def __init__(self): super(ChopperDriver, self).__init__() self.choppers = [Chopper(1), Chopper(2), Chopper(3), Chopper(4)] self.monitor_lock = RLock() monitor_thread = Thread(target=self.update_monitors, args=()) monitor_thread.daemon = True # Daemonise thread monitor_thread.start()
def valid(self): chopper = Chopper() params = eval(chopper.params) params["upper"] = False = "sliding_full" params["step"] = 32 params["scale"] = 128 chopper.params = str(params) chop = chopper.get() x_valid, y_valid = self.prepare_data(chop, self.validation_tracks) x_valid = remove_track_boundaries(x_valid) y_valid = remove_track_boundaries(y_valid) return x_valid, y_valid
def prep_choppers(self): """Show how many choppers are left.""" self.choppers = Group() for chopper_number in range(self.stats.choppers_left): chopper = Chopper(self.hr_game) chopper.rect.x = 10 + chopper_number * (chopper.rect.width / 2) chopper.rect.y = 10 self.choppers.add(chopper)
def process_spectrogram(self, spectrogram, channels=1): chopper = Chopper() = "infer" chopper.params = "{'scale': %d}" % self.config.inference_slice chop = chopper.get(both=False) slices = chop(spectrogram) normalizer = Normalizer() normalize = normalizer.get(both=False) denormalize = normalizer.get_reverse() new_spectrogram = np.zeros((spectrogram.shape[0], 0, channels)) for slice in slices: # normalize slice, norm = normalize(slice) epanded_spectrogram = conversion.expand_to_grid( slice, self.peakDownscaleFactor, channels) epanded_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels = \ epanded_spectrogram[np.newaxis, :, :] predicted_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels = self.model.predict( epanded_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels) # o /// o predicted_spectrogram = \ predicted_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels[0, :, :, :] local_spectrogram = predicted_spectrogram[:slice.shape[0], :slice. shape[1], :] # de-normalize local_spectrogram = denormalize(local_spectrogram, norm) new_spectrogram = np.concatenate( (new_spectrogram, local_spectrogram), axis=1) console.log("Processed spectrogram") return spectrogram, new_spectrogram
def __init__(self): """Initialize the game and create game resources.""" pygame.mixer.pre_init(frequency=22050, size=8, channels=1, buffer=256) pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.settings = Settings() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height)) self.bg_surface = pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load(self.settings.bg_image), (self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height)).convert() pygame.display.set_caption("Heli Rescue") # Create game objects self.stats = GameStats(self) = Scoreboard(self) self.chopper = Chopper(self) self.cut_scene = CutScene('level clear', self) self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group() self.asteroids = pygame.sprite.Group() self.aliens = pygame.sprite.Group() self.clouds = pygame.sprite.Group() self.shockwaves = pygame.sprite.Group() self.particles = pygame.sprite.Group() self.sparks = pygame.sprite.Group() self.smoke_puffs = pygame.sprite.Group() self.scene_x = 0 # used for enemy map to determine when enemies appear self._generate_alien_lists() # Tutorial Prompts. self.press_spacebar = Prompt(self, "Hold spacebar to fire bullets") # Make the 'play' button. self.play_button = Button(self, "Play Heli Rescue")
def random(self): chopper = Chopper() # only one slices at a time is needed if chopper.params: chopparams = eval(chopper.params) else: chopparams = {} chopparams["slices"] = 1 chopper.params = str(chopparams) # get full or partial depending on chopper if "full" in = "random_full" else: = "random" chop = chopper.get() def generator(features, labels, batch_size): shape = self._calculate_shape(features[0].shape) # Create empty arrays to contain batch of features and labels batch_features = np.zeros((batch_size, *shape)) batch_labels = np.zeros((batch_size, *shape)) n_tracks = len(features) while True: for i in range(batch_size): # get random track t = random.randrange(n_tracks) x_track = features[t] y_track = labels[t] feature, label = chop(x_track, y_track) batch_features[i] = feature[0] batch_labels[i] = label[0] yield batch_features, batch_labels return generator
def train(self): if self.config.batch_generator.startswith("random"): return self.prepare_random_data(self.train_tracks) else: chop = Chopper().get() return self.prepare_data(chop, self.train_tracks)
class HeliRescue: """Overall class to run the Heli Rescue game.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the game and create game resources.""" pygame.mixer.pre_init(frequency=22050, size=8, channels=1, buffer=256) pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.settings = Settings() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height)) self.bg_surface = pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load(self.settings.bg_image), (self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height)).convert() pygame.display.set_caption("Heli Rescue") # Create game objects self.stats = GameStats(self) = Scoreboard(self) self.chopper = Chopper(self) self.cut_scene = CutScene('level clear', self) self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group() self.asteroids = pygame.sprite.Group() self.aliens = pygame.sprite.Group() self.clouds = pygame.sprite.Group() self.shockwaves = pygame.sprite.Group() self.particles = pygame.sprite.Group() self.sparks = pygame.sprite.Group() self.smoke_puffs = pygame.sprite.Group() self.scene_x = 0 # used for enemy map to determine when enemies appear self._generate_alien_lists() # Tutorial Prompts. self.press_spacebar = Prompt(self, "Hold spacebar to fire bullets") # Make the 'play' button. self.play_button = Button(self, "Play Heli Rescue") def run_game(self): """Start the main loop for the game.""" while True: self._check_events() if self.stats.game_active: self.chopper.update() self._fire_bullet() self._update_bullets() self._hurl_asteroids() self._update_asteroids() self._generate_aliens() #self._update_aliens() self._check_collisions() self._update_shockwaves() self._update_particles() self._update_sparks() self._generate_smoke(self.chopper) self._update_smoke() self._create_clouds() self._update_clouds() self._check_tutorial_prompts() self._check_cut_scene() self.scene_x += 1 self._update_screen() self.clock.tick(120) def intro_game(self): """A temporary loop to create an intro scene.""" while self.chopper.centery > self.settings.screen_height / 2: self._check_events() if self.stats.game_active: self.chopper.center_chopper() self._check_tutorial_prompts() self._update_screen() self.clock.tick(120) def pause_menu(self): """A loop to stop chopper, asteroids and bullets from updating.""" self.chopper.motor_sound.set_volume(0.2) def _generate_alien_lists(self): filename = 'enemy_map.csv' with open(filename, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) header_row = next(reader) # Get list of values from the file. self.aliens_to_render = [] for row in reader: alien = {} for i in range(len(header_row)): alien[header_row[i]] = row[i] self.aliens_to_render.append(alien) self.alien_start_values = [] for alien in self.aliens_to_render: self.alien_start_values.append(int(alien['Start'])) def _check_events(self): """Respond to keypresses and mouse events.""" for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: self._check_keydown_events(event) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: self._check_keyup_events(event) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self._check_play_button(mouse_pos) def _check_play_button(self, mouse_pos): """Start a new game when the player clicks Play.""" button_clicked = self.play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos) if button_clicked and not self.stats.game_active: self._start_game() def _check_cut_scene(self): """Check for conditions to trigger a cut scene.""" if == True: self.cut_scene.temp_loop() def _check_keydown_events(self, event): """Respond to keypresses.""" if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.chopper.moving_right = True elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.chopper.moving_left = True elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.chopper.moving_up = True elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: self.chopper.moving_down = True elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.chopper.firing_bullets = True self.stats.spacebar_pressed = True elif event.key == pygame.K_c: = True elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.stats.game_active = False self.chopper.motor_sound.fadeout(1000) pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: pygame.quit() sys.exit() def _check_keyup_events(self, event): """Respond to key releases.""" if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.chopper.moving_right = False elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.chopper.moving_left = False elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.chopper.moving_up = False elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: self.chopper.moving_down = False elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.chopper.firing_bullets = False def _check_tutorial_prompts(self): if self.stats.spacebar_pressed == False: self.press_spacebar.update() def _start_game(self): # Clear screen of asteroids and bullets. #self.asteroids.empty() #self.bullets.empty() # Create a chopper instance and make the mouse invisible. #self.chopper = Chopper(self) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # Set game to active to start main loop. self.stats.game_active = True # Play chopper sound def _fire_bullet(self): """Create a new bullet and add it to the bullets group.""" if (self.chopper.firing_bullets == True and self.chopper.bullet_firing_state > self.settings.bullet_firing_threshold): new_bullet = Bullet(self) self.bullets.add(new_bullet) self.chopper.bullet_firing_state = 0 # Play sound effect def _update_bullets(self): """Update position of bullets and get rid of old bullets.""" self.bullets.update() # Get rid of bullets that are off the edge of the screen. for bullet in self.bullets.copy(): if bullet.rect.left > self.settings.screen_width: self.bullets.remove(bullet) def _update_shockwaves(self): """Update size and border of shockwaves and get rid of old waves.""" self.shockwaves.update() # Get rid of waves that have a border approaching zero. for wave in self.shockwaves.copy(): if wave.border_width <= 1.5: self.shockwaves.remove(wave) def _update_particles(self): """Update size/position of particles and get rid of old particles.""" self.particles.update() # Get rid of particles that have a radius approaching zero. for particle in self.particles.copy(): if particle.radius <= 0: self.particles.remove(particle) def _update_sparks(self): """Update size/position of sparks and get rid of old sparks.""" self.sparks.update() # Get rid of particles that have a radius approaching zero. for spark in self.sparks.copy(): if spark.radius <= 0: self.sparks.remove(spark) def _update_smoke(self): """Update size/position of puffs and get rid of old puffs.""" self.smoke_puffs.update() # Get rid of particles that have moved offscreen.""" for puff in self.smoke_puffs.copy(): if puff.pos_x < -puff.radius: self.smoke_puffs.remove(puff) def _check_collisions(self): """Check for collisions between game objects.""" # Look for bullet & asteroid collisions. collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.asteroids, self.bullets, False, True) # Reduce asteroid health for each bullet hit for asteroid in collisions.keys(): -= 1 # Look for asteroid-chopper collisions. if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.chopper, self.asteroids, self._collide_hit_rect): self._chopper_hit() # Look for spark-generating collisions. if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.chopper, self.asteroids, self._collide_spark_rect): self._generate_sparks(self.chopper) def _collide_hit_rect(self, one, two): return one.hitbox.colliderect(two.hitbox) def _collide_spark_rect(self, one, two): return one.sparkbox.colliderect(two.rect) def _chopper_hit(self): """Respond to the chopper hitting an asteroid.""" # Play sound effect and change image to explosion self.chopper.emitting_smoke = True # Get rid of any remaining asteroids and bullets. self.asteroids.empty() self.bullets.empty() # Re-center the chopper. self.chopper.center_chopper() # Pause. sleep(1) # Remove 1 chopper from the reserve self.stats.choppers_left -= 1 def _create_asteroid(self): """Create an asteroid and add it to the list of asteroids.""" asteroid = Asteroid(self) self.asteroids.add(asteroid) def _hurl_asteroids(self): """Add an asteroid if there are fewer than 4 on screen.""" if len(self.asteroids) < self.settings.asteroid_max_count: self._create_asteroid() def _generate_aliens(self): """Add an alien if screen x value has been reached """ # First check if the initial value in the list is less than x, then if # it is, check all the other ones. Prevents looping through the entire # list on every loop. if self.alien_start_values and self.alien_start_values[ 0] <= self.scene_x: for start_value in self.alien_start_values.copy(): if start_value <= self.scene_x: alien = Alien( self.settings.screen_width, # Start at the far right int(self.aliens_to_render[0]['Y']), self.aliens_to_render[0]['Direction'], self) self.asteroids.add(alien) self.alien_start_values.remove(start_value) del self.aliens_to_render[0] else: break def _update_asteroids(self): """Move asteroids to the left""" self.asteroids.update() # Get rid of asteroids that have moved beyond the screen. for asteroid in self.asteroids.copy(): if asteroid.rect.right <= 0: self.asteroids.remove(asteroid) # Get rid of asteroids with 0 health: for asteroid in self.asteroids.copy(): if <= 0: #self._generate_shockwave(asteroid) self._generate_particle_break(asteroid) self.stats.score += self.settings.asteroid_points self.asteroids.remove(asteroid) # def _update_aliens(self): # """Move aliens in correct direction.""" # self.aliens.update() # # Get rid of aliens that have moved beyond the screen. # for aliens in self.aliens.copy(): # if alien.rect.right <= 0: # self.aliens.remove(alien) # # Get rid of aliens with 0 health: # for alien in self.aliens.copy(): # if <= 0: # # self.stats.score += self.settings.alien_points # # self.aliens.remove(alien) def _generate_shockwave(self, asteroid): """Create a shockwave on destruction of item.""" new_wave = Shockwave(self, asteroid.rect.centerx, asteroid.rect.centery, self.settings.shockwave_colour) self.shockwaves.add(new_wave) def _generate_particle_break(self, asteroid): """Create group of particles on destruction of item.""" for i in range(self.settings.particle_count): new_particle = ParticleBreak(self, asteroid.rect.centerx, asteroid.rect.centery, self.settings.particle_colour) self.particles.add(new_particle) def _generate_smoke(self, chopper): """Create smoke particles on hitting asteroid.""" if (self.chopper.emitting_smoke == True and self.chopper.smoke_emitting_state > self.settings.smoke_emitting_threshold): new_puff = Smoke(self, chopper.rect.centerx, chopper.rect.centery, colour='grey') self.smoke_puffs.add(new_puff) self.chopper.smoke_emitting_state = 0 def _generate_sparks(self, chopper): """Create group of sparks on contact.""" for i in range(self.settings.spark_count): new_spark = Sparks(self, self.chopper.sparkbox.centerx,, self.settings.spark_colour) self.sparks.add(new_spark) def _create_cloud(self): """Create a cloud and add it to the list of clouds.""" cloud = Cloud(self) self.clouds.add(cloud) def _create_clouds(self): """Add a cloud if there are fewer than 3 on screen""" if len(self.clouds) < self.settings.cloud_max_count: self._create_cloud() def _update_clouds(self): """Move clouds to the left""" self.clouds.update() # Get rid of clouds that have moved beyond the screen. for cloud in self.clouds.copy(): if cloud.rect.right <= 0: self.clouds.remove(cloud) def _update_screen(self): """Update images on the screen, and flip to the new screen.""" self.screen.blit(self.bg_surface, (0, 0)) self.clouds.draw(self.screen) self.chopper.blitme() for bullet in self.bullets.sprites(): bullet.draw_bullet() for wave in self.shockwaves.sprites(): wave.draw_wave() for particle in self.particles.sprites(): particle.draw_particle() for spark in self.sparks.sprites(): spark.draw_spark() for puff in self.smoke_puffs.sprites(): puff.draw_smoke() self.asteroids.draw(self.screen) # Show asteroid hitboxes for asteroid in self.asteroids: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, 'magenta', asteroid.hitbox, 2) # Draw prompt information. if self.stats.spacebar_pressed == False: self.press_spacebar.show_prompt() # Draw the score information. # Draw the play button if the game is inactive. if not self.stats.game_active: self.play_button.draw_button() # Make the most recently drawn screen visible. pygame.display.flip()
def update_monitors(self): while True: with self.monitor_lock: for ch in self.choppers: ch.update() self.setParam("{}:SPD".format(ch.chopper_num), ch.speed) self.setParam("{}:PHS".format(ch.chopper_num), ch.phase) self.setParam("{}:PHS:SP".format(ch.chopper_num), ch.req_phase) self.updatePVs() time.sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__": print("Airbus Choppers to EPICS") print("Checking connection to database...") ans = Chopper(1)._get_data() if ans is not None and len(ans) > 0: print("...connection established") else: raise Exception("Could not connect to database") server = SimpleServer() server.createPV(prefix, pvdb) driver = ChopperDriver() # process CA transactions while True: server.process(0.1)