コード例 #1
ファイル: astar.py プロジェクト: jbaiera/AI-Class
def heuristic(current=0, goal=0, space=city.chart([],[])):
    """heuristic :: nodenumber -> nodenumber -> chart -> distance"""
    startIdx = space.lookupCity(current)
    goalIdx = space.lookupCity(goal)
    if (startIdx == city.cityNotFound) or (goalIdx == city.cityNotFound):
        return 0 #there is no distance between cities that don't exist
        sCity = space.cities[startIdx]
        gCity= space.cities[goalIdx]
        #return the Euclidean Distance of the two cities.
        return getEuclideanDistance((sCity.xpos,sCity.ypos),(gCity.xpos,gCity.ypos))
コード例 #2
def heuristic(current=0, goal=0, space=city.chart([], [])):
    """heuristic :: nodenumber -> nodenumber -> chart -> distance"""
    startIdx = space.lookupCity(current)
    goalIdx = space.lookupCity(goal)
    if (startIdx == city.cityNotFound) or (goalIdx == city.cityNotFound):
        return 0  #there is no distance between cities that don't exist
        sCity = space.cities[startIdx]
        gCity = space.cities[goalIdx]
        #return the Euclidean Distance of the two cities.
        return getEuclideanDistance((sCity.xpos, sCity.ypos),
                                    (gCity.xpos, gCity.ypos))
コード例 #3
def Astar(start=0, goal=0, space=city.chart([], [])):
    """Astar :: nodenumber -> nodenumber -> chart -> [nodenumbers]"""
    #a few checks at the start
    if (space.lookupCity(start)
            == city.cityNotFound) or (space.lookupCity(goal)
                                      == city.cityNotFound):
        #start or goal does not exist. Do not search!
        return nonExistentPath

    #Set up some preliminary lists
    fringe = [start]  #add the starting node to the fringe
    visited = []  #no nodes visited yet
    paths = {}  #this will hold each node's predecessor

    #keep track of how far you've traveled on each node
    gScore = {start: 0}  #begin with the start node's value in there
    workingNode = start  #we're going to use this to denote the node we are working on
    #It will get reset in the first loop, This is to make sure its in this scope.

    while len(fringe) != 0:
        #choose the node that is best to traverse to
        best = -1
        for eachNode in fringe:
            fCost = getTotalCost(eachNode, goal, gScore[eachNode], space)
            if (best == -1) or (fCost < best):
                #first run  or  better than current best:
                best = fCost  #then the current best is the new best
                workingNode = eachNode  #the next node to visit is this node

        #test to see if that is the goal
        if workingNode == goal:
            #reconstruct the path from the workingNode to the goal
            return reconstructPath(paths, workingNode)

        #if not, add it to the visited set, expand it's neighbors and add them to the fringe
        workingNeighbors = space.getNeighbors(workingNode)
        for eachNeighbor in workingNeighbors:
            #REMEMBER THAT eachNeighbor is a tuple of form (node, cost)
            updateNode = False
            newGvalue = gScore[workingNode] + eachNeighbor[1]

            if eachNeighbor[0] in visited:
                #if a Neighbor is in the visited set, we'll skip it
            elif eachNeighbor[0] not in fringe:
                #if it's not in the fringe, we will add it and update it's values
                updateNode = True
            elif newGvalue < gScore[eachNeighbor[0]]:
                #at this point, we know its not visited and its in the fringe
                #if the new gscore is better than the old one, we want to update the stats for it
                updateNode = True

            if updateNode:
                #we want to update the node's predecessor, and it's gScore value
                    eachNeighbor[0]] = workingNode  #come from the working node
                    0]] = newGvalue  #the new G value is better than before
        #end for loop
    #end while loop
    #if we make it out of the main loop, then we didn't find it.
    return nonExistentPath
コード例 #4
def getTotalCost(current=0, goal=0, gVal=0, space=city.chart([], [])):
    """getTotalCost :: nodenumber -> nodenumber -> number -> chart -> number"""
    #find the cost for the H() function
    #add H and G together and return F
    hVal = heuristic(current, goal, space)
    return hVal + gVal
コード例 #5
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #unit testing
    print "Test 1 : Testing getEuclideanDistance"
    assert 1 == getEuclideanDistance((0, 0), (1, 0))
    assert 6 == int(getEuclideanDistance(
        (12, 4), (6, 7)))  #really long double, just truncating it

    print "Test 2 : Testing reconstructPath"
    dir2 = {2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 3, 6: 5, 7: 6, 8: 6}
    path2 = reconstructPath(dir2, 8)
    assert path2 == [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8]

    print "Test 3 : Testing heuristic"
    citylist3 = [(1, '', 35, 24), (2, '', 31, 22), (3, '', 34, 21),
                 (4, '', 27, 20)]
    edgelist3 = [(1, 2, 5), (1, 3, 3), (2, 1, 5), (2, 3, 3), (2, 4, 5),
                 (3, 1, 3), (3, 2, 3), (4, 2, 5)]
    chart3 = city.chart(citylist3, edgelist3)
    assert int(heuristic(1, 2, chart3)) == 4

