コード例 #1

print len(samples), "samples found"

#TL = [-5, -10, -numpy.inf] # is 0.739770037290, 0.772290750017, 0.807449899917

#Alpha = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]  # 0.807809390788, 0.811087250153, 0.772292829366
for alpha in ([0]): 
    for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
        condition = (file_count != 104)   
        if condition:   #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            time_tic = time.time() 
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data,file))

            #load obser cnn
            load_path = os.path.join(cnn_obs_likelihodd_dir,file)
            observ_likelihood_cnn = cPickle.load(open(load_path,"rb"))
            observ_likelihood_cnn = observ_likelihood_cnn[:-1,:]
            #load obser sk --log!
            load_path = os.path.join(sk_obs_likelihood_dir,file)
            observ_likelihood_file = cPickle.load(open(load_path,"rb"))
            observ_likelihood_sk = observ_likelihood_file['log_observ_likelihood']
            #print observ_likelihood.shape
            # viterbi path decoding
            #log_observ_likelihood = log(observ_likelihood_cnn.T + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps) + observ_likelihood_sk
            log_observ_likelihood = alpha * log(observ_likelihood_cnn.T + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps) + (1-alpha) *observ_likelihood_sk     
コード例 #2
for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
    condition = (file_count > -1)
    if condition:  #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
        save_path = os.path.join(save_dst, file)
        if os.path.isfile(save_path):
            print "loading exiting file"
            data_dic = cPickle.load(open(save_path, 'rb'))
            video = data_dic["video"]
            Feature_gesture = data_dic["Feature_gesture"]
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[0]

            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))
            print "finish loading samples"
            video, Feature_gesture = sample.get_test_data_wudi_lio(used_joints)
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[
                0]  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

            print "finish preprocessing"
            out_file = open(save_path, 'wb')
                "video": video,
                "Feature_gesture": Feature_gesture
コード例 #3
def preprocess(samples, set_label="training"):
    for file_count, file in enumerate(sort(samples)):
        if (set_label == "training"):
            condition = (file_count < 650)
            if pc == "wudi":
                dest = r"D:\Chalearn2014\Data_processed\train"  # dir to  destination processed data
            elif pc == "wudi_linux":
                dest = "/idiap/temp/dwu/chalearn2014_data/Train_processed"
            elif pc == "lio":
                dest = r"/media/lio/Elements/chalearn/preproc/train"
            condition = (file_count >= 650)
            if pc == "wudi":
                dest = r"D:\Chalearn2014\Data_processed\valid"  # dir to  destination processed data
            elif pc == "wudi_linux":
                dest = "/idiap/temp/dwu/chalearn2014_data/Valid_processed"
            elif pc == "lio":
                dest = r"/media/lio/Elements/chalearn/preproc/valid"  # dir to  destination processed data

        #set == "training" ? (condition = (file_count<650)) : (condition = (file_count>=650))
        if condition:  #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            start_time = time.time()
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))
            # ###############################################
            # USE Ground Truth information to learn the model
            # ###############################################
            # Get the list of actions for this frame
            gestures = sample.getGestures()
            # Iterate for each action in this sample
            for gesture in gestures:
                skelet, depth, gray, user, c = sample.get_data_wudi(
                    gesture, vid_res, NEUTRUAL_SEG_LENGTH)
                if c:
                    print 'corrupt'

                # preprocess
                # skelet_feature: frames * num_features? here gestures because we need netural frames
                skelet_feature, Targets, c = proc_skelet_wudi(
                    sample, used_joints, gesture, STATE_NO,
                if c:
                    print 'corrupt'
                user_o = user.copy()
                user = proc_user(user)
                skelet, c = proc_skelet(skelet)
                # depth: 2(h&b) * frames * 5 (stacked frames) * vid_shape_hand[0] *vid_shape_hand[1]
                user_new, depth, c = proc_depth_wudi(depth, user, user_o,
                if c:
                    print 'corrupt'
                # gray:  2(h&b) * frames * 5 (stacked frames) * vid_shape_hand[0] *vid_shape_hand[1]
                gray, c = proc_gray_wudi(gray, user, skelet,
                if c:
                    print 'corrupt'

