コード例 #1
def audio_analysis (filename):
    print filename
    downsample = 1
    samplerate = 44100 / downsample

    win_s = 4096 / downsample # fft size
    hop_s = 512  / downsample # hop size

    s = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)
    samplerate = s.samplerate

    tolerance = 0.8

    pitch_o = pitch("yin", win_s, hop_s, samplerate)

    pitches = []
    confidences = []
    # total number of frames read
    total_frames = 0
    while True:
        samples, read = s()
        pitch1 = pitch_o(samples)[0]
        #pitch = int(round(pitch))
        confidence = pitch_o.get_confidence()
        #if confidence < 0.8: pitch = 0.
        # print "%f %f %f" % (total_frames / float(samplerate), pitch1, confidence)
        pitches += [pitch1]
        confidences += [confidence]
        total_frames += read
        if read < hop_s: break

    if 0: sys.exit(0)

    #print time_stamp
    # Invoking aubiocut to detect when a word of spoken.
    sub = subprocess.Popen(['python', 'aubiocut',  filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    out = sub.communicate()[0]

    # Importing Regular Expression Modules for extracting the output[timestamp] of Aubiocut
    import re

    timestamps=re.findall("\d+.\d+\d+\d+\d+", out)
    # print timestamps


    import math

    for i in timestamps:
    	for j in range(len(time_stamp)):
            #Using the floor functions the timestamp is extracted when speakers spoke a word.
    		#print str(temp1)+ " and "+str(temp2)
    		# if pitch >10000 then it is considered Noice in our environment.
    		if temp1==temp2 and pitches[j]<10000.0:
    			#print "True"+str(j)+pitches[j]

    # print extracted_voice	
    for i in extracted_voice:
    print "Average Pitch of Extracted Voice: "+ str(avg)
    formantf = get_formants(filename)

    for i in formantf:
        if i != 0:
            formantf = i


    output_final="Predicted Gender : "+gender+"\n"

    age_predict=ageclassify(avg, VocalTractLength(formantf))
    output_final=output_final+"And "+age_predict

    # print "Gender : "+gender
    #print pitches
    # from numpy import array, ma
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # from demo_waveform_plot import get_waveform_plot, set_xlabels_sample2time

    # skip = 1

    # pitches = array(pitches[skip:])
    # confidences = array(confidences[skip:])
    # times = [t * hop_s for t in range(len(pitches))]

    # fig = plt.figure()

    # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
    # ax1 = get_waveform_plot(filename, samplerate = samplerate, block_size = hop_s, ax = ax1)
    # plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible = False)
    # ax1.set_xlabel('')

    # def array_from_text_file(filename, dtype = 'float'):
    #     import os.path
    #     from numpy import array
    #     filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
    #     return array([line.split() for line in open(filename).readlines()],
    #         dtype = dtype)

    # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312, sharex = ax1)
    # import sys, os.path
    # ground_truth = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.f0.Corrected'
    # if os.path.isfile(ground_truth):
    #     ground_truth = array_from_text_file(ground_truth)
    #     true_freqs = ground_truth[:,2]
    #     true_freqs = ma.masked_where(true_freqs < 2, true_freqs)
    #     true_times = float(samplerate) * ground_truth[:,0]
    #     ax2.plot(true_times, true_freqs, 'r')
    #     ax2.axis( ymin = 0.9 * true_freqs.min(), ymax = 1.1 * true_freqs.max() )
    # # plot raw pitches
    # ax2.plot(times, pitches, '--g')
    # # plot cleaned up pitches
    # cleaned_pitches = pitches
    # #cleaned_pitches = ma.masked_where(cleaned_pitches < 0, cleaned_pitches)
    # #cleaned_pitches = ma.masked_where(cleaned_pitches > 120, cleaned_pitches)
    # cleaned_pitches = ma.masked_where(confidences < tolerance, cleaned_pitches)
    # ax2.plot(times, cleaned_pitches, '.-')
    # #ax2.axis( ymin = 0.9 * cleaned_pitches.min(), ymax = 1.1 * cleaned_pitches.max() )
    # #ax2.axis( ymin = 55, ymax = 70 )
    # plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible = False)
    # ax2.set_ylabel('f0 (Hz)')

