コード例 #1
def inventory_entry_bulk_create(context, data_dict):
    model = context['model']
    schema = context['schema']
    session = context['session']

    organization = model.Group.get(context['organization_name'])
    inventory_entry_dict = {'group_id': organization.id}

    if not data_dict['field-name-input-0']:
        raise ValidationError({'error': [_('Please add at least one inventory entry.')]})

    for inventory_entry_id in range(10):
        inventory_entry_name = data_dict['field-name-input-' + str(inventory_entry_id)]
        if not inventory_entry_name:

        inventory_entry_dict['title'] = inventory_entry_name
        inventory_entry_dict['recurring_interval'] = data_dict['field-recurring-input-' + str(inventory_entry_id)]
        inventory_entry_dict['is_recurring'] = (inventory_entry_dict['recurring_interval'] != '0')

        data, errors = navl_validate(inventory_entry_dict, schema, context)

        if errors:
            # TODO @palcu: i18n
            raise ValidationError({'error': [_('Verificati intrarea cu numarul {0}.'.format(inventory_entry_id+1))]})

        obj = table_dict_save(inventory_entry_dict, InventoryEntry, context)


    return table_dictize(obj, context)
コード例 #2
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: mattleduc/ckanext-scheming
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        Validate and convert for package_create, package_update and
        package_show actions.
        thing, action_type = action.split('_')
        t = data_dict.get('type')
        if not t or t not in self._schemas:
            return data_dict, {'type': [
                "Unsupported dataset type: {t}".format(t=t)]}
        scheming_schema = self._expanded_schemas[t]

        if action_type == 'show':
            get_validators = _field_output_validators
        elif action_type == 'create':
            get_validators = _field_create_validators
            get_validators = _field_validators

        for f in scheming_schema['dataset_fields']:
            schema[f['field_name']] = get_validators(f, scheming_schema,
                f['field_name'] not in schema)

        resource_schema = schema['resources']
        for f in scheming_schema['resource_fields']:
            resource_schema[f['field_name']] = get_validators(
                f, scheming_schema, False)

        return navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #3
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def metadata_standard_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new metadata standard.

    You must be authorized to create metadata standards.

    :param name: the name of the new metadata standard (optional - auto-generated if not supplied);
        must conform to standard naming rules
    :type name: string
    :param description: the description of the metadata standard (optional)
    :type description: string
    :param standard_name: the name of the metadata standard
    :type standard_name: string
    :param standard_version: the version of the metadata standard (nullable)
    :type standard_version: string
    :param parent_standard_id: the id or name of the metadata standard from which this standard is derived (nullable)
    :type parent_standard_id: string
    :param metadata_template_json: a complete example of a JSON metadata dictionary that conforms to this standard;
        may be used for initializing a search index
    :type metadata_template_json: string
    :param deserialize_json: convert JSON string fields to objects in the output dict (optional, default: ``False``)
    :type deserialize_json: boolean

    :returns: the newly created metadata standard (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the metadata standard id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating metadata standard: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('metadata_standard_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)
    deserialize_json = asbool(data_dict.get('deserialize_json'))

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict,
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    metadata_standard = model_save.metadata_standard_dict_save(data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(
            u'REST API: Create metadata standard %s') % metadata_standard.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = metadata_standard.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('metadata_standard_show')(context, {'id': metadata_standard.id, 'deserialize_json': deserialize_json})
    return output
コード例 #4
def role_show(context, data_dict):
    Return a role definition.

    You must be a sysadmin to view roles.

    :param id: the id of the role
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary
    log.debug("Retrieving role: %r", data_dict)

    role_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None:
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    tk.check_access('role_show', context, data_dict)

    context['role'] = role
    role_dict = dictization.role_dictize(role, context)

    result_dict, errors = tk.navl_validate(role_dict,
                                           schema.role_show_schema(), context)
    return result_dict
コード例 #5
def issues_for_dataset(dataset_id, get_query_dict):
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
        dict(get_query_dict), schema.issue_dataset_controller_schema())
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    query.pop('__extras', None)
    return _search_issues(dataset_id=dataset_id, **query)
コード例 #6
 def validate(self):
     ''' '''
     schema = self.context.get('schema', self.schema)
     self.params, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(self.params, schema,
     if errors:
         raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
コード例 #7
def all_issues(get_query_dict):
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
        dict(get_query_dict), schema.issue_dataset_controller_schema())
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    query.pop('__extras', None)
    return _search_issues(include_datasets=True, **query)
コード例 #8
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-jsonpatch
def jsonpatch_show(context, data_dict):
    Return a JSON Patch definition.

