def teardown(): """ Teardown for Arakoon package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run :return: None """ autotest_config = General.get_config() backend_name = autotest_config.get('backend', 'name') backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(backend_name) if backend is not None: GeneralAlba.remove_alba_backend(backend.alba_backend) for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_masters(): root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') if GeneralService.get_service_status(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) is False: GeneralService.start_service(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) for location in TEST_CLEANUP:'rm -rf {0}'.format(location)) for key in KEY_CLEANUP: if EtcdConfiguration.exists('{0}/{1}'.format(GeneralArakoon.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT, key), raw = True): EtcdConfiguration.delete('{0}/{1}'.format(GeneralArakoon.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT, key))
def setup(): """ Setup for Arakoon package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ autotest_config = General.get_config() backend_name = autotest_config.get('backend', 'name') assert backend_name, 'Please fill out a backend name in the autotest.cfg file' backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(backend_name) if backend is not None: GeneralAlba.remove_alba_backend(backend.alba_backend) for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_masters(): root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') if GeneralService.get_service_status(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) is True: GeneralService.stop_service(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) storagerouters = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers() for sr in storagerouters: root_client = SSHClient(sr, username='******') GeneralDisk.add_db_role(sr) for location in TEST_CLEANUP:'rm -rf {0}'.format(location)) GeneralAlba.add_alba_backend(backend_name) GeneralArakoon.voldrv_arakoon_checkup()
def ovs_2703_kill_various_services_test(): """ Kill various services and see if they recover """ # @TODO 1: This test does not belong in the vPool tests, its a service test which happens to create a vPool # @TODO 2: Make test smarter to test all required services on all node types vpool = GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(General.get_config().get('vpool', 'name')) if vpool is None: vpool, _ = GeneralVPool.add_vpool() errors = [] root_client = SSHClient(GeneralStorageRouter.get_local_storagerouter(), username='******') for service_name in GeneralService.get_all_service_templates(): if GeneralService.has_service(name=service_name, client=root_client) is False: continue if GeneralService.get_service_status(name=service_name, client=root_client) is False: errors.append('Service {0} not found in running state'.format(service_name)) continue pid_before = GeneralService.get_service_pid(name=service_name, client=root_client) if pid_before == -1: errors.append('Service {0} has unknown PID before being killed'.format(service_name)) continue GeneralService.kill_service(name=service_name, client=root_client) time.sleep(5) if GeneralService.get_service_status(name=service_name, client=root_client) is False: errors.append('Service {0} not found in running state after killing it'.format(service_name)) continue pid_after = GeneralService.get_service_pid(name=service_name, client=root_client) if pid_after == -1: errors.append('Service {0} has unknown PID after being killed'.format(service_name)) continue if pid_before == pid_after: errors.append('Kill command did not work on service {0}'.format(service_name)) GeneralVPool.remove_vpool(vpool) assert len(errors) == 0, "Following issues were found with the services:\n - {0}".format('\n - '.join(errors))
def setup(): """ Setup for Arakoon package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_masters(): root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') if GeneralService.get_service_status(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) is True: GeneralService.stop_service(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) for sr in GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers(): root_client = SSHClient(sr, username='******') for location in TEST_CLEANUP:['rm', '-rf', location])
def teardown(): """ Teardown for Arakoon package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run :return: None """ for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_masters(): root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') if GeneralService.get_service_status(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) is False: GeneralService.start_service(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) for location in TEST_CLEANUP:['rm', '-rf', location]) for key in KEY_CLEANUP: if Configuration.exists('{0}/{1}'.format(GeneralArakoon.CONFIG_ROOT, key), raw=True): Configuration.delete('{0}/{1}'.format(GeneralArakoon.CONFIG_ROOT, key))