    print "Test 4 : Testing getTotalCost"
    assert int(getTotalCost(1, 2, 2, chart3)) == 6

    print "Test 5 : Testing Simple A* Search"
    path5 = Astar(1, 4, chart3)
    assert path5 == [1, 2, 4]
    path5 = Astar(0, 4, chart3)
    assert path5 == nonExistentPath
    path5 = Astar(1, 5, chart3)
    assert path5 == nonExistentPath
コード例 #6
ファイル: searchtest.py プロジェクト: jbaiera/AI-Class
# James Baiera                                                                 #
# Kent State University                                                        #
# 11-16-2011                                                                   #
#                                                                              #
# This file contains a map of the USA in graph format. We will use this data   #
#   to test our A* search algorithm                                            #

import astar
import city

citylist = [(1, "Augusta", 35,24),(2, "Albany", 31,22),(3, "Hartford", 34, 21),(4, "Cleveland", 27,20),(5, "Dover", 33,17),(6, "Columbia", 35, 12),(7, "Lansing", 24, 21),(8, "Flint", 24, 23),(9, "Chicago", 21, 20),(10, "Atlanta", 29, 9),(11, "Tallahassee", 32, 6),(12, "Miami", 34, 3),(13, "New Orleans", 25, 6),(14, "St. Paul", 19, 22),(15, "Apostle", 22, 24),(16, "Topeka", 19, 14),(17, "Fargo", 18, 25),(18, "El Paso", 16, 6),(19, "Tucson", 11, 5),(20, "Helena", 10, 24),(21, "Boise", 9, 20),(22, "Reno", 6, 16),(23, "Los Angeles", 4, 8),(24, "San Francisco", 2, 14),(25, "Portland", 3, 21),(26, "Seattle", 3, 25),(27, "Austin", 20, 2),(28, "Santa Fe", 13, 11)]
edgelist = [(1,2,5),(1,3,3),(2,1,5),(2,3,3),(2,4,5),(3,1,3),(3,2,3),(3,5,6),(4,2,5),(4,5,7),(4,7,3),(4,10,15),(5,3,6),(5,4,7),(5,6,9),(6,5,9),(6,10,8),(6,11,10),(7,4,3),(7,8,3),(7,9,4),(8,7,3),(9,7,4),(9,14,4),(9,16,8),(10,4,15),(10,6,8),(10,11,7),(10,13,6),(10,16,15),(11,6,10),(11,10,7),(11,13,8),(11,12,6),(12,11,6),(13,10,6),(13,11,8),(13,27,9),(14,9,4),(14,15,5),(14,17,4),(15,14,5),(15,17,5),(16,9,8),(16,10,15),(16,22,17),(16,28,8),(17,14,4),(17,15,5),(17,20,9),(18,19,7),(18,27,10),(18,28,8),(19,18,7),(19,23,11),(20,17,9),(20,21,5),(20,26,8),(21,20,5),(21,22,7),(22,16,17),(22,21,7),(22,23,11),(22,25,9),(22,28,12),(23,19,11),(23,22,11),(23,24,9),(24,23,9),(24,25,9),(25,22,9),(25,24,9),(25,26,5),(26,20,8),(26,25,5),(27,13,9),(27,18,10),(28,16,8),(28,18,8),(28,22,12)]

mychart = city.chart(citylist,edgelist)

print "1 to 7: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(1,7,mychart)
print testpath

print "17 to 1: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(17, 1, mychart)
print testpath

print "1 to 24: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(1, 24, mychart)
print testpath

print "1 to 26: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(1, 26, mychart)
コード例 #7
ファイル: searchtest.py プロジェクト: jbaiera/AI-Class
            (5, 3, 6), (5, 4, 7), (5, 6, 9), (6, 5, 9), (6, 10, 8),
            (6, 11, 10), (7, 4, 3), (7, 8, 3), (7, 9, 4), (8, 7, 3), (9, 7, 4),
            (9, 14, 4), (9, 16, 8), (10, 4, 15), (10, 6, 8), (10, 11, 7),
            (10, 13, 6), (10, 16, 15), (11, 6, 10), (11, 10, 7), (11, 13, 8),
            (11, 12, 6), (12, 11, 6), (13, 10, 6), (13, 11, 8), (13, 27, 9),
            (14, 9, 4), (14, 15, 5), (14, 17, 4), (15, 14, 5), (15, 17, 5),
            (16, 9, 8), (16, 10, 15), (16, 22, 17), (16, 28, 8), (17, 14, 4),
            (17, 15, 5), (17, 20, 9), (18, 19, 7), (18, 27, 10), (18, 28, 8),
            (19, 18, 7), (19, 23, 11), (20, 17, 9), (20, 21, 5), (20, 26, 8),
            (21, 20, 5), (21, 22, 7), (22, 16, 17), (22, 21, 7), (22, 23, 11),
            (22, 25, 9), (22, 28, 12), (23, 19, 11), (23, 22, 11), (23, 24, 9),
            (24, 23, 9), (24, 25, 9), (25, 22, 9), (25, 24, 9), (25, 26, 5),
            (26, 20, 8), (26, 25, 5), (27, 13, 9), (27, 18, 10), (28, 16, 8),
            (28, 18, 8), (28, 22, 12)]

