def insertMany(self, sql_string, values): try: with self._get_cursor() as cur: cur.executemany(sql_string, values) except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql_string) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def submit(self, sql): try: with self._get_cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql) except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def insertMany(self, sql_string, values): try: with PGDbAccess(self.conn_string, self.echo) as pga: pga.cur.executemany(sql_string, values) pga.conn.commit() except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql_string) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def query(self, sql, values=None): try: with self._get_cursor() as cur: if values is None: cur.execute(sql) else: cur.execute(sql, values) results = cur.fetchall() except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def submit(self, sql): # conn = connect(self.conn_string) # conn.autocommit = True # conn.set_isolation_level(0) # cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) try: with PGDbAccess(self.conn_string, self.echo) as pga: pga.cur.execute(sql) pga.conn.commit() except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def query(self, sql, values=None): try: with PGDbAccess(self.conn_string, self.echo) as pga: if values is None: pga.cur.execute(sql) else: pga.cur.execute(sql, values) #pga.conn.commit() results = pga.cur.fetchall() except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def insertAndGetId(self, sql_string, values): try: sql = sql_string + " RETURNING id" with self._get_cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql, values) inserted_rows = cur.fetchone() if inserted_rows: _id = inserted_rows[0] return _id else: return None except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql_string) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
def insertManyOpt(self, table_name, col_names, format_string, values): #see str_col_names = ",".join(c for c in col_names) try: with self._get_cursor() as cur: args = ",".join(cur.mogrify(format_string, val) for val in values) cur.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s" % (table_name, str_col_names, args)) except Exception, ex: with self._get_cursor() as cur: for val in values: try: str_val = cur.mogrify(format_string, val) sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s" % (table_name, str_col_names, str_val) cur.execute(sql) except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while inserting %s" % (",".join(str(v) for v in val))) raise ex
def insertAndGetId(self, sql_string, values): try: sql = sql_string + " RETURNING id" with PGDbAccess(self.conn_string, self.echo) as pga: pga.cur.execute(sql, values) pga.conn.commit() inserted_rows = pga.cur.fetchone() if inserted_rows: _id = inserted_rows[0] return _id else: return None except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while executing %s" % sql_string) logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex
try: with self._get_cursor() as cur: args = ",".join(cur.mogrify(format_string, val) for val in values) cur.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s" % (table_name, str_col_names, args)) except Exception, ex: with self._get_cursor() as cur: for val in values: try: str_val = cur.mogrify(format_string, val) sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s" % (table_name, str_col_names, str_val) cur.execute(sql) except Exception, ex: logger.debug("Error while inserting %s" % (",".join(str(v) for v in val))) raise ex logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) raise ex def insertAndGetId(self, sql_string, values): try: sql = sql_string + " RETURNING id" with self._get_cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql, values) inserted_rows = cur.fetchone() if inserted_rows: _id = inserted_rows[0] return _id else: return None except Exception, ex: