コード例 #1
def parse_accounts_list_make_account_info(username, password, accounts_list):
	This function should accept a list of accounts as input and
	should return a list of 
	debug.p('FUNC:::: parse_accounts_list_make_account_info  ::::::::::::')
	ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
	newlist = []
	for row in accounts_list['results']:
		if row['id']:
			totalSize, sub_info , next_href = number_of_subs_10(ngin, row['href']) 
			if totalSize:
				for line in sub_info:
					newdict = defaultdict(dict)
					newdict['id'] = row['id']
					newdict['href'] = row['href']
					newdict['parent'] = row['parent']
					newdict['totalSize'] = totalSize
					newdict['Subscription'] = line['id']
					newdict['subHref'] = line['href']
					newdict['subType'] = subscription_get_subType(ngin, line['href'])
					#debug.p('NEWLIST IN LOOP::::::')
				#debug.p('NEWLIST ::::::::::')
	return newlist, next_href
コード例 #2
def modify_list_endpoints_all(username, password, accountRef):
    #json_data = open ('./templates/subs.json')
    #data = json.load (json_data)
    """ FUNC: list_subs: 
	This functon should accept an account name and return a list of endpoints
	from the account. Example of data returned.

	parent" : "/accounts/AGerry",
    "id" : "0019724025059",
    "uid" : null,
    "href" : "/accounts/AGerry/endpoints/0019724025059",
    "additionalInfo" : {

    debug.p('FUNC:::: list_endpoints  ::::::::::::' + 'Input Parameter is : ' +
    if accountRef[0] != '/':
        accountRef = '/' + accountRef
    if accountRef[:9] != '/accounts':
        accountRef = '/accounts' + accountRef

    ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
    json_obj = accountRef + '/endpoints'
    data = ngin.get_cie_object_all(json_obj)

    if data == 100:
        return None
    elif data['results']:
        resultsOnly = data['results']
        return resultsOnly
        return None
コード例 #3
def modify_list_endpoints_all(username, password, accountRef):
	#json_data = open ('./templates/subs.json') 
	#data = json.load (json_data)
	""" FUNC: list_subs: 
	This functon should accept an account name and return a list of endpoints
	from the account. Example of data returned.

	parent" : "/accounts/AGerry",
    "id" : "0019724025059",
    "uid" : null,
    "href" : "/accounts/AGerry/endpoints/0019724025059",
    "additionalInfo" : {

	debug.p('FUNC:::: list_endpoints  ::::::::::::' + 'Input Parameter is : ' + str(accountRef))
	if accountRef[0] != '/':
		accountRef = '/'+ accountRef
	if accountRef[:9] != '/accounts':
		accountRef = '/accounts'+ accountRef
	ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
	json_obj = accountRef + '/endpoints'
	data = ngin.get_cie_object_all(json_obj)

	if data == 100:
		return None
	elif data['results']:
		resultsOnly = data['results']
		return resultsOnly
		return None
コード例 #4
def get_endpoint_info(username, password, endpoint):
	This function should accept an endpoint and return the json.
	debug.p('FUNC:::: get_endpoint_info  ::::::::::::')
	ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
	data = ngin.get_cie_object(endpoint)
	return data
コード例 #5
def get_endpoint_info(username, password, endpoint):
	This function should accept an endpoint and return the json.
    debug.p('FUNC:::: get_endpoint_info  ::::::::::::')
    ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
    data = ngin.get_cie_object(endpoint)
    return data
コード例 #6
def accounts_list_make_account_info(username, password, accounts_list):
	This function should accept a list of accounts as input and
	should return a list of parent account, account and link to subs for account
	debug.p('FUNC:::: accounts_list_make_account_info  ::::::::::::')
	ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
	newlist = []
	for row in accounts_list['results']:
		totalSize, sub_info , next_href = number_of_subs_10(ngin, row['href']) 
		newdict = defaultdict(dict)
		newdict['id'] = row['id']
		newdict['href'] = row['href']
		newdict['parent'] = row['parent']
		newdict['totalSize'] = totalSize
	return newlist
コード例 #7
def list_subs(username, password, accountRef):
	""" FUNC: list_subs: 
	This functon should accept an account name and return a list of subscriptions
	from the account.
	debug.p('FUNC:::: list_subs  ::::::::::::')
	if accountRef[1] != '/':
		accountRef = '/'+ accountRef
	if accountRef[:9] != '/accounts':
		accountRef = '/accounts'+ accountRef
	ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
	json_obj = accountRef + '/subscriptions'
	data = ngin.get_cie_object(json_obj)
	if data == 100:
		return None
	elif data['results']:
		resultsOnly = data['results']
		return resultsOnly
		return None
コード例 #8
def changeBasicEndpoint(username, password, account_name, subNo, endpoint):
	ngin = cie_connect(username,password)

	debug.p('FUNC:::: get_changeNasicEndpoint  ::::::::::::')

	attrib = Attributes()
	attrib.id = "basTransEpRef"
	attrib.value = endpoint

	subData, href = get_sub_details(username, password, account_name, subNo)
	lastModified = subData['lastModified']
	attributes = attrib
	created = subData['created']
	allowTags = subData['allowTags']
	id_property = subData['id']

	json_string = setSub(id_property, lastModified, created, allowTags, attributes)

	exitCode = ngin.put_cie_json_object(href, json_string)
	if exitCode == 0:
		return True
		return None
コード例 #9
def list_accounts (username, password, home_account):
	debug.p('FUNC:::: list_accounts  ::::::::::::')
	ngin = cie_connect(username, password)
	json_obj = (home_account + '/accounts')
	accounts_list = ngin.get_cie_object(json_obj)
	return	accounts_list