mychart = city.chart(citylist, edgelist)

print "1 to 7: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(1, 7, mychart)
print testpath

print "17 to 1: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(17, 1, mychart)
print testpath

print "1 to 24: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(1, 24, mychart)
print testpath

print "1 to 26: ",
testpath = astar.Astar(1, 26, mychart)
コード例 #8
ファイル: astar.py プロジェクト: jbaiera/AI-Class
def Astar(start=0, goal=0, space=city.chart([],[])):
    """Astar :: nodenumber -> nodenumber -> chart -> [nodenumbers]"""
    #a few checks at the start
    if (space.lookupCity(start) == city.cityNotFound) or (space.lookupCity(goal) == city.cityNotFound):
        #start or goal does not exist. Do not search!
        return nonExistentPath

    #Set up some preliminary lists
    fringe = [start] #add the starting node to the fringe
    visited = [] #no nodes visited yet
    paths = {} #this will hold each node's predecessor

    #keep track of how far you've traveled on each node
    gScore = {start:0} #begin with the start node's value in there
    workingNode = start #we're going to use this to denote the node we are working on 
    #It will get reset in the first loop, This is to make sure its in this scope.
    while len(fringe) != 0:
        #choose the node that is best to traverse to
        best = -1
        for eachNode in fringe:
            fCost = getTotalCost(eachNode, goal, gScore[eachNode], space)
            if (best == -1) or (fCost < best):
                #first run  or  better than current best:
                best = fCost #then the current best is the new best
                workingNode = eachNode #the next node to visit is this node
        #test to see if that is the goal
        if workingNode == goal:
            #reconstruct the path from the workingNode to the goal
            return reconstructPath(paths, workingNode)

        #if not, add it to the visited set, expand it's neighbors and add them to the fringe
        workingNeighbors = space.getNeighbors(workingNode)
        for eachNeighbor in workingNeighbors:
            #REMEMBER THAT eachNeighbor is a tuple of form (node, cost)
            updateNode = False
            newGvalue = gScore[workingNode] + eachNeighbor[1]

            if eachNeighbor[0] in visited:
                #if a Neighbor is in the visited set, we'll skip it
            elif eachNeighbor[0] not in fringe:
                #if it's not in the fringe, we will add it and update it's values
                updateNode = True
            elif newGvalue < gScore[eachNeighbor[0]]:
                #at this point, we know its not visited and its in the fringe
                #if the new gscore is better than the old one, we want to update the stats for it
                updateNode = True

            if updateNode:
                #we want to update the node's predecessor, and it's gScore value
                paths[eachNeighbor[0]] = workingNode #come from the working node
                gScore[eachNeighbor[0]] = newGvalue #the new G value is better than before
        #end for loop
    #end while loop
    #if we make it out of the main loop, then we didn't find it.
    return nonExistentPath 
コード例 #9
ファイル: astar.py プロジェクト: jbaiera/AI-Class
def getTotalCost(current=0, goal=0, gVal=0, space=city.chart([],[])):
    """getTotalCost :: nodenumber -> nodenumber -> number -> chart -> number"""
    #find the cost for the H() function
    #add H and G together and return F
    hVal = heuristic(current, goal, space)
    return hVal + gVal
コード例 #10
ファイル: astar.py プロジェクト: jbaiera/AI-Class
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #unit testing
    print "Test 1 : Testing getEuclideanDistance"
    assert 1 == getEuclideanDistance((0,0),(1,0))
    assert 6 == int(getEuclideanDistance((12,4),(6,7))) #really long double, just truncating it

    print "Test 2 : Testing reconstructPath"
    dir2 = {2:1, 3:2, 4:3, 5:3, 6:5, 7:6, 8:6}
    path2 = reconstructPath(dir2, 8)
    assert path2 == [1,2,3,5,6,8]

    print "Test 3 : Testing heuristic"
    citylist3 = [(1,'',35,24),(2,'',31,22),(3,'',34,21),(4,'',27,20)]
    edgelist3 = [(1,2,5),(1,3,3),(2,1,5),(2,3,3),(2,4,5),(3,1,3),(3,2,3),(4,2,5)]
    chart3 = city.chart(citylist3, edgelist3)
    assert int(heuristic(1,2,chart3)) == 4

    print "Test 4 : Testing getTotalCost"
    assert int(getTotalCost(1,2,2,chart3)) == 6

    print "Test 5 : Testing Simple A* Search"
    path5 = Astar(1,4,chart3)
    assert path5 == [1,2,4]
    path5 = Astar(0,4,chart3)
    assert path5 == nonExistentPath
    path5 = Astar(1,5,chart3)
    assert path5 == nonExistentPath