def playpgn(pgn): display.start() board = chess.Board() for move in pgn: board.push(move) display.update(board.fen()) input()
def run(agents, show_display = True): board = chess.Board() display.start() player = 0 while not display.checkForQuit(): display.update(board.fen()) if not board.is_game_over(): obs = lambda: None obs.board = board.fen() obs.mark = board.turn config = lambda: None config.actTimeout = 1 active = agents[player] agent_move = active(obs, config) board.push(agent_move) player = -(player - 1) display.terminate()
def showBoard(str1): bat = True strShow = str1 while bat: display.start(str1) display.checkForQuit() bat = False exit()
def playGame(pauseTime, player, algorithms, showDisplay=False, playYourself=False): if showDisplay: display.start() board = chess.Board() pgn = [] print("player is:" + str(player)) while True: #generating moves based on the turn if board.turn == bool(player + 1): move = algorithms[0].generateMoves(board.fen(), board.turn, player) else: if not playYourself: #move = movesToList(board.legal_moves)[random.randint(0,len(movesToList(board.legal_moves))-1)] move = algorithms[1].generateMoves(board.fen(), board.turn, -player) else: while True: moveInput = input("enter your move:") try: move = chess.Move.from_uci(moveInput) print(move) if move in board.legal_moves: break else: print("please enter a legal move!") except ValueError: print("Please enter a real move!") #moving, displaying, checking if the game has ended time.sleep(pauseTime) pgn.append(move) board.push(move) if showDisplay: display.update(board.fen()) if board.is_checkmate(): if board.turn == bool(player + 1): print("loss") return False, pgn, board.fen() else: print("win") return True, pgn, board.fen() if board.is_stalemate() or board.is_insufficient_material( ) or board.can_claim_threefold_repetition( ) or board.is_seventyfive_moves() or board.can_claim_fifty_moves(): print("No one") return None, pgn, board.fen()
import chess # import chess.uci import chess.svg import time import sys from chessboard import display in_path = "input.txt" out_path = "output.txt" with open(in_path, 'w') as _: pass with open(in_path, 'r') as in_file: display.start('8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8') state = 0 while True: new_line = in_file.readline() if not new_line: time.sleep(1) continue new_line = new_line[0:-1] if new_line == 'reset': state = 0 display.start('8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8') continue if new_line == 'stop': display.terminate()
def _initialize_display() -> None: """Initialize the Minichess visualization pygame window.""" display.start('8/8/8/8', size=4)
def lets_play_chess(player_color='white', previous_moves=None, fancy_display=False): if player_color == 'white': player_color = True elif player_color == 'black': player_color = False else: player_color = None if fancy_display: display.start() board = chess.Board() game_so_far = '<#endofdoc#>' tries = 0 turn_counter = 1 while not board.is_game_over(): if board.turn and game_so_far[-1] != '.': game_so_far += f' {board.fullmove_number}.' if board.turn == player_color: proposed_move = input(f'{"White" if player_color else "Black"}\'s turn: ') try: move_san = board.parse_san(proposed_move) except: print('that is not a legal move. Try again') continue if board.is_legal(move_san): board.push_san(proposed_move) game_so_far += ' ' + str(proposed_move) print(board.unicode(borders=True, empty_square=' ')) if fancy_display: display.update(board.fen()) else: print('that is not a legal move. Try again') continue else: proposed_move, tries = predict_next_move(game_so_far, tries) try: move_san = board.parse_san(proposed_move) board.push_san(proposed_move) game_so_far += ' ' + str(proposed_move) print(f'The computer succeeded on attempt number {tries} to make a legal move.') print(board.unicode(borders=True, empty_square=' ')) if fancy_display: display.update(board.fen()) tries = 0 except: print(f'try #{tries}: {proposed_move}') if tries > 10: print('Looks like I need a little help... lets move randomly and move on') random_moves = random.sample(board.legal_moves.__str__().split(' ')[3:], 1)[0] random_moves = random_moves.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('>', '').replace(',', '') board.push_san(random_moves) game_so_far += ' ' + str(proposed_move) print(board.unicode(borders=True, empty_square=' ')) if fancy_display: display.update(board.fen()) tries = 0 else: continue # if board.is_legal(move_san): # # else: print(game_so_far) if board.fullmove_number > 40: lets_play_chess(None) break if fancy_display: display.checkForQuit() print(f'the game is over! congrats to {"white" if board.result() == "1-0" else "black" if board.result() == "0-1" else "both on the tie"}') if fancy_display: display.terminate()
#!usr/bin/env python """ quick engine demo to A)show stockfish works B) create new python REPO""" import chess import chess.engine from chessboard import display from time import sleep def start(fen=''): global gameboard engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("/usr/bin/stockfish") board = chess.Board() display.start(board.fen()) while not board.is_game_over(): result =,chess.engine.Limit(time=1.01)) board.push(result.move) print(board.peek()) print(board.fen) print("test") display.update(board.board_fen()) engine.quit() display.terminate()
def print_board(board): print(f"Board:\n{board}") display.start(board.fen())