def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.allow_unit_animations = False self.allow_teleport = False self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] self.board.draw_grid = False s = random.randrange(150, 190, 5) v = random.randrange(230, 255, 5) h = random.randrange(0, 255, 5) white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is None: color0 = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 40, 230) # highlight 1 else: color0 = self.mainloop.scheme.u_color if self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) outline_color = (150, 150, 150) # setting level variable # data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] if self.level.lvl == 1: data = [13, 7, 5, 3, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 2: data = [13, 7, 8, 3, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 3: data = [12, 7, 7, 4, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 4: data = [12, 7, 11, 4, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 5: data = [12, 7, 15, 4, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 6: data = [13, 7, 9, 5, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 7: data = [13, 7, 14, 5, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 8: data = [13, 7, 19, 5, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 9: data = [12, 7, 11, 6, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 10: data = [12, 7, 17, 6, 3] self.chapters = [1, 5, 10] self.points = (data[3] * data[4]) // 2 # rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width m = data[0] % 2 if m == 0: x_count = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=True) else: x_count = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) if x_count > data[0]: data[0] = x_count = data self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "n_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 22)] self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: # if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable # in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp color = ((255, 255, 255)) h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 # height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[4] - 1 # height of the bottom margin minus 1 (game label) w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 # side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] self.board.add_door(w2, h1, data[3], data[4], classes.board.Door, "", color, "") # create table to store 'binary' solution # find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] # add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i] - 1) * h_step) number_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) # highlight 1 caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_unit(x, y, 1, 1, classes.board.ImgShip, caption, white, image_src[self.shuffled[i]]) self.board.ships[-1].readable = False line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] self.outline_all(outline_color, 1) instruction = self.d["Re-arrange right"] self.board.add_unit(0, data[1] - 1, data[0], 1, classes.board.Letter, instruction, color0, "", 8) # bottom 2 self.board.ships[-1].immobilize() if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: self.board.ships[-1].font_color = self.mainloop.scheme.u_font_color self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val = self.dp["Re-arrange right"] self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val_update = False # horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], h1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], h2, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # bottom 1 # side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # right self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0])
def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.allow_unit_animations = False self.allow_teleport = False self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] self.board.draw_grid = False s = 100 v = 255 h = random.randrange(0, 255, 5) white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is None: color0 = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 40, 230) # highlight 1 instr_font_col = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 255, 140) font_col = (0, 0, 0) else: font_col = self.mainloop.scheme.u_font_color if self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) color0 = (0, 0, 10) else: color0 = (254, 254, 255) instr_font_col = font_col # setting level variable # data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] if self.level.lvl == 1: data = [13, 9, 5, 3, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 2: data = [13, 9, 8, 3, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 3: data = [12, 9, 7, 4, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 4: data = [12, 9, 11, 4, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 5: data = [12, 9, 15, 4, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 6: data = [13, 9, 9, 5, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 7: data = [13, 9, 14, 5, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 8: data = [13, 9, 19, 5, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 9: data = [13, 9, 24, 5, 5] elif self.level.lvl == 10: data = [12, 9, 11, 6, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 11: data = [12, 9, 17, 6, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 12: data = [12, 9, 23, 6, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 13: data = [12, 9, 29, 6, 5] elif self.level.lvl == 14: data = [12, 9, 35, 6, 6] self.points = (data[3] * data[4]) // 2 self.chapters = [1, 3, 6, 10, 14] # rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width m = data[0] % 2 if m == 0: data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=True) else: data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) = data self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) """ If the grid size is odd, then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are even. If the grid size is