コード例 #1
def cholup(R, x, sgn):
    u = x.copy()
    if sgn == '+':
        cholupdate(R, u)
    elif sgn == '-':
        choldowndate(R, u)
    return R
コード例 #2
 def _removeOne(self, x):
     assert x.ndim <= 1
     assert x.size == self._dim
     self._count -= 1
     self._n -= 1
     self._k -= 1
     self._mu = self._mu - (x - self._mu) / self._k
     choldate.choldowndate(self._U, np.copy(x))
コード例 #3
 def U(self):
     if 'U' in self._cache:
         return self._cache['U']
     Utemp = np.copy((self._U))
     choldate.choldowndate(Utemp, sqrt(self._k) * self._mu)
     trueU = Utemp * sqrt((1 + (1 / self._k)) / (self.nu))
     # update cache
     self._cache['U'] = trueU
     return trueU
コード例 #4
 def test_downdate(self):
     V = numpy.dot(self.X.transpose(),self.X)
     R = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V).transpose()
     u = numpy.random.normal(size=R.shape[0])
     V1 = V + numpy.outer(u,u)
     R1 = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V1).transpose()
     R_ = R1.copy()
     u_ = u.copy()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.max((numpy.abs(R_) - numpy.abs(R))**2),0)
コード例 #5
    def downdate_cluster_params(mean, cov_chol, data_point, n_cluster):
        kappa_0 = cgs_utils.init_kappa_0()
        new_mean = (mean * (kappa_0 + n_cluster) -
                    data_point) / (kappa_0 + n_cluster - 1)

        u_vec = np.sqrt(
            (kappa_0 + n_cluster) /
            (kappa_0 + n_cluster - 1)) * (data_point - mean).astype(np.float64)
        # overriding old covariance matrix
        current_cov_chol = cov_chol.astype(np.float64).T
        choldate.choldowndate(current_cov_chol, u_vec.copy())

        return new_mean.astype(np.float32), current_cov_chol.T.astype(
コード例 #6
def UpdateFactor(factor, index, Z, theta_rbf, theta_band, K, X_var_d):

    # make sure we use upper matrix
    assert factor[1] == False

    #    Z_new = np.array(Z)
    #    Z_new[index, :] = pars
    K_new = kernelRBF(Z, theta_rbf, theta_band)
    K_new[np.diag_indices_from(K_new)] += X_var_d
    u = K_new[index, :] - K[index, :]
    u[index] = 1.
    cholupdate(factor[0], u.copy())
    u[index] = 0.
    choldowndate(factor[0], u)
    w = np.zeros_like(u)
    w[index] = 1.
    choldowndate(factor[0], w)

    return factor, K_new
コード例 #7
    def step_simplex(self, state, randomization, logpdf):

        self.total_l1_part += 1
        lam = self.lagrange

        data, opt_vars = state
        simplex, cube = opt_vars

        if self.lagrange is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The bound form has not been implemented")

        nactive = simplex.shape[0]
        stepsize = 1.5 / np.sqrt(nactive)

        rand = randomization
        random_sample = rand.rvs(size=nactive)
        step = np.dot(self.chol_adapt, random_sample)
        proposal = np.fabs(simplex + step)

        log_ratio = (logpdf((data, (proposal, cube))) - logpdf(state))

        # update cholesky factor

        alpha = np.minimum(np.exp(log_ratio), 1)
        target = 2.4 / np.sqrt(nactive)
        multiplier = ((self.total_l1_part + 1)**(-0.8) *
                      (np.exp(log_ratio) - target))
        rank_one = np.sqrt(
            np.fabs(multiplier)) * step / np.linalg.norm(random_sample)

        if multiplier > 0:
            cholupdate(self.chol_adapt, rank_one)  # update done in place
            choldowndate(self.chol_adapt, rank_one)  # update done in place

        if np.log(np.random.uniform()) < log_ratio:
            simplex = proposal
            self.accept_l1_part += 1

        return simplex
コード例 #8
    def step_simplex(self, state, randomization, logpdf):

        self.total_l1_part += 1
        lam = self.lagrange

        data, opt_vars = state
        simplex, cube = opt_vars

        if self.lagrange is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("The bound form has not been implemented")

        nactive = simplex.shape[0]
        stepsize = 1.5/np.sqrt(nactive)

        rand = randomization
        random_sample = rand.rvs(size=nactive)
        step = np.dot(self.chol_adapt, random_sample)
        proposal = np.fabs(simplex + step)

