class Game: def __init__(self): self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) pygame.display.set_caption(TITLE) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = True # method to call def mainLoop(self): self.setUp() while self.clock.tick(FPS) pygame.display.update() # setting up all game objects def setUp(self): self.score = 0 self.base = Base(BASE_Y) self.bird = Bird(int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2)) # function contains eg. collision detection def events(self): self.update() self.controls() self.movements() # this method will handle all obj movements def movements(self): # Base self.base.move() """Drawings""" def update(self): self.drawBg() self.drawBase() self.drawBird() def drawBird(self): self.bird.draw(self.screen) def drawBg(self): self.screen.blit(BG_IMGS[0], (0, 0)) def drawBase(self): self.base.draw(self.screen) # key controls def controls(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: = False
def power_optimization(width, height, base, receiver, MURS, COINS, COINS_DIFFRACTION): #Cette fonction renvoie la position preferable de l'antenne pour avoir une bonne connexion # en plusieurs endroits (receveir = list) # et donne, pour la situation preferable, la cartographie complete de l'etage, pour chaque metre carre #en termes de puissance recue (en dBm) #le resultat est stocke dans la matrice 'powers_dbm' print("\nOptimisation de la position de la base pour " + str(int(len(receiver))) + " recepteurs") pos_base_x = 0 pos_base_y = 0 receiver_average = 1 i = 0 for i in range(0, int(width)): for j in range(0, int(height)): base.set_x(i + 0.5) base.set_y(j + 0.5) n = 1 for elem in receiver: if (base.x == elem.x or base.y == elem.y): n = 0 break power = 0 for elem in receiver: if (n == 1): data = find_all_rays(base.x, base.y, elem.x, elem.y, MURS, COINS, COINS_DIFFRACTION) RAYS_DIRECT, RAYS_REFLEXION, RAYS_DIFFRACTION = data[ 0], data[1], data[2] calculate_all_coefficients(RAYS_DIRECT, RAYS_REFLEXION, RAYS_DIFFRACTION) power += 10 * log10((calculate_total_power( base, elem, RAYS_DIRECT, RAYS_REFLEXION, RAYS_DIFFRACTION)) * 1000) if i == 0 and j == 0: receiver_average = power pos_base_x = base.x pos_base_y = base.y elif (receiver_average < power): receiver_average = power pos_base_x = base.x pos_base_y = base.y print_progress(i * height + j, width * height) receiver_average = receiver_average / len(receiver) print('\n\nPuissance en moyenne geometrique :', receiver_average, 'dBm') print("Position optimale :", pos_base_x, pos_base_y) base = Base(pos_base_x, pos_base_y) power_cartography(width, height, base, MURS, COINS, COINS_DIFFRACTION, receiver)
def main(genomes, config): global GEN BASE_POINT = 700 GEN += 1 nets = [] gens = [] birds = [] for _, g in genomes: net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(g, config) nets.append(net) birds.append(Bird(230, 350)) = 0 gens.append(g) base = Base(BASE_POINT) pipes = [Pipe(600)] clock = pygame.time.Clock() score = 0 run = True while run: clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() quit() pipe_idx = 0 if len(birds) > 0: if len(pipes) > 1 and birds[ 0].x > pipes[0].x + pipes[0].PIPE_TOP.get_width(): pipe_idx = 1 else: run = False break for i, bird in enumerate(birds): bird.move() gens[i].fitness += 0.1 output = nets[birds.index(bird)].activate( (bird.y, abs(bird.y - pipes[pipe_idx].height), abs(bird.y - pipes[pipe_idx].bottom))) if output[ 0] > 0.5: # use a tanh activation function so result will be between -1 and 1. if over 0.5 jump bird.jump() remove = [] add_pipe = False for pipe in pipes: for i, bird in enumerate(birds): if pipe.collide(bird): gens[i].fitness -= 1 birds.pop(i) nets.pop(i) gens.pop(i) if not pipe.passed and pipe.x < bird.x: pipe.passed = True add_pipe = True if pipe.x + pipe.PIPE_TOP.get_width() < 0: remove.append(pipe) pipe.move() if add_pipe: score += 1 for g in gens: += 5 pipes.append(Pipe(600)) for pipe in remove: pipes.remove(pipe) for i, bird in enumerate(birds): if bird.y + bird.img.get_height() >= BASE_POINT or bird.y < 0: birds.pop(i) nets.pop(i) gens.pop(i) base.move() draw_window(win, birds, pipes, base, score, GEN)
def base(request): race = request.param base = Base(startingworkers, race, "normal", "normal", 2, False, True) return base
def setUp(self): self.score = 0 self.base = Base(BASE_Y) self.bird = Bird(int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2))
