def print_out(self): int_to_char = { self.__BLANK: '. ', self._BLACK: 'X ', self._WHITE: 'O ', } print(self._FC_YELLOW + cell = ChessboardCell() # print column name on table head header = ' ' for col_id in range(self._COLS, -1, -1): cell.from_col_row_id(col_id=col_id, row_id=1) header += cell.col_letter + ' ' print(self._FC_YELLOW + header) # print layout row by row for row_id in range(0, self._ROWS): rowNum = self._ROWS - row_id col_string = '' for col_id in range(0, self._COLS): col_string += int_to_char[self._layout_array[18 - col_id][18 - row_id]] row_string = "%02d" % rowNum + ' ' print(self._FC_YELLOW + row_string + self._FC_RESET + col_string + self._FC_YELLOW + row_string) print(self._FC_YELLOW + header)
def print_out_died_area(self): int_to_char = { 0: 'x ', 1: 'O ', 15: '. ', 16: '- ', 17: '* ', 8: 'B ', 3: 'W ' } print(self._FC_YELLOW + 'Died area') cell = ChessboardCell() # print column name on table head header = ' ' for col_id in range(19, -1, -1): cell.from_col_row_id(col_id=col_id, row_id=1) header += cell.col_letter + ' ' print(self._FC_YELLOW + header) # print layout row by row for row_id in range(0, 19): rowNum = 19 - row_id col_string = '' for col_id in range(0, 19): value = self.__died_area_array[18 - col_id][18 - row_id] if value == 0: col_string += self._BG_RED + int_to_char[ value] + self._FC_RESET else: col_string += int_to_char[value] row_string = "%02d" % rowNum + ' ' print(self._FC_YELLOW + row_string + self._FC_RESET + col_string + self._FC_YELLOW + row_string) print(self._FC_YELLOW + header)
def get_first_died_cell(self): ''' return: None means not found! ''' cell = ChessboardCell() for row_id in range(0, self._ROWS): for col_id in range(0, self._COLS): if self.__died_area_array[col_id][row_id] == 0: cell.from_col_row_id(col_id, row_id) return cell return None
def get_first_cell(self, target_color): ''' return: (x,y) is the target position (-1,-1) means not found! ''' cell = ChessboardCell() for row_id in range(0, self._ROWS): for col_id in range(0, self._COLS): if self._layout_array[col_id][row_id] == target_color: cell.from_col_row_id(col_id, row_id) return cell return None
def create_four_corners(self): corners = [(0, 0), (0, 18), (18, 0), (18, 18)] for col, row in corners: cell = ChessboardCell() cell.from_col_row_id(col, row) self.__Deal_with_this_cell(cell)
def compare_with(self, target_layout, do_print_out=False): ''' return: total_diff_cells: the number of different cells. last_cell_name: first cell_name that different, might be None my_color: color of last_cell target_color: color of last_cell ''' diffs = [] cell = ChessboardCell() my_cell_color = target_cell_color = self.__BLANK int_to_char = { self.__BLANK: '. ', self._BLACK: 'X ', self._WHITE: 'O ' } if do_print_out: title = self._FC_RESET + ' ' title += self._BG_RED + self._FC_YELLOW + title += self._FC_RESET + ' ' title += self._BG_RED + self._FC_YELLOW + + self._FC_RESET print(title) # print column name on table head header = ' ' for col_id in range(self._COLS, -1, -1): cell.from_col_row_id(col_id=col_id, row_id=1) header += cell.col_letter + ' ' header += ' ' + header print(self._FC_YELLOW + header) # print layout row by row for row_id in range(self._ROWS - 1, -1, -1): rowNum = row_id + 1 my_col_string = target_col_string = '' for col_id in range(self._COLS - 1, -1, -1): print_color = self._FC_RESET target_cell_color = target_layout.get_cell_color_col_row( col_id=col_id, row_id=row_id) if (self._layout_array[col_id][row_id] != target_cell_color): #color is different print_color = self._BG_RED + self._FC_YELLOW cell.from_col_row_id(col_id=col_id, row_id=row_id) my_cell_color = self._layout_array[col_id][row_id] diffs.append((, my_cell_color, target_cell_color)) if do_print_out: my_col_string += print_color + int_to_char[ self._layout_array[col_id][row_id]] + self._FC_RESET k = target_layout.get_cell_color_col_row(col_id, row_id) target_col_string += print_color + int_to_char[ k] + self._FC_RESET if do_print_out: row_string = self._FC_YELLOW + "%02d" % rowNum col_string = row_string + ' ' + my_col_string + ' ' + row_string + ' ' + target_col_string + ' ' + row_string print(col_string) if do_print_out: print(self._FC_YELLOW + header) print(self._BG_RED + self._FC_YELLOW + '%s' % diffs + self._FC_RESET) return diffs
def play_col_row(self, col_id, row_id, color_code): cell = ChessboardCell() cell.from_col_row_id(col_id=col_id, row_id=row_id), color_code)