        log_ratio = (logpdf((data, (proposal, cube))) -

        # update cholesky factor
        alpha = np.minimum(np.exp(log_ratio), 1)
        target = 2.4 / np.sqrt(nactive)
        multiplier = ((self.total_l1_part+1)**(-0.8) * 
                      (np.exp(log_ratio) - target))
        rank_one = np.sqrt(np.fabs(multiplier)) * step / np.linalg.norm(random_sample)

        if multiplier > 0:
            cholupdate(self.chol_adapt, rank_one) # update done in place
            choldowndate(self.chol_adapt, rank_one) # update done in place

        if np.log(np.random.uniform()) < log_ratio:
            simplex = proposal
            self.accept_l1_part += 1
        return simplex
コード例 #9
def chol_rank1_downdate(L, x):
    choldowndate(L.T, x.copy())
コード例 #10
ファイル: masksolve.py プロジェクト: ruimeng-duan/everest
def MaskSolve(A, b, w=5, progress=True, niter=None):
    Finds the solution `x` to the linear problem

        A x = b

    for all contiguous `w`-sized masks applied to
    the rows and columns of `A` and to the entries
    of `b`.

    Returns an array `X` of shape `(N - w + 1, N - w)`,
    where the `nth` row is the solution to the equation

        A[![n,n+w)] x = b[![n,n+w)]

    where ![n,n+w) indicates that indices in the range
    [n,n+w) have been masked.


    # Ensure we have choldate installed
    if cholupdate is None:
        log.info("Running the slow version of `MaskSolve`.")
        log.info("Install the `choldate` package for better performance.")
        return MaskSolveSlow(A, b, w=w, progress=progress, niter=niter)

    # Number of data points
    N = b.shape[0]

    # How many iterations? Default is to go through
    # the entire dataset
    if niter is None:
        niter = N - w + 1

    # Our result matrix
    X = np.empty((niter, N - w))

    # Solve the first two steps explicitly.
    for n in range(2):
        mask = np.arange(n, w + n)
        A_ = np.delete(np.delete(A, mask, axis=0), mask, axis=1)
        b_ = np.delete(b, mask)
        U = cholesky(A_)
        X[n] = cho_solve((U, False), b_)

    # Iterate!
    for n in prange(1, niter - 1):

        # Update the data vector.
        b_[n] = b[n]

        # Remove a row.
        S33 = U[n + 1:, n + 1:]
        S23 = U[n, n + 1:]
        cholupdate(S33, S23)

        # Add a row.
        A12 = A[:n, n]
        A22 = A[n, n]
        A23 = A[n, n + w + 1:]
        S11 = U[:n, :n]
        S12 = solve_triangular(S11.T, A12, lower=True,
                               check_finite=False, trans=0, overwrite_b=True)
        S22 = np.sqrt(A22 - np.dot(S12.T, S12))
        S13 = U[:n, n + 1:]
        S23 = (A23 - np.dot(S12.T, S13)) / S22
        choldowndate(S33, np.array(S23))
        U[:n, n] = S12
        U[n, n] = S22
        U[n, n + 1:] = S23
        U[n + 1:, n + 1:] = S33

        # Now we can solve our linear equation
        X[n + 1] = cho_solve((U, False), b_)

    # Return the matrix
    return X
コード例 #11
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: bnaul/choldate
Created on Feb 15, 2013

@author: jasonrudy
from choldate import cholupdate, choldowndate
import numpy

#Create a random positive definite matrix, V
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(100,10))
V = numpy.dot(X.transpose(),X)

#Calculate the upper Cholesky factor, R
R = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V).transpose()

#Create a random update vector, u
u = numpy.random.normal(size=R.shape[0])

#Calculate the updated positive definite matrix, V1, and its Cholesky factor, R1
V1 = V + numpy.outer(u,u)
R1 = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V1).transpose()

#The following is equivalent to the above
R1_ = R.copy()
assert(numpy.all((R1 - R1_)**2 < 1e-16))

#And downdating is the inverse of updating
R_ = R1.copy()
assert(numpy.all((R - R_)**2 < 1e-16))
コード例 #12
def _solve_maxent_sdp_cd(
    This function is internally used to compute the S-matrices
    used to generate maximum entropy and SDP knockoffs. Users
    should not call this function---they should call ``solve_maxent``
    or ``solve_sdp`` directly.

