def getMedal(self, medal, pos): if medal == 'bronze': return Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), pos) elif medal == 'silver': return Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), pos) elif medal == 'gold': return Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), pos) return None
def __init__(self, images, names, metadata): self.images = [] for i in range(len(images)): temp_m = metadata['training'][names[i]] temp = Image(images[i], name=names[i], metadata=temp_m) self.images.append(temp) self.filters = []
def apply_all(self): image = self.image for i in range(len(self.filter_sequence)): filtered = self.apply_filter(i) image = Image(filtered) return image
def __init__(self, image=None, name=None, metadata=None): self.trueImage = image self.image = Image(image, name, metadata) self.filter_map = { 'equalize': cv2.equalizeHist, 'average': cv2.blur, 'gaussian': cv2.GaussianBlur, 'median': cv2.medianBlur, 'bilateral': cv2.bilateralFilter, 'laplacian': cv2.Laplacian, 'prewitt': cv2.filter2D, 'canny': cv2.Canny, 'morph': cv2.morphologyEx, 'threshold': cv2.threshold, 'adaptive': cv2.adaptiveThreshold, 'sobel': cv2.Sobel } self.filter_sequence = []
def game_intro(screen): # Main screen text logo = Image(Asset.loadpath('hordelopen', 'img', 'logo.jpg'), [0, 0]) background = Image( Asset.loadpath('hordelopen', 'img', 'background.jpg'), [0, 0]) intructions = Image( Asset.loadpath('hordelopen', 'img', 'intructions.jpg'), [215, 185]) # Buttons start_btn = Button() quit_btn = Button() clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return 'quit' screen.gameDisplay.blit(background.image, background.rect) screen.gameDisplay.blit(intructions.image, intructions.rect) screen.gameDisplay.blit(logo.image, logo.rect) check_start = start_btn.setButton("Start", 150, 450, 100, 50, Color.GREEN.getRGB(), Color.DARK_GREEN.getRGB(), screen, 'game') check_end = quit_btn.setButton("Return", 550, 450, 100, 50, Color.RED.getRGB(), Color.DARK_RED.getRGB(), screen, 'return') # Return results of button clicked if check_start != None: return 'game' elif check_end != None: return 'return' else: pygame.display.update() clock.tick(15)
def apply_in_sequence(self, hist=False): image = self.image if (hist): image.show_image_histogram() else: image.show_image() for i in range(len(self.filter_sequence)): filterred = self.apply_filter(i) image = Image(filterred) if (hist): image.show_image_histogram() else: image.show_image() return image
def startingScreen(self, screen): pygame.display.set_caption("Olympische Spelen") imgBackground = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'background.png'), [0, 0]) scoreBackground = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'scoreboard.png'), [0, 235]) # Zeilen btnZeilen = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnZeilen.png'), [241, 350]) btnZeilenHover = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnZeilenHover.png'), [241, 350]) # Disk shooting btnDiskshooting = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnDiskShooting.png'), [102, 253]) btnDiskshootingHover = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnDiskShootingHover.png'), [102, 253]) # Hordelopen btnHordelopen = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnHordelopen.png'), [622, 160]) btnHordelopenHover = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnHordelopenHover.png'), [622, 160]) # Skiing btnSkiing = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnBoksen.png'), [320, 202]) btnSkiingHover = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnBoksenHover.png'), [320, 202]) btnZwemmen = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnZwemmen.png'), [39, 75]) btnZwemmenHover = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnZwemmenHover.png'), [39, 75]) btnGewichtsheffen = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnGewichtsheffen.png'), [392, 81]) btnGewichtsheffenHover = Image( Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'btnGewichtsheffenHover.png'), [392, 81]) while True: self.clicked = False ev = pygame.event.get() for event in ev: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: global clicked self.clicked = True screen.gameDisplay.fill((Color.BLACK.getRGB())) screen.gameDisplay.blit(imgBackground.image, imgBackground.rect) screen.gameDisplay.blit(scoreBackground.image, scoreBackground.rect) # Working games btnHordelopenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnHordelopen.image, btnHordelopen.rect) btnDiskshootingRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnDiskshooting.image, btnDiskshooting.rect) btnZeilenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit(btnZeilen.image, btnZeilen.rect) btnSkiingRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit(btnSkiing.image, btnSkiing.rect) btnZwemmenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit(btnZwemmen.image, btnZwemmen.rect) # Games that will be tzken out of the game if needed btnGewichtsheffenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnGewichtsheffen.image, btnGewichtsheffen.rect) self.displayScores(screen) # Check if button is clicked if btnHordelopenRect.collidepoint( pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.clicked: return 'hordelopen' elif btnDiskshootingRect.collidepoint( pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.clicked: return 'diskShooting' elif btnZeilenRect.collidepoint( pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.clicked: return 'zeilen' elif btnSkiingRect.collidepoint( pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.clicked: return 'skiing' elif btnZwemmenRect.collidepoint( pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.clicked: return 'zwemmen' elif btnGewichtsheffenRect.collidepoint( pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.clicked: return 'gewichtheffen' # On hover effect if btnDiskshootingRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): btnDiskshootingRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnDiskshootingHover.image, btnDiskshootingHover.rect) elif btnHordelopenRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): btnHordelopenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnHordelopenHover.image, btnHordelopenHover.rect) elif btnZeilenRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): btnZeilenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnZeilenHover.image, btnZeilenHover.rect) elif btnZwemmenRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): btnZwemmenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnZwemmenHover.image, btnZwemmenHover.rect) elif btnSkiingRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): btnSkiingRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnSkiingHover.image, btnSkiingHover.rect) elif btnGewichtsheffenRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): btnGewichtsheffenRect = screen.gameDisplay.blit( btnGewichtsheffenHover.image, btnGewichtsheffenHover.rect) # If no button has been pressed then stay in start screen return 'start'
class FilterSequence(): def __init__(self, image=None, name=None, metadata=None): self.trueImage = image self.image = Image(image, name, metadata) self.filter_map = { 'equalize': cv2.equalizeHist, 'average': cv2.blur, 'gaussian': cv2.GaussianBlur, 'median': cv2.medianBlur, 'bilateral': cv2.bilateralFilter, 'laplacian': cv2.Laplacian, 'prewitt': cv2.filter2D, 'canny': cv2.Canny, 'morph': cv2.morphologyEx, 'threshold': cv2.threshold, 'adaptive': cv2.adaptiveThreshold, 'sobel': cv2.Sobel } self.filter_sequence = [] def apply_filter(self, i): filt, config = self.filter_sequence[i] func = self.filter_map[filt] imn = 'src' if filt != 'canny' else 'image' config[imn] = self.image.image try: filtered = func(**config) except TypeError as e: print(filt) raise Exception(e) if (filt == 'threshold'): filtered = filtered[1] if (filt == 'equalize'): self.trueImage = filtered return filtered def apply_and_draw(self, rectangle=(17, 13)): image = self.apply_all() img = image.image kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, rectangle) dilated = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, 1) _, contours1, _ = cv2.findContours(dilated, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) imgc1 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv2.drawContours(imgc1, contours1, -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) image.show_image(imgc1) def apply_and_draw2(self, rectangle=(17, 13), show=True, ratio=(0.3, 20), area=(2000, 23000)): image = self.apply_all() img = image.image kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, rectangle) dilated = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, 1) _, contours1, _ = cv2.findContours(dilated, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) color = cv2.cvtColor(self.trueImage, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for cnt in contours1: epsilon = 0.05 * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, epsilon, True) if (len(approx) == 4): x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) cv2.rectangle(color, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) ar = 1.0 * h / 2 if (ar >= ratio[0] and ar <= ratio[1] and h * w >= area[0] and h * w <= area[1]): self.image.add_sel_contour((x, y, w, h)) cv2.rectangle(color, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) else: self.image.add_contour((x, y, w, h)) if (show): image.show_image(color) def add_filter(self, name, config): self.filter_sequence.append((name, config)) def plot_all_filters(self, hist=False): image = self.image if (hist): image.show_image_histogram() else: image.show_image() for i in range(len(self.filter_sequence)): filtered = self.apply_filter(i) if (hist): image.show_image_histogram(filtered) else: image.show_image(filtered) def apply_all(self): image = self.image for i in range(len(self.filter_sequence)): filtered = self.apply_filter(i) image = Image(filtered) return image def apply_in_sequence(self, hist=False): image = self.image if (hist): image.show_image_histogram() else: image.show_image() for i in range(len(self.filter_sequence)): filterred = self.apply_filter(i) image = Image(filterred) if (hist): image.show_image_histogram() else: image.show_image() return image
