コード例 #1
    def test_ConstantFunction(self):

        k = ConstantFunction(constant=1)
        ig = ImageGeometry(1,2,3)
        x = ig.allocate(2)

        grad = k.gradient(x)
        out = ig.allocate(-1)

        k.gradient(x, out=out)
        self.assertNumpyArrayEqual(numpy.zeros(x.shape), grad.as_array())
        self.assertNumpyArrayEqual(out.as_array(), grad.as_array())
コード例 #2
    def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs):

        M, N, K = 3, 4, 5
        self.ig = ImageGeometry(M, N, K)

        self.x = self.ig.allocate('random', seed=1)
        self.b = self.ig.allocate('random', seed=2)
        self.eta = self.ig.allocate(0.1)

        self.operator = IdentityOperator(self.ig)

        scalar = 0.25
        self.f1 = L2NormSquared()
        self.f2 = L1Norm()
        self.f3 = scalar * L2NormSquared()
        self.f4 = scalar * L1Norm()
        self.f5 = scalar * L2NormSquared(b=self.b)
        self.f6 = scalar * L1Norm(b=self.b)
        self.f7 = ZeroFunction()
        self.f8 = 5 * ConstantFunction(10)
        self.f9 = LeastSquares(self.operator, self.b, c=scalar)
        self.f10 = 0.5 * KullbackLeibler(b=self.b, eta=self.eta)
        self.f11 = KullbackLeibler(b=self.b, eta=self.eta)
        self.f12 = 10

        self.list1 = [self.f1, self.f2, self.f3, self.f4, self.f5, \
                    self.f6, self.f7, self.f8, self.f9, self.f10, self.f11, self.f12]
コード例 #3
def test_ConstantFunction(self):      
        M, N, K = 3,4,5
        ig = ImageGeometry(M, N, K)
        tmp = ig.allocate('random_int')
        constant = 10
        f = ConstantFunction(constant)
        # check call
        res1 = f(tmp)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(res1, constant)
        # check gradient with and without out
        res1 = f.gradient(tmp)
        out = ig.allocate()
        self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(res1.as_array(), out)
        out1 = ig.allocate()
        f.gradient(tmp, out=out1)
        self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(res1.as_array(), out1)
        # check convex conjugate        
        res1 = f.convex_conjugate(tmp)
        res2 = tmp.maximum(0).sum()
        self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(res1.as_array(), res2.as_array())
        # check proximal 
        tau = 0.4
        res1 = f.proximal(tmp, tau)
        self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(res1.as_array(), tmp.as_array()) 
コード例 #4
    def test_Lipschitz4(self):
        print('Test for test_Lipschitz4')

        M, N = 50, 50
        ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=M, voxel_num_y=N)
        b = ig.allocate('random', seed=1)

        print('Check call with IdentityOperator operator... OK\n')
        operator = 3 * IdentityOperator(ig)

        u = ig.allocate('random_int', seed=50)
        # func2 = LeastSquares(operator, b, 0.5)
        func1 = ConstantFunction(0.3)
        f3 = func1 + 3
        assert f3.L == 0
        f3.L = 2
        assert f3.L == 2
        assert func1.L == 0
            func1.L = 2
            assert False
        except AttributeError as ve:
            assert True
        f2 = LeastSquares(operator, b, 0.5)
        f4 = 2 * f2
        assert f4.L == 2 * f2.L

        f4.L = 10
        assert f4.L != 2 * f2.L

        f4 = -2 * f2
        assert f4.L == 2 * f2.L
コード例 #5
    def test_Lipschitz3(self):
        print('Test for test_Lipschitz3')

        M, N = 50, 50
        ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=M, voxel_num_y=N)
        b = ig.allocate('random', seed=1)

        print('Check call with IdentityOperator operator... OK\n')
        operator = 3 * IdentityOperator(ig)

        u = ig.allocate('random_int', seed=50)
        # func2 = LeastSquares(operator, b, 0.5)
        func1 = ConstantFunction(0.3)
        f3 = TranslateFunction(func1, 3)
        assert f3.L != 2
        f3.L = 2
        assert f3.L == 2
コード例 #6
    def test_SumFunction(self):
        M, N, K = 3,4,5
        ig = ImageGeometry(M, N, K)
        tmp = ig.allocate('random', seed=1)
        b   = ig.allocate('random', seed=2)
        eta = ig.allocate(0.1)
        operator = IdentityOperator(ig)