    Sigma : np.ndarray
        ``(p, p)``-shaped covariance matrix of X
    tol : float
        Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
    verbose : bool
        If True, prints updates during optimization.
    num_iter : int
        The number of coordinate descent iterations. Defaults to 50.
    converge_tol : float
        A parameter specifying the criteria for convergence.
    choldate_warning : bool
        If True, will warn the user if choldate is not installed. 
        Defaults to True
    solve_sdp : bool
        If True, will solve SDP. Otherwise, will solve maxent formulation.
    lambd : float
        Initial barrier constant
    mu : float
        Barrier decay constant

    S : np.ndarray
        ``(p, p)``-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs

    # Warning if choldate not available
    if not CHOLDATE_AVAILABLE and choldate_warning:

    # Initial constants
    time0 = time.time()
    V = Sigma  # Shorthand prevents lines from spilling over
    p = V.shape[0]
    inds = np.arange(p)
    loss = np.inf

    # Initialize values
    decayed_improvement = 1
    mineig = np.linalg.eigh(V)[0].min()
    if solve_sdp:
        S = 0.01 * mineig * np.eye(p)
        S = mineig * np.eye(p)
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(2 * V - S)
    lambd = min(2 * mineig, lambd)

    # Loss function
    if solve_sdp:
        loss_fn = lambda V, S: S.shape[0] - np.diag(S).sum()
        loss_fn = maxent_loss

    for i in range(num_iter):
        for j in inds:
            diff = 2 * V - S

            # Solve cholesky equation
            tildey = 2 * V[j].copy()
            tildey[j] = 0
            x = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(a=L, b=tildey, lower=True)

            # Use cholesky eq to get new update
            zeta = diff[j, j]
            x22 = np.power(x, 2).sum()
            qinvterm = zeta * x22 / (zeta + x22)

            # Inverse of Qj using SWM formula
            if solve_sdp:
                sjstar = max(min(1, 2 * V[j, j] - qinvterm - lambd), 0)
                sjstar = (2 * V[j, j] - qinvterm) / 2

            # Rank one update for cholesky
            delta = S[j, j] - sjstar
            x = np.zeros(p)
            x[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(delta))
            if delta > 0:
                if CHOLDATE_AVAILABLE:
                    choldate.cholupdate(L.T, x)
                    cholupdate(L.T, x, add=False)
                if CHOLDATE_AVAILABLE:
                    choldate.choldowndate(L.T, x)
                    cholupdate(L.T, x, add=True)

            # Set new value for S
            S[j, j] = sjstar

        # Check for convergence
        prev_loss = loss
        loss = loss_fn(V, S)
        if i != 0:
            loss_diff = prev_loss - loss
            if solve_sdp:
                loss_diff = max(loss_diff, lambd)
            decayed_improvement = decayed_improvement / 10 + 9 * (
                loss_diff) / 10
        if verbose:
                f"After iter {i} at time {np.around(time.time() - time0,3)}, loss={loss}, decayed_improvement={decayed_improvement}"
        if decayed_improvement < converge_tol:
            if verbose:
                print(f"Converged after iteration {i} with loss={loss}")

        # Update barrier parameter if solving SDP
        if solve_sdp:
            lambd = mu * lambd

    # Ensure validity of solution
    S = utilities.shift_until_PSD(S, tol=tol)
    S, _ = utilities.scale_until_PSD(V, S, tol=tol, num_iter=10)
    return S
コード例 #13
def _solve_mvr_ungrouped(
    Computes S-matrix used to generate minimum variance-based
    reconstructability knockoffs using coordinate descent.

    Sigma : np.ndarray
        ``(p, p)``-shaped covariance matrix of X
    tol : float
        Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
    verbose : bool
        If True, prints updates during optimization.
    num_iter : int
        The number of coordinate descent iterations. Defaults to 50.
    smoothing : float
        Add ``smoothing`` to all eigenvalues of the feature-knockoff
        precision matrix before inverting to avoid numerical
        instability. Defaults to 0.
    converge_tol : float
        A parameter specifying the criteria for convergence.
    choldate_warning : bool
        If True, will warn the user if choldate is not installed. 
        Defaults to True.

