コード例 #1
def register_tobase_get_closest( testing_ct_filename, base_case_ct_filenames, 
    base_case_label_filenames, test_case_transfo_dir, is_register):

    registers the test ct scan to each of the base_case_ct_filenames
    and finds the closest cagse according to some similarity metric
    toolsPaths = ['CIP_PATH'];
    for path_name in toolsPaths:
        if path[path_name] == False:
            print path_name + " environment variable is not set"
    print("\n\n\n In register_tobase_get_closest \n\n\n")
    registerLabelMaps = os.path.join(path['CIP_PATH'],"RegisterLabelMaps2D")
    base_to_testing_transfo_names = [""]*len(base_case_ct_filenames)                
    for ii in range(0, len(base_case_ct_filenames)) :     
        base_case_ct_filename =  base_case_ct_filenames[ii]  
        base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii] = os.path.join(test_case_transfo_dir, \
        if(is_register is True):
            #register_2d_ct( base_case_ct_filename, testing_ct_filename,  base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii])
            temp1_for_registration = base_case_ct_filename.split('.')[0]+"_thresholded.nrrd"
            temp2_for_registration = testing_ct_filename.split('.')[0]+"_thresholded.nrrd"
            print(registerLabelMaps+" -m "+temp1_for_registration+" -f "+\
                temp2_for_registration+ " --outputTransform "+base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii])
            #os.system(registerLabelMaps+" -m "+base_case_ct_filename+" -f "+\
            #    testing_ct_filename+ " --outputTransform "+base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii])
    find closest base case label filename and the index in the list we have
    training_similarity_files = compute_similarity_from_filenames(testing_ct_filename, \
        base_case_ct_filenames, base_case_label_filenames, \
    closest_case_ct = getClosestCases(base_case_ct_filenames, \
            training_similarity_files, "ncc", 1, 1)   
    Return the ct filename of the closest base case and the corresponding 
    closest transformation
    return closest_case_ct[0,0], base_to_testing_transfo_names[\

コード例 #2
def register_tobase_get_closest(testing_ct_filename, base_case_ct_filenames,
                                test_case_transfo_dir, is_register):
    registers the test ct scan to each of the base_case_ct_filenames
    and finds the closest cagse according to some similarity metric

    toolsPaths = ['CIP_PATH']
    path = dict()
    for path_name in toolsPaths:
        path[path_name] = os.environ.get(path_name, False)
        if path[path_name] == False:
            print path_name + " environment variable is not set"

    print("\n\n\n In register_tobase_get_closest \n\n\n")
    registerLabelMaps = os.path.join(path['CIP_PATH'], "RegisterLabelMaps2D")

    base_to_testing_transfo_names = [""] * len(base_case_ct_filenames)
    for ii in range(0, len(base_case_ct_filenames)):
        base_case_ct_filename = base_case_ct_filenames[ii]
        base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii] = os.path.join(test_case_transfo_dir, \
        if (is_register is True):
            #register_2d_ct( base_case_ct_filename, testing_ct_filename,  base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii])

            temp1_for_registration = base_case_ct_filename.split(
                '.')[0] + "_thresholded.nrrd"
            temp2_for_registration = testing_ct_filename.split(
                '.')[0] + "_thresholded.nrrd"
            print(registerLabelMaps+" -m "+temp1_for_registration+" -f "+\
                temp2_for_registration+ " --outputTransform "+base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii])

            #os.system(registerLabelMaps+" -m "+base_case_ct_filename+" -f "+\
            #    testing_ct_filename+ " --outputTransform "+base_to_testing_transfo_names[ii])
    find closest base case label filename and the index in the list we have
    training_similarity_files = compute_similarity_from_filenames(testing_ct_filename, \
        base_case_ct_filenames, base_case_label_filenames, \

    closest_case_ct = getClosestCases(base_case_ct_filenames, \
            training_similarity_files, "ncc", 1, 1)
    Return the ct filename of the closest base case and the corresponding 
    closest transformation
    return closest_case_ct[0,0], base_to_testing_transfo_names[\
def compute_atlas_from_labelfiles(

