コード例 #1
def unroll_to_depth( max_depth ):
    print "\n\nunroll_to_depth(%d)" % max_depth
    print "SYNC UP"

    cur = chill.cur_indices(0)
    thread_idxs = chill.thread_indices()
    guard_idx = thread_idxs[-1]  # last one

    print "cur    indices",
    print "thread indices", 
    print "guard_idx = %s" % guard_idx

    #print "thread_idxs = ",
    #print thread_idxs
    guard_idx = thread_idxs[-1]
    #print "guard_idx = %s" % guard_idx

    common_loops = []
    comm_loops_cnt = 0
    num_stmts = chill.num_statements()
    print "num statements %d" % num_stmts

    for stmt in range(num_stmts):
        print "\nSTMT %d" % stmt,
        cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
        print "Current Indices:",
        for c in cur_idxs[:-1]:
            print "%s," % c,
        print "%s" % cur_idxs[-1]   # last one
        if chk_cur_level(stmt, "tx") > 0:
            for ii in range(find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1):
                print "ii = %d\ncur_idxs[%d] = '%s'" % (ii+1, ii+1, cur_idxs[ii]) # print to match lua
                id = cur_idxs[ii]
                if id not in ["bx", "by", "", "tx", "ty"]:

                    print "id %s is not in the list" % id

                    for stmt1 in range(stmt+1, num_stmts):
                        print "\nii %d stmt1 is %d" % (ii+1, stmt1)  # print to match lua 
                        cur_idxs1 = chill.cur_indices(stmt1)
                        print "\nstmt1 cur_idxs1 is ",
                        for ind in cur_idxs1[:-1]:
                            print "%s," % ind,
                        print "%s" % cur_idxs1[-1]

                        print "cur level(%d, %s) = %d" % (stmt, "tx", find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") )

                        endrange = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1
                        print "for iii=1, %d do" % endrange
                        for iii in range(endrange):   # off by one?  TODO 
                            print "stmt %d   ii %d   iii %d\n" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1),
                            if iii >= len(cur_idxs1):
                                print "stmt %d   ii %d   iii %d  cur_idxs1[%d] = NIL" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1, iii+1, )  # print to match lua 
                                print "stmt %d   ii %d   iii %d  cur_idxs1[%d] = '%s'" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1, iii+1, cur_idxs1[iii])  # print to match lua 

                            # this will still probably die 
                            if iii < len(cur_idxs1) and [iii] not in ["bx", "by", "tx", "ty", ""]:
                                if cur_idxs[ii] == cur_idxs1[iii]:
                                    print "\nfound idx:%s" % cur_idxs[ii]
                                    print "cl[%d] = '%s'" % ( comm_loops_cnt, cur_idxs[ii] )
                                    comm_loops_cnt = len(common_loops)

    if len(common_loops) > 0:
        print "\n COMM LOOPS :TOTAL %d, and are " % comm_loops_cnt,
        print common_loops, 
        print " this loop : %s" % common_loops[0]
        print "UNROLL can't unroll any loops?"

    while True:  # break at bottom of loop   (repeat in lua)
        old_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
        print "old_num_statements %d" % old_num_statements

        for stmt in range(old_num_statements):
            cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
            print "stmt %d    cur_idxs =" % stmt,
            index = 0
            for i in cur_idxs:
                index +=1
                if index == len(cur_idxs):
                    print "%s" %i
                    print "%s," % i,

            if len(cur_idxs) > 0:
                guard_level = -1
                if chk_cur_level(stmt, guard_idx) > 0:
                    guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
                print "guard_level(sp) = %d" % guard_level
                if guard_level > -1:
                    level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,guard_level)
                    print "next clean level %d" % level

                    #print "looking at %d" % stmt
                    #print "comparing %d and %d in" % (guard_level, level),
                    #index = 0
                    #for i in cur_idxs:
                    #index +=1
                    #if index == len(cur_idxs):
                    #    print "%s" %i
                    #    print "%s," % i,

                    # need to handle max_depth
                    num_unrolled = 0
                    level_unroll_comm = level
                    level_arr = []

                    #print "before while, level = %d" % level 
                    while level >= 0:
                        print "while: level = %d" % level 
                        if num_unrolled == max_depth:

                        print "Unrolling %d at level %d index %s" % ( stmt, level, cur_idxs[guard_level])  # ??? 

