コード例 #1
ファイル: readMap.py プロジェクト: charliebury/RIDL
def readMap(dirIn='./', dirOut='./', mapName='untitled.map',
            mapType='atom_map', atomInds=[], log='',
            standardise=False, fixMaxMapVal=''):

    # a function to read in a .map file of either density or atom-tagged type

    # define 'rho' electron map object
    rho = MapInfo()

    mapName = dirIn + mapName
    filesize = os.path.getsize(mapName)
    log.writeToLog(str='Map file of size {} bytes to be read'.format(filesize))

    # open electron density .map file here (bmf for binary map file)
    if os.name != 'nt':
        with open(mapName) as f:
            bmf = mmap.mmap(
                f.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ, flags=mmap.MAP_PRIVATE)
        with open(mapName, "r+b") as f:
            bmf = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)

    # start adding header information into MapInfo class format.
    # Note the unpacking of a struct for each byte, read as a long 'l'
    for n in ('nx', 'ny', 'nz'):
        rho.nxyz[n] = unpack('=l', bmf.read(4))[0]

    rho.type = unpack('=l', bmf.read(4))[0]

    for s in ('fast', 'med', 'slow'):
        rho.start[s] = unpack('=l', bmf.read(4))[0]

    for g in ('1', '2', '3'):
        rho.gridsamp[g] = unpack('=l', bmf.read(4))[0]

    for d in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'):
        # cell dims stored as float not long int
        rho.celldims[d] = unpack('f', bmf.read(4))[0]

    for a in ('fast', 'med', 'slow'):
        rho.axis[a] = unpack('=l', bmf.read(4))[0]

    for d in ('min', 'max', 'mean'):
        rho.density[d] = unpack('f', bmf.read(4))[0]

    s = rho.getHeaderInfo(tab=True)

    # write to log file if specified
    if log != '':
        if os.path.exists(log.logFile):
            for l in s.split('\n'):
                log.writeToLog(l, priority='minor')

    # calculate the last nx*ny*nz bytes of file (corresponding to
    # the position of the 3D electron density array). Note factor
    # of 4 is included since 4-byte floats used for electron
    # density array values.

    densitystart = filesize - 4*(reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, list(rho.nxyz.values())))

    # if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    #     import functools
    #     densitystart = filesize - 4*(functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, list(rho.nxyz.values())))
    # else:
    #     densitystart = filesize - 4*(reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, list(rho.nxyz.values())))

    # get symmetry operations from map header
    for j in range(23, 58):
        if j != 53 and j < 57:

            if j != 55:
                val = unpack('=l', bmf.read(4))[0]
                val = unpack('=f', bmf.read(4))[0]

            if j == 24:
                numSymBytes = val

            if j == 55:
                mapStdev = round(val, 5)

        elif j < 57:
            for i in range(4):
                val = unpack('c', bmf.read(1))[0]
            for i in range(10):
                for k in range(80):
                    char = unpack('c', bmf.read(1))[0]
    symOps = []

    for j in range(numSymBytes // 80):
        line = ''
        for k in range(80):
            char = unpack('=c', bmf.read(1))[0].decode("utf-8")
            line += char

    # next seek start of electron density data
    bmf.seek(densitystart, 0)

    # if electron density written in shorts this is not
    # currently expected, so program will halt
    if rho.type == 1:
        error(text='Untested .map type --> 1 (type 2 expected). ' +
                   'Values read as int16 ("i2?") - consult .map header in ' +
                   'MAPDUMP(CCP4) to check', log=log, type='error')

    # if electron density written in floats (which is to be expected
    # from FFT-CCP4 outputted .map file of electron density)
    if rho.type == 2:

        # the length of the each data chunk to read map voxels below
        struct_fmt = '=f'
        struct_len = calcsize(struct_fmt)
        # should get struct_len = 4
        if struct_len != 4:
            error(text='Bad data chunk length assigned when reading map',
                  log=log, type='error')

        density = []
        appenddens = density.append

        if mapType in ('atom_map'):
            atomInds = []
            appendindex = atomInds.append
            counter = -1
            while True:
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                if not data:
                s = unpack(struct_fmt, data)[0]
                counter += 1
                if int(s) == 0:
            log.writeToLog(str='# voxels in total : {}'.format(counter + 1))