    S : np.ndarray
        ``(p, p)``-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs

    # Warning if choldate not available
    if not CHOLDATE_AVAILABLE and choldate_warning:

    # Initial constants
    time0 = time.time()
    V = Sigma  # Shorthand prevents lines from spilling over
    p = V.shape[0]
    inds = np.arange(p)
    loss = np.inf
    acc_rate = 1 - rej_rate

    # Initialize values
    decayed_improvement = 10
    min_eig = np.linalg.eigh(V)[0].min()
    S = min_eig * np.eye(p)
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(2 * V - S + smoothing * np.eye(p))

    for i in range(num_iter):
        for j in inds:
            # 1. Compute coefficients cn and cd
            ej = np.zeros(p)  # jth basis element
            ej[j] = 1
            # 1a. Compute cd
            vd = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(a=L, b=ej, lower=True)
            cd = np.power(vd, 2).sum()
            # 1b. Compute vn
            vn = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(a=L.T, b=vd, lower=False)
            cn = -1 * np.power(vn, 2).sum()

            # 2. Construct/solve quadratic equation
            delta = _solve_mvr_quadratic(
                sj=S[j, j],

            # 3. Update S and L
            x = np.zeros(p)
            x[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(delta))
            if delta > 0:
                if CHOLDATE_AVAILABLE:
                    choldate.choldowndate(L.T, x)
                    cholupdate(L.T, x, add=False)
                if CHOLDATE_AVAILABLE:
                    choldate.cholupdate(L.T, x)
                    cholupdate(L.T, x, add=True)

            # Set new value for S
            S[j, j] += delta

        # Check for convergence
        prev_loss = loss
        loss = mvr_loss(V, acc_rate * S, smoothing=smoothing)
        if i != 0:
            decayed_improvement = decayed_improvement / 10 + 9 * (prev_loss -
                                                                  loss) / 10
        if verbose:
                f"After iter {i} at time {np.around(time.time() - time0,3)}, loss={loss}, decayed_improvement={decayed_improvement}"
        if decayed_improvement < converge_tol:
            if verbose:
                print(f"Converged after iteration {i} with loss={loss}")

    return S
コード例 #14
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: xiaojunw/choldate
Created on Feb 15, 2013

@author: jasonrudy
from choldate import cholupdate, choldowndate
import numpy

#Create a random positive definite matrix, V
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(100, 10))
V = numpy.dot(X.transpose(), X)

#Calculate the upper Cholesky factor, R
R = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V).transpose()

#Create a random update vector, u
u = numpy.random.normal(size=R.shape[0])

#Calculate the updated positive definite matrix, V1, and its Cholesky factor, R1
V1 = V + numpy.outer(u, u)
R1 = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V1).transpose()

#The following is equivalent to the above
R1_ = R.copy()
cholupdate(R1_, u.copy())
assert (numpy.all((R1 - R1_)**2 < 1e-16))

#And downdating is the inverse of updating
R_ = R1.copy()
choldowndate(R_, u.copy())
assert (numpy.all((R - R_)**2 < 1e-16))
コード例 #15
ファイル: mrc.py プロジェクト: zhimeir/knockadapt
def solve_mvr(Sigma,
	Uses a coordinate-descent algorithm to find the solution to the smoothed
	MVR problem. 
	:param Sigma: p x p covariance matrix
	:param tol: Minimum eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S
	:param num_iter: Number of coordinate descent iterations
	:param rej_rate: Expected proportion of rejections for knockoffs under the
	metropolized knockoff sampling framework.
	:param verbose: if true, will give progress reports
	:param smoothing: computes smoothed mvr loss

    # Initial constants
    time0 = time.time()
    V = Sigma  # I'm too lazy to write Sigma out over and over
    p = V.shape[0]
    inds = np.arange(p)
    loss = np.inf
    acc_rate = 1 - rej_rate
    # Takes a bit longer for rej_rate adjusted to converge
    if acc_rate < 1:
        converge_tol = 1e-2

    # Initialize values
    decayed_improvement = 10
    min_eig = np.linalg.eigh(V)[0].min()
    S = min_eig * np.eye(p)
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(2 * V - S + smoothing * np.eye(p))

    for i in range(num_iter):
        for j in inds:
            # 1. Compute coefficients cn and cd
            ej = np.zeros(p)  # jth basis element
            ej[j] = 1
            # 1a. Compute cd
            vd = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(a=L, b=ej, lower=True)
            cd = np.power(vd, 2).sum()
            # 1b. Compute vn
            vn = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(a=L.T, b=vd, lower=False)
            cn = -1 * np.power(vn, 2).sum()

            # 2. Construct quadratic equation
            # We want to minimize 1/(sj + delta) - (delta * cn)/(1 - delta * cd)
            coef2 = -1 * cn - np.power(cd, 2)
            coef1 = 2 * (-1 * cn * (S[j, j] + smoothing) + cd)
            coef0 = -1 * cn * (S[j, j] + smoothing)**2 - 1
            orig_options = np.roots(np.array([coef2, coef1, coef0]))