                if show_depth:
                    play_vid_wudi(depth, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
                if show_gray:
                    play_vid_wudi(gray, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
                if show_user:
                                  wait=1000 / 10,
                # user_new = user_new.astype("bool")
                traj2D, traj3D, ori, pheight, hand, center = skelet
                skelet = traj3D, ori, pheight

                assert user.dtype == gray.dtype == depth.dtype == traj3D.dtype == ori.dtype == "uint8"
                assert gray.shape == depth.shape
                if not gray.shape[1] == skelet_feature.shape[
                        0] == Targets.shape[0]:
                    print "too early movement or too late,skip one"

                # we don't need user info. anyway
                video = empty((2, ) + gray.shape, dtype="uint8")
                video[0], video[1] = gray, depth
                store_preproc_wudi(video, skelet_feature,
                                   Targets.argmax(axis=1), skelet, dest)

            end_time = time.time()

            print "Processing one batch requires: %d second\n" % (end_time -
            if condition and file_count == (len(samples) - 1):
                dump_last_data(video, skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1),
                               skelet, dest)
                print 'Process', p_i, 'finished'

            print "Processing one batch requires: %d second\n" % (end_time -
            if condition and file_count == (len(samples) - 1):
                dump_last_data(video, skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1),
                               skelet, dest)

            # we should add the traning data as well
            if not condition and file_count == 650 - 1:
                dump_last_data(video, skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1),
                               skelet, dest)
コード例 #4
    samples = glob("*.zip")

print len(samples), "samples found"

#TL = [-5, -10, -numpy.inf] # is 0.739770037290, 0.772290750017, 0.807449899917

#Alpha = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]  # 0.807809390788, 0.811087250153, 0.772292829366

for alpha in ([0]):
    for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
        condition = (file_count != 104)
        if condition:  #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            time_tic = time.time()
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))

            #load obser cnn
            load_path = os.path.join(cnn_obs_likelihodd_dir, file)
            observ_likelihood_cnn = cPickle.load(open(load_path, "rb"))
            observ_likelihood_cnn = observ_likelihood_cnn[:-1, :]
            #load obser sk --log!
            load_path = os.path.join(sk_obs_likelihood_dir, file)
            observ_likelihood_file = cPickle.load(open(load_path, "rb"))
            observ_likelihood_sk = observ_likelihood_file[
            #print observ_likelihood.shape
            # viterbi path decoding
            #log_observ_likelihood = log(observ_likelihood_cnn.T + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps) + observ_likelihood_sk
    def predLabel(self, video_file, matrix_file, pred_file, filename):
        #        time_start = time.time()
        print("\t Processing file " + filename)
        sample_video = GestureSample(video_file)
        observ_likelihood = cPickle.load(open(matrix_file, "rb"))
        #        print 'fininsh Loadinging obs_likelihodd'
        #        print observ_likelihood.shape

        log_observ_likelihood = log(observ_likelihood.T +
        log_observ_likelihood[-1, 0:5] = 0
        log_observ_likelihood[-1, -5:] = 0

        #viterbi decoding
        [path, predecessor_state_index,
         global_score] = viterbi_path_log(log(Prior), log(Transition_matrix),
        [pred_label, begin_frame, end_frame, Individual_score,
         frame_length] = viterbi_colab_states(path,
        #heuristically we need to add 1 more frame here
        begin_frame += 1
        end_frame += 5  # because we cut 4 frames as a cuboid so we need add extra 4 frames

        gesturesList = sample_video.getGestures()
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        STATE_NO = 5
        im = imdisplay(global_score)

        plt.xlim((0, global_score.shape[-1]))
        plt.ylim((101, 0))
        plt.ylabel('HMM states')