    The structure of the returned dictionary may be customized by passing 'schema' in the context.

    :param id: the id of the JSON Patch
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary
    log.debug("Retrieving JSON Patch: %r", data_dict)

    jsonpatch_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    jsonpatch = JSONPatch.get(jsonpatch_id)
    if jsonpatch is not None:
        jsonpatch_id = jsonpatch.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('JSON Patch')))

    tk.check_access('jsonpatch_show', context, data_dict)

    output_schema = context.get('schema')
    context['jsonpatch'] = jsonpatch
    jsonpatch_dict = jsonpatch_dictize(jsonpatch, context)

    result_dict, errors = tk.navl_validate(jsonpatch_dict, output_schema or schema.jsonpatch_show_schema(), context)
    return result_dict
コード例 #9
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: skvisha/hdx-ckan
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
            We're using a different validation schema if the dataset is private !
        is_requestdata_type = self._is_requestdata_type(data_dict)

        if action in ['package_create', 'package_update']:
            private = False if str(data_dict.get(
                'private', '')).lower() == 'false' else True

            if private:

            if is_requestdata_type:

            fields_to_skip = config.get(
                'hdx.validation.allow_skip_for_sysadmin', '').split(',')
            if len(fields_to_skip) > 0 and fields_to_skip[0] and \
                    authz.is_sysadmin(c.user) and context.get(hdx_update.SKIP_VALIDATION):
                self._update_with_skip_validation(schema, fields_to_skip)

        if action == 'package_show':
            if is_requestdata_type:

        return toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #10
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        Validate and convert for package_create, package_update and
        package_show actions.
        thing, action_type = action.split('_')
        t = data_dict.get('type')
        if not t or t not in self._schemas:
            return data_dict, {
                'type': ["Unsupported dataset type: {t}".format(t=t)]
        scheming_schema = self._expanded_schemas[t]

        if action_type == 'show':
            get_validators = _field_output_validators
        elif action_type == 'create':
            get_validators = _field_create_validators
            get_validators = _field_validators

        for f in scheming_schema['dataset_fields']:
            schema[f['field_name']] = get_validators(
                f, scheming_schema, f['field_name'] not in schema)

        resource_schema = schema['resources']
        for f in scheming_schema.get('resource_fields', []):
            resource_schema[f['field_name']] = get_validators(
                f, scheming_schema, False)

        return navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #11
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        thing, action_type = action.split('_')
        t = data_dict.get('type')
        if not t or t not in self._schemas: # pragma: no cover
            return data_dict, {'type': "Unsupported {thing} type: {t}".format(
                thing=thing, t=t)}
        scheming_schema = self._schemas[t]
        scheming_fields = scheming_schema['fields']
        for f in scheming_fields:
            if action_type == 'show':
                if f['field_name'] not in schema:
                    validators = [convert_from_extras, ignore_missing]
                    validators = [ignore_missing]
                if 'output_validators' in f:
                    validators += validators_from_string(f['output_validators'])
                if 'validators' in f:
                    validators = validators_from_string(f['validators'])
                    validators = [ignore_missing, unicode]
                if f['field_name'] not in schema:
                    validators = validators + [convert_to_extras]
            schema[f['field_name']] = validators

        return navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #12
def _validate_show(issue_id, dataset_id, session,
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
        data={'id': issue_id, 'dataset_id': dataset_id}, schema=schema,
        context={'session': session, 'model': cmodel})
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    return issue_id
コード例 #13
def _validate_show(issue_number, dataset_id, session,
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
        data={'issue_number': issue_number, 'dataset_id': dataset_id},
        context={'session': session, 'model': cmodel})
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    return query
コード例 #14
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-jsonpatch
def jsonpatch_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new JSON Patch for some object. This consists of a single patch "operation" as
    per `Section 4`_ of `RFC6902`_.