    Compute atlas from a list of label files
    testing_ct_filename : full path of the ct filename to be segmented
    training_ct_filenames : full path of the ct filenames in the training data
    training_labelmap_filenames : full path of the labelmaps in the training data
    base_case_ct_filenames : filenames of the base case IDs
    test_case_transfo_dir : directory where the base to test transfos
        and the transformed labelmaps will be stored
    transformation_filenames["case ids"] : 1 line per labelmap filename. dict()
        transfo from base id to test case
    num_closest_cases : number of cases to be selected for atlas generation

    similarity : string. type of similarity used to find closest cases
    threshold_value_for_similarity : value below which cases won't be chosen
    assumptions about naming and directories : 
        transformations to be computed in 1 specific folder : test_case_transfo_dir
        transfo filenames will be name1_to_name2_postfix.tfm
        resampled labelmaps : test_case_transfo_dir
        masks of training data : place in same directory as traning data    

    # set environment variables and function calls ..
    toolsPaths = ["TEEM_PATH", "ITKTOOLS_PATH", "CIP_PATH"]
    path = dict()
    for path_name in toolsPaths:
        path[path_name] = os.environ.get(path_name, False)
        if path[path_name] == False:
            print path_name + " environment variable is not set"

    prior_atlas = dict()
    pec_classes = ["leftmajor", "leftminor", "rightmajor", "rightminor"]

    label_value = dict()
    closest_label_maps = dict()
    closest_similarity_values = [0.0] * num_closest_cases

    label_value["leftmajor"] = 13592
    label_value["leftminor"] = 13336
    label_value["rightmajor"] = 13591
    label_value["rightminor"] = 13335
    label_value["nonpec"] = 0
    label_value["subqleft"] = 17944
    label_value["subqright"] = 17943

    resamplecall = os.path.join(path["CIP_PATH"], "ResampleLabelMap2D")

    compute transformations to all base cases and find closest base case id
    Files required : full path ct file names of all base cases
    closest_base_ct, close_base_tfm = register_tobase_get_closest(
        testing_ct_filename, base_case_ct_filenames, base_case_labelmap_filenames, test_case_transfo_dir, True

    print ("the closest base case is : " + closest_base_ct + " " + close_base_tfm)

    base_case_key = closest_base_ct.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].rstrip("\n")

    list_transfos_given_base = [""] * np.shape(transformation_filenames[base_case_key])[0]
    for i in range(0, np.shape(transformation_filenames[base_case_key])[0]):
        list_transfos_given_base[i] = transformation_filenames[base_case_key][i]

    for class_index in pec_classes:

        print ("constucting atlas for " + class_index)
        For each class, find the most similar cases by computing similarity.
        Files required : full path ct slices of all training data, full path masks of all training data (to be 
        generated here), transformations from base to all training data.
        training_similarity_files = compute_dice_similarity_from_filenames(

        closest_cases = getClosestCases(
        num_closest_cases_nonzero = np.shape(filter(None, closest_cases[0]))[0]

        closest_cases_tfms = [""] * num_closest_cases_nonzero
        for i in range(0, num_closest_cases_nonzero):
            closest_cases_tfms[i] = list_transfos_given_base[training_labelmap_filenames.index(closest_cases[0, i])]

        imageFull, imageInfo = nrrd.read(testing_ct_filename)

        closest_label_maps[class_index] = [
            np.zeros([np.shape(imageFull)[0], np.shape(imageFull)[1], np.shape(imageFull)[2]], dtype=float)
        ] * num_closest_cases_nonzero

        resample all closest cases
        Files required : labelmaps of all training data
        for i in range(0, num_closest_cases_nonzero):
            # we assume that this transformation exists
            training_to_base_tfm = closest_cases_tfms[i]
            base_to_testing = close_base_tfm

            source_file = closest_cases[0, i]

            template_file = testing_ct_filename

            dest_file = os.path.join(
                test_case_transfo_dir, source_file.split("/")[-1] + "_to_" + template_file.split("/")[-1] + ".nrrd"

            multiple transformations required when the training case is not the base case. 