        # plot ground truth
        for gesture in gesturesList:
            gestureID, startFrame, endFrame = gesture
            frames_count = numpy.array(range(startFrame, endFrame + 1))
            pred_label_temp = (
                (gestureID - 1) * STATE_NO + 2) * numpy.ones(len(frames_count))
            plt.plot(frames_count, pred_label_temp, color='r', linewidth=5.0)

        # plot clean path
        for i in range(len(begin_frame)):
            rames_count = numpy.array(range(begin_frame[i], end_frame[i] + 1))
            pred_label_temp = ((pred_label[i] - 1) * STATE_NO +
                               2) * numpy.ones(len(frames_count))

        pred = []
        for i in range(len(begin_frame)):
            pred.append([pred_label[i], begin_frame[i], end_frame[i]])
        sample_video.exportPredictions(pred, pred_file)
コード例 #6
    obs_likelihodd_dir = "/home/fancy/Desktop/sys_project/Test_DBN_state_matrix"
    outPred = '/home/fancy/Desktop/sys_project/Test_DBN_pred'

samples = glob("*.zip")  # because wudi unzipped all the files already!
#>>>>>>> 23b2a04cbc3637b67926c707408057b995140544
print len(samples), "samples found"

for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
    #        print file_count
    print("\t Processing file " + file)
    time_tic = time.time()
    # Create the object to access the sample
    sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))
    #        print'debug1'
    load_path = os.path.join(obs_likelihodd_dir, file)
    observ_likelihood = cPickle.load(open(load_path, "rb"))
    print 'fininsh Loadinging obs_likelihodd'
    #print observ_likelihood.shape
    # viterbi path decoding
    log_observ_likelihood = log(observ_likelihood.T +
    log_observ_likelihood[-1, 0:5] = 0
    log_observ_likelihood[-1, -5:] = 0

    print("\t Viterbi path decoding ")
    # do it in log space avoid numeric underflow
    condition = (file_count > -1)   
    if condition:   #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
        save_path= os.path.join(data, file)
        print file
        time_start = time()
        # we load precomputed feature set or recompute the whole feature set
        if os.path.isfile(save_path):
            print "loading exiting file"
            data_dic = cPickle.load(open(save_path,'rb'))
            video = data_dic["video"]
            Feature_gesture = data_dic["Feature_gesture"]
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[0]            
            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data,file))
            print "finish loading samples"
            video, Feature_gesture = sample.get_test_data_wudi_lio(used_joints)
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[0]# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
            print "finish preprocessing"
            out_file = open(save_path, 'wb')
            cPickle.dump({"video":video, "Feature_gesture":Feature_gesture}, out_file, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        print "start computing likelihood"
        observ_likelihood = numpy.empty(shape=(video.shape[0],20*STATE_NO+1)) # 20 classed * 5 states + 1 ergodic state
        for batchnumber in xrange(video.shape[0]/batch.micro):

            video_temp = video[batch.micro*batchnumber:batch.micro*(batchnumber+1),:]
            skel_temp =  Feature_gesture[batch.micro*batchnumber:batch.micro*(batchnumber+1),:]  
コード例 #8
def preprocess(samples, set_label="training"):
    for file_count, file in enumerate(sort(samples)):
        if (set_label == "training"):
            condition = (file_count < 650)
            if pc == "wudi":
                dest = r"D:\Chalearn2014\Data_processed\train"  # dir to  destination processed data
            elif pc == "wudi_linux":
                dest = "/idiap/temp/dwu/chalearn2014_data/Train_processed"
            elif pc == "lio":
                dest = r"/media/lio/Elements/chalearn/preproc/train"
            condition = (file_count >= 650)
            if pc == "wudi":
                dest = r"D:\Chalearn2014\Data_processed\valid"  # dir to  destination processed data
            elif pc == "wudi_linux":
                dest = "/idiap/temp/dwu/chalearn2014_data/Valid_processed"
            elif pc == "lio":
                dest = r"/media/lio/Elements/chalearn/preproc/valid"  # dir to  destination processed data