                        guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
                        level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level+1)

                    print "OK, NOW WE UNROLL"
                    if level_unroll_comm >= 0:
                        for i,lev in enumerate(level_arr):
                            print "\ni=%d" % i
                            print "[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)" % (stmt, lev)
                            chill.unroll(stmt, lev, 0)

        new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
        if old_num_statements == new_num_statements:
            break  # exit infinite loop
コード例 #2
ファイル: cudaize.py プロジェクト: CtopCsUtahEdu/chill-dev
def unroll_to_depth( max_depth ):
    print "\n\nunroll_to_depth(%d)" % max_depth
    print "SYNC UP"

    cur = chill.cur_indices(0)
    thread_idxs = chill.thread_indices()
    guard_idx = thread_idxs[-1]  # last one

    print "cur    indices",
    print "thread indices", 
    print "guard_idx = %s" % guard_idx

    #print "thread_idxs = ",
    #print thread_idxs
    guard_idx = thread_idxs[-1]
    #print "guard_idx = %s" % guard_idx

    common_loops = []
    comm_loops_cnt = 0
    num_stmts = chill.num_statements()
    print "num statements %d" % num_stmts

    for stmt in range(num_stmts):
        print "\nSTMT %d" % stmt,
        cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
        print "Current Indices:",
        for c in cur_idxs[:-1]:
            print "%s," % c,
        print "%s" % cur_idxs[-1]   # last one
        if chk_cur_level(stmt, "tx") > 0:
            for ii in range(find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1):
                print "ii = %d\ncur_idxs[%d] = '%s'" % (ii+1, ii+1, cur_idxs[ii]) # print to match lua
                id = cur_idxs[ii]
                if id not in ["bx", "by", "", "tx", "ty"]:

                    print "id %s is not in the list" % id

                    for stmt1 in range(stmt+1, num_stmts):
                        print "\nii %d stmt1 is %d" % (ii+1, stmt1)  # print to match lua 
                        cur_idxs1 = chill.cur_indices(stmt1)
                        print "\nstmt1 cur_idxs1 is ",
                        for ind in cur_idxs1[:-1]:
                            print "%s," % ind,
                        print "%s" % cur_idxs1[-1]

                        print "cur level(%d, %s) = %d" % (stmt, "tx", find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") )

                        endrange = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1
                        print "for iii=1, %d do" % endrange
                        for iii in range(endrange):   # off by one?  TODO 
                            print "stmt %d   ii %d   iii %d\n" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1),
                            if iii >= len(cur_idxs1):
                                print "stmt %d   ii %d   iii %d  cur_idxs1[%d] = NIL" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1, iii+1, )  # print to match lua 
                                print "stmt %d   ii %d   iii %d  cur_idxs1[%d] = '%s'" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1, iii+1, cur_idxs1[iii])  # print to match lua 

                            # this will still probably die 
                            if iii < len(cur_idxs1) and [iii] not in ["bx", "by", "tx", "ty", ""]:
                                if cur_idxs[ii] == cur_idxs1[iii]:
                                    print "\nfound idx:%s" % cur_idxs[ii]
                                    print "cl[%d] = '%s'" % ( comm_loops_cnt, cur_idxs[ii] )
                                    comm_loops_cnt = len(common_loops)

    if len(common_loops) > 0:
        print "\n COMM LOOPS :TOTAL %d, and are " % comm_loops_cnt,
        print common_loops, 
        print " this loop : %s" % common_loops[0]
        print "UNROLL can't unroll any loops?"

    while True:  # break at bottom of loop   (repeat in lua)
        old_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
        print "old_num_statements %d" % old_num_statements

        for stmt in range(old_num_statements):
            cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
            print "stmt %d    cur_idxs =" % stmt,
            index = 0
            for i in cur_idxs:
                index +=1
                if index == len(cur_idxs):
                    print "%s" %i
                    print "%s," % i,

            if len(cur_idxs) > 0:
                guard_level = -1
                if chk_cur_level(stmt, guard_idx) > 0:
                    guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
                print "guard_level(sp) = %d" % guard_level
                if guard_level > -1:
                    level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,guard_level)
                    print "next clean level %d" % level

