the :code:`smiles_column` and the :code:`ignore_columns`.
    :param ignore_columns: Name of the columns to ignore when :code:`target_columns` is not provided.
    :param skip_invalid_smiles: Whether to skip and filter out invalid smiles using :func:`filter_invalid_smiles`.
    :param args: Arguments, either :class:`~chemprop.args.TrainArgs` or :class:`~chemprop.args.PredictArgs`.
    :param data_weights_path: A path to a file containing weights for each molecule in the loss function.
    :param features_path: A list of paths to files containing features. If provided, it is used
                          in place of :code:`args.features_path`.
    :param features_generator: A list of features generators to use. If provided, it is used
                               in place of :code:`args.features_generator`.
    :param phase_features_path: A path to a file containing phase features as applicable to spectra.
    :param atom_descriptors_path: The path to the file containing the custom atom descriptors.
    :param bond_features_path: The path to the file containing the custom bond features.
    :param max_data_size: The maximum number of data points to load.
    :param logger: A logger for recording output.
    :param store_row: Whether to store the raw CSV row in each :class:`~chemprop.data.data.MoleculeDatapoint`.
    :param skip_none_targets: Whether to skip targets that are all 'None'. This is mostly relevant when --target_columns
                              are passed in, so only a subset of tasks are examined.
    :param loss_function: The loss function to be used in training.
    :return: A :class:`~chemprop.data.MoleculeDataset` containing SMILES and target values along
             with other info such as additional features when desired.
    debug = logger.debug if logger is not None else print

    if args is not None:
        # Prefer explicit function arguments but default to args if not provided
        smiles_columns = smiles_columns if smiles_columns is not None else args.smiles_columns
        target_columns = target_columns if target_columns is not None else args.target_columns
        ignore_columns = ignore_columns if ignore_columns is not None else args.ignore_columns
        features_path = features_path if features_path is not None else args.features_path
        features_generator = features_generator if features_generator is not None else args.features_generator
        phase_features_path = phase_features_path if phase_features_path is not None else args.phase_features_path
        atom_descriptors_path = atom_descriptors_path if atom_descriptors_path is not None \
            else args.atom_descriptors_path
        bond_features_path = bond_features_path if bond_features_path is not None \
            else args.bond_features_path
        max_data_size = max_data_size if max_data_size is not None else args.max_data_size
        loss_function = loss_function if loss_function is not None else args.loss_function

    if not isinstance(smiles_columns, list):
        smiles_columns = preprocess_smiles_columns(path=path, smiles_columns=smiles_columns)

    max_data_size = max_data_size or float('inf')

    # Load features
    if features_path is not None:
        features_data = []
        for feat_path in features_path:
            features_data.append(load_features(feat_path))  # each is num_data x num_features
        features_data = np.concatenate(features_data, axis=1)
        features_data = None
    if phase_features_path is not None:
        phase_features = load_features(phase_features_path)
        for d_phase in phase_features:
            if not (d_phase.sum() == 1 and np.count_nonzero(d_phase) == 1):
                raise ValueError('Phase features must be one-hot encoded.')
        if features_data is not None:
            features_data = np.concatenate((features_data,phase_features), axis=1)
        else: # if there are no other molecular features, phase features become the only molecular features
            features_data = np.array(phase_features)
        phase_features = None

    # Load data weights
    if data_weights_path is not None:
        data_weights = get_data_weights(data_weights_path)
        data_weights = None

    # By default, the targets columns are all the columns except the SMILES column
    if target_columns is None:
        target_columns = get_task_names(

    # Find targets provided as inequalities
    if loss_function == 'bounded_mse':
        gt_targets, lt_targets = get_inequality_targets(path=path, target_columns=target_columns)
        gt_targets, lt_targets = None, None

    # Load data
    with open(path) as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)

        all_smiles, all_targets, all_rows, all_features, all_phase_features, all_weights, all_gt, all_lt = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
        for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(reader)):
            smiles = [row[c] for c in smiles_columns]

            targets = []
            for column in target_columns:
                value = row[column]
                if value in ['','nan']:
                elif '>' in value or '<' in value:
                    if loss_function == 'bounded_mse':
                        raise ValueError('Inequality found in target data. To use inequality targets (> or <), the regression loss function bounded_mse must be used.')

