コード例 #1
def set_sc_not_free(sc_sn):
    #  updates is_free attr of a SC once it's assigned to a product

    query = """UPDATE SpecialComponents SET sc_is_free=0 WHERE sc_sn =""" + str(
        sc_sn) + """ ;"""
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #2
def get_db_work_orders():
    # Load SQL query for work order data

    # select all columns except employee password from employee table, and site city name from site table
    query = """SELECT 
	CONCAT(Employees.employee_first_name, ' ', Employees.employee_last_name) as wo_employee_full_name 
	FROM WorkOrders 
	INNER JOIN Employees 
	ON Employees.employee_id=WorkOrders.wo_employee_id;"""

    #TODO: also get the work order details (products involved)

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    work_order_results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check if the query was successful: if it returned content we are good. If not, use the dummy dataset instead.
    if len(work_order_results) == 0:
        return {}

    return work_order_results
コード例 #3
def get_a_work_order(workorder_id):
    # returns a sinlge worker information

    query = """SELECT 
	CONCAT(Employees.employee_first_name, ' ', Employees.employee_last_name) as wo_employee_full_name 
	FROM WorkOrders 
	INNER JOIN Employees 
	ON Employees.employee_id=WorkOrders.wo_employee_id
	where WorkOrders.wo_id=""" + workorder_id + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    work_order_result = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check if the query was successful: if it returned content we are good. If not, use the dummy dataset instead.
    if len(work_order_result) == 0:
        return {}

    return work_order_result[0]
コード例 #4
def get_db_locations():
    # Load SQL query for location data

    # select all columns from location table and site city name from site table
    # do not select sites or locations where
    query = """SELECT 
	Sites.site_address_city as location_site_name 
	FROM Locations 
	ON Locations.location_site_id=Sites.site_id
	WHERE Locations.location_id <> 1 
	OR Sites.site_id <> 1 
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    location_results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check if the query was successful: if it returned content we are good. If not, use the dummy dataset instead.
    if len(location_results) == 0:
        location_results = data.get_loc()

    return location_results
コード例 #5
def filter(filter_query_to_run, data_to_filter):
	Since all filter queries will share the same steps, 
	this is just a validation wrapper that handles whether an filterion was successful or not.

    # Attempt to filter. If successful, return True

        # Connect to the database. If we don't do this each time, MySQL Will Go Away
        db_connection = db.connect_to_database()

        # Execute the provided query using the provided data
        cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection,

        result = cursor.fetchall()
        return result

    # If unsuccessful, print the error to the server log and return False
    except Exception as e:
            f'An error occurred when attempting to filter into CIMDB: {str(e)}'
        return None
コード例 #6
def get_newest_regular_component_part_number():
    # returns the most recently added regular component part number from the regular components entity

    query = """SELECT rc_pn FROM RegularComponents WHERE rc_pn=(SELECT max(rc_pn) FROM RegularComponents);"""
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    regular_component_pn_result = cursor.fetchall()
    return regular_component_pn_result[0]['rc_pn']
コード例 #7
 def query_for_location(provided_site_id):
     query = "SELECT location_id FROM Locations WHERE Locations.location_site_id = '%s' AND Locations.location_room_number = 1 LIMIT 1"
     db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
     params = (provided_site_id, )
     cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection,
     return cursor.fetchall()
コード例 #8
def set_workorder_status(wo_id, wo_status):
    # updates status of a workorder. used for assembly and QC and shipping approval

    query = """UPDATE WorkOrders SET
	wo_status= """ + wo_status + """ WHERE wo_id =""" + wo_id + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #9
def set_product_location(product_sn, product_location_id):
    # updates product_location_id of a product. used for assembly and QC approval

    query = """UPDATE Products SET
	product_location_id= """ + product_location_id + """ WHERE product_sn =""" + product_sn + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #10
def set_product_qc_date(product_sn, product_qc_date):
    # updates product_qc_date of a product. used for QC approval

    query = """UPDATE Products SET
	product_qc_date= """ + product_qc_date + """ WHERE product_sn =""" + product_sn + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #11
def set_sc_sn_of_a_product(sc_sn, product_sn):
    # updates sc_sn of a product

    query = """UPDATE Products SET
	product_sc_sn= """ + sc_sn + """ WHERE product_sn =""" + product_sn + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #12
def set_rc_quantity_in_a_location(rc_pn, sc_location_id, quantity):
    # updates quantity of a location

    query = """UPDATE LocationsRegularComps SET
	lrc_quantity= """ + quantity + """ WHERE lrc_location_id =""" + sc_location_id + """
	AND lrc_rc_pn= """ + rc_pn + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #13
def set_sc_location(sc_sn, sc_location_id):
    # updates location of a SC

    query = """UPDATE SpecialComponents SET
	sc_location_id= """ + sc_location_id + """ WHERE sc_sn =""" + str(
        sc_sn) + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
コード例 #14
def get_site_id(city_name):

