def bind_socket(socket, address, retry_timeout=-1): r"""Bind a socket to an address, getting a random port as necessary. Args: socket (zmq.Socket): Socket that should be bound. address (str): Address that socket should be bound to. retry_timeout (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited before retrying to bind the socket to the address. If negative, a retry will not be attempted and an error will be raised. Defaults to -1; Returns: str: Address that socket was bound to, including random port if one was used. """ try: param = parse_address(address) if (param['protocol'] in ['inproc', 'ipc']) or (param['port'] is not None): socket.bind(address) else: port = socket.bind_to_random_port(address) address += ":%d" % port except zmq.ZMQError as e: # pragma: debug if (retry_timeout < 0): # if (e.errno not in [48, 98]) or (retry_timeout < 0): # print(e, e.errno) raise e else: logging.debug("Retrying bind in %f s", retry_timeout) tools.sleep(retry_timeout) address = bind_socket(socket, address) return address
def stop_matlab(screen_session, matlab_engine, matlab_session, keep_engine=False): # pragma: matlab r"""Stop a Matlab shared engine session running inside a detached screen session. Args: screen_session (str): Name of the screen session that the shared Matlab session was started in. matlab_engine (MatlabEngine): Matlab engine that should be stopped. matlab_session (str): Name of Matlab session that the Matlab engine is connected to. keep_engine (bool, optional): If True, the references to the engine will be removed so it is not deleted. Defaults to False. Raises: RuntimeError: If Matlab is not installed. """ if not _matlab_installed: # pragma: no matlab raise RuntimeError("Matlab is not installed.") if keep_engine and (matlab_engine is not None): if '_matlab' in matlab_engine.__dict__: matlab_engine.quit() return # Remove weakrefs to engine to prevent stopping engine more than once if matlab_engine is not None: # Remove weak references so engine not deleted on exit eng_ref = weakref.getweakrefs(matlab_engine) for x in eng_ref: if x in matlab.engine._engines: matlab.engine._engines.remove(x) # Either exit the engine or remove its reference if matlab_session in matlab.engine.find_matlab(): try: matlab_engine.eval('exit', nargout=0) except matlab.engine.EngineError: pass else: # pragma: no cover matlab_engine.__dict__.pop('_matlab', None) # Stop the screen session containing the Matlab shared session if screen_session is not None: if matlab_session in matlab.engine.find_matlab(): os.system(('screen -X -S %s quit') % screen_session) T = TimeOut(5) while ((matlab_session in matlab.engine.find_matlab()) and not T.is_out): debug("Waiting for matlab engine to exit") sleep(1) if (matlab_session in matlab.engine.find_matlab()): # pragma: debug raise Exception("stop_matlab timed out at %f s" % T.elapsed)
def start_matlab(skip_connect=False): # pragma: matlab r"""Start a Matlab shared engine session inside a detached screen session. Args: skip_connect (bool, optional): If True, the engine is not connected. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Name of the screen session running matlab. Raises: RuntimeError: If Matlab is not installed. """ if not _matlab_installed: # pragma: no matlab raise RuntimeError("Matlab is not installed.") old_matlab = set(matlab.engine.find_matlab()) screen_session = str('cis_matlab' +"%Y%j%H%M%S") + '_%d' % len(old_matlab)) try: args = [ 'screen', '-dmS', screen_session, '-c', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'matlab_screenrc'), 'matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nosplash', '-nodesktop', '-nojvm', '-r', '"matlab.engine.shareEngine"' ]' '.join(args), shell=True) T = TimeOut(10) while ((len(set(matlab.engine.find_matlab()) - old_matlab) == 0) and not T.is_out): debug('Waiting for matlab engine to start') sleep(1) # Usually 3 seconds except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: debug args = ['screen', '-X', '-S', screen_session, 'quit']' '.join(args), shell=True) raise if (len(set(matlab.engine.find_matlab()) - old_matlab) == 0): # pragma: debug raise Exception("start_matlab timed out at %f s" % T.elapsed) new_matlab = list(set(matlab.engine.find_matlab()) - old_matlab)[0] # Connect to the engine matlab_engine = None if not skip_connect: matlab_engine = connect_matlab(new_matlab, first_connect=True) return screen_session, matlab_engine, new_matlab
def fibServer(args): sleeptime = float(args[0]) print('Hello from Python rpcFibSrv: sleeptime = %f' % sleeptime) # Create server-side rpc conneciton using model name rpc = CisRpcServer("rpcFibSrv", "%d", "%d %d") # Continue receiving requests until error occurs (the connection is closed # by all clients that have connected). while True: print('rpcFibSrv(P): receiving...') retval, rpc_in = rpc.rpcRecv() if not retval: print('rpcFibSrv(P): end of input') break # Compute fibonacci number print('rpcFibSrv(P): <- input %d' % rpc_in[0], end='') pprev = 0 prev = 1 result = 1 fib_no = 1 arg = rpc_in[0] while fib_no < arg: result = prev + pprev pprev = prev prev = result fib_no = fib_no + 1 print(' ::: ->(%2d %2d)' % (arg, result)) # Sleep and then send response back sleep(float(sleeptime)) flag = rpc.rpcSend(arg, result) if not flag: print('rpcFibSrv(P): ERROR sending') break print('Goodbye from Python rpcFibSrv') sys.exit(0)
from import sleep sleep(1) print('Python model')