    # # plot confidence
    # ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313, sharex = ax1)
    # # plot the confidence
    # ax3.plot(times, confidences)
    # # draw a line at tolerance
    # ax3.plot(times, [tolerance]*len(confidences))
    # ax3.axis( xmin = times[0], xmax = times[-1])
    # ax3.set_ylabel('condidence')
    # set_xlabels_sample2time(ax3, times[-1], samplerate)
    # plt.show()
    # #plt.savefig(os.path.basename(filename) + '.svg')
    return output_final
コード例 #2
def audio_analysis(filename):
    print type(filename)
    # filename = file_name

    downsample = 1
    samplerate = 44100 / downsample

    win_s = 4096 / downsample  # fft size
    hop_s = 512 / downsample  # hop size

    s = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)
    samplerate = s.samplerate

    tolerance = 0.8

    pitch_o = pitch("yin", win_s, hop_s, samplerate)

    pitches = []
    confidences = []
    time_stamp = []
    # total number of frames read
    total_frames = 0
    while True:
        samples, read = s()
        pitch = pitch_o(samples)[0]
        #pitch = int(round(pitch))
        confidence = pitch_o.get_confidence()
        #if confidence < 0.8: pitch = 0.
        print "%f %f %f" % (total_frames / float(samplerate), pitch,
        time_stamp += [(total_frames / float(samplerate))]
        pitches += [pitch]
        confidences += [confidence]
        total_frames += read
        if read < hop_s: break

    if 0: sys.exit(0)

    #print time_stamp
    # Invoking aubiocut to detect when a word of spoken.
    sub = subprocess.Popen(['python', 'aubiocut', filename],
    out = sub.communicate()[0]

    # Importing Regular Expression Modules for extracting the output[timestamp] of Aubiocut
    import re

    timestamps = re.findall("\d+.\d+\d+\d+\d+", out)
    print timestamps

    extracted_voice = []

    import math

    for i in timestamps:
        i = float(i)
        for j in range(len(time_stamp)):
            #Using the floor functions the timestamp is extracted when speakers spoke a word.
            temp1 = math.floor(i * 10) / 10
            temp2 = math.floor((time_stamp[j]) * 10) / 10
            #print str(temp1)+ " and "+str(temp2)
            # if pitch >10000 then it is considered Noice in our environment.
            if temp1 == temp2 and pitches[j] < 10000.0:
                #print "True"+str(j)+pitches[j]
                extracted_voice += [pitches[j]]

    print extracted_voice
    avg = 0.0
    for i in extracted_voice:
        avg += i
    avg = avg / (len(extracted_voice))
    print "Average Pitch of Extracted Voice: " + str(avg)
    gender = clf.classify([avg])

    #print pitches
    from numpy import array, ma
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from demo_waveform_plot import get_waveform_plot, set_xlabels_sample2time

    skip = 1

    pitches = array(pitches[skip:])
    confidences = array(confidences[skip:])
    times = [t * hop_s for t in range(len(pitches))]

    fig = plt.figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
    ax1 = get_waveform_plot(filename,
    plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

    def array_from_text_file(filename, dtype='float'):
        import os.path
        from numpy import array
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
        return array([line.split() for line in open(filename).readlines()],

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312, sharex=ax1)
    import sys, os.path
    ground_truth = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.f0.Corrected'
    if os.path.isfile(ground_truth):
        ground_truth = array_from_text_file(ground_truth)
        true_freqs = ground_truth[:, 2]
        true_freqs = ma.masked_where(true_freqs < 2, true_freqs)
        true_times = float(samplerate) * ground_truth[:, 0]
        ax2.plot(true_times, true_freqs, 'r')
        ax2.axis(ymin=0.9 * true_freqs.min(), ymax=1.1 * true_freqs.max())
    # plot raw pitches
    ax2.plot(times, pitches, '--g')
    # plot cleaned up pitches
    cleaned_pitches = pitches
    #cleaned_pitches = ma.masked_where(cleaned_pitches < 0, cleaned_pitches)
    #cleaned_pitches = ma.masked_where(cleaned_pitches > 120, cleaned_pitches)
    cleaned_pitches = ma.masked_where(confidences < tolerance, cleaned_pitches)
    ax2.plot(times, cleaned_pitches, '.-')
    #ax2.axis( ymin = 0.9 * cleaned_pitches.min(), ymax = 1.1 * cleaned_pitches.max() )
    #ax2.axis( ymin = 55, ymax = 70 )
    plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    ax2.set_ylabel('f0 (Hz)')

    # plot confidence
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313, sharex=ax1)
    # plot the confidence
    ax3.plot(times, confidences)
    # draw a line at tolerance
    ax3.plot(times, [tolerance] * len(confidences))
    ax3.axis(xmin=times[0], xmax=times[-1])
    set_xlabels_sample2time(ax3, times[-1], samplerate)
    #plt.savefig(os.path.basename(filename) + '.svg')
    return gender
コード例 #3
	print extracted_voice
	for i in extracted_voice:
	print "Average Pitch of Extracted Voice: "+ str(avg)

    formantf = get_formants(filename)

    for i in formantf:
    	if i != 0:
    		formantf = i

	ageclassify(avg, VocalTractLength(formantf))
	skip = 1

	pitches = array(pitches[skip:])
	confidences = array(confidences[skip:])
	times = [t * hop_s for t in range(len(pitches))]

	fig = plt.figure()

	ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
	ax1 = get_waveform_plot(filename, samplerate = samplerate, block_size = hop_s, ax = ax1)
	plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible = False)

	def array_from_text_file(filename, dtype = 'float'):
	    import os.path