        # efficient way to read through density map file
        # using indices of atoms from atom map file above
        elif mapType in ('density_map'):

            for i in range(0, len(atomInds)):
                if i != 0:
                    bmf.read(struct_len*(atomInds[i]-atomInds[i-1] - 1))

                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                s = unpack(struct_fmt, data)[0]

            # check that resulting list of same length as atomInds
            if len(density) != len(atomInds):
                error(text='Failure to process the density map ' +
                           'using atom-tagged map', log=log, type='error')

            # while True:
            #     data = bmf.read(struct_len)
            #     if not data: break
            #     s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]
            #     appenddens(s)

            error(text='Unknown map type!', log=log, type='error')

    # as a check that file has been read correctly, check that the min
    # and max electron density stated in .map file header correspond to
    # calculated min and max here.
    # NOTE for the case of atom map, the min voxel val will be 0 (no
    # atom present)--> since these voxels are removed during the filtering
    # of the map, only the map value is tested.
    # For density map, cannot currently perform a check, since there is no
    # guarantee that the max and min voxel values may be non atom voxels and
    # thus removed
    if mapType in ('atom_map'):
        if max(density) == rho.density['max']:
                str='calculated max voxel value match value ' +
                    'stated in file header')
                text='Calculated max voxel value:{} does NOT '.format(
                    max(density)) +
                'match value stated in file header:{}'.format(
                log=log, type='error')

    # if each voxel value is an atom number, then want to convert to integer
    if mapType in ('atom_map'):
        density_final = [int(dens // 100) for dens in density]
    elif mapType in ('density_map'):
        density_final = density
        error(text='Unknown map type!', log=log, type='error')

    # provide option to standardise density to map mean and standard deviation
    if standardise and mapType in ('density_map'):
        density_final = (np.array(density_final)-rho.density['mean'])/mapStdev

        if fixMaxMapVal != '':
            density_final /= np.max(np.absolute(density_final))
            if fixMaxMapVal == 'rand':
                fixMaxMapVal = np.random.uniform(6, 10)
                    str='Random max map value chosen to be {}'.format(
            density_final *= fixMaxMapVal

        density_final = density_final.tolist()

    rho.vxls_val = density_final

    if mapType in ('atom_map'):
        return rho, atomInds
        return rho
コード例 #2
def readMap(where,pdbname,mapfilename,maptype,atom_indices):

    # append to log file for this eTrack run 
    logfileName = '{}output/{}_log.txt'.format(where,pdbname)
    logfile = open(logfileName,'a')
    # define 'rho' electron map object
    rho = MapInfo()

    # open electron density .map file here (bmf for binary map file)
    bmf = open(where+mapfilename,'rb')
    # start adding header information into MapInfo class format. 
    # Note the unpacking of a struct for each byte, read as a long 'l'
    for n in ('nx','ny','nz'):
        rho.nxyz[n]   = struct.unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]

    print 'Num. Col, Row, Sec: '
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.nxyz.values())
    logfile.write('Num. Col, Row, Sec: {} {} {}\n'.format(*rho.nxyz.values()))
    rho.type = struct.unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]

    for s in ('1','2','3'):
        rho.start[s] = struct.unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    print 'Start positions: '
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.start.values())
    logfile.write('Start positions: {} {} {}\n'.format(*rho.start.values()))

    for g in ('1','2','3'):
        rho.gridsamp[g] = struct.unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    print 'Grid sampling:'
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.gridsamp.values())
    logfile.write('Grid sampling: {} {} {}\n'.format(*rho.gridsamp.values()))

    # for cell dimensions, stored in header file as float not long 
    # integer so must account for this
    for d in ('a','b','c','alpha','beta','gamma'):
        rho.celldims[d]       = struct.unpack('f',bmf.read(4))[0]

    print 'Cell dimensions:'
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.gridsamp.values()[0:3])
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.gridsamp.values()[3:6])
    logfile.write('Cell dimensions: {} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(*rho.gridsamp.values()))

    for a in ('fast','med','slow'):
        rho.axis[a]   = struct.unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    print 'Fast,med,slow axes: '
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.axis.values())
    logfile.write('Fast,med,slow axes: {} {} {}\n'.format(*rho.axis.values()))

    for d in ('min','max','mean'):
        rho.density[d]  = struct.unpack('f',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    print 'Density values: '
    print '{} {} {}'.format(*rho.density.values())
    logfile.write('Density values: {} {} {}\n'.format(*rho.density.values()))