    # provided a site city name, return the site ID instead
    query = """SELECT site_id from Sites WHERE site_city_name == %s"""
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection,
    site_id = cursor.fetchall()
    return site_id
コード例 #15
def get_db_products_in_a_workorder(wo_id):

    # returns the product_sn of all products in a work_order

    query = """select wop_product_sn from WorkOrderProducts where wop_wo_id = """ + wo_id + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    products_in_a_workorder_results = cursor.fetchall()

    return products_in_a_workorder_results
コード例 #16
def get_wo_of_a_product(product_sn):

    # returns the product_sn of all products in a work_order

    query = """select wop_wo_id from WorkOrderProducts where wop_product_sn = """ + product_sn + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    wo_of_a_product_results = cursor.fetchall()

    return wo_of_a_product_results[0]
コード例 #17
def get_db_regular_component_desc(rc_pn):
    # returns a regular compoenent desc of a given rc_pn

    query = """select RegularComponents.rc_pn_desc from RegularComponents where
	RegularComponents.rc_pn=""" + str(rc_pn) + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    regular_component_desc_result = cursor.fetchall()

    return regular_component_desc_result
コード例 #18
def get_db_regular_component_pn(rc_pn_desc):

    # returns a regular compoenent part number of a given rc_pn_desc

    query = """select RegularComponents.rc_pn from RegularComponents where
	RegularComponents.rc_pn_desc='""" + rc_pn_desc + """';"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    regular_component_pn_result = cursor.fetchall()

    return regular_component_pn_result
コード例 #19
def get_db_get_employee_id(employee_first_name, employee_last_name):

    # returns employee_id of the given first and last name
    # TODO: add another argument in the case there were employees with simialr names

    query = """select Employees.employee_id from Employees where
	Employees.employee_first_name='""" + employee_first_name + """' and Employees.employee_last_name='""" + employee_last_name + """' ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    employee_id_result = cursor.fetchall()

    return employee_id_result[0]
コード例 #20
def get_db_sites():

    # Load SQL query for site data (except for 'customer' site ie shipped products/work orders)
    query = """SELECT * FROM Sites
	WHERE site_id <> 1;"""
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    site_results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check if the query was successful: if it returned content we are good. If not, use the dummy dataset instead.
    if len(site_results) == 0:
        site_results = data.get_sites()

    return site_results
コード例 #21
def get_rc_quantity_in_a_location(rc_pn, location_id):

    # returns quantity of a rc in a location

    query = """select lrc_quantity from LocationsRegularComps where lrc_rc_pn = """ + rc_pn + """
	and lrc_location_id= """ + location_id + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    rc_qunatity_in_a_location_results = cursor.fetchall()

    if len(rc_qunatity_in_a_location_results) == 0:
        return -1

    return rc_qunatity_in_a_location_results[0]['lrc_quantity']
コード例 #22
def get_is_free(sc_sn):
    # returns True if a SC is free otherwise flase
    query = """select sc_is_free from SpecialComponents 
	where sc_sn=""" + str(sc_sn) + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    is_free_result = cursor.fetchall()
    # print(f'is_free_result is: {is_free_result[0]["sc_is_free"]}')

    if is_free_result[0]["sc_is_free"] == 1:
        return True

        return False
コード例 #23
def get_db_workorder_details(workorder_id):
    # Load SQL query for work order details

    query = """select * from Products inner join
	WorkOrderProducts on WorkOrderProducts.wop_product_sn=Products.product_sn
	where WorkOrderProducts.wop_wo_id=""" + workorder_id + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    workorder_details_result = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check if the query was successful: if it returned content we are good. If not, use the dummy dataset instead.
    if len(workorder_details_result) == 0:
        return {}

    return workorder_details_result
コード例 #24
def get_free_sc_sn(sc_pn, sc_location_id):
    # returns SN of the free special compoenents of a family
    query = """select sc_sn from SpecialComponents 
	where sc_is_free=1 AND sc_pn='""" + sc_pn + """' AND sc_location_id='""" + sc_location_id + """' ORDER BY sc_sn DESC;"""

    print(f'querry is {query}')