                    #print "looking at %d" % stmt
                    #print "comparing %d and %d in" % (guard_level, level),
                    #index = 0
                    #for i in cur_idxs:
                    #index +=1
                    #if index == len(cur_idxs):
                    #    print "%s" %i
                    #    print "%s," % i,

                    # need to handle max_depth
                    num_unrolled = 0
                    level_unroll_comm = level
                    level_arr = []

                    #print "before while, level = %d" % level 
                    while level >= 0:
                        print "while: level = %d" % level 
                        if num_unrolled == max_depth:

                        print "Unrolling %d at level %d index %s" % ( stmt, level, cur_idxs[guard_level])  # ??? 

                        guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
                        level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level+1)

                    print "OK, NOW WE UNROLL"
                    if level_unroll_comm >= 0:
                        for i,lev in enumerate(level_arr):
                            print "\ni=%d" % i
                            print "[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)" % (stmt, lev)
                            chill.unroll(stmt, lev, 0)

        new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
        if old_num_statements == new_num_statements:
            break  # exit infinite loop
コード例 #3
def copy_to_registers( start_loop, array_name ):
    #print "\n\n****** starting copy to registers"

    stmt = 0    # assume stmt 0
    cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt) # calls C    
    table_Size = len(cur)

    #print "Cur indices",
    #print "\nThe table size is %d" % table_Size
    #for c in cur:
    #    print "%d\t%s" % (count,c)
    #    count += 1


    # would be much cleaner if not translating this code from lua!
    level_tx = -1
    level_ty = -1   
    if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx"):
        level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
    if is_in_indices(stmt,"ty"):
        level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")
    #print "level_tx %d  level_ty %d" % ( level_tx, level_ty )

    ty_lookup_idx = "" 
    org_level_ty = level_ty

    # UGLY logic. Lua index starts at 1, so all tests etc here are off by 1 from the lua code
    # level_ty initializes to -1 , which is not a valid index, and so there is added code to 
    # make it not try to acccess offset -1.   -1 IS a valid python array index
    # to top it off, the else below can assign a NIL to ty_lookup_idx! 
    if level_ty != -1 and cur[level_ty] != "":
        #print "IF  cur[%d] = %s" % ( level_ty, cur[level_ty] )
        ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty] 
        #print "ELSE ty_lookup_idx = cur[%d] = %s" % ( level_ty, cur[level_ty-1]) 
        ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty-1] 
    #print "ty_lookup_idx '%s'" % ty_lookup_idx

    if level_ty > -1:
        #print "\ntile3(%d,%d,%d)" % (stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1)

    cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt) # calls C 
    table_Size = len(cur)
    #print "Cur indices ",
    #for c in cur:
    #    print "%s," % c,
    #print "\nThe table size is %d" % len(cur)
    #for c in cur:
    #    print "%d\t%s" % (count,c)
    #    count += 1

    if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx"):
        level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
    if ty_lookup_idx != "":                      # perhaps incorrect test 
        if is_in_indices(stmt,ty_lookup_idx):
           level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
    ty_lookup = 1
    idx_flag = -1
    # find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
    #print "\nlevel_ty %d" % level_ty
    if level_ty > -1:
       #print "table_Size %d" % table_Size
       for num in range(-1 + level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size):   # ??  off by one?
           #print "num=%d   cur[num] = '%s'" % (num+1, cur[num]) # num+1 is lua index ????
           if cur[num] != "":
               idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
               #print "idx_flag = %d" % idx_flag
    #print "\n(first) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s" % idx_flag
    #print "" 

    how_many_levels = 1
    #print "idx_flag = %d   I will check levels starting with %d" % (idx_flag, idx_flag+1)
    # lua arrays start at index 1. the next loop in lua starts at offset 0, since idx_flag can be -1
    # thus the check for "not equal nil" in lua (bad idea)
    # python arrays start at 0, so will check for things that lua doesn't (?)
    startat = idx_flag + 1
    if idx_flag == -1:
        startat = 1  # pretend we're lua for now.   TODO: fix the logic

    for ch_lev in range(startat,table_Size+1):       # logic may be wrong (off by one)
        #print "ch_lev %d" % ch_lev
        if ch_lev <= table_Size and cur[ch_lev-1] != "":
           #print "cur[%d] = '%s'" % ( ch_lev, cur[ch_lev-1] )
           how_many_levels += 1

