コード例 #1
ファイル: miniBook.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def arrangeBigBook(self, fullbook):
     # print("made pub")
     targetDir = self.dir
     if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
     src_files = os.listdir(targetDir)  # clear out dir
     for fn in src_files:
         pt = targetDir + "\\" + fn
         if os.path.isfile(pt):
     # move book to self's HTML dir stack
     fromPt = fullbook.bookPath
     toPt = targetDir + "\\" + fullbook.safeFn(fullbook.bookTag()) + ".epub"
     # print('copying fromto', fromPt, toPt)
     if os.path.isfile(fromPt):
         copyfile(fromPt, toPt)
     # and then add the book's html
     #  minibook.makeHTML()
     #   actually not yet; topics aren't finished
     # copy cover image over, too
     thePaths = paths()
     fromPt = thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\cover.jpg"
     toPt = targetDir + "\\cover.jpg"
     # print('copying fromto', fromPt, toPt)
     if os.path.isfile(fromPt):
         copyfile(fromPt, toPt)
コード例 #2
ファイル: miniBook.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
    def arrangeTTYBook(self, fullbook):
        thePaths = paths()
        # print("made pub")
        targetDir = self.dir
        if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
        src_files = os.listdir(targetDir)  # clear out dir
        for fn in src_files:
            pt = targetDir + "\\" + fn
            if os.path.isfile(pt):
        # move book to self's HTML dir
        fromPt = fullbook.bookPath
        filenm = fullbook.safeFn(fullbook.bookTag())

        if not fullbook.txtPath == "-":
            # source, titleStr, targetDir
            tw = textWrapper(fullbook.bookPath, self.bookTag,
                             targetDir)  # source, titleIn, targetDir
            self.volCount = tw.output()
            print(str(self.volCount) + " volumes made")
            toPt = targetDir + "\\" + fullbook.safeFn(
                fullbook.bookTag()) + ".htm"
            if os.path.isfile(fromPt):
                copyfile(fromPt, toPt)
        # copy cover image over
        fromPt = thePaths.scratchDir + "cover.jpg"
        toPt = targetDir + "\\cover.jpg"
        # print('copying fromto', fromPt, toPt)
        if os.path.isfile(fromPt):
            copyfile(fromPt, toPt)
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, line):
     self.mark = line[0:1]
     self.description = line[2:]  # text description of this order
     self.doubles = []  # list of LOCdoubles in
     thePaths = paths()
     self.path = thePaths.htmlDir + "topics\\" + self.mark + ".html"
     self.link = self.mark + ".html"
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.scanner = scanner()
     self.thePaths = paths()
     self.theTree = LOCtree()
     self.bookList = LOCtitleService()
     self.covers = os.listdir(self.thePaths.coversDir)
     self.clips = os.listdir(self.thePaths.clipDir)
     self.authorSet = LOCauthorSet()
コード例 #5
ファイル: authorSet.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def __init__(self):
     # maybe something more efficient, maybe just sit on yr hands.
     self.auths = []
     self.thePaths = paths()
     self.allowedTags = []
     for i in range(0,26):
コード例 #6
ファイル: author.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def __init__(self):
     self.gutenId = " "
     self.name = " "
     self.birth = " "
     self.death = " "
     self.workIds = []
     self.wikiLink = " "
     thePaths = paths()
     self.calPath = thePaths.outputDir
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, line):