    # next find .map file size, to calculate the last nx*ny*nz bytes of 
    # file (corresponding to the position of the 3D electron density 
    # array). Note factor of 4 is included since 4-byte floats used for 
    # electron density array values.
    filesize = os.path.getsize(where+mapfilename)
    densitystart = filesize - 4*(rho.nx*rho.ny*rho.nz)
    # next seek start of electron density data
    # if electron density written in shorts (I don't think it will be 
    # but best to have this case)
    if rho.type is 1:  
        print 'Untested .map type --> 1 (type 2 expected). Values read' 
        + 'as int16 ("i2?") - consult .map header in MAPDUMP(CCP4) to check'
        struct_fmt = '=i2'
        struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_fmt)
        density = []
        while True:
            data = bmf.read(struct_len)
            if not data: break
            s = struct.unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]
    # if electron density written in floats (which is to be expected 
    # from FFT-CCP4 outputted .map file of electron density)
    if rho.type is 2:  
        struct_fmt = '=f4'
        struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_fmt)
        density = []
        appenddens = density.append
        if maptype in ('atom_map'):
            atom_indices = []
            appendindex = atom_indices.append
            counter = -1
            while True:
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                if not data: break
                s = struct.unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]
                counter += 1
                if int(s) == 0:
        # efficient way to read through density map file using indices of atoms
        # from atom map file above
        elif maptype in ('density_map'):
            for i in range(0,len(atom_indices)):
                if i != 0:
                    bmf.read(struct_len*(atom_indices[i]-atom_indices[i-1] - 1))
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                s = struct.unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]
            print 'Unknown map type --> terminating script'
    # as a check that file has been read correctly, check that the min 
    # and max electron density stated in .map file header correspond to 
    # calculated min and max here
    # Note for the case of atom map, the min voxel val will be 0 (no atom present)
    # --> since these voxels are removed during the filtering of the map, only 
    # the map value is tested.
    # For density map, cannot currently perform a check, since there is no 
    # guarantee that the max and min voxel values may be non atom voxels and
    # thus removed
    if maptype in ('atom_map'):        
        if max(density) == rho.maxdensity:
            print 'calculated max voxel value match value stated in file header'
            print 'calculated max voxel value does NOT match value stated in file header'
            print 'have now calculated max voxel value to be: %s'\
    # if each voxel value is an atom number, then want to convert to integer
    if maptype in ('atom_map'):
        density_final = [int(dens)/100 for dens in density]
    elif maptype in ('density_map'):
        density_final = density
        print 'Unknown map type --> terminating script'

    rho.vxls_val = density_final
    if maptype in ('atom_map'):
        return rho,atom_indices
        return rho
コード例 #3
def readMap(dirIn    = './',
            dirOut   = './',
            mapName  = 'untitled.map',
            mapType  = 'atom_map',
            atomInds = [],
            log      = ''):

    # define 'rho' electron map object
    rho = MapInfo()

    mapName = dirIn + mapName
    filesize = os.path.getsize(mapName)
    ln = 'Map file of size {} bytes to be read'.format(filesize)
    log.writeToLog(str = ln)

    # open electron density .map file here (bmf for binary map file)
    if os.name != 'nt': # if not windows 
        with open( mapName ) as f:
            bmf = mmap.mmap( f.fileno(), 0, prot = mmap.PROT_READ, flags = mmap.MAP_PRIVATE )
        with open( mapName ,"r+b") as f:
            bmf = mmap.mmap( f.fileno(), 0)

    # start adding header information into MapInfo class format. 
    # Note the unpacking of a struct for each byte, read as a long 'l'
    for n in ('nx','ny','nz'):
        rho.nxyz[n] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]

    rho.type = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]

    for s in ('fast','med','slow'):
        rho.start[s] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    for g in ('1','2','3'):
        rho.gridsamp[g] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    for d in ('a','b','c','alpha','beta','gamma'):
        rho.celldims[d] = unpack('f',bmf.read(4))[0] # cell dims stored as float not long int

    for a in ('fast','med','slow'): 
        rho.axis[a] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 
    for d in ('min','max','mean'): 
        rho.density[d] = unpack('f',bmf.read(4))[0]

    s = rho.getHeaderInfo(tab = True)