    #print "\nHow Many Levels %d" % how_many_levels

    if how_many_levels< 2:
        while( idx_flag >= 0):
            for num in range(level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size+1):
                #print "at top of loop, num is %d" % num
                #print "cur[num] = '%s'" % cur[num-1]
                if cur[num-1] != "":
                    idx = cur[num-1]
                    #print "idx '%s'" % idx
                    curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
                    #print "curlev %d" % curlev

                    #print "\n[COPYTOREG]tile(%d,%d,%d)"%(stmt,curlev,level_tx)

                    chill.tile3(stmt, curlev, curlev)
                    curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
                    #print "curlev %d" % curlev
                    #print "hehe '%s'" % cur[num-1]
                    cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
                    #print "Cur indices INSIDE",
                    #for c in cur:
                    #    print "%s," % c,
                    table_Size = len(cur)
                    #print "\nTable Size is: %d" % len(cur)

                    level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
                    #print "\n level TX is: %d" % level_tx
                    level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
                    #print "\n level TY is: %d" %level_ty
                    idx_flag = -1
                    #print "idx_flag = -1"

                    #- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
                    #- the following was num, which conflicts with loop we're already in, and otherwise wasn't used (?)
                    for num2 in range( -1 + level_ty+ty_lookup ,table_Size): # lua starts index at one
                        #print "num mucking num = %d" % num2
                        if(cur[num2] != ""):
                            #print "cur[%d] = '%s'" % ( num2, cur[num2] )
                            idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num2])
                            #print("\n(second) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",cur[num2])

                    #print "num mucked to %d     idx_flag = %d" % (num, idx_flag)

                #print "at bottom of loop, num is %d" % num
    #print "done with levels"

    # this was a block comment ???

#    for num in range(level_ty+1, table_Size+1):
#        print "num %d" % num
#        if cur[num-1] != "":
#            idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num-1])  ## ugly 
#    print "idx_flag = %d" % idx_flag

    # change this all to reflect the real logic which is to normalize all loops inside the thread loops. 
#    print "change this all ...\n"
#    print "level_ty+1 %d  table_Size-1 %d     idx_flag %d" %( level_ty+1, table_Size-1, idx_flag)
#    sys.stdout.flush()
#    sys.stdout.flush()

#    while level_ty+1 < (table_Size-1) and idx_flag >= 0:
#        print "*** level_ty %d" %  level_ty
#        for num in range(level_ty+2,table_Size+1):  # lua for includes second value
#            print "num %d   cur[num] %s" % (num, cur[num])
#            if cur[num] != "":
#                idx = cur[num]
#                print "idx='%s'" % idx
#                #print_code()

    #print "ARE WE SYNCED HERE?"

    #  [Malik] end logic
    start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop) # start_loop was passed parameter!

    # We should hold constant any block or tile loop
    block_idxs  = chill.block_indices()
    thread_idxs = chill.thread_indices()
    #print"\nblock indices are"
    #for index, val in enumerate(block_idxs):
    #    print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
    #print"\nthread indices are"
    #for index, val in enumerate(thread_idxs):
    #    print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
    #print "\nStart Level: %d" % start_level

    hold_constant = []
    #print("\n Now in Blocks")
    for idx in block_idxs:
        blocklevel = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
        if blocklevel >= start_level:
           #print "\nJust inserted block %s in hold_constant" %idx