    The structure of the returned dictionary may be customized by passing 'schema' in the context.

    :param model_name: this is the 'xyz' part of an 'xyz_show' action to which the patch will be applied
    :type model_name: string
    :param object_id: the id or name of the 'xyz' object
    :type object_id: string
    :param operation: the JSON Patch operation, e.g. { "op": "add", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": "foo" }
    :type operation: dictionary
    :param scope: may be used to filter the patches that get applied under different scenarios (optional)
    :type scope: string
    :param ordinal: set the order of the patch within the list of patches to be applied (optional: default ``0``);
        patches with equivalent ordinal values will be applied in timestamp (creation) order
    :type ordinal: integer
    :param data: any additional information about the patch (optional)
    :type data: dictionary

    :returns: the newly created JSON Patch (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the JSON Patch id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary

    .. _`RFC6902`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902
    .. _`Section 4`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4
    log.info("Creating JSON Patch: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('jsonpatch_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict, schema.jsonpatch_create_schema(), context)
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    jsonpatch = jsonpatch_dict_save(data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Create JSON Patch %s') % jsonpatch.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = jsonpatch.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('jsonpatch_show')(context, {'id': jsonpatch.id})
    return output
コード例 #15
def issues_for_dataset(dataset_id, get_query_dict):
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    query.pop('__extras', None)
    return _search_issues(dataset_id=dataset_id, **query)
コード例 #16
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        # when triggered through harvesters, default schema is taken (see usage of default_create_package_schema in harvesters)
        # override this method to enforce our schema

        if (action == 'package_create'):
            schema = self.create_package_schema(isHarvesting = (not context.get('save')))
        elif (action == 'package_update'):
            schema = self.update_package_schema(isHarvesting = (not context.get('save')))

        return toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #17
def all_issues(get_query_dict):
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    query.pop('__extras', None)
    return _search_issues(include_datasets=True,
コード例 #18
def permission_undefine(context, data_dict):
    Delete the relations that define a permission for some action(s).

    This might be used, for example, if an action previously associated with a
    permission has been deprecated.

    Calls to this function should normally be scripted, or coded in an extension,
    rather than being made available in the UI.

    :param content_type: conceptual object type
    :type content_type: string
    :param operation: conceptual action
    :type operation: string
    :param actions: names of action functions to be dissociated from the given content
        type and operation
    :type actions: list of strings

    :returns: the updated permission with its remaining associated actions
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Undefining permission: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('permission_undefine', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict,
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    # find permission
    permission = session.query(extmodel.Permission) \
        .filter_by(content_type=data['content_type'], operation=data['operation']) \
    if permission is None:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Permission')))

    # remove permission actions
    permission_actions = session.query(extmodel.PermissionAction) \
        .filter_by(permission_id=permission.id) \
        .filter(extmodel.PermissionAction.action_name.in_(data['actions'])) \
    for permission_action in permission_actions:

    if not defer_commit:

    context['include_actions'] = True
    return dictization.permission_dictize(permission, context)
コード例 #19
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: EnxEng/ckan
def plugin_validate(plugin, context, data_dict, schema, action):
    Backwards compatibility with 2.x dataset group and org plugins:
    return a default validate method if one has not been provided.
    if hasattr(plugin, 'validate'):
        result = plugin.validate(context, data_dict, schema, action)
        if result is not None:
            return result

    return toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #20
ファイル: dataset_form.py プロジェクト: palcu/ckanext-dgu
 def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
     if action in ('package_update', 'package_create'):
         # If the caller to package_update specified a schema (e.g.
         # harvesters specify the default schema) then we don't want to
         # override that.
         if not context.get('schema'):
             schema = self.form_to_db_schema_options(context)
             if 'api_version' in context:
                 # Tag validation is looser than CKAN default
                 schema['tags'] = tags_schema()
     return tk.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #21
 def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
     if action in ('package_update', 'package_create'):
         # If the caller to package_update specified a schema (e.g.
         # harvesters specify the default schema) then we don't want to
         # override that.
         if not context.get('schema'):
             schema = self.form_to_db_schema_options(context)
             if 'api_version' in context:
                 # Tag validation is looser than CKAN default
                 schema['tags'] = tags_schema()
     return toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #22
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: agusedyc/ods
def plugin_validate(plugin, context, data_dict, schema, action):
    Backwards compatibility with 2.x dataset group and org plugins:
    return a default validate method if one has not been provided.
    if hasattr(plugin, 'validate'):
        result = plugin.validate(context, data_dict, schema, action)
        if result is not None:
            return result