    # write to log file if specified 
    if log != '':
        if os.path.exists(log.logFile):
            for l in s.split('\n'): log.writeToLog(l)
        print s

    # calculate the last nx*ny*nz bytes of file (corresponding to 
    # the position of the 3D electron density array). Note factor 
    # of 4 is included since 4-byte floats used for electron 
    # density array values.
    densitystart = filesize - 4*(reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, rho.nxyz.values()))
    # get symmetry operations from map header
    for j in range(23,58):
        if j != 53 and j < 57:
            val = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]
            if j == 24:
                numSymBytes = val
        elif j < 57:
            for i in range(4):
                val = unpack('c',bmf.read(1))[0]
            for i in range(10):
                for  k in range(80):
                    char = unpack('c',bmf.read(1))[0]
    symOps = []
    for j in range(numSymBytes/80):
        line = ''
        for k in range(80):
            char = unpack('c',bmf.read(1))[0]
            line += char

    # next seek start of electron density data
    # if electron density written in shorts (I don't think it will be 
    # but best to have this case)
    if rho.type is 1:  
        err = 'Untested .map type --> 1 (type 2 expected). Values read'+\
              'as int16 ("i2?") - consult .map header in MAPDUMP(CCP4) to check'
        log.writeToLog(str = err)
        struct_fmt = '=i2'
        struct_len = calcsize(struct_fmt)
        density = []
        while True:
            data = bmf.read(struct_len)
            if not data: break
            s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]

    # if electron density written in floats (which is to be expected 
    # from FFT-CCP4 outputted .map file of electron density)
    if rho.type is 2:  
        struct_fmt = '=f4'
        struct_len = calcsize(struct_fmt)
        density = []
        appenddens = density.append
        if mapType in ('atom_map'):
            atomInds = []
            appendindex = atomInds.append
            counter = -1
            while True:
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                if not data: break
                s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]
                counter += 1
                if int(s) == 0:
            ln = '# voxels in total : {}'.format(counter + 1)
            log.writeToLog(str = ln)

        # efficient way to read through density map file using indices of atoms
        # from atom map file above
        elif mapType in ('density_map'):
            for i in range(0,len(atomInds)):
                if i != 0:
                    bmf.read(struct_len*(atomInds[i]-atomInds[i-1] - 1))
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]

            # check that resulting list of same length as atomInds
            if len(density) != len(atomInds):
                err = 'Error in processing of density map using atom-tagged map'
                log.writeToLog(str = err)

            err = 'Unknown map type --> terminating script'
            log.writeToLog(str = err)

    # as a check that file has been read correctly, check that the min 
    # and max electron density stated in .map file header correspond to 
    # calculated min and max here.
    # Note for the case of atom map, the min voxel val will be 0 (no atom present)
    # --> since these voxels are removed during the filtering of the map, only 
    # the map value is tested.
    # For density map, cannot currently perform a check, since there is no 
    # guarantee that the max and min voxel values may be non atom voxels and
    # thus removed
    if mapType in ('atom_map'):      
        if max(density) == rho.density['max']:
            ln = 'calculated max voxel value match value stated in file header'
            log.writeToLog(str = ln)
            err = 'calculated max voxel value:{} does NOT '.format(max(density))+\
                  'match value stated in file header:{}'.format(rho.density['max'])
            log.writeToLog(str = err)
    # if each voxel value is an atom number, then want to convert to integer
    if mapType in ('atom_map'):
        density_final = [int(dens)/100 for dens in density]
    elif mapType in ('density_map'):
        density_final = density
        err = 'Unknown map type --> terminating script'
        log.writeToLog(str = err)

    rho.vxls_val = density_final

    if mapType in ('atom_map'):
        return rho,atomInds
        return rho
コード例 #4
ファイル: map2VoxelClassList.py プロジェクト: JonnyCBB/eTrack
def readMap(dirIn,dirOut,pdbname,mapfilename,maptype,atom_indices):
    # append to log file for this eTrack run 
    logfileName = '{}{}_log.txt'.format(dirOut,pdbname)
    logfile = open(logfileName,'a')
    # define 'rho' electron map object
    rho = MapInfo()