     # oh, nope. marks can be more than 2 chars.
     spot = line.find(' ')  # the letters of
     self.mark = line[0:spot]
     self.description = line[(spot + 1):]
     thePaths = paths()
     self.link = self.mark + ".html"
     self.path = thePaths.htmlDir + "\\topics\\" + self.mark + ".html"
     self.subDir = thePaths.htmlDir + "\\topics\\" + self.mark + "\\"
     self.topics = []
コード例 #8
 def setStdMark(self):
     desc = self.brutalDescription()
     thePaths = paths()
     self.dirPath = thePaths.htmlDir + "topics\\" + self.doubleMark + "\\"
     ender = 15
     if len(desc) < ender:
         ender = len(desc)
     self.mark = desc[0:ender]
     self.link = self.mark + ".html"
     self.htmlRelativePath = "topics/" + self.doubleMark + "/" + self.mark + ".html"
コード例 #9
 def makeGBGDir(self): 
     thePaths = paths()
     res = thePaths.contentDir
     idStr = str(self.gutenId)
     lng = len(idStr)
     if (lng==1):
         res += "0\\"
     for i in range(0,lng-1):
         res += idStr[i] + "\\"
     res += idStr;
     return res
コード例 #10
 def writeContent(self):   
     thePaths = paths()
     targPath = thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\content.xhtml"
     if (self.txtPath!="-"):
         html = ET.Element("html")
         html.set("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
         head = ET.SubElement(html, "head")
         title = ET.SubElement(head, "title")
         title.text = self.title
         link = ET.SubElement(head, "link")
         link.set('type', "text/css")
         link.set('rel', "stylesheet")
         link.set('href', "stylesheet.css")
         body = ET.SubElement(html, "body")
         # body.set("id", "startyStart")  
         pre = ET.SubElement(body, "pre")
         pre.set("id", "startyStart") 
         txf = open(self.txtPath, 'r+')
             wholeText = txf.read()
             pre.text = wholeText
             tree = ET.ElementTree(html)
             return 1
             print("failed text convert; on to HTML")
     if (self.htmPath!="-"):
         content = []
             with open(self.htmPath) as f:
                 content = f.readlines()
             numLns = len(content)
             if (numLns>100):
                 numLns = 100
             for lnCt in range(0,numLns):
                 if ("/*" in content[lnCt]):
                     if ("*/" in content[lnCt]):
                         s1 = content[lnCt].find("/*")
                         s2 = content[lnCt].find("*/")
                         stra = content[lnCt][0:s1] + content[lnCt][s2+2:]
                         # print(self.gutenId, ":fix:", content[lnCt], stra)
                         content[lnCt] = stra
                 if ("<body" in content[lnCt]):
                     content[lnCt].replace("<body",'<body id=<body id="startyStart "')
             with open(targPath, 'w') as outf:
                 for ln in content:
             return 1
             if os.path.isfile(self.htmPath):
                 copyfile(self.htmPath, targPath)    
                 return 1
     return 0 # no data, I guess. 
コード例 #11
 def __init__(self):
     self.thePaths = paths()
     self.singles = []
     file = open(self.thePaths.dataDir + "LOCfams.txt", "r")
     lines = file.readlines()
     for ln in lines:
         if ln[1] == ' ':
             ord = LOCsingle(ln)
コード例 #12
ファイル: ttyBook.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def makeTxt(self, coverPt, clipPt):
     # self.printSelf()
     if (self.type != "Text"):
         print("not a Text", self.gutenId)
         return 0
     if (self.txtPath == "-" and self.htmPath == "-"):
         print("no text", self.gutenId)
         return 0  # no book! skip
     if (len(self.title) < 1):
         print("no title", self.gutenId)
         return 0  # no title? f**k you
     # clean out all the last book's files
     thePaths = paths()
     self.bookPath = thePaths.scratchDir
     src_files = os.listdir(self.bookPath)
     for fn in src_files:
         pt = self.bookPath + fn
         if os.path.isfile(pt):
     # clean out images folder, too
     imgdir = self.bookPath + "images\\"
     src_files = os.listdir(imgdir)
     for fn in src_files:
         pt = imgdir + "\\" + fn
         if os.path.isfile(pt):
     self.makeCoverImage(coverPt, clipPt)
     # copy text
     if (self.txtPath != "-"):
         self.bookPath = thePaths.scratchDir + self.safeFn(
             self.bookTag()) + ".txt"
         copyfile(self.txtPath, self.bookPath)
         return 1
     if (self.htmPath != "-"):
         # I like these less.
         self.bookPath = thePaths.scratchDir + self.safeFn(
             self.bookTag()) + ".htm"
         copyfile(self.htmPath, self.bookPath)