        #set == "training" ? (condition = (file_count<650)) : (condition = (file_count>=650))
        if condition:  #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            start_time = time.time()
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))
            # ###############################################
            # USE Ground Truth information to learn the model
            # ###############################################
            # Get the list of actions for this frame
            gestures = sample.getGestures()
            # Iterate for each action in this sample
            for gesture in gestures:
                skelet, depth, gray, user, c = sample.get_data_wudi(gesture, vid_res, NEUTRUAL_SEG_LENGTH)
                if c: print 'corrupt'; continue

                # preprocess
                # skelet_feature: frames * num_features? here gestures because we need netural frames
                skelet_feature, Targets, c = proc_skelet_wudi(sample, used_joints, gesture, STATE_NO,
                if c: print 'corrupt'; continue
                user_o = user.copy()
                user = proc_user(user)
                skelet, c = proc_skelet(skelet)
                # depth: 2(h&b) * frames * 5 (stacked frames) * vid_shape_hand[0] *vid_shape_hand[1]
                user_new, depth, c = proc_depth_wudi(depth, user, user_o, skelet, NEUTRUAL_SEG_LENGTH)
                if c: print 'corrupt'; continue
                # gray:  2(h&b) * frames * 5 (stacked frames) * vid_shape_hand[0] *vid_shape_hand[1]
                gray, c = proc_gray_wudi(gray, user, skelet, NEUTRUAL_SEG_LENGTH)
                if c: print 'corrupt'; continue

                if show_depth: play_vid_wudi(depth, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
                if show_gray: play_vid_wudi(gray, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
                if show_user: play_vid_wudi(user_new, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
                # user_new = user_new.astype("bool")
                traj2D, traj3D, ori, pheight, hand, center = skelet
                skelet = traj3D, ori, pheight

                assert user.dtype == gray.dtype == depth.dtype == traj3D.dtype == ori.dtype == "uint8"
                assert gray.shape == depth.shape
                if not gray.shape[1] == skelet_feature.shape[0] == Targets.shape[0]:
                    print "too early movement or too late,skip one";

                # we don't need user info. anyway
                video = empty((2,) + gray.shape, dtype="uint8")
                video[0], video[1] = gray, depth
                store_preproc_wudi(video, skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1), skelet, dest)

            end_time = time.time()

            print "Processing one batch requires: %d second\n"% ( end_time - start_time)
            if condition and file_count==(len(samples)-1):
                dump_last_data(video,skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1), skelet, dest)
                print 'Process',p_i,'finished'

            print "Processing one batch requires: %d second\n"% ( end_time - start_time)         
            if condition and file_count==(len(samples)-1):
                dump_last_data(video,skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1), skelet, dest)

            # we should add the traning data as well
            if not condition and file_count == 650-1:
                dump_last_data(video,skelet_feature, Targets.argmax(axis=1), skelet, dest)
コード例 #9
if pc=="wudi":
        samples=glob("*")  # because wudi unzipped all the files already!
elif pc=="lio":

print len(samples), "samples found"

for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
    condition = (file_count > 650)   
    if condition:   #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
        print("\t Processing file " + file)
        # Create the object to access the sample
        sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data,file))
        if not load_flag:
            video = sample.get_test_data_wudi_lio()
            save_path= os.path.join(save_dst, file)
            out_file = open(save_path, 'wb')
            cPickle.dump(video, out_file, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            save_path= os.path.join(data,file,'test')
            video = cPickle.load(open(save_path,"rb"))
            print video.shape

