def gameStart(): gv.INTRO = False gv.DONE = False snake = Snake(0) food = Food() while not gv.DONE: clock.tick(gv.SELECTED_LEVEL[1]) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: gv.DONE = True pygame.quit() os._exit(1) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: snake.switchDirection(Directions.RIGHT) elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: snake.switchDirection(Directions.LEFT) elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: snake.switchDirection(Directions.UP) elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: snake.switchDirection(Directions.DOWN) if snake.move(snake.direction) != False: #Game gameSurface.fill((0, 0, 0)) CheckSnakeFoodCollision(snake, food) snake.drawSnake(gameSurface) food.drawFood(gameSurface) screen.blit(gameSurface, (0, gv.TEXT_AREA_HEIGHT)) pygame.draw.line(screen, Colors.WHITE, (0, gv.TEXT_AREA_HEIGHT), (gv.SURFACE_WIDTH, gv.TEXT_AREA_HEIGHT), 2) # Text LEVEL_TEXT = FONT.render("Level " + str(gv.SELECTED_LEVEL[0]), True, Colors.WHITE) textSurface.fill(Colors.BLACK) SCORE_TEXT = FONT.render(str(snake.score), True, Colors.WHITE) textSurface.blit(LEVEL_TEXT, (50, 10)) textSurface.blit(GAME_TEXT, (gv.SURFACE_WIDTH / 2 - 50, 10)) textSurface.blit(SCORE_TEXT, (gv.SURFACE_WIDTH - 50, 10)) screen.blit(textSurface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.update() else: gv.LAST_SCORE = snake.score gameOver()
def __init__(self, master): """ Class constructor Parameters: master -- object tkinter """ super().__init__(master) # Add title -> windows self.master.title(self.title) # Set background color self.master['bg'] = 'white' # init Food object = Food() # init User object self.user = User() # init Category object self.category = Category() # var categories self.category_ids = [] # var foods self.food_data = [] # var current category index self.current_category_idx = None # var current food index self.current_food_idx = None # var current food index self.aliment = None # Add element in windows self.category_list = None self.status_bar = None self.input_category = None self.product_list = None self.button_next_page = None self.button_before_page = None self.description_box = None self.button_save_food = None # construct window self.build_window() self.button_before_page.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.button_next_page.pack(side=tk.LEFT)
def __make_food(row): """ Method create an object food Keyword arguments: row -- list of food fields value """ # Make time to database format created = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int( row['created_t'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int( row['last_modified_t'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Arguments for instantiate Food args = { 'PK_id': 0, 'code': row['code'], 'link': row['url'], 'name': row['product_name'], 'uri': row['product_name'], 'description': row['ingredients_text'], 'level': row['nutrition_grade_fr'], 'created': created, 'modified': updated, 'shops': row['stores'], 'categories': row['categories_fr'], } return Food(args)
def __create_foods(foods): """ Method create bulk food Keyword arguments: foods -- list of food object """ # Get foods from db with food list name codes = [] for el in foods: # Add name of food into the list for search in db codes.append(el.code) db_data = (Food()).search_by(('code IN', codes)) # Compare Db_Food with Csv_Food add_list = [] if db_data: for food in foods: found = False for db_food in db_data: if food.code == db_food.code: # If exist compare for update Update.__compare(food, db_food) found = True break # If new add to list for save if not found: add_list.append(food) else: add_list = foods # save all new data if add_list: (Food()).bulk(add_list, False)
def what_to_create(self, tile, row, col): if tile == 'P': self.player = Player(self, col, row) if tile == 'W': Wall(self, col, row) if tile == '1': Food(self, col, row) if tile == 'G': Ghost(self, col, row) if tile == '2': PowerUp(self, col, row) if tile == '3': CrossRoad(self, col, row) Ghost(self, col, row)
def find_user_food(self, user_id): """ return list of user food saved Method arguments: user_id -- int """ args = { 'where': [('User_has_Foods.FK_user_id =', int(user_id))], 'on': [ ('Foods.PK_id =', 'User_has_Foods.FK_food_id'), ] } # get foods foods = (Food()).findjoin('User_has_Foods', args) return { 'next_page': 0, 'before_page': 0, 'current_page': 1, 'total': len(foods), 'response': foods }