    return toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #23
def issues_for_org(org_id, get_query_dict):
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
        dict(get_query_dict), schema.issue_dataset_controller_schema())
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    query.pop('__extras', None)
    template_params = _search_issues(organization_id=org_id,
    template_params['org'] = \
        logic.get_action('organization_show')({}, {'id': org_id})
    return template_params
コード例 #24
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def metadata_json_attr_map_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a one-to-one mapping from a metadata JSON element to a metadata record attribute.

    When a metadata record is created or updated, metadata JSON values are copied into
    metadata record attributes for each such defined mapping.

    :param json_path: JSON pointer to a location in a metadata record dictionary
    :type json_path: string
    :param record_attr: the name of an attribute in the metadata record schema
    :type record_attr: string
    :param is_key: no longer used
    :type is_key: boolean
    :param metadata_standard_id: the id or name of the metadata standard for which this mapping is defined
    :type metadata_standard_id: string

    :returns: the newly created MetadataJSONAttrMap object
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating metadata JSON attribute mapping: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('metadata_json_attr_map_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)
    data_dict['is_key'] = False

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(
        data_dict, schema.metadata_json_attr_map_create_schema(), context)
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    metadata_json_attr_map = model_save.metadata_json_attr_map_dict_save(
        data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Create metadata JSON attribute mapping %s'
                        ) % metadata_json_attr_map.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = metadata_json_attr_map.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('metadata_json_attr_map_show')(context, {'id': metadata_json_attr_map.id})
    return output
コード例 #25
def issues_for_org(org_id, get_query_dict):
    query, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    query.pop('__extras', None)
    template_params = _search_issues(organization_id=org_id,
    template_params['org'] = \
        logic.get_action('organization_show')({}, {'id': org_id})
    return template_params
コード例 #26
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def workflow_annotation_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new workflow annotation definition, which simply makes it easier for annotations
    to be added to metadata records via the UI.

    You must be authorized to create workflow annotations.

    :param name: the (augmented metadata record) dictionary key under which an annotation will be added
    :type name: string
    :param attributes: a dict of names and JSON types of the annotation attributes
    :type attributes: dictionary

    :returns: the newly created workflow annotation (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the workflow annotation id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating workflow annotation: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('workflow_annotation_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict,
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    workflow_annotation = model_save.workflow_annotation_dict_save(
        data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Create workflow annotation %s'
                        ) % workflow_annotation.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = workflow_annotation.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('workflow_annotation_show')(context, {'id': workflow_annotation.id})
    return output
コード例 #27
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def workflow_transition_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new workflow transition.

    You must be authorized to create workflow transitions.

    :param from_state_id: the id or name of the source workflow state (nullable - null implies
        that the target state is an initial workflow state)
    :type from_state_id: string
    :param to_state_id: the id or name of the target workflow state
    :type to_state_id: string

    :returns: the newly created workflow transition (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the workflow transition id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating workflow transition: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('workflow_transition_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict,
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    workflow_transition = model_save.workflow_transition_dict_save(
        data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Create workflow transition %s'
                        ) % workflow_transition.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = workflow_transition.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('workflow_transition_show')(context, {'id': workflow_transition.id})
    return output
コード例 #28
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: tino097/ckan
def activity_create(context: Context,
                    data_dict: DataDict) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]:
    """Create a new activity stream activity.

    You must be a sysadmin to create new activities.