            # Check whether all targets are None and skip if so
            if skip_none_targets and all(x is None for x in targets):


            if features_data is not None:
            if phase_features is not None:

            if data_weights is not None:

            if gt_targets is not None:

            if lt_targets is not None:

            if store_row:

            if len(all_smiles) >= max_data_size:

        atom_features = None
        atom_descriptors = None
        if args is not None and args.atom_descriptors is not None:
                descriptors = load_valid_atom_or_bond_features(atom_descriptors_path, [x[0] for x in all_smiles])
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(f'Failed to load or validate custom atomic descriptors or features: {e}')

            if args.atom_descriptors == 'feature':
                atom_features = descriptors
            elif args.atom_descriptors == 'descriptor':
                atom_descriptors = descriptors

        bond_features = None
        if args is not None and args.bond_features_path is not None:
                bond_features = load_valid_atom_or_bond_features(bond_features_path, [x[0] for x in all_smiles])
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(f'Failed to load or validate custom bond features: {e}')

        data = MoleculeDataset([
                row=all_rows[i] if store_row else None,
                data_weight=all_weights[i] if data_weights is not None else None,
                gt_targets=all_gt[i] if gt_targets is not None else None,
                lt_targets=all_lt[i] if lt_targets is not None else None,
                features=all_features[i] if features_data is not None else None,
                phase_features=all_phase_features[i] if phase_features is not None else None,
                atom_features=atom_features[i] if atom_features is not None else None,
                atom_descriptors=atom_descriptors[i] if atom_descriptors is not None else None,
                bond_features=bond_features[i] if bond_features is not None else None,
                overwrite_default_atom_features=args.overwrite_default_atom_features if args is not None else False,
                overwrite_default_bond_features=args.overwrite_default_bond_features if args is not None else False
            ) for i, (smiles, targets) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(all_smiles, all_targets)),

    # Filter out invalid SMILES
    if skip_invalid_smiles:
        original_data_len = len(data)
        data = filter_invalid_smiles(data)

        if len(data) < original_data_len:
            debug(f'Warning: {original_data_len - len(data)} SMILES are invalid.')

    return data
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: DannySalem/chemprop
def get_data(
    path: str,
    smiles_columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
    target_columns: List[str] = None,
    ignore_columns: List[str] = None,
    skip_invalid_smiles: bool = True,
    args: Union[TrainArgs, PredictArgs] = None,
    features_path: List[str] = None,
    features_generator: List[str] = None,
    atom_descriptors_path: str = None,
    bond_features_path: str = None,
    max_data_size: int = None,
    store_row: bool = False,
    logger: Logger = None,
    skip_none_targets: bool = False,
) -> MoleculeDataset:
    Gets SMILES and target values from a CSV file.

    :param path: Path to a CSV file.
    :param smiles_columns: The names of the columns containing SMILES.
                           By default, uses the first :code:`number_of_molecules` columns.
    :param target_columns: Name of the columns containing target values. By default, uses all columns
                           except the :code:`smiles_column` and the :code:`ignore_columns`.
    :param ignore_columns: Name of the columns to ignore when :code:`target_columns` is not provided.
    :param skip_invalid_smiles: Whether to skip and filter out invalid smiles using :func:`filter_invalid_smiles`.
    :param args: Arguments, either :class:`~chemprop.args.TrainArgs` or :class:`~chemprop.args.PredictArgs`.
    :param features_path: A list of paths to files containing features. If provided, it is used
                          in place of :code:`args.features_path`.
    :param features_generator: A list of features generators to use. If provided, it is used
                               in place of :code:`args.features_generator`.
    :param atom_descriptors_path: The path to the file containing the custom atom descriptors.
    :param bond_features_path: The path to the file containing the custom bond features.
    :param max_data_size: The maximum number of data points to load.
    :param logger: A logger for recording output.
    :param store_row: Whether to store the raw CSV row in each :class:`~chemprop.data.data.MoleculeDatapoint`.
    :param skip_none_targets: Whether to skip targets that are all 'None'. This is mostly relevant when --target_columns
                              are passed in, so only a subset of tasks are examined.
    :return: A :class:`~chemprop.data.MoleculeDataset` containing SMILES and target values along
             with other info such as additional features when desired.
    debug = logger.debug if logger is not None else print