even, and the blank is on an odd row (first, third etc), then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are odd. If the grid size is even, and the blank is on an even row (second, fourth etc), then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are even. """ inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: # if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable # in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 # height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[4] - 1 # height of the bottom margin minus 1 (game label) w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 # side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] self.board.add_door(w2, h1, data[3], data[4], classes.board.Door, "", white, "") # create table to store 'binary' solution # find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] # add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): if self.mainloop.scheme is None: h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i] - 1) * h_step) number_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) # highlight 1 else: number_color = color0 caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_unit(x, y, 1, 1, classes.board.Letter, caption, number_color, "", 2) self.board.ships[-1].readable = False if self.mainloop.scheme is None: self.board.ships[-1].font_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 255, 140) else: self.board.ships[-1].font_color = font_col line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: self.outline_all(font_col, 1) instruction = self.d["Re-arrange right"] self.board.add_unit(0, data[1] - 1, data[0], 1, classes.board.Letter, instruction, color0, "", 5) # bottom 2 self.board.ships[-1].font_color = instr_font_col self.board.ships[-1].immobilize() # if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: # self.board.ships[-1].font_color = self.mainloop.scheme.u_font_color self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val = self.dp["Re-arrange right"] self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val_update = False if self.mainloop.scheme is None: self.outline_all(0, 1) # horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], h1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], h2, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # bottom 1 # side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # right self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0])
def create_game_objects(self, level = 1): self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0] self.board.draw_grid = False outline_color = (150,150,150) white = (255,255,255) if self.mainloop.scheme is not None and self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0,0,0) #setting level variable #data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] data = [7,6,8,3,3] self.chapters = [1,5,10,15,20] #rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1],even=False) = data self.points = 9 self.layout.update_layout(data[0],data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0],data[1],self.layout.scale) if self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 0: if self.mainloop.scheme is None or not self.mainloop.scheme.dark: image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1,21)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img%db.png" % (i)) for i in range(1,22)] else: image_src = [os.path.join('schemes', "black", "match_animals", "m_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1,21)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('schemes', "black", "match_animals", "m_img%db.png" % (i)) for i in range(1,22)] elif self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 1: image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "f_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1,21)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img22b.png")] elif self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 2: image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "n_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(2,22)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img22b.png")] self.bg_img_src = image_src[self.level.lvl-1] #os.path.join('memory', "m_img13a.png") if len(grey_image_src) > 1: self.bg_img_grey_src = grey_image_src[self.level.lvl-1] #os.path.join('memory', "m_img13b.png") else: self.bg_img_grey_src = "" #grey_image_src[0] self.bg_img = classes.board.ImgSurf(self.board,3,3,white,self.bg_img_src) self.finished = False self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1,data[2]+1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: #if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable #in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0]=self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1]=temp h1=(data[1]-data[4])//2 #height of the top margin h2=data[1]-h1-data[4]-1 #height of the bottom margin minus 1 (game label) w2=(data[0]-data[3])//2 #side margin width self.check = [h1,h2,w2] self.board.add_door(w2,h1,data[3],data[4],classes.board.Door,"",white,self.bg_img_grey_src) self.board.units[0].image.set_colorkey((1,2,3)) #create table to store 'binary' solution #find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] #add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i]-1)*h_step) caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_unit(x,y,1,1,classes.board.ImgShip,caption,white,self.bg_img_src) self.board.ships[-1].img = self.bg_img.img.copy() self.board.ships[-1].readable = False offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 if self.shuffled[i] in [2,5,8]: offset_x = self.board.scale - 0 elif self.shuffled[i] in [3,6]: offset_x = (self.board.scale - 0)*2 if self.shuffled[i] in [4,5,6]: offset_y = self.board.scale - 0 elif self.shuffled[i] in [7,8]: offset_y = (self.board.scale - 0)*2 self.board.ships[-1].img_pos = (-offset_x,-offset_y) line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2+data[3] or i == data[2]-1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line=[] #mini