    :param user_id: the name or id of the user who carried out the activity,
        e.g. ``'seanh'``
    :type user_id: string
    :param object_id: the name or id of the object of the activity, e.g.
    :param activity_type: the type of the activity, this must be an activity
        type that CKAN knows how to render, e.g. ``'new package'``,
        ``'changed user'``, ``'deleted group'`` etc.
    :type activity_type: string
    :param data: any additional data about the activity
    :type data: dictionary

    :returns: the newly created activity
    :rtype: dictionary


    tk.check_access("activity_create", context, data_dict)

    if not tk.config.get_value("ckan.activity_streams_enabled"):

    model = context["model"]

    # Any revision_id that the caller attempts to pass in the activity_dict is
    # ignored and removed here.
    if "revision_id" in data_dict:
        del data_dict["revision_id"]

    sch = context.get("schema") or schema.default_create_activity_schema()

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict, sch, context)
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    activity = activity_dict_save(data, context)

    if not context.get("defer_commit"):

    log.debug("Created '%s' activity" % activity.activity_type)
    return model_activity.activity_dictize(activity, context)
コード例 #29
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        data, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
        if action == 'organization_show':
            # Transform Apinf fields saved as extras into Organization object fields
            extras = ['url', 'contact_name', 'contact_email', 'contact_phone']

            effective_extras = []
            for extra in data_dict['extras']:
                if extra['key'] in extras:
                    data[extra['key']] = extra['value']

            data['extras'] = effective_extras

        return data, errors
コード例 #30
def role_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new role.

    You must be a sysadmin to create roles.

    :param name: the name of the role; standard naming rules apply
    :type name: string
    :param title: the title of the role (optional)
    :type title: string
    :param description: a description of the role (optional)
    :type description: string

    :returns: the newly created role (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the role id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating role: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('role_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict, schema.role_create_schema(),
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    role = dictization.role_dict_save(data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Create role %s') % role.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = role.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('role_show')(context, {'id': role.id})
    return output
コード例 #31
def validate(context, data_dict, default_schema):
    Validate the data_dict against a schema. If a schema is not available in the context (under the
    key 'schema') then the default schema is used.

    If the data_dict fails the validation process a ValidationError is raised, otherwise the
    potentially updated data_dict is returned.

    :param context: the ckan context dict
    :param data_dict: the dict to validate
    :param default_schema: the default schema to use if the context doesn't have one
    schema = context.get(u'schema', default_schema)
    data_dict, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)
    return data_dict
コード例 #32
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: mattleduc/ckanext-scheming
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        thing, action_type = action.split('_')
        t = data_dict.get('type')
        if not t or t not in self._schemas:
            return data_dict, {'type': "Unsupported {thing} type: {t}".format(
                thing=thing, t=t)}
        scheming_schema = self._expanded_schemas[t]
        scheming_fields = scheming_schema['fields']

        get_validators = (_field_output_validators
            if action_type == 'show' else _field_validators)

        for f in scheming_fields:
            schema[f['field_name']] = get_validators(f, scheming_schema,
                f['field_name'] not in schema)

        return navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #33
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        thing, action_type = action.split('_')
        t = data_dict.get('type')
        if not t or t not in self._schemas:
            return data_dict, {
                'type': "Unsupported {thing} type: {t}".format(thing=thing,
        scheming_schema = self._expanded_schemas[t]
        scheming_fields = scheming_schema['fields']

        get_validators = (_field_output_validators_group
                          if action_type == 'show' else _field_validators)
        for f in scheming_fields:
            schema[f['field_name']] = get_validators(
                f, scheming_schema, f['field_name'] not in schema)

        return navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #34
 def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
     if action in ('package_update', 'package_create'):
         # If the caller to package_update specified a schema (e.g.
         # harvesters specify the default schema) then we don't want to
         # override that.
         if not context.get('schema'):
             if 'api_version' in context:
                 # When accessed by the API, just use the default schemas.
                 # It's only the forms that are customized to make it easier
                 # for humans.
                 if action == 'package_create':
                     schema = default_schema.default_create_package_schema()
                     schema = default_schema.default_update_package_schema()
                 # Customized schema for DGU form
                 schema = self.form_to_db_schema_options(context)
     return toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #35
    def validate(self, context, data_dict, schema, action):
        Validate and convert for package_create, package_update and
        package_show actions.
        thing, action_type = action.split('_')
        t = data_dict.get('type')
        if not t or t not in self._schemas:  # pragma: no cover
            return data_dict, {'type': [
                "Unsupported dataset type: {t}".format(t=t)]}
        scheming_schema = self._schemas[t]

