def __init__(self, num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata, metrics): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata) def length_or_none(mmsi): length = vessel_metadata.vessel_label('length', mmsi) if length == '': return None return np.float32(length) self.classification_objective = MultiClassificationObjective( "Multiclass", "Vessel-class", vessel_metadata, metrics=metrics) self.length_objective = RegressionObjective('length', 'Vessel-length', length_or_none, loss_weight=0.1, metrics=metrics) self.fishing_localisation_objective = FishingLocalizationObjectiveCrossEntropy( 'fishing_localisation', 'Fishing-localisation', vessel_metadata, loss_weight=100, metrics=metrics) self.summary_objective = SummaryObjective('histograms', 'Histograms', metrics=metrics) self.objectives = [ self.classification_objective, self.length_objective, self.fishing_localisation_objective, self.summary_objective ]
def __init__(self, num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata, metrics): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata) def length_or_none(mmsi): length = vessel_metadata.vessel_label('length', mmsi) if length == '': return None return np.float32(length) self.classification_objective = MultiClassificationObjective( "Multiclass", "Vessel-class", vessel_metadata, metrics=metrics) self.summary_objective = SummaryObjective('histograms', 'Histograms', metrics=metrics) self.objectives = [ self.classification_objective, self.summary_objective ]
class Model(ModelBase): initial_learning_rate = 0.01 learning_decay_rate = 0.99 decay_examples = 10000 momentum = 0.9 fishing_dense_layer = 128 tower_params = [ TowerParams(*x) for x in [(32, [3], 2, 2, 1.0, True)] * 10 + [(32, [2], 2, 2, 0.8, True)] ] def __init__(self, num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata, metrics): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata) def length_or_none(mmsi): length = vessel_metadata.vessel_label('length', mmsi) if length == '': return None return np.float32(length) self.classification_objective = MultiClassificationObjective( "Multiclass", "Vessel-class", vessel_metadata, metrics=metrics) self.length_objective = RegressionObjective('length', 'Vessel-length', length_or_none, loss_weight=0.1, metrics=metrics) self.fishing_localisation_objective = FishingLocalizationObjectiveCrossEntropy( 'fishing_localisation', 'Fishing-localisation', vessel_metadata, loss_weight=100, metrics=metrics) self.summary_objective = SummaryObjective('histograms', 'Histograms', metrics=metrics) self.objectives = [ self.classification_objective, self.length_objective, self.fishing_localisation_objective, self.summary_objective ] @property def max_window_duration_seconds(self): return 90 * 24 * 3600 @property def window_max_points(self): length = 1 for tp in reversed(self.tower_params): length = length * tp.pool_stride + (tp.pool_size - tp.pool_stride) return length def build_stack(self, current, is_training, tower_params): stack = [current] for i, tp in enumerate(tower_params): with tf.variable_scope('tower-segment-{}'.format(i + 1)): # Misconception stack mc = current for j, w in enumerate(tp.filter_widths): H, W, C = [int(x) for x in mc.get_shape().dims[1:]] mc = misconception_layer(mc, tp.filter_count, is_training, filter_size=w, padding="SAME", name='misconception-{}'.format(j)) if tp.shunt: # Build a shunt layer (resnet) to help convergence with tf.variable_scope('shunt'): # Trim current before making the skip layer so that it matches the dimensons of # the mc stack shunt = tf.nn.elu( batch_norm( conv1d_layer(current, 1, tp.filter_count), is_training)) current = shunt + mc else: current = mc stack.append(current) current = tf.nn.max_pool(current, [1, 1, tp.pool_size, 1], [1, 1, tp.pool_stride, 1], padding="VALID") if tp.keep_prob < 1: current = dropout_layer(current, is_training, tp.keep_prob) # Remove extra dimensions H, W, C = [int(x) for x in current.get_shape().dims[1:]] output = tf.reshape(current, (-1, C)) return output, stack def build_model(self, is_training, current): # Build a tower consisting