img below game self.board.add_unit(w2+data[3]-2,data[1]-1,1,1,classes.board.ImgShip,"",white,self.bg_img_src) self.preview = self.board.ships[-1] self.preview.immobilize() self.preview.outline = False #draw 4 lines on the mini preview step = self.board.scale // 3 pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img,outline_color,[step,0],[step,step*3],1) pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img,outline_color,[step*2,0],[step*2,step*3],1) pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img,outline_color,[0,step],[step*3,step],1) pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img,outline_color,[0,step*2],[step*3,step*2],1) self.preview.update_me = True self.outline_all(outline_color,1) #horizontal self.board.add_unit(0,0,data[0],1,classes.board.Obstacle,"",white,"",7)#top self.board.add_unit(0,h1+data[4],data[0],1,classes.board.Obstacle,"",white,"",7)#bottom 1 #side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0,h1,w2,data[4],classes.board.Obstacle,"",white,"",7)#left self.board.add_unit(w2+data[3],h1,w2,data[4],classes.board.Obstacle,"",white,"",7)#right #self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0]) self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_back(self.board.units[0]) self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_back(self.board.board_bg)
def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] self.board.draw_grid = False s = random.randrange(150, 190, 5) v = random.randrange(230, 255, 5) h = random.randrange(0, 255, 5) white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is None: color0 = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 40, 230) #highlight 1 else: color0 = self.mainloop.scheme.u_color if self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) outline_color = (150, 150, 150) #setting level variable #data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] if self.level.lvl == 1: data = [13, 7, 5, 3, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 2: data = [13, 7, 8, 3, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 3: data = [12, 7, 7, 4, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 4: data = [12, 7, 11, 4, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 5: data = [12, 7, 15, 4, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 6: data = [13, 7, 9, 5, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 7: data = [13, 7, 14, 5, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 8: data = [13, 7, 19, 5, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 9: data = [12, 7, 11, 6, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 10: data = [12, 7, 17, 6, 3] self.chapters = [1, 5, 10] self.points = (data[3] * data[4]) // 2 #rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width m = data[0] % 2 if m == 0: x_count = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=True) else: x_count = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) if x_count > data[0]: data[0] = x_count = data self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) image_src = [ os.path.join('memory', "n_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 22) ] self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: #if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable #in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp color = ((255, 255, 255)) h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 #height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[ 4] - 1 #height of the bottom margin minus 1 (game label) w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 #side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] self.board.add_door(w2, h1, data[3], data[4], classes.board.Door, "", color, "") #create table to store 'binary' solution #find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] #add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i] - 1) * h_step) number_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) #highlight 1 caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_unit(x, y, 1, 1, classes.board.ImgShip, caption, white, image_src[self.shuffled[i]]) self.board.ships[-1].readable = False line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] self.outline_all(outline_color, 1) instruction = self.d["Re-arrange right"] self.board.add_unit(0, data[1] - 1, data[0], 1, classes.board.Letter, instruction, color0, "", 8) #bottom 2 self.board.ships[-1].immobilize() if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: self.board.ships[-1].font_color = self.mainloop.scheme.u_font_color self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val = self.dp["Re-arrange right"] self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val_update = False #horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], h1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) #top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], h2, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) #bottom 1 #side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) #left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) #right self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0])
