コード例 #1
                X_train = X_train.append(folds[x])

        y_train = X_train['class'].values
        X_train = X_train.drop(['class'], axis=1)
        nb = NaiveBayes()  #initialize Naive Bayes Classifier
        nb.fit(X_train, y_train)  #train model with train data
        y_pred = nb.predict(X_test)  #test model with test set
        #find error with respect to zero-one loss function
        error = nb.zero_one_loss_function(y_test, y_pred)
        printstr = "\nAccuracy of 0-1 loss for fold {0} ::: {1}".format(
            y, (1 - error))
        print_both(file, printstr)
        accuracy_list.append((1 - error))
        #get mean square error
        acc, precision, recall = nb.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
        printstr = "\nCF for fold {0} ::: acc:: {1} :: precision:: {2} :: recall :: {3}".format(
            y, acc, precision, recall)
        print_both(file, printstr)
        test_set += 1  #increment test_set to set for the next fold
    result_set.update({dataset: accuracy_list})
    CF_acc_result_set.update({dataset: CF_accuracy_list})
    CF_prec_result_set.update({dataset: CF_precision_list})
    CF_recall_result_set.update({dataset: CF_recall_list})

#express accuracy in terms of graph
result_inorder = sorted(result_set.keys())
#increment x by 2 to get the actual and noise dataset graph for each dataset