            if close_base_tfm != closest_cases_tfms[i]:

                resamp_call = (
                    + " -d "
                    + template_file
                    + " -r "
                    + dest_file
                    + " -t "
                    + training_to_base_tfm
                    + ","
                    + base_to_testing
                    + " -l "
                    + source_file

                1 transformation required
                resamp_call = (
                    + " -d "
                    + template_file
                    + " -r "
                    + dest_file
                    + " -t "
                    + close_base_tfm
                    + " -l "
                    + source_file

            print (resamp_call)
            subprocess.call(resamp_call, shell=True)

            """ load the registered labelmap .
                exract left and right major/minor labelmaps and binarise. """

            imageFulldest, imageInfo = nrrd.read(dest_file)

            closest_label_maps[class_index][i] = np.zeros(
                [np.shape(imageFull)[0], np.shape(imageFull)[1], np.shape(imageFull)[2]], dtype=float

            the_labels = imageFulldest != label_value[class_index]
            closest_label_maps[class_index][i][the_labels] = 0.0
            the_labels = imageFulldest == label_value[class_index]
            closest_label_maps[class_index][i][the_labels] = 1.0

            closest_similarity_values[i] = closest_cases[1, i]


    # normalise weights so that they sum to 1
    closest_similarity_values_float = np.array(map(float, closest_similarity_values)) / np.sum(
        np.array(map(float, closest_similarity_values))

    for class_index in pec_classes:
        prior_atlas[class_index] = construct_probabilistic_atlas(
            closest_label_maps[class_index], True, np.array(map(float, closest_similarity_values_float)), None

    return atlases
    # return prior_atlas["leftmajor"], prior_atlas["leftminor"], prior_atlas["rightmajor"],prior_atlas["rightminor"]
    return prior_atlas
コード例 #4
def compute_atlas_from_labelfiles(input_vol, testing_ct_filename, training_ct_filenames,\
    training_labelmap_filenames, base_case_ct_filenames, base_case_labelmap_filenames,\
    test_case_transfo_dir, transformation_filenames, num_closest_cases, \
    similarity,  threshold_value_for_similarity):
    Compute atlas from a list of label files
    testing_ct_filename : full path of the ct filename to be segmented
    training_ct_filenames : full path of the ct filenames in the training data
    training_labelmap_filenames : full path of the labelmaps in the training data
    base_case_ct_filenames : filenames of the base case IDs
    test_case_transfo_dir : directory where the base to test transfos
        and the transformed labelmaps will be stored
    transformation_filenames["case ids"] : 1 line per labelmap filename. dict()
        transfo from base id to test case
    num_closest_cases : number of cases to be selected for atlas generation

    similarity : string. type of similarity used to find closest cases
    threshold_value_for_similarity : value below which cases won't be chosen
    assumptions about naming and directories : 
        transformations to be computed in 1 specific folder : test_case_transfo_dir
        transfo filenames will be name1_to_name2_postfix.tfm
        resampled labelmaps : test_case_transfo_dir
        masks of training data : place in same directory as traning data    

    # set environment variables and function calls ..
    toolsPaths = ['TEEM_PATH', 'ITKTOOLS_PATH', 'CIP_PATH']
    path = dict()
    for path_name in toolsPaths:
        path[path_name] = os.environ.get(path_name, False)
        if path[path_name] == False:
            print path_name + " environment variable is not set"

    prior_atlas = dict()
    pec_classes = ["leftmajor", "leftminor", "rightmajor", "rightminor"]

    label_value = dict()
    closest_label_maps = dict()
    closest_similarity_values = [0.0] * num_closest_cases

    label_value["leftmajor"] = 13592
    label_value["leftminor"] = 13336
    label_value["rightmajor"] = 13591
    label_value["rightminor"] = 13335
    label_value["nonpec"] = 0
    label_value["subqleft"] = 17944
    label_value["subqright"] = 17943

