コード例 #1
ファイル: ci_eventsNew.py プロジェクト: poelzi/uberflip
def dayNightToggle(buttonRef):

    if ci.fcmode < ci.FCMODE_NIXIE:
        ci.fcmode = ci.fcmode + 1
        ci.fcmode = ci.FCMODE_CLOCK

    print 'Agggg'
    print ci.fcmode

    # if (ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_CLOCK):
    # ....ci.fcmode = ci.FCMODE_NIGHT
    # elif (ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_NIGHT):
    # ....ci.fcmode = ci.FCMODE_CLOCK

    # redraw the clock interface


    # Store this setting (our default clock mode) in the preferences

    ci_config.preferences['theme'] = ci.fcmode

    # Save the updated configuration

コード例 #2
ファイル: ci_eventsNew.py プロジェクト: poelzi/uberflip
def setMilitaryTime(buttonRef):

    # print "Set military time"
    # print buttonRef.currentValue

    ci_config.preferences['militaryTime'] = buttonRef.currentValue

    # Save the updated configuration


    # Re-draw the alarm mode

コード例 #3
ファイル: ci_eventsNew.py プロジェクト: poelzi/uberflip
def setMood(buttonRef):
    if ci_config.preferences['mood'] < 5:
        ci_config.preferences['mood'] = ci_config.preferences['mood'] \
            + 1
        ci_config.preferences['mood'] = 0

    # # Set N810 LED if present


    # Refresh to redraw the screen


    # # Save preferences

コード例 #4
ファイル: ci_alarmD.py プロジェクト: poelzi/uberflip
def disableAlarm(alarmIndex):

    # Try to grab the alarm in question

    success = 0

    if len(ci_config.alarms) >= alarmIndex:

        # error check

        thisAlarm = ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]

        if ci_config.preferences['useAlarmD'] == 1:

            # We want to use AlarmD to manage alarms

            if int(thisAlarm['alarm_cookie']) > 0:
                result = clearFlipAlarm(int(thisAlarm['alarm_cookie']))

                if result:
                    print 'cleared ok'
                    ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]['alarm_cookie'] = 0

        ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]['enabled'] = 0

        # save the config


        success = 1

        print 'No alarm for that index found!'

    # Update "next alarm" incase things have changed


    return success
コード例 #5
ファイル: ci_eventsNew.py プロジェクト: poelzi/uberflip
def updateCurrentAlarm(showBusy=1, forceUpdate=0):

    # Enable or disable the alarm

    # did we succeed?

    success = 0

    # Store the user's prefs in the global alarms array....
    # Get the current time for the alarm from the buttons

    hour1 = screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['hours'
    hour2 = screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['hours'

    min1 = screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['minute1'
    min2 = screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['minute2'

    # Here's the tricky bit... get the timestamp that represents the next time this day of the week will come up, and this time
    # on that day...

    # start by getting the current timestamp

    now = myTime.time()

    # $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("n", $today), date("j", $today), date("Y", $today));
    # dayOnly = myTime.mktime((time.strftime("%Y", now), time

    # or we could just not care, since we're repeating...
    # let's get the time, for say,
    # 1236488400 is Sunday, March 8, 2009 @00:00:00, so let's try that as a base
    # whoops, sorry should be 1236470400 (Sunday, March 8, 2009 @00:00:00 UTC) + time.timezone (timezone offset of UTC in seconds)

    # so first, which day of the week are we? Sunday, + current alarm (0-7) times seconds in a day (86400)

    targetTime = 1236470400 + myTime.timezone + ci.currentAlarmNum \
        * 86400

    # OKAY WRONG AGAIN! You have to calculate the actual time of the event (i.e. what day it's actually scheduled for) so that
    # the dst can be accurately determined!
    # so, try once more...

    todayTest = myTime.gmtime(myTime.time())

    # find out what day of the week it is (where 0 is Monday, Sunday is 6)

    todayDay = todayTest.tm_wday

    # modify the struct to point to 00:00:00 today

    todayTest = (

    # generate the time at the beginnig of today

    startToday = calendar.timegm(todayTest)
    if todayDay == 6:

        # If it's sunday, then our reference time is

        dayOffset = 0

        # otherwise, day offset is whatever day it is

        dayOffset = todayDay + 1

    targetDay = ci.currentAlarmNum - dayOffset
    if targetDay < 0:

        # target day is behind us in the week, so we need to jump to next week instead

        targetTime = startToday + (7 - dayOffset + ci.currentAlarmNum) \
            * 86400

        # target day is ahead of or current day, so we're good

        targetTime = startToday + targetDay * 86400

    targetTime = targetTime + myTime.timezone

    # now, we add the current time specified
    # Minutes are always the same, just multiply by 60 seconds

    extra = (min1 * 10 + min2) * 60

    # Get the hours as an int

    hoursTotal = hour1 * 10 + hour2

    # isAMPM.. AM == 1, PM == 0

    isAMPM = 1

    # now add the hours, which are either am/pm, or 24 hour... let's pretend for the moment there always 24
    # don't forget, 3600 seconds in an hour...

    if ci_config.preferences['militaryTime']:
        extra = extra + hoursTotal * 3600