            # 3. Eliminate complex solutions
            options = np.array(
                [delta for delta in orig_options if np.imag(delta) == 0])
            # Eliminate solutions which violate PSD-ness
            upper_bound = 1 / cd
            lower_bound = -1 * S[j, j]
            options = np.array([
                delta for delta in options
                if delta < upper_bound and delta > lower_bound
            if options.shape[0] == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"All quadratic solutions ({orig_options}) were infeasible or imaginary"

            # 4. If multiple solutions left (unlikely), pick the smaller one
            losses = 1 / (S[j, j] + options) - (options * cn) / (1 -
                                                                 options * cd)
            if losses[0] == losses.min():
                delta = options[0]
                delta = options[1]

            # 5. Account for rejections
            if acc_rate < 1:
                extra_space = min(min_eig, 0.02) / (
                    i + 2)  # Helps deal with coord desc
                opt_postrej_value = S[j, j] + delta
                opt_prerej_value = opt_postrej_value / (acc_rate)
                opt_prerej_value = min(S[j, j] + upper_bound - extra_space,
                                       max(opt_prerej_value, extra_space))
                delta = opt_prerej_value - S[j, j]

            # Update S and L
            x = np.zeros(p)
            x[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(delta))
            if delta > 0:
                choldate.choldowndate(L.T, x)
                choldate.cholupdate(L.T, x)

            # Set new value for S
            S[j, j] += delta

        # Check for convergence
        prev_loss = loss
        loss = mvr_loss(V, acc_rate * S, smoothing=smoothing)
        if i != 0:
            decayed_improvement = decayed_improvement / 10 + 9 * (prev_loss -
                                                                  loss) / 10
        if verbose:
                f"After iter {i} at time {np.around(time.time() - time0,3)}, loss={loss}, decayed_improvement={decayed_improvement}"
        if decayed_improvement < converge_tol:
            if verbose:
                print(f"Converged after iteration {i} with loss={loss}")
    # Ensure validity of solution
    S = utilities.shift_until_PSD(S, tol=tol)
    S, _ = utilities.scale_until_PSD(V, S, tol=tol, num_iter=10)
    return S
コード例 #16
ファイル: mrc.py プロジェクト: zhimeir/knockadapt
def solve_maxent(Sigma,
	Uses a coordinate-descent algorithm to find the solution to the smoothed
	maximum entropy problem. 
	:param Sigma: p x p covariance matrix
	:param tol: Minimum eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S
	:param num_iter: Number of coordinate descent iterations
	:param verbose: if true, will give progress reports
	:param smoothing: computes smoothed maxent loss

    if smoothing > 0:
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Smoothing is not implemented yet")

    # Initial constants
    time0 = time.time()
    V = Sigma  # I'm too lazy to write Sigma out over and over
    p = V.shape[0]
    inds = np.arange(p)
    loss = np.inf

    # Initialize values
    decayed_improvement = 1
    S = np.linalg.eigh(V)[0].min() * np.eye(p)
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(2 * V - S)

    for i in range(num_iter):
        for j in inds:
            diff = 2 * V - S

            # Solve cholesky equation
            tildey = 2 * V[j].copy()
            tildey[j] = 0
            x = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(a=L, b=tildey, lower=True)

            # Use cholesky eq to get new update
            zeta = diff[j, j]
            x22 = np.power(x, 2).sum()
            qinvterm = zeta * x22 / (zeta + x22)

            # Inverse of Qj using SWM formula
            sjstar = (2 * V[j, j] - qinvterm) / 2

            # Rank one update for cholesky
            delta = S[j, j] - sjstar
            x = np.zeros(p)
            x[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(delta))
            if delta > 0:
                choldate.cholupdate(L.T, x)
                choldate.choldowndate(L.T, x)

            # Set new value for S
            S[j, j] = sjstar

        # Check for convergence
        prev_loss = loss
        loss = maxent_loss(V, S, smoothing=smoothing)
        if i != 0:
            decayed_improvement = decayed_improvement / 10 + 9 * (prev_loss -
                                                                  loss) / 10
        if verbose:
                f"After iter {i} at time {np.around(time.time() - time0,3)}, loss={loss}, decayed_improvement={decayed_improvement}"
        if decayed_improvement < converge_tol:
            if verbose:
                print(f"Converged after iteration {i} with loss={loss}")

    # Ensure validity of solution
    S = utilities.shift_until_PSD(S, tol=tol)
    S, _ = utilities.scale_until_PSD(V, S, tol=tol, num_iter=10)
    return S