        print "start computing likelihood"
        observ_likelihood = numpy.empty(shape=(video.shape[0],20*5+1)) # 20 classed * 5 states + 1 ergodic state
        for batchnumber in xrange(video.shape[0]/batch.micro):
            video_temp = video[batch.micro*batchnumber:batch.micro*(batchnumber+1),:]   
コード例 #10
def preprocess(samples):
    for file_count, file in enumerate(sort(samples)):
        print "This is the %d th file : " % file_count
        ##totally 400 training samples, use 360 for training, 40 for validating
        if file_count < 360:
            if pc == "linux_fancy":
                dest = "/home/fancywu/Desktop/GestureRecognition/Train_files/Preprocessed_files/train"
            elif pc == "win_fancy":
                dest = ""
            print "Processing training file ", file

        elif file_count >= 360:
            if pc == "linux_fancy":
                dest = "/home/fancywu/Desktop/GestureRecognition/Train_files/Preprocessed_files/valid"
            elif pc == "win_fancy":
                dest = ""
            print "Processing validating file ", file

        start_time = time()
        ##Create the object to access the sample
        sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))
        #        print(os.path.join(data, file))

        ##USE Ground Truth information to learn the model
        ##Get the list of gesture for this sample
        gestures = sample.getGestures()
        print "len gestures: ", len(gestures)
        # preprocess each gesture
        for gesture in gestures:
            skelet, depth, gray, user, c = sample.get_data_wudi(
                gesture, vid_res, NEUTRUAL_SEG_LENGTH)
            if c:
                print '1: corrupt'

            skelet_feature, Targets, c = proc_skelet_wudi(
                sample, used_joints, gesture, HIDDEN_STATE,
            if c:
                print '2: corrupt'

            user_o = user.copy()
            user = proc_user(user)
            skelet, c = proc_skelet(skelet)
            if c: print '3: corrupt'

            user_new, depth, c = proc_depth_wudi(depth, user, user_o, skelet,
            if c:
                print '4: corrupt'

            gray, c = proc_gray_wudi(gray, user, skelet, NEUTRUAL_SEG_LENGTH)
            if c:
                print '5: corrupt'

            if show_depth:
                play_vid_wudi(depth, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
            if show_gray:
                play_vid_wudi(gray, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)
            if show_user:
                play_vid_wudi(user_new, Targets, wait=1000 / 10, norm=False)

            traj2D, traj3D, ori, pheight, hand, center = skelet
            skelet = traj3D, ori, pheight

            assert user.dtype == gray.dtype == depth.dtype == traj3D.dtype == ori.dtype == "uint8"
            assert gray.shape == depth.shape

            if not gray.shape[1] == skelet_feature.shape[0] == Targets.shape[0]:
                print "too early or too late movement, skip one"

            ##we just use gray and depth videos for training, dont need user
            video = empty((2, ) + gray.shape, dtype="uint8")
            video[0], video[1] = gray, depth
            store_preproc_video_skelet_data(video, skelet_feature,
                                            Targets.argmax(axis=1), skelet,
            print "finished"

        print "Processing one batch requires : %d seconds\n" % (time() -
        if (file_count == len(samples) - 1) or (file_count == 360 - 1):

        print "Processing %d sample requies: %3.3f mins" % (
            file_count + 1, (time() - prog_start_time) / 60.)
コード例 #11
if pc=="wudi":
        samples=glob("*")  # because wudi unzipped all the files already!
elif pc=="lio":

print len(samples), "samples found"

for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
    condition = (file_count >= 105)   
    if condition:   #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
        print("\t Processing file " + file)
        time_tic = time.time() 
        # Create the object to access the sample
        sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data,file))

        #load ober
        load_path = os.path.join(obs_likelihodd_dir,file)
        observ_likelihood = cPickle.load(open(load_path,"rb"))
        #print observ_likelihood.shape
        # viterbi path decoding
        log_observ_likelihood = log(observ_likelihood.T + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps)
        log_observ_likelihood[-1, 0:5] = 0
        log_observ_likelihood[-1, -5:] = 0

        print("\t Viterbi path decoding " )
        # do it in log space avoid numeric underflow
        [path, predecessor_state_index, global_score] = viterbi_path_log(log(Prior), log(Transition_matrix), log_observ_likelihood)