    # open electron density .map file here (bmf for binary map file)
    # bmf = open(where+mapfilename,'rb')
    mapName = dirIn+mapfilename
    with open( mapName ) as f:
        bmf = mmap.mmap( f.fileno(), 0, prot = mmap.PROT_READ, flags = mmap.MAP_PRIVATE )
    # start adding header information into MapInfo class format. 
    # Note the unpacking of a struct for each byte, read as a long 'l'
    for n in ('nx','ny','nz'):
        rho.nxyz[n] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]

    rho.type = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0]

    for s in ('1','2','3'):
        rho.start[s] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    for g in ('1','2','3'):
        rho.gridsamp[g] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    for d in ('a','b','c','alpha','beta','gamma'):
        rho.celldims[d] = unpack('f',bmf.read(4))[0] # cell dims stored as float not long int

    for a in ('fast','med','slow'): 
        rho.axis[a] = unpack('=l',bmf.read(4))[0] 
    for d in ('min','max','mean'): 
        rho.density[d] = unpack('f',bmf.read(4))[0] 

    s = rho.getHeaderInfo()

    # next find .map file size, to calculate the last nx*ny*nz bytes of 
    # file (corresponding to the position of the 3D electron density 
    # array). Note factor of 4 is included since 4-byte floats used for 
    # electron density array values.
    filesize = os.path.getsize(dirIn+mapfilename)
    densitystart = filesize - 4*(reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, rho.nxyz.values()))
    # next seek start of electron density data
    # if electron density written in shorts (I don't think it will be 
    # but best to have this case)
    if rho.type is 1:  
        print 'Untested .map type --> 1 (type 2 expected). Values read' 
        + 'as int16 ("i2?") - consult .map header in MAPDUMP(CCP4) to check'
        struct_fmt = '=i2'
        struct_len = calcsize(struct_fmt)
        density = []
        while True:
            data = bmf.read(struct_len)
            if not data: break
            s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]

    # if electron density written in floats (which is to be expected 
    # from FFT-CCP4 outputted .map file of electron density)
    if rho.type is 2:  
        struct_fmt = '=f4'
        struct_len = calcsize(struct_fmt)
        density = []
        appenddens = density.append
        if maptype in ('atom_map'):
            atom_indices = []
            appendindex = atom_indices.append
            counter = -1
            while True:
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                if not data: break
                s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]
                counter += 1
                if int(s) == 0:
            print '# voxels in total : {}'.format(counter+1)

        # efficient way to read through density map file using indices of atoms
        # from atom map file above
        elif maptype in ('density_map'):
            for i in range(0,len(atom_indices)):
                if i != 0:
                    bmf.read(struct_len*(atom_indices[i]-atom_indices[i-1] - 1))
                data = bmf.read(struct_len)
                s = unpack(struct_fmt,data)[0]

            # check that resulting list of same length as atom_indices
            if len(density) != len(atom_indices):
                print 'Error in processing of density map using atom-tagged map'
            print 'Unknown map type --> terminating script'

    # as a check that file has been read correctly, check that the min 
    # and max electron density stated in .map file header correspond to 
    # calculated min and max here
    # Note for the case of atom map, the min voxel val will be 0 (no atom present)
    # --> since these voxels are removed during the filtering of the map, only 
    # the map value is tested.
    # For density map, cannot currently perform a check, since there is no 
    # guarantee that the max and min voxel values may be non atom voxels and
    # thus removed
    if maptype in ('atom_map'):      
        if max(density) == rho.density['max']:
            print 'calculated max voxel value match value stated in file header'
            print 'calculated max voxel value:{} does NOT match value stated in file header:{}'.format(max(density),rho.density['max'])
    # if each voxel value is an atom number, then want to convert to integer
    if maptype in ('atom_map'):
        density_final = [int(dens)/100 for dens in density]
    elif maptype in ('density_map'):
        density_final = density
        print 'Unknown map type --> terminating script'

    rho.vxls_val = density_final

    if maptype in ('atom_map'):
        return rho,atom_indices
        return rho