        for f in scheming_schema['dataset_fields']:
            if action_type == 'show':
                if f['field_name'] not in schema:
                    validators = [convert_from_extras, ignore_missing]
                    validators = [ignore_missing]
                if 'output_validators' in f:
                    validators += validators_from_string(f['output_validators'])
                if 'validators' in f:
                    validators = validators_from_string(f['validators'])
                    validators = [ignore_missing, unicode]
                if f['field_name'] not in schema:
                    validators = validators + [convert_to_extras]
            schema[f['field_name']] = validators

        resource_schema = schema['resources']
        for f in scheming_schema['resource_fields']:
            if action_type == 'show':
                validators = [ignore_missing]
                if 'output_validators' in f:
                    validators += validators_from_string(f['output_validators'])
                if 'validators' in f:
                    validators = validators_from_string(f['validators'])
                    validators = [ignore_missing, unicode]
            resource_schema[f['field_name']] = validators

        return navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
コード例 #36
def inventory_entry_update(context, data_dict):
    # TODO @palcu: DRY this w/ inventory_entry_create
    model = context['model']
    schema = context['schema']
    session = context['session']

    organization = model.Group.get(context['organization_name'])
    data_dict['group_id'] = organization.id
    data_dict['is_recurring'] = (data_dict['recurring_interval'] != '0')

    data, errors = navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)

    if errors:
        raise ValidationError(errors)

    obj = table_dict_save(data_dict, InventoryEntry, context)

    return table_dictize(obj, context)
コード例 #37
def inventory_entry_update(context, data_dict):
    # TODO @palcu: DRY this w/ inventory_entry_create
    model = context['model']
    schema = context['schema']
    session = context['session']

    organization = model.Group.get(context['organization_name'])
    data_dict['group_id'] = organization.id
    data_dict['is_recurring'] = (data_dict['recurring_interval'] != '0')

    data, errors = navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)

    if errors:
        raise ValidationError(errors)

    obj = table_dict_save(data_dict, InventoryEntry, context)

    return table_dictize(obj, context)
コード例 #38
def inventory_entry_bulk_create(context, data_dict):
    model = context['model']
    schema = context['schema']
    session = context['session']

    organization = model.Group.get(context['organization_name'])
    inventory_entry_dict = {'group_id': organization.id}

    if not data_dict['field-name-input-0']:
        raise ValidationError(
            {'error': [_('Please add at least one inventory entry.')]})

    for inventory_entry_id in range(10):
        inventory_entry_name = data_dict['field-name-input-' +
        if not inventory_entry_name:

        inventory_entry_dict['title'] = inventory_entry_name
        inventory_entry_dict['recurring_interval'] = data_dict[
            'field-recurring-input-' + str(inventory_entry_id)]
        inventory_entry_dict['is_recurring'] = (
            inventory_entry_dict['recurring_interval'] != '0')

        data, errors = navl_validate(inventory_entry_dict, schema, context)

        if errors:
            # TODO @palcu: i18n
            raise ValidationError({
                'error': [
                    _('Verificati intrarea cu numarul {0}.'.format(
                        inventory_entry_id + 1))

        obj = table_dict_save(inventory_entry_dict, InventoryEntry, context)


    return table_dictize(obj, context)
コード例 #39
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: mehulsbhatt/ckanext-sweden
def user_invite(context, data_dict):
    '''Invite a new user.

    You must be authorized to create group members.

    :param email: the email of the user to be invited to the group
    :type email: string
    :param group_id: the id or name of the group
    :type group_id: string
    :param role: role of the user in the group. One of ``member``, ``editor``,
        or ``admin``
    :type role: string

    :returns: the newly created yser
    :rtype: dictionary
    toolkit.check_access('user_invite', context, data_dict)

    schema = context.get('schema',
    data, errors = toolkit.navl_validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    model = context['model']
    group = model.Group.get(data['group_id'])
    if not group:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound()

    name = logic.action.create._get_random_username_from_email(data['email'])
    password = str(random.SystemRandom().random())
    data['name'] = name
    data['password'] = password
    data['state'] = model.State.PENDING
    user_dict = toolkit.get_action('user_create')(context, data)
    user = model.User.get(user_dict['id'])
    member_dict = {
        'username': user.id,
        'id': data['group_id'],
        'role': data['role']
    toolkit.get_action('group_member_create')(context, member_dict)

    if group.is_organization:
        group_dict = toolkit.get_action('organization_show')(context,
            {'id': data['group_id']})
        group_dict = toolkit.get_action('group_show')(context,
            {'id': data['group_id']})


