def _get_user_for_apikey(self, environ): ''' Attempt to find a CKAN user from potential API key provided in environ object :param environ: :return: user object or None ''' apikey_header_name = config.get(base.APIKEY_HEADER_NAME_KEY, base.APIKEY_HEADER_NAME_DEFAULT) apikey = environ.get(apikey_header_name, '') if not apikey: # For misunderstanding old documentation (now fixed). apikey = environ.get(u'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', u'') if not apikey: apikey = environ.get(u'Authorization', u'') # Forget HTTP Auth credentials (they have spaces). if u' ' in apikey: apikey = u'' if not apikey: return None apikey = six.ensure_text(apikey, errors=u"ignore") query = model.Session.query(model.User) user = query.filter_by(apikey=apikey).first() if not user: user = api_token.get_user_from_token(apikey) return user
def _get_user_for_apikey(self, environ): # Based off method _get_user_for_apikey from # Updated to remove request and use paramater environ apikey_header_name = toolkit.config.get(views.APIKEY_HEADER_NAME_KEY, views.APIKEY_HEADER_NAME_DEFAULT) apikey = environ.get(apikey_header_name, u'') if not apikey: # For misunderstanding old documentation (now fixed). apikey = environ.get(u'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', u'') if not apikey: apikey = environ.get(u'Authorization', u'') # Forget HTTP Auth credentials (they have spaces). if u' ' in apikey: apikey = u'' if not apikey: return None apikey = six.ensure_text(apikey, errors=u"ignore") query = model.Session.query(model.User) user = query.filter_by(apikey=apikey).first() if not user: user = api_token.get_user_from_token(apikey) return user
def _get_user_for_apitoken() -> Optional[model.User]: apitoken_header_name = config.get_value("apikey_header_name") apitoken: str = request.headers.get(apitoken_header_name, u'') if not apitoken: apitoken = request.environ.get(apitoken_header_name, u'') if not apitoken: # For misunderstanding old documentation (now fixed). apitoken = request.environ.get(u'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', u'') if not apitoken: apitoken = request.environ.get(u'Authorization', u'') # Forget HTTP Auth credentials (they have spaces). if u' ' in apitoken: apitoken = u'' if not apitoken: return None apitoken = six.ensure_text(apitoken, errors=u"ignore") log.debug(u'Received API Token: %s' % apitoken) user = api_token.get_user_from_token(apitoken) return user
def _get_user_for_apikey(): apikey_header_name = config.get(APIKEY_HEADER_NAME_KEY, APIKEY_HEADER_NAME_DEFAULT) apikey = request.headers.get(apikey_header_name, u'') if not apikey: apikey = request.environ.get(apikey_header_name, u'') if not apikey: # For misunderstanding old documentation (now fixed). apikey = request.environ.get(u'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', u'') if not apikey: apikey = request.environ.get(u'Authorization', u'') # Forget HTTP Auth credentials (they have spaces). if u' ' in apikey: apikey = u'' if not apikey: return None apikey = six.ensure_text(apikey, errors=u"ignore") log.debug(u'Received API Key: %s' % apikey) query = model.Session.query(model.User) user = query.filter_by(apikey=apikey).first() if not user: user = api_token.get_user_from_token(apikey) return user