# Read foods data fom ext file f = open(foods_file_path, "r") lines = # Each food has 5 attribute, so divide all lines by 5 count = 0 # foods count bc = 0 # bfast count lc = 0 # lunch count dc = 0 # dinner count for y in range(0, int(len(lines) / 5)): y *= 5 foods.append(Food(lines[y], lines[y + 1], lines[y + 2], lines[y + 3])) #Grouping of type of meals, into specific array lastChar = foods[count].meal_type[len(foods[count].meal_type) - 1] if y / 5 == int(len(lines) / 5) - 1: # Prevent invalid next char nxtLastChar = "9" else: nxtLastChar = lines[y + 5][len(lines[y + 5]) - 1] if "breakfast" in foods[count].meal_type: breakfast[int(lastChar) - 1][bc] = count if int(nxtLastChar) > int( lastChar ): # Reset bcount for nxtchar != char(different set), else inc bc by 1 bc = 0 else:
class Gui(tk.Frame): """ Class manage gui inherit tk module frame """ # Class attributes config = { 'max_entries': 250, 'csv_uri': '' } # windows title -- str title = "Pure Beurre" def __init__(self, master): """ Class constructor Parameters: master -- object tkinter """ super().__init__(master) # Add title -> windows self.master.title(self.title) # Set background color self.master['bg'] = 'white' # init Food object = Food() # init User object self.user = User() # init Category object self.category = Category() # var categories self.category_ids = [] # var foods self.food_data = [] # var current category index self.current_category_idx = None # var current food index self.current_food_idx = None # var current food index self.aliment = None # Add element in windows self.category_list = None self.status_bar = None self.input_category = None self.product_list = None self.button_next_page = None self.button_before_page = None self.description_box = None self.button_save_food = None # construct window self.build_window() self.button_before_page.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.button_next_page.pack(side=tk.LEFT) def run(self): """ Display windows """ # Start event loop self.master.mainloop() def build_window(self): # main Paned main_paned = tk.PanedWindow(self.master, orient=tk.VERTICAL) # title title = tk.Label(main_paned, text='Open Food Facts', font='system 24 bold', bg="white") main_paned.add(title) # container container_paned = tk.PanedWindow(main_paned, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) container_paned.pack(expand="yes") ## left container container_left = tk.PanedWindow(container_paned, orient=tk.VERTICAL) container_left.pack(expand="yes") self.build_left_element(container_left) container_paned.add(container_left) ## right container container_right = tk.PanedWindow(container_paned, orient=tk.VERTICAL) container_right.pack(expand="yes") self.build_right_element(container_right) container_paned.add(container_right) main_paned.add(container_paned) # status bar self.status_bar = tk.Label(main_paned, text='Waiting ...', bd=1, relief=tk.SUNKEN, anchor=tk.W) self.status_bar.pack(fill='x') main_paned.add(self.status_bar) # Display main_paned.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") def build_left_element(self, container_paned): """ build element on left side """ # Found User Food label_frame_my = tk.LabelFrame(container_paned, text="Afficher la sauvegarde", padx=15, pady=15) label_frame_my.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") button_my_foods = tk.Button(label_frame_my, text='Retrouver mes aliments substitués', command=self.display_my_food_list) button_my_foods.pack() container_paned.add(label_frame_my) # Search category label_frame_search = tk.LabelFrame(container_paned, text="Rechercher une catégorie", padx=15, pady=15) label_frame_search.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.input_category = tk.Entry(label_frame_search) self.input_category.pack(side=tk.LEFT) button_search_category = tk.Button(label_frame_search, text='rechercher', command=self.display_food_category) button_search_category.pack(side=tk.LEFT) container_paned.add(label_frame_search) # Categories list label_frame_category = tk.LabelFrame(container_paned, text="Liste de catégories", padx=15, pady=15) label_frame_category.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.category_list = tk.Listbox(label_frame_category) self.category_list.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.category_list.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.bind_category_selected) container_paned.add(label_frame_category) def build_right_element(self, container_paned): """ build element in right side """ # foods list label_frame_foods = tk.LabelFrame( container_paned, text="Liste des aliments d'une categorie", padx=15, pady=15) label_frame_foods.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.product_list = tk.Listbox(label_frame_foods) self.product_list.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.product_list.