    # Email body
    group_type = (toolkit._('organization') if group_dict['is_organization']
                  else toolkit._('group'))
    role = data['role']
    extra_vars = {
        'reset_link': mailer.get_reset_link(user),
        'site_title': config.get('ckan.site_title'),
        'site_url': config.get('ckan.site_url'),
        'user_name': user.name,
        'role_name': authz.roles_trans().get(role, toolkit._(role)),
        'group_type': group_type,
        'group_title': group_dict.get('title'),

    # NOTE: This template is translated
    body = render_jinja2('emails/invite_user.txt', extra_vars)
    subject = toolkit._('Invite for {site_title}').format(

    mailer.mail_user(user, subject, body)

    return model_dictize.user_dictize(user, context)
コード例 #40
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def metadata_schema_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new metadata schema.

    You must be authorized to create metadata schemas.

    A metadata schema must be one and only one of the following:
    - the default for the given metadata standard (no organization or infrastructure)
    - associated with an organization
    - associated with an infrastructure

    Any metadata records that are now dependent on this schema are invalidated.

    :param name: the name of the new metadata schema (optional - auto-generated if not supplied);
        must conform to standard naming rules
    :type name: string
    :param description: the description of the metadata schema (optional)
    :type description: string
    :param metadata_standard_id: the id or name of the metadata standard for which this schema is defined
    :type metadata_standard_id: string
    :param schema_json: the JSON dictionary defining the schema
    :type schema_json: string
    :param organization_id: the id or name of the associated organization (nullable)
    :type organization_id: string
    :param infrastructure_id: the id or name of the associated infrastructure (nullable)
    :type infrastructure_id: string
    :param deserialize_json: convert JSON string fields to objects in the output dict (optional, default: ``False``)
    :type deserialize_json: boolean

    :returns: the newly created metadata schema (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the metadata schema id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating metadata schema: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('metadata_schema_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)
    deserialize_json = asbool(data_dict.get('deserialize_json'))

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict,
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    metadata_schema = model_save.metadata_schema_dict_save(data, context)

    # creating the revision also flushes the session which gives us the new object id
    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(
            u'REST API: Create metadata schema %s') % metadata_schema.id

    dependent_record_list_context = context.copy()
    dependent_record_list_context['ignore_auth'] = True
    dependent_record_list = tk.get_action(
                                                     'id': metadata_schema.id
    invalidate_context = context.copy()
        'defer_commit': True,
        'ignore_auth': True,
        'trigger_action': 'metadata_schema_create',
        'trigger_object_id': metadata_schema.id,
    for metadata_record_id in dependent_record_list:
        tk.get_action('metadata_record_invalidate')(invalidate_context, {
            'id': metadata_record_id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = metadata_schema.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('metadata_schema_show')(context, {'id': metadata_schema.id, 'deserialize_json': deserialize_json})
    return output
コード例 #41
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def metadata_record_workflow_annotation_create(context, data_dict):
    Add a workflow annotation to a metadata record.

    You must be authorized to add annotations to the metadata record.

    This is a wrapper for jsonpatch_create, creating an 'add' patch operation with scope 'workflow'.

    :param id: the id or name of the metadata record to annotate
    :type id: string
    :param key: the key in the augmented metadata record dict at which the annotation value will be set;
        this cannot be an existing key in the metadata record show schema
    :type key: string
    :param value: the JSON object to set at the specified key
    :type value: string
    :param deserialize_json: convert JSON string fields to objects in the output dict (optional, default: ``False``)
    :type deserialize_json: boolean