         # also do images folder? IDK.
         # write images
         if (self.imgPath != "-"):
             fromDir = thePaths.scratchDir + "images\\"
             toDir = thePaths.scratchDir + self.safeFn(self.bookTag())
             for fn in self.imgs:
                 fromPt = imgdir + "\\" + fn
                 toPt = imgdir + "\\" + fn
                 if os.path.isfile(fromPt):
                     copyfile(fromPt, toPt)
         return 1
     return 0
コード例 #13
 def __init__(self):
     self.dirIndex = 0
     self.allFiles = []
     self.counter = 1
     self.gbID = '-1'
     self.last = -1
     # find the top dir
     thePaths = paths()
     self.dir = thePaths.recordsDir
     mess = [x[1] for x in os.walk(self.dir)]
     self.allFiles = mess[0]
     self.last = len(self.allFiles)
     print("found ", self.last, " records")
     if (self.last > 0):
         self.counter = 1
コード例 #14
 def writeCover(self):   
     html = ET.Element("html")
     html.set('xmlns', "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
     html.set('xml:lang', "en")
     head = ET.SubElement(html, "head")
     title = ET.SubElement(head, "title")
     title.text = "Cover"
     meta = ET.SubElement(head, "meta")
     meta.set('name', "calibre:cover")
     meta.set('content', "true")
     body = ET.SubElement(html, "body")
     img =ET.SubElement(body, "img")
     img.set("src", "cover.jpg")
     tree = ET.ElementTree(html)
     thePaths = paths()
     tree.write(thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\title.xhtml")
コード例 #15
    def makeFromBigBook(self, fullbook):
        if (fullbook.langOK() and fullbook.scanGBDir() == 0):
            for a in fullbook.auths:
            self.title = fullbook.title
            self.gutenId = fullbook.gutenId
            for s in fullbook.subjects:
                if (s.find("LCC: ") != -1):
                    if (self.lcc != "-"):
                        print("multiple LCCs!")
                    self.lcc = s[5:]
                    self.valid = True
                if (s.find("LCSH: ") != -1):
                    tpc = s[6:]  # self.topics only contains LCSH strings.
                    self.valid = True
            thePaths = paths()
            digits = '%05d' % int(self.gutenId)
            self.dir = thePaths.htmlDir + "\\books\\" + digits[
                0:1] + "\\" + digits[1:3] + "\\" + digits[3:] + "\\"
            self.htmlRelativePath = "books/" + digits[0:1] + "/" + digits[
                1:3] + "/" + digits[3:] + "/" + "index.html"
            brute = self.title.upper()
            if (len(brute) < 1):
                return "A"
            alloweds = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890"
            for i in range(0, len(brute)):
                if (len(brute) <= i):
                    return brute
                if (alloweds.find(brute[i]) == -1):
                    brute = brute.replace(brute[i], "")
            words = brute.split(' ')
            okwords = ""
            for w in words:
                if w != "A" and w != "AN" and w != "THE":
                    if len(okwords) > 0:
                        okwords = okwords + "_"
                    okwords = okwords + w
            self.brutalTitle = okwords
            self.brutalTitleA = okwords[0:1]
            self.brutalTitleAB = okwords[0:2]
            self.titlePath = thePaths.htmlDir + "\\titles\\" + self.brutalTitleA + '\\'
            self.bookTag = fullbook.safeFn(fullbook.bookTag())
            print("brutal", okwords, self.brutalTitleA, self.brutalTitleAB)

        if (self.title.find("Punchinello") != -1):
            self.valid = False  # seriously: *f**k* those guys
コード例 #16
 def makeTitleHTML(self):
     # sort books by brutalTitleAB
     firsts = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
     fl = len(firsts)
     thePaths = paths()