    #print("\n Now in Threads")
    for idx in thread_idxs:
        blocklevel = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
        if blocklevel >= start_level:
            #print "\nJust inserted thread %s in hold_constant" %idx
    #print "\nhold constant table is: "
    #for index, val in enumerate(hold_constant):
    #    print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
    #print("\nbefore datacopy pvt")
    old_num_stmts = chill.num_statements()

    #print "\n[DataCopy]datacopy_privatized(%d, %s, %s, " % (stmt, start_loop, array_name),
    #print hold_constant,
    #print ")"
    passtoC = [stmt, start_loop, array_name ] # a list
    passtoC.append( len(hold_constant ) )
    for h in hold_constant:
        passtoC.append( h )
    chill.datacopy_privatized( tuple( passtoC ))
    new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
コード例 #4
ファイル: cudaize.py プロジェクト: CtopCsUtahEdu/chill-dev
def copy_to_registers( start_loop, array_name ):
    #print "\n\n****** starting copy to registers"

    stmt = 0    # assume stmt 0
    cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt) # calls C    
    table_Size = len(cur)

    #print "Cur indices",
    #print "\nThe table size is %d" % table_Size
    #for c in cur:
    #    print "%d\t%s" % (count,c)
    #    count += 1


    # would be much cleaner if not translating this code from lua!
    level_tx = -1
    level_ty = -1   
    if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx"):
        level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
    if is_in_indices(stmt,"ty"):
        level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")
    #print "level_tx %d  level_ty %d" % ( level_tx, level_ty )

    ty_lookup_idx = "" 
    org_level_ty = level_ty

    # UGLY logic. Lua index starts at 1, so all tests etc here are off by 1 from the lua code
    # level_ty initializes to -1 , which is not a valid index, and so there is added code to 
    # make it not try to acccess offset -1.   -1 IS a valid python array index
    # to top it off, the else below can assign a NIL to ty_lookup_idx! 
    if level_ty != -1 and cur[level_ty] != "":
        #print "IF  cur[%d] = %s" % ( level_ty, cur[level_ty] )
        ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty] 
        #print "ELSE ty_lookup_idx = cur[%d] = %s" % ( level_ty, cur[level_ty-1]) 
        ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty-1] 
    #print "ty_lookup_idx '%s'" % ty_lookup_idx

    if level_ty > -1:
        #print "\ntile3(%d,%d,%d)" % (stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1)

    cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt) # calls C 
    table_Size = len(cur)
    #print "Cur indices ",
    #for c in cur:
    #    print "%s," % c,
    #print "\nThe table size is %d" % len(cur)
    #for c in cur:
    #    print "%d\t%s" % (count,c)
    #    count += 1

    if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx"):
        level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
    if ty_lookup_idx != "":                      # perhaps incorrect test 
        if is_in_indices(stmt,ty_lookup_idx):
           level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
    ty_lookup = 1
    idx_flag = -1
    # find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
    #print "\nlevel_ty %d" % level_ty
    if level_ty > -1:
       #print "table_Size %d" % table_Size
       for num in range(-1 + level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size):   # ??  off by one?
           #print "num=%d   cur[num] = '%s'" % (num+1, cur[num]) # num+1 is lua index ????
           if cur[num] != "":
               idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
               #print "idx_flag = %d" % idx_flag
    #print "\n(first) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s" % idx_flag
    #print "" 

    how_many_levels = 1
    #print "idx_flag = %d   I will check levels starting with %d" % (idx_flag, idx_flag+1)
    # lua arrays start at index 1. the next loop in lua starts at offset 0, since idx_flag can be -1
    # thus the check for "not equal nil" in lua (bad idea)
    # python arrays start at 0, so will check for things that lua doesn't (?)
    startat = idx_flag + 1
    if idx_flag == -1:
        startat = 1  # pretend we're lua for now.   TODO: fix the logic

    for ch_lev in range(startat,table_Size+1):       # logic may be wrong (off by one)
        #print "ch_lev %d" % ch_lev
        if ch_lev <= table_Size and cur[ch_lev-1] != "":
           #print "cur[%d] = '%s'" % ( ch_lev, cur[ch_lev-1] )
           how_many_levels += 1