    resamplecall = os.path.join(path['CIP_PATH'], "ResampleLabelMap2D")
    compute transformations to all base cases and find closest base case id
    Files required : full path ct file names of all base cases
    closest_base_ct, close_base_tfm = register_tobase_get_closest(\
        testing_ct_filename, base_case_ct_filenames, base_case_labelmap_filenames, \
        test_case_transfo_dir, True)

    print("the closest base case is : " + closest_base_ct + " " +

    base_case_key = closest_base_ct.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].rstrip("\n")

    list_transfos_given_base = [""] * np.shape(
    for i in range(0, np.shape(transformation_filenames[base_case_key])[0]):
        list_transfos_given_base[i] = transformation_filenames[base_case_key][

    for class_index in pec_classes:

        print("constucting atlas for " + class_index)
        For each class, find the most similar cases by computing similarity.
        Files required : full path ct slices of all training data, full path masks of all training data (to be 
        generated here), transformations from base to all training data.
        training_similarity_files = compute_dice_similarity_from_filenames(testing_ct_filename, \
            training_ct_filenames, training_labelmap_filenames, \
            list_transfos_given_base, close_base_tfm)

        closest_cases  = getClosestCases(training_labelmap_filenames, \
            training_similarity_files, "dice", num_closest_cases, threshold_value_for_similarity)
        num_closest_cases_nonzero = np.shape(filter(None, closest_cases[0]))[0]

        closest_cases_tfms = [""] * num_closest_cases_nonzero
        for i in range(0, num_closest_cases_nonzero):
            closest_cases_tfms[i] = list_transfos_given_base[\

        imageFull, imageInfo = nrrd.read(testing_ct_filename)

        closest_label_maps[class_index] =[np.zeros([np.shape(imageFull)[0], \
            np.shape(imageFull)[1], np.shape(imageFull)[2]], dtype=float)] \
        resample all closest cases
        Files required : labelmaps of all training data
        for i in range(0, num_closest_cases_nonzero):
            # we assume that this transformation exists
            training_to_base_tfm = closest_cases_tfms[i]
            base_to_testing = close_base_tfm

            source_file = closest_cases[0, i]

            template_file = testing_ct_filename

            dest_file = os.path.join(test_case_transfo_dir, \
            multiple transformations required when the training case is not the base case. 

            if (close_base_tfm != closest_cases_tfms[i]):

                resamp_call = resamplecall+" -d "+template_file+" -r "+ \
                    dest_file+" -t "+training_to_base_tfm+","+ \
                base_to_testing+" -l "+source_file

                1 transformation required
                resamp_call =  resamplecall+" -d "+template_file+" -r "+ \
                    dest_file+" -t "+close_base_tfm +" -l "+source_file

            subprocess.call(resamp_call, shell=True)
            """ load the registered labelmap .
                exract left and right major/minor labelmaps and binarise. """

            imageFulldest, imageInfo = nrrd.read(dest_file)

            closest_label_maps[class_index][i] =np.zeros([np.shape(imageFull)[0], \
                np.shape(imageFull)[1], np.shape(imageFull)[2]], dtype=float)

            the_labels = imageFulldest != label_value[class_index]
            closest_label_maps[class_index][i][the_labels] = 0.0
            the_labels = imageFulldest == label_value[class_index]
            closest_label_maps[class_index][i][the_labels] = 1.0

            closest_similarity_values[i] = closest_cases[1, i]

    #normalise weights so that they sum to 1
    closest_similarity_values_float = np.array(map(float, \
        closest_similarity_values))/np.sum(np.array(map(float, \

    for class_index in pec_classes:
        prior_atlas[class_index] = construct_probabilistic_atlas(closest_label_maps[class_index], \
           True, np.array(map(float, closest_similarity_values_float)), None)
    return atlases
    #return prior_atlas["leftmajor"], prior_atlas["leftminor"], prior_atlas["rightmajor"],prior_atlas["rightminor"]
    return prior_atlas