     for i in range(0, fl):
         letter = firsts[i:i + 1]
         pt = thePaths.htmlDir + "\\titles\\" + letter + ".html"
         file = open(pt, "w")
         file.write("<!DOCTYPE html>")
         file.write('<h3>Page for ' + letter + ' titles:</h3><table><tr>')
         ctr = 0
         for j in range(0, fl):
             letter2 = firsts[j:j + 1]
             file.write('<td><a href="' + letter + '/' + letter + letter2 +
                        '.html">' + letter + letter2 + '</a></td>')
             if ctr % 6 == 5:
             ctr = ctr + 1
     self.books.sort(key=lambda x: x.brutalTitleAB)
     oldMark = "INIT"
     file = 0
     for bk in self.books:
         if len(bk.titlePath) > 0:
             if (bk.brutalTitleAB != oldMark):
                 if oldMark != "INIT":
                 oldMark = bk.brutalTitleAB
                 if not os.path.exists(bk.titlePath):
                 pt = bk.titlePath + bk.brutalTitleAB + ".html"
                 file = open(pt, "w")
                 file.write("<!DOCTYPE html>")
                 file.write('<h3>Titles Page for ' + bk.brutalTitleAB +
             file.write('<a href="../../' + bk.htmlRelativePath + '">' +
                        bk.title + '</a><br/>')
コード例 #17
 def writenavx(self):  
     thePaths = paths()
     html = ET.Element("html")
     html.set('xmlns', "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
     html.set('xmlns:epub', "http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops")
     head = ET.SubElement(html, "head")
     title = ET.SubElement(head, "title")
     title.text = "Navigation"
     body = ET.SubElement(html, "body")
     nav = ET.SubElement(body, "nav")
     nav.set('epub:type', 'toc')
     ol = ET.SubElement(nav, "ol")
     li = ET.SubElement(ol, "li")
     aref = ET.SubElement(li, "a")
     aref.set('href', "content.xhtml")
     aref.text = "Start"
     tree = ET.ElementTree(html)
     tree.write(thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\nav.xhtml")
コード例 #18
 def writeNCX(self):   
     ncx = ET.Element("ncx")
    # ncx.set('xmlns', "http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/")
     #ncx.set('version', "2005-1")
     head = ET.SubElement(ncx, "head")
     meta = ET.SubElement(head, "meta")
     meta.set('name', 'dtb:uid')
     meta.set('content', "urn:uuid:" + self.uuid)
     meta = ET.SubElement(head, "meta")
     meta.set('name', 'dtb:depth')
     meta.set('content', "1")
     meta = ET.SubElement(head, "meta")
     meta.set('name', 'dtb:totalPageCount')
     meta.set('content', "0")
     meta = ET.SubElement(head, "meta")
     meta.set('name', 'dtb:maxPageNumber')
     meta.set('content', "0")
     docTitle = ET.SubElement(ncx, "docTitle")
     txt = ET.SubElement(docTitle, "text")
     txt.text = self.title
     navMap = ET.SubElement(ncx, "navMap")
     navPoint = ET.SubElement(navMap, "navPoint")
     navPoint.set('id', 'navPoint-1')
     navPoint.set('playOrder', "1")
     navLabel = ET.SubElement(navPoint, "navLabel")
     text = ET.SubElement(navLabel, "text")
     text.text = "Start"
     content = ET.SubElement(navPoint, "content")
     content.set('src', 'content.xhtml#startyStart')
     thePaths = paths()
     tree = ET.ElementTree(ncx)
     tree.write(thePaths.dataDir + "scratch.ncx")
     # open file at
     finalVers = open(thePaths.scratchDir +'OEBPS\\toc.ncx', 'w+')
     # write in 
     finalVers.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>")
     finalVers.write('<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"')
     finalVers.write(' "http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx-2005-1.dtd">')
     xmlvers = open(thePaths.dataDir + "scratch.ncx", 'r+')
     irm = xmlvers.read()
コード例 #19
 def setAltMark(self, dupe):
     # find first char where self.desc and dupe differ
     notDone = True
     brute = self.brutalDescription()