run_simulation(output, gamestate_copy, target) # ============================================================== # # SECTION: Main # # ============================================================== # if __name__ == "__main__": goal_units = ["zergling", "zergling", "zergling", "zergling"] max_ticks = 16 output = [] player = Player( Race.ZERG, minerals=50, gas=0, goal_units=goal_units, current_units=[], buildings=[], bases=[Base(12, Race.ZERG, "normal", "normal", 2, False, True)], build_order=[], supply=3, required_tech=get_all_required_tech(goal_units) + goal_units, remaining_ticks=max_ticks) gamestate = GameState(remaining_ticks=max_ticks, player=player) # store results in output simulation = run_simulation(output, gamestate, None) # print(simulation) # print(output) # print(len(output))
def main(genomes, config): nets = [] ge = [] birds = [] global GEN GEN += 1 for _, g in genomes: net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(g, config) nets.append(net) birds.append(Bird(230, 350)) = 0 ge.append(g) base = Base(730) pipes = [Pipe(600)] win = pygame.display.set_mode((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT)) score = 0 #clock = pygame.time.Clock() run = True while run: #time.sleep(0.2) #clock.tick(3000) #pour donner un tempo au jeu quelque soit l'OS mais ne marche pas for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() quit() pipe_ind = 0 if len(birds) > 0: if len(pipes) > 1 and birds[ 0].x > pipes[0].x + pipes[0].PIPE_TOP.get_width(): pipe_ind = 1 else: run = False break for x, bird in enumerate(birds): bird.move() ge[x].fitness += 0.1 output = nets[x].activate( (bird.y, abs(bird.y - pipes[pipe_ind].height), abs(bird.y - pipes[pipe_ind].bottom))) if output[0] > 0.5: bird.jump( ) # we use a tanh activation function so result will be between -1 and 1. if over 0.5 jump add_pipe = False rem = [] for pipe in pipes: for x, bird in enumerate(birds): if pipe.collide(bird): ge[x].fitness -= 1 birds.pop(x) nets.pop(x) ge.pop(x) if not pipe.passed and pipe.x < bird.x: pipe.passed = True add_pipe = True if pipe.x + pipe.PIPE_TOP.get_width() < 0: rem.append(pipe) pipe.move() if add_pipe: score += 1 for g in ge: += 5 pipes.append(Pipe(600)) for r in rem: pipes.remove(r) for x, bird in enumerate(birds): if bird.y + bird.img.get_height() >= 730 or bird.y < 0: birds.pop(x) nets.pop(x) ge.pop(x) base.move() draw_window(win, birds, pipes, base, score, GEN)
def main(): # ### Here goes the action you want to do ######## base = Base(samples, get_entries, solution) #
def decode_plan(filename): #Cette fonction permet de lire le plan et de renvoyer la liste de murs et de coins correspondants #ainsi que l'emetteur par defaut et les recepteurs definis print("Decodage du plan en cours...", end='') input = open(filename, 'r') lines = input.readlines() input.close() murs = [] tempcoins = {} coins = [] receivers = [] for line in lines: content = line.split(" ") #Les premieres lignes (dimensions, base, recepteurs) keyword = content[0] if keyword == "DIMENSIONS": width = float(content[1]) height = float(content[2]) elif keyword == "BASE": base = Base(float(content[1]), float(content[2])) elif keyword == "RECEIVER": receivers.append(Receiver(float(content[1]), float(content[2]))) #Les murs et les coins elif keyword == "W": x1, y1, x2, y2 = float(content[3]), float(content[4]), float( content[5]), float(content[6]) coin1 = tempcoins.get( (x1, y1), None ) #Ces etapes permettent de ne pas generer de coins doubles coin2 = tempcoins.get((x2, y2), None) if (coin1 == None): coin1 = Coin(x1, y1) tempcoins[(x1, y1)] = coin1 coins.append(coin1) if (coin2 == None): coin2 = Coin(x2, y2) tempcoins[(x2, y2)] = coin2 coins.append(coin2) eps = EPS_1 sig = SIG_1 materiau = content[1] if materiau == "2": eps = EPS_2 sig = SIG_2 elif materiau == "3": eps = EPS_3 sig = SIG_3 m = Mur(float(content[2]), coin1, coin2, eps, sig) coin1.add_mur(m) coin2.add_mur(m) murs.append(m) #Coins eligibles pour la diffraction (coins uniquement associes a un mur ou a deux murs perpendiculaires) coins_diffraction = [] for coin in coins: walls = coin.murs_associes if (len(walls) == 1): coins_diffraction.append(coin) elif (len(walls) == 2): mur1, mur2 = walls[0], walls[1] if (mur1.is_horizontal() and not mur2.is_horizontal()) or ( mur2.is_horizontal() and not mur1.is_horizontal()): coins_diffraction.append(coin) print("OK") return [width, height, base, receivers, murs, coins, coins_diffraction]
def base(request): race = request.param base = Base(startingworkers, race, mineral_type, gas_type, amt_geysers, under_construction, first_base) return base