    #print "\nHow Many Levels %d" % how_many_levels

    if how_many_levels< 2:
        while( idx_flag >= 0):
            for num in range(level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size+1):
                #print "at top of loop, num is %d" % num
                #print "cur[num] = '%s'" % cur[num-1]
                if cur[num-1] != "":
                    idx = cur[num-1]
                    #print "idx '%s'" % idx
                    curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
                    #print "curlev %d" % curlev

                    #print "\n[COPYTOREG]tile(%d,%d,%d)"%(stmt,curlev,level_tx)

                    chill.tile3(stmt, curlev, curlev)
                    curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
                    #print "curlev %d" % curlev
                    #print "hehe '%s'" % cur[num-1]
                    cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
                    #print "Cur indices INSIDE",
                    #for c in cur:
                    #    print "%s," % c,
                    table_Size = len(cur)
                    #print "\nTable Size is: %d" % len(cur)

                    level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
                    #print "\n level TX is: %d" % level_tx
                    level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
                    #print "\n level TY is: %d" %level_ty
                    idx_flag = -1
                    #print "idx_flag = -1"

                    #- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
                    #- the following was num, which conflicts with loop we're already in, and otherwise wasn't used (?)
                    for num2 in range( -1 + level_ty+ty_lookup ,table_Size): # lua starts index at one
                        #print "num mucking num = %d" % num2
                        if(cur[num2] != ""):
                            #print "cur[%d] = '%s'" % ( num2, cur[num2] )
                            idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num2])
                            #print("\n(second) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",cur[num2])

                    #print "num mucked to %d     idx_flag = %d" % (num, idx_flag)

                #print "at bottom of loop, num is %d" % num
    #print "done with levels"

    # this was a block comment ???

#    for num in range(level_ty+1, table_Size+1):
#        print "num %d" % num
#        if cur[num-1] != "":
#            idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num-1])  ## ugly 
#    print "idx_flag = %d" % idx_flag

    # change this all to reflect the real logic which is to normalize all loops inside the thread loops. 
#    print "change this all ...\n"
#    print "level_ty+1 %d  table_Size-1 %d     idx_flag %d" %( level_ty+1, table_Size-1, idx_flag)
#    sys.stdout.flush()
#    sys.stdout.flush()

#    while level_ty+1 < (table_Size-1) and idx_flag >= 0:
#        print "*** level_ty %d" %  level_ty
#        for num in range(level_ty+2,table_Size+1):  # lua for includes second value
#            print "num %d   cur[num] %s" % (num, cur[num])
#            if cur[num] != "":
#                idx = cur[num]
#                print "idx='%s'" % idx
#                #print_code()

    #print "ARE WE SYNCED HERE?"

    #  [Malik] end logic
    start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop) # start_loop was passed parameter!

    # We should hold constant any block or tile loop
    block_idxs  = chill.block_indices()
    thread_idxs = chill.thread_indices()
    #print"\nblock indices are"
    #for index, val in enumerate(block_idxs):
    #    print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
    #print"\nthread indices are"
    #for index, val in enumerate(thread_idxs):
    #    print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
    #print "\nStart Level: %d" % start_level

    hold_constant = []
    #print("\n Now in Blocks")
    for idx in block_idxs:
        blocklevel = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
        if blocklevel >= start_level:
           #print "\nJust inserted block %s in hold_constant" %idx

    #print("\n Now in Threads")
    for idx in thread_idxs:
        blocklevel = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
        if blocklevel >= start_level:
            #print "\nJust inserted thread %s in hold_constant" %idx
    #print "\nhold constant table is: "
    #for index, val in enumerate(hold_constant):
    #    print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
    #print("\nbefore datacopy pvt")
    old_num_stmts = chill.num_statements()

    #print "\n[DataCopy]datacopy_privatized(%d, %s, %s, " % (stmt, start_loop, array_name),
    #print hold_constant,
    #print ")"
    passtoC = [stmt, start_loop, array_name ] # a list
    passtoC.append( len(hold_constant ) )
    for h in hold_constant:
        passtoC.append( h )
    chill.datacopy_privatized( tuple( passtoC ))
    new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()