コード例 #1
def main():

    res = driver(code=mp, job=job, mol=be, bsopt=event, opt=optimization)

    print res.success
    print res.x
    print res.fun
    #save the basis set
    opt_basis = vars(BasisSet.from_optdict(res.x, event))
    with open('optimized_functions.bas', 'wb') as ff:
コード例 #2
def opt_shell_by_nf(shell=None, nfs=None, max_params=5, opt_tol=1.0e-4,
                    save=False, bsopt=None, **kwargs):
    For a given shell optimize the functions until the convergence criterion
    is reached the energy difference for two consecutive function numbers is
    less than the threshold

        shell : string
            string label for the shell to be optimized
        nfs : list of ints
            list of integers representing the number of basis functions to be
            inceremented in the optimization,
        max_params : int
            maximal number of parameters to be used in the legendre expansion,
            (length of the expansion)
        opt_tol : float
            threshold controlling the termination of the shell optimization,
            if energy difference between two basis sets with subsequent number
            of functionsis larger than this threshold, another function is
            added to this shell and parameters are reoptimized,
        save : bool
            a flag to trigger saving all the optimized basis functions for each
        kwargs : dict
            options for the basis set optimization driver, see driver function
            from the basisopt module

        BasisSet object instance with optimized functions for the specified

            when `shell` is different from `s`, `p`, `d`, `f`, `g`, `h`, `i`
            when number of parameters equals 1 and there are more functions
            when there are more parameters than functions to optimize

    _shells = ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']

    if shell not in _shells:
        raise ValueError('shell must be one of the following: {}'.format(", ".join(_shells)))

    if len(bsopt['params'][0]) == 1 and min(nfs) != 1:
        raise ValueError("1 parameter and {0} functions doesn't make sense".format(min(nfs)))

    if min(nfs) < len(bsopt['params'][0]):
        raise ValueError("more parameters ({0}) than functions to optimize ({1})".format(len(bsopt['params'][0]), min(nfs)))

    bsopt["typ"] = "legendre"
    e_last = 0.0
    x_last = bsopt['params'][0]

    for nf in nfs:
        bsopt['nfpshell'] = [0]*_shells.index(shell) + [nf]
        res = driver(bsopt=bsopt, **kwargs)

        print("Completed optimization for {0:d} {1}-type functions".format(nf, shell))

        print("{s:<25s} : {v:>20.10f}".format(s="Current Function value", v=res.fun))
        print("{s:<25s} : {v:>20.10f}".format(s="Previous Function value", v=e_last))
        print("{s:<25s} : {v:>20.10f}".format(s="Difference", v=abs(res.fun-e_last)))

        if abs(res.fun - e_last) < opt_tol:
            print("Basis saturated with respect to threshold")
            bsopt['nfpshell'] = nfps_last
            if save:
                save_basis(x_last, bsopt)
            return BasisSet.from_optdict(x_last, bsopt)
            print("Threshold exceeded, continuing optimization.")
            x_last = res.x.tolist()
            nfps_last = bsopt['nfpshell']
            if len(bsopt['params'][0]) < max_params:
                print("adding more parameters")
                restup = tuple(res.x)
                # this assumption should be revised, improved or justified
                # suggestion: maybe change to average of existing parameters
                restup += tuple([abs(min(restup)*0.25)])
                bsopt['params'] = [restup,]
                print("not adding more parameters")
                bsopt['params'] = [tuple(res.x),]
            e_last = res.fun
        print("Supplied number of functions exhausted but the required accuracy was not reached")
        if save:
            save_basis(res.x.tolist(), bsopt)
        return BasisSet.from_optdict(res.x.tolist(), bsopt)