     othBrute = dupe.brutalDescription()
     pl = 5
     while notDone and pl < len(brute) - 3:
         c1 = brute[pl:pl + 1]
         c2 = othBrute[pl:pl + 1]
         if (c1 == c2):
             pl = pl + 1
             notDone = False
     p2 = pl + 3
     if p2 > len(brute):
         p2 = len(brute)
     thePaths = paths()
     self.dirPath = thePaths.htmlDir + "topics\\" + self.doubleMark + "\\"
     self.mark = self.doubleMark + "_" + brute[0:5] + brute[pl:p2]
     self.link = self.mark + ".html"
コード例 #20
ファイル: ttyLibrary.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def __init__(self):
     self.scanner = scanner()
     self.thePaths = paths()
     self.bookList = titleSet()
     self.theTree = LOCtree()
     self.authorSet = authorSet()
コード例 #21
 def makeCoverImage(self, coverFn, clipFn):  
     # make title strings and authors strings
     titl1, titl2, titl3, titInd = self.brutalString(self.title)
     # make 'em real ugly
     authNames = ""
     notFirst = 1
     for aut in self.auths:
         if (notFirst==1):
             notFirst =0
             authNames += "--"
         authNames += aut.name
     if (len(self.trns)>0):
         authNames += "--"
     for aut in self.trns:
         if (notFirst==1):
             notFirst =0
             authNames += "--"
         authNames += aut.name
     if (len(authNames)<1):
         authNames = "Unknown"
     aut1, aut2, aut3, autInd = self.brutalString(authNames)
     # make bg image by loading the cover
     thePaths = paths()
     coverDir = thePaths.coversDir
     coverPath = coverDir + coverFn
     resultImg = cv2.imread(coverPath, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
     covHt, covWd, covCh = resultImg.shape
     # change tint
     tintRatio = 0.7 + (autInd / 80.0)
     rFac = 1.0
     gFac = 1.0
     bFac = 1.0
     titInd = titInd % 6
     if (titInd==0):
         rFac = tintRatio 
     if (titInd==1):
         gFac = tintRatio 
     if (titInd==2):
         bFac = tintRatio 
     if (titInd==3):
         rFac = tintRatio 
         gFac = tintRatio 
     if (titInd==4):
         rFac = tintRatio 
         bFac = tintRatio 
     if (titInd==5):
         gFac = tintRatio 
         bFac = tintRatio 
     bchan, gchan, rchan = cv2.split(resultImg);
     rchanf = rchan * rFac; 
     gchanf = gchan * gFac; 
     bchanf = bchan * bFac; 
     rchani = rchanf.astype(np.uint8)
     gchani = gchanf.astype(np.uint8)
     bchani = bchanf.astype(np.uint8)
     resultImg = cv2.merge((rchani,gchani,bchani))
     # make text image
     txti = np.ones((500,500, 3), np.uint8)
     txti *= 255
     # white bg
     font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
     # convert title to all caps, A-Z and space only
     # convert to up to 3 strings 30 char
     x = 6
     y = 26
     fsc = 0.8
     fsp = 27
     fln = 2
     fco = (0,0,0)
     cv2.putText(txti, titl1, (x, y), font, fsc, fco, fln)
     if (len(titl2)>0):
         y += fsp
         cv2.putText(txti,titl2,(x, y), font, fsc, fco, fln)
     if (len(titl3)>0):
         y += fsp
         cv2.putText(txti,titl3,(x, y), font,fsc, fco, fln)
     y += fsp
     cv2.putText(txti,aut1,(x, y), font,fsc, fco, fln)
     if (len(aut2)>0):
         y += fsp
         cv2.putText(txti,aut2,(x, y), font,fsc, fco, fln)
     if (len(aut3)>0):
         y += fsp
         cv2.putText(txti,aut3,(x, y), font,fsc, fco, fln)
     y += fsp
     cv2.putText(txti,"www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/"+str(self.gutenId),(x, y), font,fsc, fco, fln)
     cropTxt = txti[0:y+10, 0:500]
     newWd = covWd -40
     ysz = int((newWd / 500.0) * (y+10.0))
     reszTxt = cv2.resize(cropTxt, (newWd, ysz))
     # a clipart image is available
     clipDir = thePaths.clipDir
     clipPath = clipDir + clipFn
     if (self.imgPath!="-"):
         if (self.coverImgPath!=-1):
             # but if there's an image from the book, use that.
             imgdir = thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\images\\"
             clipPath = imgdir +self.imgs[self.coverImgPath]
     clipImg = cv2.imread(clipPath, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
     if not clipImg is None:
         clHt, clWd, clCh = clipImg.shape
         bchan, gchan, rchan = cv2.split(clipImg);
         clipImg = cv2.merge((rchan,rchan,rchan))
         clpx = int(covWd/2)
         clpy = int( clpx *(clHt/clWd))
         clpSx = int(clpx*1.5)
         clpSy = int(clpy*1.5)
         reszClp = cv2.resize(clipImg, (clpSx, clpSy))
         centerx = clpx 
         centery = (((covHt - 20) - ysz) / 2.0) + (ysz +20)
         maxClipHt = covHt - ysz -50; 
         if (clpSy>maxClipHt):
             clpSy = maxClipHt
         stx = int(centerx - (clpSx/2.0))
         sty = int(centery - (clpSy/2.0))
         resultImg[sty:sty+clpSy, stx:stx+clpSx] = reszClp[0:clpSy, 0:clpSx] # paste clip first        resultImg[20:20+ysz, 20:20+newWd] = reszTxt # then text block
     resultImg[20:20+ysz, 20:20+newWd] = reszTxt # then text block
     resPath = thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\cover.jpg"
     cv2.imwrite(resPath, resultImg, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 20])
コード例 #22
 def writeOPF(self):   
     doc = ET.Element("doc")
     package = ET.SubElement(doc, "package")
     package.set('version', "3.0")
     package.set('xmlns', "http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf")
     package.set('xml:lang', self.language)
     package.set('unique-identifier', "bookid")
     metadata = ET.SubElement(package, "metadata")
     metadata.set("xmlns:dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
     dcidentifier = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:identifier")
     dcidentifier.set('id', "bookid")
     dcidentifier.text =  "urn:uuid:" +self.uuid
     modified = ET.SubElement(metadata, "meta")
     modified.set('property', "dcterms:modified")
     modified.text = "2019-10-11T01:34:19Z"    
     dctitle = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:title")
     dctitle.text = self.title
     for aut in self.auths:
         dccontr = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:creator")
         dccontr.set('id', "creator")
         dccontr.text = aut.name
         suj = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:subject")
         suj.text = aut.wikiLink
     for aut in self.trns:
         dccontr = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:translator")
         dccontr.text = aut.name
         suj = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:subject")
         suj.text = aut.wikiLink
     description = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:description")
     description.text = self.description + " www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/" + str(self.gutenId)
     date = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:date")
     date.text = "2015-08-12T04:00:00+00:00"
     publisher = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:publisher")
     publisher.text = "http://www.gutenberg.org"
     cover = ET.SubElement(metadata, "meta")
     cover.set("name", "cover")
     cover.set("content", "cover")
     lnggt = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:language")
     lnggt.text = "eng"   # need enum for language translations
     for sub in self.subjects:
         suj = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:subject")
         suj.text = sub        
     for aut in self.auths:
         suj = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:subject")
         suj.text = aut.wikiLink
     for aut in self.trns:
         suj = ET.SubElement(metadata, "dc:subject")
         suj.text = aut.wikiLink
     manifest = ET.SubElement(package, "manifest")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(manifest, "item")
     anItem.set('id', "ncx")
     anItem.set('href', "toc.ncx")
     anItem.set("media-type", "application/x-dtbncx+xml")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(manifest, "item")
     anItem.set('id', "content")
     anItem.set('href', "content.xhtml")
     anItem.set("media-type", "application/xhtml+xml")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(manifest, "item")
     anItem.set('id', "cover")
     anItem.set('href', "title.xhtml")
     anItem.set("media-type", "application/xhtml+xml")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(manifest, "item")
     anItem.set('id', "coverImg")
     anItem.set('href', "cover.jpg")
     anItem.set("media-type", "image/jpeg")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(manifest, "item")
     anItem.set('id', "css")
     anItem.set('href', "stylesheet.css")
     anItem.set("media-type", "text/css")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(manifest, "item")
     anItem.set('id', "nav")
     anItem.set('href', "nav.xhtml")
     anItem.set('properties', "nav")
     anItem.set("media-type", "application/xhtml+xml")
     spine = ET.SubElement(package, "spine")
     spine.set('page-progression-direction', "default")
     spine.set('toc', "ncx")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(spine, "itemref")
     anItem.set('idref', "cover")
     anItem = ET.SubElement(spine, "itemref")
     anItem.set('idref', "content")
     guide = ET.SubElement(package, "guide")
     img = ET.SubElement(guide, "reference")
     img.set('href', "title.xhtml")
     img.set('title', "Cover")
     img.set('type', "cover")
     thePaths = paths()
     tree = ET.ElementTree(package)          
     tree.write(thePaths.dataDir + "scratch.opf")    
     finalVers = open(thePaths.scratchDir + 'OEBPS\\content.opf', 'w+')
     # write in 
     finalVers.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>")
     xmlvers = open(thePaths.dataDir + 'scratch.opf', 'r+')
     irm = xmlvers.read()
コード例 #23
 def setStdMark(self):
     desc = self.brutalDescription()
     thePaths = paths()
     self.dirPath = thePaths.htmlDir + "topics\\" + self.doubleMark + "\\"
     self.mark = self.doubleMark + "." + desc[0:5]
     self.link = self.mark + ".html"
コード例 #24
ファイル: author.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def htmlDir(self):
     nm = self.authTag()
     fs = nm[0:1]
     thePaths = paths()
     return thePaths.htmlDir + "\\authors\\" + fs + "\\"
コード例 #25
ファイル: miniBook.py プロジェクト: bernardio5/bookie
 def makeFromBigBook(self, fullbook):
     if (fullbook.langOK() and fullbook.scanGBDir() == 0):
         for a in fullbook.auths:
         self.title = fullbook.title
         self.gutenId = fullbook.gutenId
         lcc = ""
         hasLCSH = False
         for s in fullbook.subjects:
             if (s.find("LCC: ") != -1 and lcc == ""):
                 lcc = s[5:]
             if (s.find("LCSH: ") != -1):
                 hasLCSH = True
         if (hasLCSH and lcc != ""):
             self.valid = True
         for s in fullbook.subjects:
             if (s.find("LCC: ") != -1):
                 lcc = s[5:]
             if (s.find("LCSH: ") != -1):
                 tpc = lcc + ' ' + s[
                     6:]  # self.topics only contains LCSH strings.