def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.allow_unit_animations = False self.allow_teleport = False self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] self.board.draw_grid = False white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: if self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) outline_color = (150, 150, 150) # setting level variable # data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] if self.level.lvl == 1: data = [5, 4, 5, 3, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 2: data = [5, 5, 8, 3, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 3: data = [6, 4, 7, 4, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 4: data = [6, 5, 11, 4, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 5: data = [6, 6, 15, 4, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 6: data = [7, 4, 9, 5, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 7: data = [7, 5, 14, 5, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 8: data = [7, 6, 19, 5, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 9: data = [8, 4, 11, 6, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 10: data = [8, 5, 17, 6, 3] self.chapters = [1, 5, 10] # rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width m = data[0] % 2 if m == 0: x_count = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=True) else: x_count = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) if x_count > data[0]: data[0] = x_count = data self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) self.unit_mouse_over = None self.units = [] image_src = [ os.path.join('numbers_alpha', "n%d.png" % i) for i in range(1, 22) ] self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: # if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable # in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 # height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[4] # height of the bottom margin w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 # side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] # create table to store 'binary' solution # find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] h = random.randrange(0, 255, 5) if self.mainloop.scheme is not None and self.mainloop.scheme.dark: img_style = "bb" self.default_bg_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 200, self.hover_bg_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 255, self.font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h,,, ] self.semi_selected_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 230, 90) self.semi_selected_font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 150, 200), ] self.selected_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 150, 50) self.selected_font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 150, 100), ] else: img_style = "wb" self.default_bg_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 150, self.hover_bg_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 255, self.font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h,,, ] self.semi_selected_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb( h, 80, self.semi_selected_font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 200,, ] self.selected_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 50, self.selected_font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 50, 250), ] self.dc_img_src = os.path.join('unit_bg', "universal_sq_door.png") if self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 4: self.dc_selected_img_src = os.path.join( 'unit_bg', "dc_hover_%s150.png" % img_style) elif self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 5: self.dc_selected_img_src = os.path.join( 'unit_bg', "dc_hover_%s20.png" % img_style) fg_tint_color = (40, 40, 40) # add objects to the board line = [] for i in range(data[2]): caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_universal_unit( grid_x=x, grid_y=y, grid_w=1, grid_h=1, txt=caption, fg_img_src=image_src[self.shuffled[i]], bg_img_src=image_src[self.shuffled[i]], dc_img_src=self.dc_img_src, bg_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), border_color=None, font_color=None, bg_tint_color=None, dc_tint_color=self.default_bg_color, fg_tint_color=fg_tint_color, txt_align=(0, 0), font_type=0, multi_color=False, alpha=True, immobilized=False, fg_as_hover=True) self.units.append(self.board.ships[-1]) self.board.ships[-1].readable = False self.board.ships[i].checkable = True self.board.ships[i].init_check_images() line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] self.outline_all(outline_color, 1) # horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], h1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], h2, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # bottom 1 # side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # right self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0])
def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.allow_unit_animations = False self.allow_teleport = False self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] self.board.draw_grid = False white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is None: font_col = (0, 0, 0) else: font_col = self.mainloop.scheme.u_font_color if self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) # setting level variable # data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] if self.level.lvl == 1: data = [5, 4, 5, 3, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 2: data = [5, 5, 8, 3, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 3: data = [6, 4, 7, 4, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 4: data = [6, 5, 11, 4, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 5: data = [6, 6, 15, 4, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 6: data = [7, 4, 9, 5, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 7: data = [7, 5, 14, 5, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 8: data = [7, 6, 19, 5, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 9: data = [7, 7, 24, 5, 5] elif self.level.lvl == 10: data = [8, 4, 11, 6, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 11: data = [8, 5, 17, 6, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 12: data = [8, 6, 23, 6, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 13: data = [8, 7, 29, 6, 5] elif self.level.lvl == 14: data = [8, 8, 35, 6, 6] self.chapters = [1, 3, 6, 10, 14] # rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width m = data[0] % 2 if m == 0: data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=True) else: data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) = data self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) self.unit_mouse_over = None self.units = [] self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) """ If the grid size is odd, then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are