of stacks of misconception layers in parallel # with size 1 convolutional shortcuts to help train. with tf.variable_scope('classification-tower'): classification_output, _ = self.build_stack( current, is_training, self.tower_params) with tf.variable_scope('length-tower'): length_output, _ = self.build_stack(current, is_training, self.tower_params) with tf.variable_scope('localization-tower'): _, localization_layers = self.build_stack(current, is_training, self.tower_params) # Assemble the fishing score logits fishing_sublayers = [] for l in reversed(localization_layers): H, W, C = [int(x) for x in l.get_shape().dims[1:]] assert self.window_max_points % W == 0 # Use repeat + tile + reshape to achieve same effect a np.repeat l = tf.reshape(l, (-1, 1, W, 1, C)) l = tf.tile(l, [1, 1, 1, self.window_max_points // W, 1]) l = tf.reshape(l, [-1, 1, self.window_max_points, C]) fishing_sublayers.append(l) current = tf.concat(3, fishing_sublayers) current = tf.nn.elu( batch_norm( conv1d_layer(current, 1, self.fishing_dense_layer, name="fishing1"), is_training)) current = conv1d_layer(current, 1, 1, name="fishing_logits") fishing_outputs = tf.reshape(current, (-1, self.window_max_points)) def build_inference_net(self, features, timestamps, mmsis): self.build_model(tf.constant(False), features) evaluations = [] for obj in self.objectives: evaluations.append(obj.build_evaluation(timestamps, mmsis)) return evaluations def build_training_net(self, features, timestamps, mmsis): self.build_model(tf.constant(True), features) trainers = [] for obj in self.objectives: trainers.append(obj.build_trainer(timestamps, mmsis)) example = slim.get_or_create_global_step() * self.batch_size learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(self.initial_learning_rate, example, self.decay_examples, self.learning_decay_rate) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, self.momentum) return TrainNetInfo(optimizer, trainers)
class Model(ModelBase): final_size = 25 filter_count = 80 tower_depth = 9 def __init__(self, num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata, metrics): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(num_feature_dimensions, vessel_metadata) def length_or_none(mmsi): length = vessel_metadata.vessel_label('length', mmsi) if length == '': return None return np.float32(length) self.classification_objective = MultiClassificationObjective( "Multiclass", "Vessel-class", vessel_metadata, metrics=metrics) self.summary_objective = SummaryObjective('histograms', 'Histograms', metrics=metrics) self.objectives = [ self.classification_objective, self.summary_objective ] @property def max_window_duration_seconds(self): return 90 * 24 * 3600 @property def window_max_points(self): length = self.final_size for _ in range(self.tower_depth): length = 2 * length + 2 return length def build_stack(self, current, is_training): for i in range(self.tower_depth): with tf.variable_scope('tower-segment-{}'.format(i + 1)): # Misconception stack mc = misconception_layer(current, self.filter_count, is_training, filter_size=3, stride=2, padding="VALID", name='misconception-{}'.format(1)) if i > 0: shunt = tf.nn.avg_pool(current, [1, 1, 3, 1], [1, 1, 2, 1], padding="VALID") current = mc + shunt else: current = mc current = tf.nn.elu( batch_norm(current, is_training=is_training)) # current = slim.flatten(current) current = dropout_layer(current, is_training, 0.1) return current def build_model(self, is_training, current): with tf.variable_scope('classification-tower'): output = self.build_stack(current, is_training) def build_inference_net(self, features, timestamps, mmsis): self.build_model(tf.constant(False), features) evaluations = [] for obj in self.objectives: evaluations.append(obj.build_evaluation(timestamps, mmsis)) return evaluations def build_training_net(self, features, timestamps, mmsis): self.build_model(tf.constant(True), features) trainers = [] for obj in self.objectives: trainers.append(obj.build_trainer(timestamps, mmsis)) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer() return TrainNetInfo(optimizer, trainers)