コード例 #1
# to higher brightness because the color information is 'lost'.  It's best to
# just call set brightness once at the start to set a good max brightness instead
# of trying to make animations with it.

# Animate moving the colors across the pixels 100 times / 10 seconds.
print('Animating pixels for 10 seconds...')
for offset in range(100):
    # Go through each pixel and set its color based on its position and the
    # current offset.  Constrain these values to fall within the list of colors.
    for i in range(10):
        # Find the color for this pixel.
        color = colors[(i+offset)%len(colors)]
        # Set the pixel color.
        board.set_pixel(i, color[0], color[1], color[2])
    # Push the updated colors out to the pixels (this will make the pixels change
    # their color, the previous set_pixel calls just change the memory and not
    # the pixels).
    # Sleep for a bit between iterations.

# Clear all the pixels to turn them off.
board.show_pixels()  # Make sure to call show after clear!
time.sleep(0.1)      # Small delay to make sure board connection doesn't close
                     # before previous command is processed.

# Close Firmata board connection when done.
コード例 #2
    # current offset.  Constrain these values to fall within the list of colors.
    for i in range(12):
        # Find the color for this pixel.
        color = colors[(i + offset) % len(colors)]
        # Set the pixel color.
        board.set_pixel(i, (offset - 0) % 255, (offset - 50) % 255,
                        (offset - 100) % 255)
        # board.show_pixels()

    # Push the updated colors out to the pixels (this will make the pixels change
    # their color, the previous set_pixel calls just change the memory and not
    # the pixels).
    if (offset % nframes == 0):
        finish_frame_time = time.time()
        print("Frame rate = ",
              int(nframes / (finish_frame_time - start_frame_time)), " fps")
        start_frame_time = time.time()
    # Sleep for a bit between iterations.
    # time.sleep(0.01)

# Clear all the pixels to turn them off.
board.show_pixels()  # Make sure to call show after clear!
# time.sleep(0.01)      # Small delay to make sure board connection doesn't close
# before previous command is processed.

# Close Firmata board connection when done.