             su = s.upper()
             if (su.find("JUVENILE") != -1):
                 self.valid = False
             if (su.find("CHILDREN") != -1):
                 self.valid = False  # the adult content is maudlin enough
             if (su.find("PERIODICAL") != -1):
                 self.valid = False
         thePaths = paths()
         digits = '%05d' % int(self.gutenId)
         self.dir = thePaths.htmlDir + "books\\" + digits[
             0:1] + "\\" + digits[1:3] + "\\" + digits[3:] + "\\"
         self.htmlRelativePath = "books/" + digits[0:1] + "/" + digits[
             1:3] + "/" + digits[3:] + "/" + "index.html"
         brute = self.title.upper()
         if (len(brute) < 1):
             brute = "A"
         alloweds = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890"
         for i in range(0, len(brute)):
             if (len(brute) > i):
                 if (alloweds.find(brute[i]) == -1):
                     brute = brute.replace(brute[i], "")
         words = brute.split(' ')
         okwords = ""
         for w in words:
             if w != "A" and w != "AN" and w != "THE":
                 if len(okwords) > 0:
                     okwords = okwords + "_"
                 okwords = okwords + w
         self.brutalTitle = okwords
         self.brutalTitleA = okwords[0:1]
         self.brutalTitleAB = okwords[0:2]
         self.titlePath = thePaths.htmlDir + "titles\\" + self.brutalTitleA + '\\'
         self.bookTag = fullbook.safeFn(fullbook.bookTag())
         # print(self.gutenId, okwords, self.brutalTitleA, self.brutalTitleAB)
         if (self.brutalTitle.find("PUNCHINELLO") != -1):
             self.valid = False
         if (self.brutalTitle.find("CHARIVARI") != -1):
             self.valid = False  # seriously: *f**k* those guys
         if (self.brutalTitle.find("MISSIONARY") != -1):
             self.valid = False
         if (fullbook.language.find("en") == -1):
             self.valid = False  # English only for now
コード例 #26
 def makeEpub(self, coverPt, clipPt):
     # self.printSelf()
     if (self.type!="Text"):
         print("not a Text", self.gutenId)
         return 0
     if (self.txtPath=="-" and self.htmPath=="-"):
         print("no text", self.gutenId)
         return 0 # no book! skip
     if (len(self.title)<1):
         print("no title", self.gutenId)
         return 0 # no title? f**k you
     #clean out all the last book's files  
     thePaths = paths()
     base = thePaths.scratchDir + "OEBPS\\"
     src_files = os.listdir(base)
     for fn in src_files:
         if (fn != "stylesheet.css"): # del everything but the stylesheet
             pt = base  + fn
             if os.path.isfile(pt):
     # gbg has all the images in *-h/images, darn it. 
     imgdir = base + "images"
     src_files = os.listdir(imgdir)
     for fn in src_files:
         pt = imgdir + "\\" + fn
         if os.path.isfile(pt):
     htmpath = base + "content.xhtml"
     # write content
     if (self.writeContent()==0):
         print("write content failed", self.gutenId)
         return 0 # could not convert
     # write images
     if (self.imgPath!="-" and self.txtPath!="-"):
         for fn in self.imgs:
             fromPt =self.imgPath + "\\" + fn
             toPt = imgdir + "\\" + fn
             if os.path.isfile(fromPt):
                 copyfile(fromPt, toPt)
     self.makeCoverImage(coverPt, clipPt)
     # write index! 
     self.bookPath = thePaths.outputDir + self.safeFn(self.bookTag()) + ".epub"
     if (os.path.isfile(self.bookPath)):
     zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.bookPath, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
     zipf.write("scratch/mimetype", "mimetype", zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
     zipf.write("scratch/META-INF/container.xml", "META-INF/container.xml", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
     src_files = os.listdir("scratch/OEBPS")
     for file in src_files:
         zipf.write("scratch/OEBPS/" + file, "OEBPS/"+file, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
     src_files = os.listdir("scratch/OEBPS/images")
     for file in src_files:
         zipf.write("scratch/OEBPS/images/" + file, "OEBPS/images/"+file, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
     booksize = os.path.getsize(self.bookPath)
     if booksize>2500000:
         print("too big", self.gutenId)
         return 0 
     return 1
コード例 #27
 def __init__(self):
     self.scanner = scanner()
     thePaths = paths()
     self.covers = os.listdir(thePaths.coversDir)
     self.clips = os.listdir(thePaths.clipDir)
     self.results = [0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0]
コード例 #28
 def __init__(self):
     self.books = []
     self.thePaths = paths()