コード例 #1
def play_game():
    """Launch Chessington!"""
    window = tk.Tk()
    window.resizable(False, False)
    board = Board.at_starting_position()

    from_square = None
    to_squares = []

    def generate_click_handler(clicked_square: Square):
        def handle_click():
            nonlocal window, board, from_square, to_squares
            clicked_piece = board.get_piece(clicked_square)

            # If making an allowed move, then make it
            if from_square is not None and clicked_square in to_squares:
                board.get_piece(from_square).move_to(board, clicked_square)
                from_square, to_squares = None, []

            # If clicking on a piece whose turn it is, get its allowed moves
            elif clicked_piece is not None and clicked_piece.player == board.current_player:
                from_square = clicked_square
                to_squares = clicked_piece.get_available_moves(board)

            # Otherwise reset everthing to default
                from_square, to_squares = None, []

            update_pieces_and_colours(window, board)
            highlight_squares(window, board, from_square, to_squares)

        return handle_click

    # Create the board
    for row in range(BOARD_SIZE):
        for col in range(BOARD_SIZE):
            square = Square(row, col)
            frame = tk.Frame(window,
            frame.grid_propagate(False)  # disables resizing of frame
            frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)  # enables button to fill frame
            frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)  # any positive number is OK

            # The board has (0, 0) in the bottom left.
            # TKinter Grid has (0, 0) in the top left.
            # Map between these:
            gui_row = BOARD_SIZE - square.row - 1
            frame.grid(row=gui_row, column=square.col)

            btn = tk.Button(frame,

    update_pieces_and_colours(window, board)
コード例 #2
def test_new_board_has_white_pieces_at_bottom():

    # Arrange
    board = Board.at_starting_position()

    # Act
    piece = board.get_piece(Square.at(0, 0))

    # Assert
    assert piece.player == Player.WHITE
コード例 #3
def test_new_board_has_black_pieces_at_top():

    # Arrange
    board = Board.at_starting_position()

    # Act
    piece = board.get_piece(Square.at(7, 0))

    # Assert
    assert piece.player == Player.BLACK
コード例 #4
def test_pieces_can_be_moved_on_the_board():

    # Arrange
    board = Board.at_starting_position()
    from_square = Square.at(1, 0)
    piece = board.get_piece(from_square)

    # Act
    to_square = Square.at(3, 0)
    board.move_piece(from_square, to_square)

    assert board.get_piece(from_square) is None
    assert board.get_piece(to_square) is piece
コード例 #5
def play_game():

    board = Board.at_starting_position()
    board_layout = render_board(board)
    window = psg.Window('Chessington',
                        default_button_element_size=(12, 1),

    from_square = None
    to_squares = []

    def handle_click(row, col):

        nonlocal window, board, from_square, to_squares
        clicked_piece = board.get_piece(Square.at(row, col))

        # if board.current_player == Player.BLACK:
        # board.move_piece(bot_move_from_to[0], bot_move_from_to[1])
        # If making an allowed move, then make it
        if from_square is not None and any(s.row == row and s.col == col
                                           for s in to_squares):
            board.get_piece(from_square).move_to(board, Square.at(row, col))
            from_square, to_squares = None, []

        # If clicking on a piece whose turn it is, get its allowed moves
        elif clicked_piece is not None and clicked_piece.player == board.current_player:
            from_square = Square.at(row, col)
            to_squares = clicked_piece.get_available_moves(board)

        # Otherwise reset everthing to default
            from_square, to_squares = None, []

    while True:

        # Check for a square being clicked on and react appropriately
        button, _ = window.Read()
        if button is not None:

        # Update the UI
        highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
        # if board.current_player == Player.BLACK:
        #     bot_move_from_to = board.get_bot_move_squares()
        #     piece_moves = board.get_piece(bot_move_from_to[0]).get_available_moves(board)
        #     highlight_squares(window, bot_move_from_to[0], piece_moves)
        square_in_check = board.in_check()
        if square_in_check is not None:
            set_square_colour(window, square_in_check, CHECK_SQUARE_COLOUR)
        update_pieces(window, board)
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rej696/chessington-python
def play_game():

    board = Board.at_starting_position()
    board_layout = render_board(board)
    window = psg.Window('Chessington',
                        default_button_element_size=(12, 1),

    from_square = None
    to_squares = []

    def handle_click(row, col):

        nonlocal window, board, from_square, to_squares
        clicked_piece = board.get_piece(Square.at(row, col))

        # If making an allowed move, then make it
        if from_square is not None and any(s.row == row and s.col == col
                                           for s in to_squares):
            board.get_piece(from_square).move_to(board, Square.at(row, col))
            from_square, to_squares = None, []

        # If clicking on a piece whose turn it is, get its allowed moves
        elif clicked_piece is not None and clicked_piece.player == board.current_player:
            from_square = Square.at(row, col)
            to_squares = clicked_piece.get_available_moves(board)

        # Otherwise reset everthing to default
            from_square, to_squares = None, []

    # def activate_bot(window, board, , ):
    #     move = ChessBotStronk().do_smart_move(board)
    #     handle_click(*move[0])
    #     highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
    #     update_pieces(window, board)
    #     button, _ = window.Read()
    #     if button is not None:
    #         handle_click(*move[1])
    #         highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
    #         update_pieces(window, board)
    button, _ = window.Read()
    while True:
        counter = 0
        if board.current_player == Player.WHITE:
            Bot code
            player = Player.WHITE
            opponent = Player.BLACK
            move = ChessBotStronk(player, opponent).get_move(board)
            if move is not None:
                highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
                button, _ = window.Read(timeout=40)
                # if button is not None:
                highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
                update_pieces(window, board)
                button, _ = window.Read()
            Player code
            # button, _ = window.Read()
            # if button is not None:
            #     handle_click(*button)
            # highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
            # update_pieces(window, board)

        if board.current_player == Player.BLACK:
            Bot code
            player = Player.BLACK
            opponent = Player.WHITE
            move = NuChessBotStronk(player, opponent).get_move(board)
            if move is not None:
                highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
                button, _ = window.Read(timeout=40)
                # if button is not None:
                highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
                update_pieces(window, board)
                button, _ = window.Read()

        # Update the UI
        highlight_squares(window, from_square, to_squares)
        update_pieces(window, board)