        scalar = 0.25
        f1 = L2NormSquared()
        f2 = L1Norm()
        f3 = scalar * L2NormSquared()
        f4 = scalar * L1Norm()
        f5 = scalar * L2NormSquared(b=b)
        f6 = scalar * L1Norm(b=b)  
        f7 = ZeroFunction()
        f8 = 5 *  ConstantFunction(10)             
        f9 = LeastSquares(operator, b, c=scalar)
        f10 = 0.5*KullbackLeibler(b=b,eta = eta)
        f11 = KullbackLeibler(b=b, eta =eta)
        f12 = 10
#        f10 = 0.5 * MixedL21Norm()
#        f11 = IndicatorBox(lower=0)
        list1 = [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12]
        print('###################  Check sum of two functions ################## \n')
        for func in list1:
            # check sum of two functions   
            if isinstance(func, ScaledFunction):
                type_fun = ' scalar * ' + type(func.function).__name__
                type_fun = type(func).__name__
            if isinstance(func, Number):
                tmp_fun_eval = func
                tmp_fun_eval = func(tmp)                
            sumf = f1 + func           
            self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(sumf(tmp), f1(tmp) + tmp_fun_eval )
            print('{} = ( {} + {} ) is OK'.format(type(sumf).__name__, type(f1).__name__, type_fun))
            sumf1 = func + f1 
            self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(sumf1(tmp), tmp_fun_eval + f1(tmp))
            print('Checking commutative')
            print('{} + ( {} + {} ) is OK\n'.format(type(sumf1).__name__, type_fun, type(f1).__name__))
        print('###################  Check Lispchitz constant ################## \n')
        for i,func in enumerate(list1):
            if isinstance(func, ScaledFunction):
                type_fun = ' scalar * ' + type(func.function).__name__
                type_fun = type(func).__name__            
                # check Lispchitz sum of two functions  
                print ("i", i,func.__class__.__name__)
                if isinstance(func, Number):
                    tmp_fun_L = 0
                    tmp_fun_L = func.L           
                sumf = f1 + func   
                    sumf.L==f1.L + tmp_fun_L
                except TypeError:
                    print('Function {} has L = None'.format(type_fun))
            except ValueError as nie:
                print (func.__class__.__name__, nie)
        print('\n###################  Check Gradient ################## \n')   
        for func in list1:
            if isinstance(func, ScaledFunction):
                type_fun = ' scalar * ' + type(func.function).__name__
                type_fun = type(func).__name__
            sumf = f1 + func
            # check gradient          
                if isinstance(func, Number):
                    tmp_fun_gradient = 0
                    tmp_fun_gradient = func.gradient(tmp)   
                self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(sumf.gradient(tmp).as_array(), (f1.gradient(tmp) + tmp_fun_gradient).as_array())
            except NotImplementedError:
                print("{} is not differentiable".format(type_fun))
        print('\n###################  Check Gradient Out ################## \n')  
        out_left = ig.allocate()
        out_right1 = ig.allocate()
        out_right2 = ig.allocate()  
        for i, func in enumerate(list1):               
            if isinstance(func, ScaledFunction):
                type_fun = ' scalar * ' + type(func.function).__name__
                type_fun = type(func).__name__
            sumf = f1 + func
            # check gradient out    
                if isinstance(func, Number):
                    tmp_fun_gradient_out = 0
                    func.gradient(tmp, out = out_right2) 
                    tmp_fun_gradient_out = out_right2.as_array()
                #print('Check {} + {}\n'.format(type(f1).__name__, type_fun))
                sumf.gradient(tmp, out = out_left)
                f1.gradient(tmp, out = out_right1)   
                self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(out_left.as_array(), out_right1.as_array() + tmp_fun_gradient_out)
            except NotImplementedError:
                print("{} is not differentiable".format(type_fun))  
コード例 #7
    def test_SumFunction_more_inputs(self):

        # Test Lipshchitz value with more than 2 functions
        list2 = [
            LeastSquares(self.operator, self.b, c=0.25),
            LeastSquares(self.operator, self.b, c=4),
            LeastSquares(self.operator, self.b, c=5)

        F = SumFunction(*list2)
        L = 0.
        for f in list2:
            L += f.L

        self.assertAlmostEqual(L, F.L)

        # assert Lmax property
        self.assertAlmostEqual(max(f.L for f in list2), F.Lmax)

        ## test value of the gradient
        out = list2[0].gradient(self.x)
        out += list2[1].gradient(self.x)
        out += list2[2].gradient(self.x)

        # gradient without out
        out2 = F.gradient(self.x)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out.as_array(), out2.as_array())

        # gradient with out
        out3 = self.x * 0.
        F.gradient(self.x, out=out3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out.as_array(), out3.as_array())

        # check call method
        val = F(self.x)
        val2 = 0.
        for f in F.functions:
            val2 += f(self.x)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(val, val2)

        # adding one more function (3 in total)
        scalar = 2.5
        F2 = F + ConstantFunction(scalar)

        # test __add__ method
        assert len(F2.functions) == len(F.functions) + 1

        # test if the sum remains a SumFunction
        self.assertIsInstance(F2, SumFunction)

        # check call
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(F2(self.x), F(self.x) + scalar)

        # adding one more function (4 in total)
        F3 = F + F2

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(F2(self.x) + F(self.x), F3(self.x))
                         len(F2.functions) + len(F.functions))

        # test if the sum remains a SumFunction
        self.assertIsInstance(F3, SumFunction)