コード例 #1

#### Process Facebook comments and tweets for one company.
# company_id = 48
# new_dir = os.path.abspath(d_exporter.file_paths['output_dir'] + '/sel_com')
# d_exporter.change_output_dir(new_dir)
# for (n_price_type, n_delay, n_boundary) in params_combinations:
#     print("===Company %d: %s, %s, %s===") % (company_id, n_price_type, str(n_delay), str(n_boundary))
#     #d_exporter.process_documents_for_company('tweet', company_id, from_date, n_delay, n_price_type, n_boundary, False)
#     print(d_exporter.process_documents_for_company('fb_comment', company_id, from_date, n_delay, n_price_type, n_boundary, False))

#### Process Facebook comments and tweets for multiple companies.
# Define companies
comp_ids_tw = [44, 202, 233, 300, 193, 58]
nonsearch_cids = [48, 217, 458, 479]
total_tw_ids = comp_ids_tw + nonsearch_cids
# Dates
from_date = datetime(2015, 8, 2).date()
to_date = datetime(2016, 4, 2).date()
# Set correct output directory.
# new_dir = os.path.abspath(d_exporter.file_paths['output_dir'] + '/fb_comment')
# d_exporter.change_output_dir(new_dir)
# Process all parameters and companies.
for (n_price_type, n_delay, n_boundary) in params_combinations:
    print("===%s, %s, %s===") % (n_price_type, str(n_delay), str(n_boundary))
    total_tw_ids, 'tweet', from_date, to_date, n_delay, n_price_type, n_boundary, False, 1000000, False, nonsearch_cids)
    # d_exporter.process_companies_by_source('all-fb-40pd', 'fb_comment', from_date, to_date, n_delay, n_price_type,
    #                                        n_boundary, False, 1000000)