def peer_ls(): 'list passwords for inbound connections' conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) for user in c.listPasswords()['users']: yield user c.disconnect()
def tr(target, verify=False): 'traceroute a node' c = cjdns.connect() if verify: res = c.nodeForAddr()['result'] lastHop = res['bestParent']['ip'] yield lastHop while True: x = c.nextHop(target, lastHop) # TODO: implement return else: found = 0 for route in c.dumpTable(): if route['ip'] != target: continue found += 1 yield '[+] found route #%d' % found # TODO: show the route c.disconnect()
def peer_add(name, addr, pk, password, live=False): 'add an outbound connection' if '/' in name: yield 'nope' exit(1) if not password: password = raw_input('Password: '******'type': 'out', 'name': name, 'addr': addr, 'pk': pk, 'password': password } if not live: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(info)) conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) addr = utils.dns_resolve(addr) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) c.udpBeginConnection(addr, pk, password) c.disconnect()
def peer_auth(name, live=False, cjdroute=False, yrd=False): 'add a password for inbound connections' if '/' in name: yield 'nope' exit(1) path = os.path.join(YRD_PEERS, name) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: password = json.load(f)['password'] else: password = utils.generate_key(31) info = {'type': 'in', 'name': name, 'password': password} if not live: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(info)) conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) c.addPassword(name, password) c.disconnect() publicKey = conf['publicKey'] port = conf['interfaces']['UDPInterface'][0]['bind'].split(':')[1] if (not cjdroute and not yrd) or cjdroute: yield utils.to_credstr(utils.get_ip(), port, publicKey, password) if not cjdroute and not yrd: yield '' if (not cjdroute and not yrd) or yrd: yield 'yrd peer add namehere %s:%s %s %s' % (utils.get_ip(), port, publicKey, password)
def start(): conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) p = Popen(['cjdroute'], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(json.dumps(conf)) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) for peer in os.listdir(YRD_PEERS): yield '[*] adding %r' % peer try: with open(os.path.join(YRD_PEERS, peer)) as f: info = json.load(f) except ValueError: yield '[-] invalid json' else: if info['type'] == 'in': try: c.addPassword(info['name'], info['password']) except KeyError: yield '[-] key error' elif info['type'] == 'out': addr = utils.dns_resolve(info['addr']) c.udpBeginConnection(str(addr), str(info['pk']), str(info['password'])) c.disconnect()
def n(neighbours=False): 'shows your neighbours' conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) STAT_FORMAT = '%s %19s v%-2d %9d %9d %12s %d/%d/%d ' nodestore = list(c.dumpTable()) connections = {} try: for peer in os.listdir(YRD_PEERS): with open(os.path.join(YRD_PEERS, peer)) as f: info = json.load(f) try: connections[info['pk']] = str(info['name']) except KeyError: pass except OSError: pass for peer in c.peerStats(): result = c.nodeForAddr(peer.ip)['result'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, peer.ip) path = utils.get_path(route) setattr(peer, 'path', path) line = STAT_FORMAT % (peer.ip, peer.path, peer.version, peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut, peer.state, peer.duplicates, peer.lostPackets, peer.receivedOutOfRange) if hasattr(peer, 'user'): line += repr(peer.user) elif peer.publicKey in connections: line += repr(connections[peer.publicKey]) yield line if neighbours: for i in range(result['linkCount']): link = c.getLink(peer.ip, i) if link and 'child' in link['result']: child = link['result']['child'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, child) version = utils.get_version(route) path = utils.get_path(route) yield ' %s %s v%s' % (child, path, version) else: yield ' -' c.disconnect()
def connect(): try: if cjdns_use_default: print('Connecting using default or ~/.cjdnsadmin credentials...') con = cjdns.connectWithAdminInfo() else: print('Connecting to port {:d}...'.format(cjdns_port)) con = cjdns.connect(cjdns_ip, cjdns_port, cjdns_password) return con except: print('Connection failed!') print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1)
def peer_remove(user): 'unpeer a node' if '/' in user: yield 'nope' exit(1) path = os.path.join(YRD_PEERS, user) if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) else: yield 'user not found' conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) c.removePassword(user) c.disconnect()
def connect(): try: if cjdns_use_default: print('Connecting using default or ~/.cjdnsadmin credentials...') con = cjdns.connectWithAdminInfo() else: print('Connecting to port %d...' % (cjdns_port)) con = cjdns.connect(cjdns_ip, cjdns_port, cjdns_password) print(admin_tools.whoami(con)['IP']) return con except: print('Failed!') print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1)
def addr(): 'show infos about your node' conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) res = c.nodeForAddr()['result'] table = list(c.dumpTable()) yield 'addr\t\t' + res['bestParent']['ip'] yield 'key\t\t' + res['key'] yield 'version\t\tv' + str(res['protocolVersion']) yield '' yield 'links\t\t' + str(res['linkCount']) yield 'known routes\t' + str(len(table)) c.disconnect()