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.bind_food_selected) self.button_before_page = tk.Button(label_frame_foods, text='Précedente', command=self.display_before_page, state=tk.DISABLED) self.button_before_page.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.button_next_page = tk.Button(label_frame_foods, text='Suivante', command=self.display_next_page, state=tk.DISABLED) self.button_next_page.pack(side=tk.LEFT) container_paned.add(label_frame_foods) # description label_frame_description = tk.LabelFrame(container_paned, text="Aliment de substitution", padx=15, pady=15) label_frame_description.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.description_box = tk.Text(label_frame_description) self.description_box.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") self.button_save_food = tk.Button(label_frame_description, text='Sauvegarder', command=self.add_user_food, state=tk.DISABLED) self.button_save_food.pack(side=tk.LEFT) container_paned.add(label_frame_description) def display_food_category(self): """ Display food menu selection """ # Get category name insert by user category_name = str(self.input_category.get()) self.reset_form() if category_name: # status bar message self.status_bar['text'] = 'Answering database ...' # get categories from database categories = self.category.get_list( ('PK_id', 'name'), ('name LIKE', '%{}%'.format(category_name))) # clear category list self.category_list.delete(0, tk.END) # clear category ids list self.category_ids = [] # display all category for category in categories: pk_id, name = category self.category_list.insert(tk.END, name) self.category_ids.append(pk_id) # status bar message self.status_bar['text'] = '' def bind_category_selected(self, event): """ user select a category""" w = event.widget if w.curselection(): self.status_bar['text'] = 'Recherche des aliments de la categorie' self.reset_form() self.current_category_idx = int(w.curselection()[0]) self.display_category_food_list() else: self.current_category_idx = None def display_category_food_list(self, page=1): """ Display category food list Keyword arguments: page -- int """ # Get category index selected by user if not self.current_category_idx == None: pk_id = self.category_ids[self.current_category_idx] if pk_id: # read all food for category self.food_data =, page) self.display_food_list() if self.food_data['before_page'] > 0: self.button_before_page['state'] = tk.ACTIVE else: self.button_before_page['state'] = tk.DISABLED if self.food_data['next_page'] > 0: self.button_next_page['state'] = tk.ACTIVE else: self.button_next_page['state'] = tk.DISABLED def display_food_list(self): """ Add food in list box""" if self.food_data: # clear food list self.product_list.delete(0, tk.END) # Add food in name list if self.food_data['response']: for food in self.food_data['response']: self.product_list.insert(tk.END, str( # status bar message self.status_bar['text'] = 'Page : ' + str( self.food_data['current_page']) def display_my_food_list(self): """ Display user food list """ self.food_data = (User()).find_user_food(1) self.display_food_list() def bind_food_selected(self, event): """ user select a category""" w = event.widget if w.curselection(): self.status_bar['text'] = 'Recherche de l\'aliment de substitution' self.current_food_idx = int(w.curselection()[0]) self.aliment = self.food_data['response'][self.current_food_idx] self.description_box.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.button_save_food['state'] = tk.ACTIVE self.display_food_description() def display_food_description(self): """ Display the description of food selected """ # A product selected if self.aliment: foods = for food in foods: self.show_in_description_box(food) self.description_box.insert( tk.END, "--------------------------------" "------------------------------------\n") self.status_bar[ 'text'] = 'Affichage aliment de substitution : {}'.format( str( def show_in_description_box(self, food): """ wrote on description box Keyword arguments: food -- object """ self.description_box.insert( tk.END, "Nutri-code : {} \n".format(str(food.level).upper())) self.description_box.insert(tk.END, "Aliment : {} \n".format( self.description_box.insert( tk.END, "Description : {} \n".format(str(food.description))) self.description_box.insert( tk.END, "Categorie(s) : {} \n".format(','.join(food.get_categories_name))) self.description_box.insert( tk.END, "Magasin(s) : {} \n".format(','.join(food.get_shops_name))) self.description_box.insert(tk.END, "lien : {}\n".format( def display_next_page(self): """ Display next page foods """ if self.food_data and self.food_data['next_page'] > 0: self.display_category_food_list(self.food_data['next_page']) def display_before_page(self): """ Display