even. If the grid size is even, and the blank is on an odd row (first, third etc), then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are odd. If the grid size is even, and the blank is on an even row (second, fourth etc), then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are even. """ inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: # if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable # in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 # height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[4] # height of the bottom margin w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 # side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] # create table to store 'binary' solution # find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] if self.mainloop.scheme is None: dc_img_src = os.path.join('unit_bg', "universal_sq_dc.png") else: dc_img_src = None bg_img_src = os.path.join('unit_bg', "universal_sq_bg.png") # add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i] - 1) * h_step) number_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h,, fg_number_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h,, font_color = [ ex.hsv_to_rgb(h,,, ] caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_universal_unit(grid_x=x, grid_y=y, grid_w=1, grid_h=1, txt=caption, fg_img_src=bg_img_src, bg_img_src=bg_img_src, dc_img_src=dc_img_src, bg_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), border_color=None, font_color=font_color, bg_tint_color=number_color, fg_tint_color=fg_number_color, txt_align=(0, 0), font_type=2, multi_color=False, alpha=True, immobilized=False, fg_as_hover=True) self.units.append(self.board.ships[-1]) self.board.ships[-1].readable = False self.board.ships[i].checkable = True self.board.ships[i].init_check_images() line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: self.outline_all(font_col, 1) if self.mainloop.scheme is None: self.outline_all(0, 1) # horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], h1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], h2, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # bottom 1 # side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # right self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0])
def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.allow_unit_animations = False self.allow_teleport = False self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] self.board.draw_grid = False outline_color = (150, 150, 150) white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is not None and self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) # setting level variable # data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] data = [7, 6, 8, 3, 3] self.chapters = [1, 5, 10, 15, 20] # rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) = data self.points = 9 self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) if self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 0: if self.mainloop.scheme is None or not self.mainloop.scheme.dark: image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 21)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img%db.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 22)] else: image_src = [os.path.join('schemes', "black", "match_animals", "m_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 21)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('schemes', "black", "match_animals", "m_img%db.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 22)] elif self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 1: image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "f_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(1, 21)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img22b.png")] elif self.mainloop.m.game_variant == 2: image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "n_img%da.png" % (i)) for i in range(2, 22)] grey_image_src = [os.path.join('memory', "m_img22b.png")] self.bg_img_src = image_src[self.level.lvl - 1] # os.path.join('memory', "m_img13a.png") if len(grey_image_src) > 1: self.bg_img_grey_src = grey_image_src[self.level.lvl - 1] # os.path.join('memory', "m_img13b.png") else: self.bg_img_grey_src = "" # grey_image_src[0] self.bg_img = classes.board.ImgSurf(self.board, 3, 3, white, self.bg_img_src) self.finished = False self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: # if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable # in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 # height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[4] - 1 # height of the bottom margin minus 1 (game label) w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 # side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] self.board.add_door(w2, h1, data[3], data[4], classes.board.Door, "", white, self.bg_img_grey_src) self.board.units[0].image.set_colorkey((1, 2, 3)) # create table to store 'binary' solution # find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] # add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i] - 1) * h_step) caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_unit(x, y, 1, 1, classes.board.ImgShip, caption, white, self.bg_img_src) self.board.ships[-1].img = self.bg_img.img.copy() self.board.ships[-1].readable = False offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 if self.shuffled[i] in [2, 5, 8]: offset_x = self.board.scale - 0 elif self.shuffled[i] in [3, 6]: offset_x = (self.board.scale - 0) * 2 if self.shuffled[i] in [4, 5, 6]: offset_y = self.board.scale - 0 elif self.shuffled[i] in [7, 8]: offset_y = (self.board.scale - 0) * 2 self.board.ships[-1].img_pos = (-offset_x, -offset_y) line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] # mini img below game self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3] - 2, data[1] - 1, 1, 1, classes.board.ImgShip, "", white, self.bg_img_src) self.preview = self.board.ships[-1] self.preview.immobilize() self.preview.outline = False # draw 4 lines on the mini preview step = self.board.scale // 3 pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img, outline_color, [step, 0], [step, step * 3], 1) pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img, outline_color, [step * 2, 0], [step * 2, step * 3], 1) pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img, outline_color, [0, step], [step * 3, step], 1) pygame.draw.line(self.preview.img, outline_color, [0, step * 2], [step * 3, step * 2], 1) self.preview.update_me = True self.outline_all(outline_color, 1) # horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], 1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], 1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # bottom 1 # side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # right # self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0]) self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_back(self.board.units[0]) self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_back(self.board.board_bg)
def create_game_objects(self, level=1): self.allow_unit_animations = False self.allow_teleport = False self.board.decolorable = False self.vis_buttons = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0] self.board.draw_grid = False s = 100 v = 255 h = random.randrange(0, 255, 5) white = (255, 255, 255) if self.mainloop.scheme is None: color0 = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 40, 230) # highlight 1 instr_font_col = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 255, 140) font_col = (0, 0, 0) else: font_col = self.mainloop.scheme.u_font_color if self.mainloop.scheme.dark: white = (0, 0, 0) color0 = (0, 0, 10) else: color0 = (254, 254, 255) instr_font_col = font_col # setting level variable # data = [x_count, y_count, number_count, top_limit, ordered] if self.level.lvl == 1: data = [13, 9, 5, 3, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 2: data = [13, 9, 8, 3, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 3: data = [12, 9, 7, 4, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 4: data = [12, 9, 11, 4, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 5: data = [12, 9, 15, 4, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 6: data = [13, 9, 9, 5, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 7: data = [13, 9, 14, 5, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 8: data = [13, 9, 19, 5, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 9: data = [13, 9, 24, 5, 5] elif self.level.lvl == 10: data = [12, 9, 11, 6, 2] elif self.level.lvl == 11: data = [12, 9, 17, 6, 3] elif self.level.lvl == 12: data = [12, 9, 23, 6, 4] elif self.level.lvl == 13: data = [12, 9, 29, 6, 5] elif self.level.lvl == 14: data = [12, 9, 35, 6, 6] self.chapters = [1, 3, 6, 10, 14] # rescale the number of squares horizontally to better match the screen width m = data[0] % 2 if m == 0: data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=True) else: data[0] = self.get_x_count(data[1], even=False) = data self.layout.update_layout(data[0], data[1]) self.board.level_start(data[0], data[1], self.layout.scale) self.choice_list = [x for x in range(1, data[2] + 1)] self.shuffled = self.choice_list[:] random.shuffle(self.shuffled) """ If the grid size is odd, then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are even. If the grid size is even, and the blank is on an odd row (first, third etc), then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are odd. If the grid size is even, and the blank is on an even row (second, fourth etc), then the number of inversions in a solvable situation are even. """ inversions = ex.inversions(self.shuffled) if inversions % 2 != 0: # if number of inversions is odd it is unsolvable # in unsolvable combinations swapping 2 squares will make it solvable temp = self.shuffled[0] self.shuffled[0] = self.shuffled[1] self.shuffled[1] = temp h1 = (data[1] - data[4]) // 2 # height of the top margin h2 = data[1] - h1 - data[4] - 1 # height of the bottom margin minus 1 (game label) w2 = (data[0] - data[3]) // 2 # side margin width self.check = [h1, h2, w2] self.board.add_door(w2, h1, data[3], data[4], classes.board.Door, "", white, "") # create table to store 'binary' solution # find position of first door square x = w2 y = h1 self.mini_grid = [] # add objects to the board line = [] h_start = random.randrange(0, 155, 5) h_step = 100 // (data[2]) for i in range(data[2]): if self.mainloop.scheme is None: h = (h_start + (self.shuffled[i] - 1) * h_step) number_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) # highlight 1 else: number_color = color0 caption = str(self.shuffled[i]) self.board.add_unit(x, y, 1, 1, classes.board.Letter, caption, number_color, "", 2) self.board.ships[-1].readable = False self.board.ships[i].checkable = True self.board.ships[i].init_check_images() if self.mainloop.scheme is None: self.board.ships[-1].font_color = ex.hsv_to_rgb(h, 255, 140) else: self.board.ships[-1].font_color = font_col line.append(i) x += 1 if x >= w2 + data[3] or i == data[2] - 1: x = w2 y += 1 self.mini_grid.append(line) line = [] if self.mainloop.scheme is not None: self.outline_all(font_col, 1) instruction = self.d["Re-arrange right"] self.board.add_unit(0, data[1] - 1, data[0], 1, classes.board.Letter, instruction, color0, "", 5) # bottom 2 self.board.ships[-1].font_color = instr_font_col self.board.ships[-1].immobilize() self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val = self.dp["Re-arrange right"] self.board.ships[-1].speaker_val_update = False if self.mainloop.scheme is None: self.outline_all(0, 1) # horizontal self.board.add_unit(0, 0, data[0], h1, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # top self.board.add_unit(0, h1 + data[4], data[0], h2, classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # bottom 1 # side obstacles self.board.add_unit(0, h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # left self.board.add_unit(w2 + data[3], h1, w2, data[4], classes.board.Obstacle, "", white, "", 7) # right self.board.all_sprites_list.move_to_front(self.board.units[0])