    :returns: the newly created workflow annotation (which is a facade to the underlying JSONPatch object)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Adding a workflow annotation to a metadata record: %r",
    tk.check_access('metadata_record_workflow_annotation_create', context,

    session = context['session']
    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(
        data_dict, schema.metadata_record_workflow_annotation_create_schema(),
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    annotation = tk.get_action('metadata_record_workflow_annotation_show')(
        context, data_dict)
    if annotation:
        raise tk.ValidationError({
            'key': [
                _('Duplicate: workflow annotation with the given key already exists on metadata record'

    deserialize_json = asbool(data_dict.get('deserialize_json'))
    jsonpatch_context = context.copy()
    jsonpatch_data = {
        'model_name': 'metadata_record',
        'object_id': data_dict['id'],
        'scope': 'workflow',
        'operation': {
            'op': 'add',
            'path': '/' + data_dict['key'],
            'value': json.loads(data_dict['value']),
    return tk.get_action('jsonpatch_create')(jsonpatch_context, jsonpatch_data)
コード例 #42
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-jsonpatch
def jsonpatch_update(context, data_dict):
    Update a JSON Patch.

    It is recommended to call
    :py:func:`ckan.logic.action.get.jsonpatch_show`, make the desired changes to
    the result, and then call ``jsonpatch_update()`` with it.

    For further parameters see

    Note: model_name and object_id cannot be modified.

    The structure of the returned dictionary may be customized by passing 'schema' in the context.

    :param id: the id of the JSON Patch to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated JSON Patch (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the JSON Patch id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Updating JSON Patch: %r", data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    jsonpatch_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    jsonpatch = JSONPatch.get(jsonpatch_id)
    if jsonpatch is not None:
        jsonpatch_id = jsonpatch.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('JSON Patch')))

    tk.check_access('jsonpatch_update', context, data_dict)

        'id': jsonpatch_id,
        'jsonpatch': jsonpatch,
        'allow_partial_update': True,

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict, schema.jsonpatch_update_schema(), context)
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    jsonpatch = jsonpatch_dict_save(data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Update JSON Patch %s') % jsonpatch_id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = jsonpatch_id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('jsonpatch_show')(context, {'id': jsonpatch_id})
    return output
コード例 #43
ファイル: create.py プロジェクト: SAEONData/ckanext-metadata
def workflow_state_create(context, data_dict):
    Create a new workflow state.

    You must be authorized to create workflow states.

    :param name: the name of the new workflow state; must conform to standard naming rules
    :type name: string
    :param title: the title of the workflow state (optional)
    :type title: string
    :param description: the description of the workflow state (optional)
    :type description: string
    :param workflow_rules_json: JSON schema against which an augmented metadata record must
        be validated in order to be assigned this workflow state
    :type workflow_rules_json: string
    :param metadata_records_private: determines the private/public status of metadata records
        that are in this workflow state
    :type metadata_records_private: boolean
    :param revert_state_id: the id or name of the state to which a metadata record is
        reverted in case it no longer fulfils the rules for this state (nullable)
    :type revert_state_id: string
    :param deserialize_json: convert JSON string fields to objects in the output dict (optional, default: ``False``)
    :type deserialize_json: boolean

    :returns: the newly created workflow state (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the workflow state id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Creating workflow state: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('workflow_state_create', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)
    deserialize_json = asbool(data_dict.get('deserialize_json'))

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict,
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    workflow_state = model_save.workflow_state_dict_save(data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(
            u'REST API: Create workflow state %s') % workflow_state.id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = workflow_state.id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('workflow_state_show')(context, {'id': workflow_state.id, 'deserialize_json': deserialize_json})
    return output
コード例 #44
def role_update(context, data_dict):
    Update a role.

    You must be a sysadmin to update roles.

    It is recommended to call
    :py:func:`ckan.logic.action.get.role_show`, make the desired changes to
    the result, and then call ``role_update()`` with it.

    For further parameters see

    :param id: the id or name of the role to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated role (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the role id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Updating role: %r", data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)
    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    role_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None:
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    tk.check_access('role_update', context, data_dict)

        'id': role_id,
        'role': role,
        'allow_partial_update': True,

    data, errors = tk.navl_validate(data_dict, schema.role_update_schema(),
    if errors:
        raise tk.ValidationError(errors)

    role = dictization.role_dict_save(data, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Update role %s') % role_id

    if not defer_commit:

    output = role_id if return_id_only \
        else tk.get_action('role_show')(context, {'id': role_id})
    return output