before page foods """ if self.food_data and self.food_data['before_page'] > 0: self.display_category_food_list(self.food_data['before_page']) def add_user_food(self): """ save user food selected """ if not self.current_food_idx == None: aliment = self.food_data['response'][self.current_food_idx] # if save doesn't exist args = {'FK_user_id': 1, 'FK_food_id': aliment.PK_id} user_food = UserFood(args) # check if save exist exist = user_food.findone({ 'where': [('FK_user_id =', 1), ('FK_food_id =', aliment.PK_id)] }) if not exist: self.status_bar['text'] = 'Sauvegarde : ' + str( else: self.status_bar['text'] = 'Sauvegarde déjà existante.' self.current_food_idx = None self.button_save_food['state'] = tk.DISABLED def update_data_base(self): """ update dat in database from Open data food """ (Update()).update_db def reset_form(self): """ hide and empty element """ self.product_list.delete(0, tk.END) self.description_box.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.aliment = None self.current_food_idx = None self.button_save_food['state'] = tk.DISABLED self.button_before_page['state'] = tk.DISABLED self.button_next_page['state'] = tk.DISABLED
def loop_game(self, snake, ai_function, speed, data_state={}): self.count_food = 0 snake_player = snake snake_player.set_start_position(self.width_game // 2, self.height_game // 2) food_block = Food( round( random.randrange(0, self.width_game - self.block) / self.block) * self.block, round( random.randrange(0, self.height_game - self.block) / self.block) * self.block, self.block, self.block, self.food_image, self.block) # Inicio del juego while self.run_game: self.clock.tick(speed) # Guardo en data_state los valores actuales (para la AI) data_state["snake_size"] = len(snake_player.body) data_state["snake_body"] = snake_player.body data_state["snake_head"] = snake_player.body[-1] data_state["snake_tail"] = snake_player.body[0] data_state["food_count"] = self.count_food data_state["food_position"] = [(food_block.x, food_block.y)] data_state["STATUS"] = "PLAYING" data_state["direction"] = snake_player.direction # Eventos de teclado o IA if ai_function is None: key = self.get_events() if key == "QUIT": self.run_game = False self.run_loop = False if key == "SPACE": self.pause = not self.pause if not self.pause and key is not None: snake_player.move_snake(key) else: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.run_game = False self.run_loop = False predicted_move = ai_function(data_state) key = None if predicted_move == "UP": key = "U" elif predicted_move == "DOWN": key = "D" elif predicted_move == "LEFT": key = "L" elif predicted_move == "RIGHT": key = "R" snake_player.move_snake(key) if not self.pause: # Colision con el cuerpo for body in snake_player.body[:len(snake_player.body) - 1]: if body[0] == snake_player.x and body[1] == snake_player.y: self.run_game = False data_state["STATUS"] = "GAMEOVER" break # Cuerpo de la snake_player snake_player.add_body(snake_player.x, snake_player.y) # Agarrar comida if snake_player.x == food_block.x and snake_player.y == food_block.y: self.count_food += 1 possible_placemments = food_block.possible_placements( snake_player.body, self.width_game, self.height_game) if len(possible_placemments) > 0: food_block.set_food_position(snake_player.body, self.width_game, self.height_game) else: self.run_game = False data_state["STATUS"] = "WINNER" break else: snake_player.remove_tail() # Colision con los limites if snake_player.x > self.width_game - snake_player.width or snake_player.x < 0 or snake_player.y > self.height_game - snake_player.height or snake_player.y < 0: self.run_game = False data_state["STATUS"] = "GAMEOVER" break # Dibujo la ventana self.draw_window(self.width_game, self.width_game // self.block, self.screen) snake_player.draw(self.screen) food_block.draw(self.screen) # Texto / Puntaje dentro del juego if self.pause: text_pause = self.font.render('PAUSA', True, self.config["colors"]["white"], self.config["colors"]["black"]) self.screen.blit( text_pause, (self.width_game // 2 - 20, self.height_game // 2)) else: text_pause = self.font.render('', True, self.config["colors"]["white"], self.config["colors"]["black"]) self.screen.blit( text_pause, (self.width_game // 2 - 20, self.height_game // 2)) text_title = self.font.render('SNAKE GAME', True, self.config["colors"]["white"], self.config["colors"]["black"]) self.screen.blit(text_title, (self.width_window - 180, 10)) text_score = self.font_2.render(f"Score: {self.count_food}", True, self.config["colors"]["white"], self.config["colors"]["black"]) self.screen.blit(text_score, (self.width_window - 180, 70)) # Actualizar ventana pygame.display.update() return data_state