コード例 #1
    def from_clifford_tableau(cls, tableau: qis.CliffordTableau) -> 'CliffordGate':
        """Create the CliffordGate instance from Clifford Tableau.

            tableau: A CliffordTableau to define the effect of Clifford Gate applying on
            the stabilizer state or Pauli group. The meaning of tableau here is
                    To  X   Z    sign
            from  X  [ X_x Z_x | r_x ]
            from  Z  [ X_z Z_z | r_z ]
            Each row in the Clifford tableau indicates how the transformation of original
            Pauli gates to the new gates after applying this Clifford Gate.

            A CliffordGate instance, which has the transformation defined by
            the input tableau.

            ValueError: When input tableau is wrong type or the tableau does not
            satisfy the symplectic property.
        if not isinstance(tableau, qis.CliffordTableau):
            raise ValueError('Input argument has to be a CliffordTableau instance.')
        if not tableau._validate():
            raise ValueError('It is not a valid Clifford tableau.')
        return CliffordGate(_clifford_tableau=tableau)
コード例 #2
 def __init__(
     _clifford_tableau: qis.CliffordTableau,
 ) -> None:
     # We use the Clifford tableau to represent a Clifford gate.
     # It is crucial to note that the meaning of tableau here is different
     # from the one used to represent a Clifford state (Of course, they are related).
     # A) We have to use the full 2n * (2n + 1) matrix
     # B) The meaning of tableau here is
     #                 X   Z    sign
     #     from  X  [ X_x Z_x | r_x ]
     #     from  Z  [ X_z Z_z | r_z ]
     # Each row in the Clifford tableau means the transformation of original Pauli gates.
     # For example, take a 2 * (2+1) tableau as example:
     #         X       Z     r
     #  XI  [ 1  0 | 1  0  | 0 ]
     #  IX  [ 0  0 | 1  1  | 0 ]
     #  ZI  [ 0  0 | 1  0  | 1 ]
     #  IZ  [ 1  0 | 1  1  | 0 ]
     # Take the third row as example: this means the ZI gate after the this gate,
     # more precisely the conjugate transformation of ZI by this gate, becomes -ZI.
     # (Note the real clifford tableau has to satify the Symplectic property.
     # here is just for illustration)
     self._clifford_tableau = _clifford_tableau.copy()
コード例 #3
 def from_clifford_tableau(tableau: qis.CliffordTableau) -> 'SingleQubitCliffordGate':
     if not isinstance(tableau, qis.CliffordTableau):
         raise ValueError('Input argument has to be a CliffordTableau instance.')
     if not tableau._validate():
         raise ValueError('Input tableau is not a valid Clifford tableau.')
     if tableau.n != 1:
         raise ValueError(
             'The number of qubit of input tableau should be 1 for SingleQubitCliffordGate.'
     return SingleQubitCliffordGate(_clifford_tableau=tableau)
コード例 #4
 def from_clifford_tableau(
         tableau: qis.CliffordTableau) -> 'SingleQubitCliffordGate':
     assert isinstance(tableau, qis.CliffordTableau)
     if not tableau._validate():
         raise ValueError('It is not a valid Clifford Gate.')
     return SingleQubitCliffordGate(_clifford_tableau=tableau)
コード例 #5
def decompose_clifford_tableau_to_operations(
    qubits: List['cirq.Qid'], clifford_tableau: qis.CliffordTableau
) -> List[ops.Operation]:
    """Decompose an n-qubit Clifford Tableau into a list of one/two qubit operations.

    The implementation is based on Theorem 8 in [1].
    [1] S. Aaronson, D. Gottesman, *Improved Simulation of Stabilizer Circuits*,
        Phys. Rev. A 70, 052328 (2004). https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0406196

        qubits: The list of qubits being operated on.
        clifford_tableau: The Clifford Tableau for decomposition.

        A list of operations reconstructs the same Clifford tableau.

        ValueError: The length of input qubit mismatch with the size of tableau.
    if len(qubits) != clifford_tableau.n:
        raise ValueError("The number of qubits must be the same as the number of Clifford Tableau.")
    assert (
    ), "The provided clifford_tableau must satisfy the symplectic property."

    t: qis.CliffordTableau = clifford_tableau.copy()
    operations: List[ops.Operation] = []
    args = sim.ActOnCliffordTableauArgs(
        tableau=t, qubits=qubits, prng=np.random.RandomState(), log_of_measurement_results={}

    _X_with_ops = functools.partial(_X, args=args, operations=operations, qubits=qubits)
    _Z_with_ops = functools.partial(_Z, args=args, operations=operations, qubits=qubits)
    _H_with_ops = functools.partial(_H, args=args, operations=operations, qubits=qubits)
    _S_with_ops = functools.partial(_Sdg, args=args, operations=operations, qubits=qubits)
    _CNOT_with_ops = functools.partial(_CNOT, args=args, operations=operations, qubits=qubits)
    _SWAP_with_ops = functools.partial(_SWAP, args=args, operations=operations, qubits=qubits)

    # The procedure is based on Theorem 8 in
    # [1] S. Aaronson, D. Gottesman, *Improved Simulation of Stabilizer Circuits*,
    #     Phys. Rev. A 70, 052328 (2004). https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0406196
    # with modification by doing it row-by-row instead.

    # Suppose we have a Clifford Tableau:
    #                   Xs  Zs
    # Destabilizers:  [ A | B ]
    # Stabilizers:    [ C | D ]
    for i in range(t.n):
        # Step 1a: Make the diagonal element of A equal to 1 by Hadamard gate if necessary.
        if not t.xs[i, i] and t.zs[i, i]:
        # Step 1b: Make the diagonal element of A equal to 1 by SWAP gate if necessary.
        if not t.xs[i, i]:
            for j in range(i + 1, t.n):
                if t.xs[i, j]:
                    _SWAP_with_ops(i, j)
        # Step 1c: We may still not be able to find non-zero element in whole Xs row. Then,
        # apply swap + Hadamard from zs. It is guaranteed to find one by lemma 5 in [1].
        if not t.xs[i, i]:
            for j in range(i + 1, t.n):
                if t.zs[i, j]:
                    _SWAP_with_ops(i, j)

        # Step 2: Eliminate the elements in A By CNOT and phase gate (i-th row)
        # first i rows of destabilizers: [ I  0 | 0  0 ]
        _ = [_CNOT_with_ops(i, j) for j in range(i + 1, t.n) if t.xs[i, j]]
        if np.any(t.zs[i, i:]):
            if not t.zs[i, i]:
            _ = [_CNOT_with_ops(j, i) for j in range(i + 1, t.n) if t.zs[i, j]]

        # Step 3: Eliminate the elements in D By CNOT and phase gate (i-th row)
        # first i rows of stabilizers: [ 0  0 | I  0 ]
        _ = [_CNOT_with_ops(j, i) for j in range(i + 1, t.n) if t.zs[i + t.n, j]]
        if np.any(t.xs[i + t.n, i:]):
            # Swap xs and zs
            _ = [_CNOT_with_ops(i, j) for j in range(i + 1, t.n) if t.xs[i + t.n, j]]
            if t.zs[i + t.n, i]:

    # Step 4: Correct the phase of tableau
    _ = [_Z_with_ops(i) for i, p in enumerate(t.rs[: t.n]) if p]
    _ = [_X_with_ops(i) for i, p in enumerate(t.rs[t.n :]) if p]

    # Step 5: invert the operations by reversing the order: (AB)^{+} = B^{+} A^{+}.
    # Note only S gate is not self-adjoint.
    return operations[::-1]