class Game: """ Class to represent a game instance. """ def __init__(self, whites, blacks, gameIndex): self.game_id = gameIndex self.validMovesCounter = 0 self.white = whites self.white.game_id = self.game_id = self = blacks = self.game_id = self self.chessBoard = ChessBoard() self.lightBoard = LightBoard() self.notifyReady() def notifyReady(self): self.sendMessageToAll({"type": "status", "status": "ready"}) self.white.state = "PLAYING" = "PLAYING" def move(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color): piece = self.chessBoard.grid[x1][y1] if piece is not None and piece.color is not color: raise IllegalMove( "Trying to move a place that does not belong to the player.") self.chessBoard.move(x1, y1, x2, y2, disp=False) self.lightBoard.move(x1, y1, x2, y2) self.validMovesCounter += 1 def autoMove(self): return self.chessBoard.auto_move() def checkEnd(self, color): outcome = self.chessBoard.end_game() msg = {"type": "chat", "content": outcome} self.sendMessageTo(msg, color) def updateLightBoardTask(self): for col in [0, 1]: for i, piece in enumerate(self.chessBoard.pieces[col]): if piece is not None: color = piece.color position = piece.position natures = self.chessBoard.all_legal_natures(piece) pieceIndex = i + col * 24 self.lightBoard.setPiece(pieceIndex, color, position, natures) msg = {"type": "lightboard", "description": self.lightBoard.wrapUp()} self.sendMessageToAll(msg) def updateLightBoard(self): """ Schedules an update board task. """ reactor.callLater(0.5, self.updateLightBoardTask) def sendMessageToAll(self, msg): self.white.sendMessage(msg) def sendMessageTo(self, msg, color): if color == 0: self.white.sendMessage(msg) elif color == 1: else: pass def disconnectPlayers(self): self.white.disconnect()
class TwoPlayersOnOneBoard(GameEngine): def __init__(self, gameEngine): """ Constructor. :param gameEngine: The initial game engine. """ self.chessBoard = ChessBoard() self.lightBoard = gameEngine.lightBoard self.display = gameEngine.display self.loopingCall = gameEngine.loopingCall self.validMovesCounter = 0 @inlineCallbacks def updateLightBoard(self): nb = self.validMovesCounter for col in [0, 1]: for i, piece in enumerate(self.chessBoard.pieces[col]): if nb == self.validMovesCounter: self.updateDeferred = Deferred() self.updateDeferred.addCallback(self.chessBoard.all_legal_natures) self.updateDeferred.addErrback(log.err) # DEBUG reactor.callLater(0, self.updateDeferred.callback, piece) natures = yield self.updateDeferred if nb == self.validMovesCounter: color = piece.color position = piece.position pieceIndex = i + col * 24 self.lightBoard.setPiece(pieceIndex, color, position, natures) if (piece.position is not None) and (piece.position is not False): self.makeDisplayDrawBoard() elif (piece.position is False): self.display.updatePane() def moveTask(self, mov): x1, y1, x2, y2 = mov[0], mov[1], mov[2], mov[3] try: self.chessBoard.move(x1, y1, x2, y2, disp=False) self.lightBoard.move(x1, y1, x2, y2) color = "Whites" if (self.validMovesCounter % 2 == 0) else "Blacks" self.display.addMessage(color + " move from ({},{}) to ({},{})".format(x1, y1, x2, y2)) self.validMovesCounter += 1 self.display.setLastMove(x1, y1, x2, y2) self.makeDisplayDrawBoard() self.updateLightBoard() except IllegalMove as e: self.handleIllegalMove(str(e)) def move(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): d = Deferred() d.addCallback(self.moveTask).addErrback(log.err) # DEBUG reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, (x1, y1, x2, y2)) def autoMove(self): try: return self.chessBoard.auto_move() except IllegalMove as e: # In case the game has ended self.handleIllegalMove(str(e)) def checkEndTask(self): outcome = self.chessBoard.end_game() self.display.addMessage(outcome)