    if args is not None:
        # Prefer explicit function arguments but default to args if not provided
        smiles_columns = smiles_columns if smiles_columns is not None else args.smiles_columns
        target_columns = target_columns if target_columns is not None else args.target_columns
        ignore_columns = ignore_columns if ignore_columns is not None else args.ignore_columns
        features_path = features_path if features_path is not None else args.features_path
        features_generator = (features_generator if features_generator
                              is not None else args.features_generator)
        atom_descriptors_path = (atom_descriptors_path if atom_descriptors_path
                                 is not None else args.atom_descriptors_path)
        bond_features_path = (bond_features_path if bond_features_path
                              is not None else args.bond_features_path)
        max_data_size = max_data_size if max_data_size is not None else args.max_data_size

    if not isinstance(smiles_columns, list):
        smiles_columns = preprocess_smiles_columns(
            path=path, smiles_columns=smiles_columns)

    max_data_size = max_data_size or float("inf")

    # Load features
    if features_path is not None:
        features_data = []
        for feat_path in features_path:
                load_features(feat_path))  # each is num_data x num_features
        features_data = np.concatenate(features_data, axis=1)
        features_data = None

    # Load data
    with open(path) as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)

        # By default, the targets columns are all the columns except the SMILES column
        if target_columns is None:
            target_columns = get_task_names(

        all_smiles, all_targets, all_rows, all_features = [], [], [], []
        for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(reader)):
            smiles = [row[c] for c in smiles_columns]

            targets = [
                float(row[column]) if row[column] != "" else None
                for column in target_columns

            # Check whether all targets are None and skip if so
            if skip_none_targets and all(x is None for x in targets):


            if features_data is not None:

            if store_row:

            if len(all_smiles) >= max_data_size:

        atom_features = None
        atom_descriptors = None
        if args is not None and args.atom_descriptors is not None:
                descriptors = load_valid_atom_or_bond_features(
                    atom_descriptors_path, [x[0] for x in all_smiles])
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Failed to load or validate custom atomic descriptors or features: {e}"

            if args.atom_descriptors == "feature":
                atom_features = descriptors
            elif args.atom_descriptors == "descriptor":
                atom_descriptors = descriptors

        bond_features = None
        if args is not None and args.bond_features_path is not None:
                bond_features = load_valid_atom_or_bond_features(
                    bond_features_path, [x[0] for x in all_smiles])
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Failed to load or validate custom bond features: {e}")

        data = MoleculeDataset([
                row=all_rows[i] if store_row else None,
                if features_data is not None else None,
                if atom_features is not None else None,
                if atom_descriptors is not None else None,
                if bond_features is not None else None,
                overwrite_default_atom_features if args is not None else False,
                overwrite_default_bond_features if args is not None else False,
            ) for i, (smiles, targets) in tqdm(
                enumerate(zip(all_smiles, all_targets)), total=len(all_smiles))

    # Filter out invalid SMILES
    if skip_invalid_smiles:
        original_data_len = len(data)
        data = filter_invalid_smiles(data)

        if len(data) < original_data_len:
                f"Warning: {original_data_len - len(data)} SMILES are invalid."

    return data