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    free_sc_sn_results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check if the query was successful: if it returned content we are good. If not, use the dummy dataset instead.
    if len(free_sc_sn_results) == 0:
        return -1

    return free_sc_sn_results
コード例 #25
def delete(delete_query_to_run):
	Since all deletion queries will share the same steps, 
	this is just a validation wrapper that handles whether a delete was successful or not.
	# Attempt to delete. If successful, return True
		db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
		cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=delete_query_to_run)
		return True
	# If unsuccessful, print the error to the server log and return False
	except Exception as e:
		print(f'An error occurred when attempting to delete from CIMDB: {str(e)}')
		return False
コード例 #26
def get_location_id(location_site_id, location_room_number,

    # returns locations ID of a given site, room and shelf number

    query = """select location_id from Locations where
	 location_room_number= """ + location_room_number + """ and
	 location_shelf_number= """ + location_shelf_number + """ and
	 location_site_id=""" + location_site_id + """ ;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    location_id_results = cursor.fetchall()

    if len(location_id_results) == 0:
        return -1

    return location_id_results[0]['location_id']
コード例 #27
def get_db_special_components():

    # Load SQL query for regular component data
    query = """SELECT
	SpecialComponents.sc_sn AS sc_sn,
	SpecialComponents.sc_pn AS sc_pn,
	SpecialComponents.sc_is_free AS sc_free,
	SpecialComponents.sc_product_sn AS sc_product_sn,
	SpecialComponents.sc_location_id AS sc_loc_id,
	Locations.location_room_number AS sc_room,
	Locations.location_shelf_number AS sc_shelf,
	Sites.site_address_city AS sc_site_city
	FROM SpecialComponents 
	INNER JOIN Locations ON Locations.location_id=SpecialComponents.sc_location_id
	INNER JOIN Sites ON Locations.location_site_id=Sites.site_id
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    spec_comp_results = cursor.fetchall()
    return spec_comp_results
コード例 #28
def regular_component_locations(regular_component_id):

    # provided a regular component ID, return the locations of all regular components with that ID
    query = """
	Locations.location_site_id AS location_site_id ,
	Locations.location_id AS location_id ,
	Locations.location_room_number AS RoomNumber ,
	Locations.location_shelf_number AS ShelfNumber ,
	LocationsRegularComps.lrc_quantity AS Quantity,
	Sites.site_address_city AS SiteCity
	FROM Locations
	INNER JOIN LocationsRegularComps ON Locations.location_id=LocationsRegularComps.lrc_location_id
	WHERE LocationsRegularComps.lrc_rc_pn == %s;"""
    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection,
    reg_comp_location_results = cursor.fetchall()
    return reg_comp_location_results
コード例 #29
def get_product_sn(sc_sn):
    # returns SN of the product using its SC SN, if SC is not used, returns False

    # if get_is_free(sc_sn) is True:
    # 	return False

    query = """select product_sn from Products 
	where product_sc_sn=""" + str(sc_sn) + """;"""

    db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
    cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
    get_product_sn_result = cursor.fetchall()

    # print(f'get_product_sn_result is: {get_product_sn_result[0]["product_sn"]}')

    if len(get_product_sn_result) == 0:
        return -1

        return get_product_sn_result[0]["product_sn"]
コード例 #30
def get_db_product_components(product_sn):

    # returns products compoenent based on it's SN. returns an empty dictionary if the sn does not exists

    if len(get_db_product_details(product_sn)) == 0:
        print("product is not found")
        product_compoenent_result = {}

        query = """select ProductsRegularComps.prc_rc_pn , ProductsRegularComps.prc_quantity_needed,
		RegularComponents.rc_pn_desc , RegularComponents.rc_category
		FROM ProductsRegularComps inner join RegularComponents on 
		ProductsRegularComps.prc_rc_pn = RegularComponents.rc_pn 
		where ProductsRegularComps.prc_product_sn=""" + str(product_sn) + """;"""

        db_connection = db.connect_to_database()
        cursor = db.execute_query(db_connection=db_connection, query=query)
        product_compoenent_result = cursor.fetchall()

    return list(product_compoenent_result)