def endscreen(screen, game, score): textScore = '' def text_objects(text, font): textSurface = font.render(text, True, Color.WHITE.getRGB()) return textSurface, textSurface.get_rect() def button(msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac, action=None): # Button click action mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() # mouse[0] = x coordinates of mouse, # mouse[1] = y coordinates of mouse, # x = position button | horizontal # y = position button | vertical # w = width button # h = height button # ic = background-color # ac = background-color on hover if x + w > mouse[0] > x and y + h > mouse[1] > y: # You are hovering over the button pygame.draw.rect(screen.gameDisplay, ac, (x, y, w, h)) if click[0] == 1 and action != None: return action else: pygame.draw.rect(screen.gameDisplay, ic, (x, y, w, h)) # Button text smallText = pygame.font.Font(Asset.loadpath('font', 'roboto', 'Roboto-Medium.ttf'), 20) textSurf, textRect = text_objects(msg, smallText) = ((x + (w / 2)), (y + (h / 2))) screen.gameDisplay.blit(textSurf, textRect) def get_medal(game): textScore = '' if game == 'diskShooting': if score >= 8 and score <= 10: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score > 10 and score < 15: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score == 15: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'hordelopen': if score >= 1000 and score <= 1200: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score > 1200 and score < 1400: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score >= 1400: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'zeilen': if score == 3 or score == 2: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score == 1: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score == 0: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'skiing': if score >= 4 and score <= 7: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score > 7 and score < 14: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score >= 14: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'zwemmen': if score < 2000 and score >= 1500: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score < 1500 and score >= 1200: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score < 1200: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'gewichtheffen': if score == 1: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score == 2: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score == 3: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" return [medal, textScore] medal_array = get_medal(game) if isinstance(medal_array, str): medal = medal_array else: medal = medal_array[0] textScore = medal_array[1] if game == 'diskShooting': background = Image(Asset.loadpath('disk_shooting', 'img', 'background_intro.jpg'), [0, 0]) if game == 'hordelopen': background = Image(Asset.loadpath('hordelopen', 'img', 'background.jpg'), [0, 0]) if game == 'zeilen': background = Image(Asset.loadpath('zeilen', 'img', 'background.jpg'), [0, 0]) if game == 'skiing': background = Image(Asset.loadpath('skiing', 'img', 'background.jpg'), [0, 0]) if game == 'zwemmen': background = Image(Asset.loadpath('zwemmen', 'img', 'background.jpg'), [0, 0]) if game == 'gewichtheffen': background = Image(Asset.loadpath('gewichtheffen', 'img', 'homescherm.jpg'), [0, 0]) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return None screen.gameDisplay.blit(background.image, background.rect) largeText = pygame.font.Font(Asset.loadpath('font', 'roboto', 'Roboto-Medium.ttf'), 50) TextSurf, TextRect = text_objects("Your score: " + str(score), largeText) = ((800 / 2), (600 / 4)) screen.gameDisplay.blit(TextSurf, TextRect) largeText = pygame.font.Font(Asset.loadpath('font', 'roboto', 'Roboto-Medium.ttf'), 50) if isinstance(medal, str): TextSurf, TextRect = text_objects("Your Medal: " + medal, largeText) else: TextSurf, TextRect = text_objects("Your Medal: ", largeText) screen.gameDisplay.blit(medal.image, medal.rect) = ((800 / 2), (600 / 3)) screen.gameDisplay.blit(TextSurf, TextRect) retry_btn = button("Retry", 150, 450, 100, 50, Color.GREEN.getRGB(), Color.DARK_GREEN.getRGB(), game) quit_btn = button("Go back", 550, 450, 100, 50, Color.RED.getRGB(), Color.DARK_RED.getRGB(), 'start') # Return results of button clicked if retry_btn != None: return [retry_btn, game, textScore] elif quit_btn != None: return [quit_btn, game, textScore] else: pygame.display.update() clock.tick(15)
def get_medal(game): textScore = '' if game == 'diskShooting': if score >= 8 and score <= 10: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score > 10 and score < 15: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score == 15: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'hordelopen': if score >= 1000 and score <= 1200: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score > 1200 and score < 1400: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score >= 1400: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'zeilen': if score == 3 or score == 2: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score == 1: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score == 0: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'skiing': if score >= 4 and score <= 7: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score > 7 and score < 14: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score >= 14: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'zwemmen': if score < 2000 and score >= 1500: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score < 1500 and score >= 1200: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score < 1200: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" if game == 'gewichtheffen': if score == 1: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'bronze.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'bronze' elif score == 2: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'silver.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'silver' elif score == 3: medal = Image(Asset.loadpath('homescreen', 'img', 'gold.png'), [350, 250]) textScore = 'gold' else: return "better luck next time" return [medal, textScore]