def r(follow=False): 'access the nodestore' c = cjdns.connect() known = [] FMT = '%s %s v%d %11d %7d' while True: for node in c.dumpTable(): if node['ip'] not in known: yield FMT % (node['ip'], node['path'], node['version'], node['link'], node['time']) known.append(node['ip']) if not follow: break time.sleep(3) c.disconnect()
def uplinks(ip, trace=False): 'show uplinks of a node' conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) nodestore = list(c.dumpTable()) result = c.nodeForAddr(ip)['result'] for i in range(result['linkCount']): link = c.getLink(ip, i) if link and 'child' in link['result']: child = link['result']['child'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, child) version = utils.get_version(route) path = utils.get_path(route) yield '%s %s v%d' % (child, path, version) else: yield ('-') c.disconnect()
def ping(ip, count=0, switch=False): 'ping a node' conf = utils.load_conf(CJDROUTE_CONF, CJDROUTE_BIN) c = cjdns.connect(password=conf['admin']['password']) ping = c.switchPing if switch else c.routerPing for _ in xrange(count) if count else itertools.repeat(None): try: resp = ping(ip) except Exception, e: resp = {'error': e} if 'error' in resp: yield 'Error: %s' % resp['error'] elif resp['result'] == 'pong' and switch: yield 'Reply from %s %dms' % (resp['path'], resp['ms']) elif resp['result'] == 'pong': yield 'Reply from %s %dms' % (resp['from'], resp['ms']) elif resp['result'] == 'timeout': yield 'Timeout from %s after %dms' % (ip, resp['ms']) time.sleep(1)
import cjdns from cjdns import key_utils import time import urllib2 nodedb_data_unclean = urllib2.urlopen( "") nodedb_data = nodedb_data_unclean.readlines() nodedb_data.pop(0) nodedb_reference_table = {} for x in nodedb_data: nodedb_reference_table[x.split()[0]] = x.split()[1] cjdns = cjdns.connect("", 11234, "NONE") peerStats = cjdns.InterfaceController_peerStats() list_of_Nodes = [] for x in peerStats['peers']: list_of_Nodes.append(key_utils.to_ipv6(x['publicKey'])) Title = "# Virtualhacker - Cjdns public node\n" date_stamp = "__Last Updated:__ " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %R") with open("/var/www/", "w") as handle: handle.write(Title) handle.write(date_stamp + " \n") handle.write(" \n") handle.write(
#!/usr/bin/python import cjdns from cjdns import key_utils import time import urllib2 nodedb_data_unclean = urllib2.urlopen("") nodedb_data = nodedb_data_unclean.readlines() nodedb_data.pop(0) nodedb_reference_table = {} for x in nodedb_data: nodedb_reference_table[x.split()[0]] = x.split()[1] cjdns = cjdns.connect("", 11234, "NONE") peerStats = cjdns.InterfaceController_peerStats() list_of_Nodes = [] for x in peerStats['peers']: list_of_Nodes.append(key_utils.to_ipv6(x['publicKey'])) Title = "# Virtualhacker - Cjdns public node\n" date_stamp = "__Last Updated:__ " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %R") with open("/var/www/","w") as handle: handle.write(Title) handle.write(date_stamp + " \n") handle.write(" \n") handle.write("To join this Node, information can be found [here](/?pages=services#cjdns) \n")
x /= 8 u = "K" if x > 1024: x /= 1024 u = "M" if x > 1024: x /= 1024 u = "G" return x, u def prntbw(tx, rx, name='{}total'.format(' '*49)): tx, txu = getxstr(tx) rx, rxu = getxstr(rx) print('{}↑ %.2f %sBps | ↓ %.2f %sBps'.format(name)%(tx,txu,rx,rxu)) printPeers = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() == 'peers' s = connect() ps = s.InterfaceController_peerStats() tx, rx = 0.0, 0.0 for p in ps['peers']: ptx = p['sendKbps'] prx = p['recvKbps'] if printPeers: pk = '{}.k'.format(p['addr'].split('.')[-2]+": ") prntbw(ptx, prx, pk) tx += ptx rx += prx prntbw(tx, rx, '')
def n(neighbours=False, bw=False): 'shows your neighbours' c = cjdns.connect() STAT_FORMAT = '%s %19s v%-2d %9s %9s %12s %d/%d/%d ' nodestore = list(c.dumpTable()) connections = {} try: for peer in os.listdir(YRD_PEERS): with open(os.path.join(YRD_PEERS, peer)) as f: info = json.load(f) try: connections[info['pk']] = str(info['name']) except KeyError: pass except OSError: pass stats = {} while True: if bw: sys.stderr.write('\x1b[2J\x1b[H') for peer in c.peerStats(): result = c.nodeForAddr(peer.ip)['result'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, peer.ip) path = utils.get_path(route) setattr(peer, 'path', path) if bw: entry = stats.get(peer.ip, (peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut)) stats[peer.ip] = (peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut) entry = [ utils.speed(peer.bytesIn - entry[0]), utils.speed(peer.bytesOut - entry[1]) ] else: entry = (peer.bytesIn, peer.bytesOut) line = STAT_FORMAT % (peer.ip, peer.path, peer.version, entry[0], entry[1], peer.state, peer.duplicates, peer.lostPackets, peer.receivedOutOfRange) if hasattr(peer, 'user'): line += repr(peer.user) elif peer.publicKey in connections: line += repr(connections[peer.publicKey]) yield line if neighbours: for i in range(result['linkCount']): link = c.getLink(peer.ip, i) if link and 'child' in link['result']: child = link['result']['child'] route = utils.grep_ns(nodestore, child) version = utils.get_version(route) path = utils.get_path(route) yield ' %s %s v%s' % (child, path, version) else: yield ' -' if not bw: break time.sleep(1) c.disconnect()