        # Convert to 12 hour time to store in array

        if hoursTotal == 0:
            hoursStr = '12'
            isAMPM = 1
        elif 0 < hoursTotal < 10:
            hoursStr = '0' + str(hoursTotal)
            isAMPM = 1
        elif 9 < hoursTotal < 13:
            hoursStr = str(hoursTotal)
            isAMPM = 1
            hoursStr = str(hoursTotal)
            isAMPM = 0

        # Get the AM/PM setting... AM == 1, PM ==0

        ampm = screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['ampmSwitch'
        isAMPM = ampm
        if hoursTotal == 12 and ampm == 1:

            # 12 am = 00

            hoursTotal = 0
        elif hoursTotal == 12 and ampm == 0:

            # 12pm = 12.. gotta do something, so...

            hoursTotal = hoursTotal
        elif ampm == 0:

            # pm value

            hoursTotal = 12 + hoursTotal
        extra = extra + hoursTotal * 3600

        # string to store the hours (Always stored in 12 hour format)

        hoursStr = str(hour1) + str(hour2)

    # so finally, our target time is

    targetTime = targetTime + extra

    # check for DST

    if myTime.localtime(targetTime).tm_isdst == 1:

        # DST is active, so adjust time accordingly

        adjustment = myTime.timezone - myTime.altzone

        # If DST, subtract the difference of the zones..

        targetTime = targetTime - adjustment

    # original alarm time

    originalAlarmTime = \

    # set the alarm propeties

    ci_config.alarms[ci.currentAlarmNum]['alarm_time'] = targetTime
    ci_config.alarms[ci.currentAlarmNum]['alarm_hhmm'] = hoursStr \
        + str(min1) + str(min2)
    ci_config.alarms[ci.currentAlarmNum]['ampm'] = isAMPM

    # what action needs to be taken?

    action = ''

    # #Check if update was forced

    if forceUpdate:
        if screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['alarmSwitch'
                ].currentValue == 1:
            action = 'enable'
        elif screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['alarmSwitch'
                ].currentValue == 0:
            action = 'disable'

    if originalAlarmTime != targetTime \
        and screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['alarmSwitch'
            ].currentValue == 1:

        # Alarm should be on, but time has changed so update it!
        # print "updating alarm"

        action = 'enable'
    elif screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['alarmSwitch'
            ].currentValue == 1 \
        and ci_config.alarms[ci.currentAlarmNum]['enabled'] != 1:

        # success = ci_alarmD.enableAlarm(ci.currentAlarmNum)

        # Alarm has been set to enabled, so apply the current settings


        # print "setting alarm req"
        # enable alarm
        # success = ci_alarmD.enableAlarm(ci.currentAlarmNum)

        action = 'enable'
    elif screens[ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL]['buttons']['alarmSwitch'
            ].currentValue == 0 \
        and ci_config.alarms[ci.currentAlarmNum]['enabled'] != 0:

        # disable alarm
        # print "unsetting alarm req"
        # runScreenState("setBusy")
        # success = ci_alarmD.disableAlarm(ci.currentAlarmNum)

        action = 'disable'

    if action == 'enable':
        if showBusy:

            # show the busy screen


        # Now do the update

        success = ci_alarmD.enableAlarm(ci.currentAlarmNum)
    elif action == 'disable':

        if showBusy:

            # show the busy screen


        # Now do the update

        success = ci_alarmD.disableAlarm(ci.currentAlarmNum)

        # No action is required, so assume we succeeded

        success = 1

    if success != 1:

        # Failed for some reason

        osso_c = osso.Context('osso_test_note', '0.0.1', False)
        note = osso.SystemNote(osso_c)
        result = \
            note.system_note_dialog('Failed while attempting to set alarm'
                                    , type='notice')

                ].currentValue = success

    # handled by enable/disable alarm calls
    # update the config file since alarm state has changed

    print 'Done alarm update'
    if showBusy:

    return success
コード例 #6
ファイル: ci_alarmD.py プロジェクト: poelzi/uberflip
def enableAlarm(alarmIndex):

    # Try to grab the alarm in question

    success = 0

    if len(ci_config.alarms) >= alarmIndex:

        # error check

        thisAlarm = ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]

        if int(thisAlarm['alarm_time']) > 0:
            if ci_config.preferences['useAlarmD'] == 1:

                # We want to use alarmD to manage alarms
                # dispatch alarm to alarmD
                # first, check to see if this alarm has been set in the past

                if int(thisAlarm['alarm_cookie']) > 0:

                # Now we set the new alarm

                returnedCookie = setFlipAlarm(thisAlarm)

                if returnedCookie < 1:

                    # Failed!

                    print 'Failed to set alarm with alarmD!'
                    ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]['alarm_cookie'] = \

                    # and now update the prefs array of alarms
                    # ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]["alarm_cookie"] = returnedCookie

                    ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]['enabled'] = 1

                    # save the config


                    success = 1

                # We want to manage alarms internally only (Ciro...this is you buddy)

                ci_config.alarms[alarmIndex]['enabled'] = 1

                # save the config


                success = 1

            print 'Invalid alarm time, unable to set'

        print 'No alarm for that index found!'

    # Update "next alarm" incase things have changed


    return success