def validate_alba_backend_sanity_without_claimed_disks(alba_backend): """ Validate whether the ALBA backend is configured correctly :param alba_backend: ALBA backend :return: None """ # Attribute validation assert alba_backend.available is True,\ 'ALBA backend {0} is not available'.format( assert len(alba_backend.presets) >= 1,\ 'No preset found for ALBA backend {0}'.format( assert len([default for default in alba_backend.presets if default['is_default'] is True]) == 1,\ 'Could not find default preset for backend {0}'.format( assert alba_backend.backend.backend_type.code == 'alba',\ 'Backend type for ALBA backend is {0}'.format(alba_backend.backend.backend_type.code) assert alba_backend.backend.status == 'RUNNING',\ 'Status for ALBA backend is {0}'.format(alba_backend.backend.status) # Validate ABM and NSM services storagerouters = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers() storagerouters_with_db_role = [sr for sr in storagerouters if GeneralStorageRouter.has_roles(storagerouter=sr, roles='DB') is True and sr.node_type == 'MASTER'] assert len(alba_backend.abm_services) == len(storagerouters_with_db_role),\ 'Not enough ABM services found' assert len(alba_backend.nsm_services) == len(storagerouters_with_db_role),\ 'Not enough NSM services found' # Validate ALBA backend configuration structure alba_backend_key = '/ovs/alba/backends' assert Configuration.dir_exists(key=alba_backend_key) is True,\ 'Configuration does not contain key {0}'.format(alba_backend_key) actual_config_keys = [key for key in Configuration.list(alba_backend_key)] expected_config_keys = ['global_gui_error_interval', alba_backend.guid, 'default_nsm_hosts'] optional_config_keys = ['verification_factor'] expected_keys_amount = 0 for optional_key in optional_config_keys: if optional_key in actual_config_keys: expected_keys_amount += 1 for expected_key in expected_config_keys: if not re.match(Toolbox.regex_guid, expected_key): expected_keys_amount += 1 assert expected_key in actual_config_keys,\ 'Key {0} was not found in tree {1}'.format(expected_key, alba_backend_key) for actual_key in list(actual_config_keys): if re.match(Toolbox.regex_guid, actual_key): actual_config_keys.remove(actual_key) # Remove all alba backend keys assert len(actual_config_keys) == expected_keys_amount,\ 'Another key was added to the {0} tree'.format(alba_backend_key) this_alba_backend_key = '{0}/{1}'.format(alba_backend_key, alba_backend.guid) actual_keys = [key for key in Configuration.list(this_alba_backend_key)] expected_keys = ['maintenance'] assert actual_keys == expected_keys,\ 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_keys, expected_keys) maintenance_key = '{0}/maintenance'.format(this_alba_backend_key) actual_keys = [key for key in Configuration.list(maintenance_key)] expected_keys = ['nr_of_agents', 'config'] assert set(actual_keys) == set(expected_keys),\ 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_keys, expected_keys) # @TODO: Add validation for config values # Validate ASD node configuration structure alba_nodes = GeneralAlba.get_alba_nodes() assert len(alba_nodes) > 0,\ 'Could not find any ALBA nodes in the model' alba_node_key = '/ovs/alba/asdnodes' actual_keys = [key for key in Configuration.list(alba_node_key)] assert len(alba_nodes) == len(actual_keys),\ 'Amount of ALBA nodes in model: {0} >< amount of ALBA nodes in configuration: {1}.'.format(len(alba_nodes), len(actual_keys)) for alba_node in alba_nodes: assert alba_node.node_id in actual_keys,\ 'ALBA node with ID {0} not present in configuration'.format(alba_node.node_id) actual_asdnode_keys = [key for key in Configuration.list('{0}/{1}'.format(alba_node_key, alba_node.node_id))] expected_asdnode_keys = ['config', 'services'] assert actual_asdnode_keys == expected_asdnode_keys,\ 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_asdnode_keys, expected_asdnode_keys) actual_config_keys = [key for key in Configuration.list('{0}/{1}/config'.format(alba_node_key, alba_node.node_id))] expected_config_keys = ['main', 'network'] assert set(actual_config_keys) == set(expected_config_keys),\ 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_config_keys, expected_config_keys) # @TODO: Add validation for main and network values # Validate Arakoon configuration structure arakoon_abm_key = '/ovs/arakoon/{0}/config'.format(alba_backend.abm_services[0]'arakoon-', '') arakoon_nsm_key = '/ovs/arakoon/{0}/config'.format(alba_backend.nsm_services[0]'arakoon-', '') assert Configuration.exists(key=arakoon_abm_key, raw=True) is True,\ 'Configuration key {0} does not exist'.format(arakoon_abm_key) assert Configuration.exists(key=arakoon_nsm_key, raw=True) is True,\ 'Configuration key {0} does not exist'.format(arakoon_nsm_key) # @TODO: Add validation for config values # Validate maintenance agents actual_amount_agents = len([service for node_services in [alba_node.client.list_maintenance_services() for alba_node in alba_nodes] for service in node_services]) expected_amount_agents = 1 assert actual_amount_agents == expected_amount_agents,\ 'Amount of maintenance agents is incorrect. Found {0} - Expected {1}'.format(actual_amount_agents, expected_amount_agents) # Validate arakoon services machine_ids = [sr.machine_id for sr in storagerouters_with_db_role] abm_service_name = alba_backend.abm_services[0] nsm_service_name = alba_backend.nsm_services[0] for storagerouter in storagerouters_with_db_role: root_client = SSHClient(endpoint=storagerouter, username='******') for service_name in [abm_service_name, nsm_service_name]: assert GeneralService.has_service(name=service_name, client=root_client) is True,\ 'Service {0} not deployed on Storage Router {1}'.format(service_name, exitcode, output = GeneralService.get_service_status(name=service_name, client=root_client) assert exitcode is True,\ 'Service {0} not running on Storage Router {1} - {2}'.format(service_name,, output) out, err, _ = General.execute_command('arakoon --who-master -config {0}'.format(Configuration.get_configuration_path('/ovs/arakoon/{0}/config'.format(abm_service_name.replace('arakoon-', ''))))) assert out.strip() in machine_ids,\ 'Arakoon master is {0}, but should be 1 of "{1}"'.format(out.strip(), ', '.join(machine_ids))