コード例 #1
ファイル: g_trend.py プロジェクト: Bhavana-Bhat/paramfit


b = lcdm.get_background()
x = b["comov. dist"]
z = b["xz"]
Chi = int.interpd1(z,x)
Z_s = 0.8
Z = 0.4
Chi_s = Chi(Z_s)
Chi_z = Chi(Z)

Omega_m = np.mean(df["omegach2"].values)
H0 = np.mean(df["H0"].values)
sigma8 = np.mean(df["sigma8*"].values)

for x in range(10000):
    a[i] = random.uniform(0.5,1.6,size=5)
fout = open("best_fit_para.txt","w")
fout.write("%.3f" % a)

for i in range(a.):
                      BCP[i] =  Omega_m**(a)*sigma8**(b)*H0**(2*c)*((Chi_z*(1+Z_s)/(Chi_s*(1+Z)))-1)**d*(lcdm.scale_independent_growth_factor(Z))**e*(1+Z)**2
                      fout.write("%.4f" % BCP[i])
コード例 #2
    b1 = b1ar[j]
    b2 = b2ar[j]
    bG2 = bG2ar[j]
    css0 = css0ar[j]
    css2 = css2ar[j]
    Pshot = Pshotar[j]
    bGamma3 = bGamma3ar[j]
    b4 = b4ar[j]
    fz = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor_f(z)
    da = cosmo.angular_distance(z)
    # print('DA=',da)
    hz = cosmo.Hubble(z) / kmsMpc
    # print('Hz=',hz)
    DV = (z * (1 + z)**2 * da**2 / cosmo.Hubble(z))**(1. / 3.)
    # print('DV=',DV)
    fs8 = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(
        z) * cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor_f(z) * cosmo.sigma8()
    # print('fs8=',fs8)
    # print('sigma8=',cosmo.sigma8())
    print('rd/DV=', rd / DV)
    print('rdH=', rd * cosmo.Hubble(z))
    print('rd/DA=', rd / da)

    P2noW = np.zeros(k_size)
    P0noW = np.zeros(k_size)
    for i in range(k_size):
        kinloop1 = k[i] * h
        P2noW[i] = (
            norm**2. * cosmo.pk(kinloop1, z)[18] + norm**4. *
            (cosmo.pk(kinloop1, z)[24]) +
            norm**1. * b1 * cosmo.pk(kinloop1, z)[19] + norm**3. * b1 *
            (cosmo.pk(kinloop1, z)[25]) + b1**2. * norm**2. *
コード例 #3
ファイル: PySSC.py プロジェクト: PhilippeBaratta/PySSC
def Sijkl(z_arr,

    # Assert everything as the good type and shape, and find number of redshifts, bins etc
    zz = np.asarray(z_arr)
    win = np.asarray(windows)

    assert zz.ndim == 1, 'z_arr must be a 1-dimensional array'
    assert win.ndim == 2, 'windows must be a 2-dimensional array'

    nz = len(zz)
    nbins = win.shape[0]
    assert win.shape[1] == nz, 'windows must have shape (nbins,nz)'

    assert zz.min() > 0, 'z_arr must have values > 0'

    # If the cosmology is not provided (in the same form as CLASS), run CLASS
    if cosmo_Class is None:
        cosmo = Class()
        dico_for_CLASS = cosmo_params
        dico_for_CLASS['output'] = 'mPk'
        cosmo = cosmo_Class

    h = cosmo.h()  #for  conversions Mpc/h <-> Mpc

    # Define arrays of r(z), k, P(k)...
    zofr = cosmo.z_of_r(zz)
    comov_dist = zofr[0]  #Comoving distance r(z) in Mpc
    dcomov_dist = 1 / zofr[1]  #Derivative dr/dz in Mpc
    dV = comov_dist**2 * dcomov_dist  #Comoving volume per solid angle in Mpc^3/sr
    growth = np.zeros(nz)  #Growth factor
    for iz in range(nz):
        growth[iz] = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz[iz])

    #Index pairs of bins
    npairs = (nbins * (nbins + 1)) // 2
    pairs = np.zeros((2, npairs), dtype=int)
    count = 0
    for ibin in range(nbins):
        for jbin in range(ibin, nbins):
            pairs[0, count] = ibin
            pairs[1, count] = jbin
            count += 1

    # Compute normalisations
    Inorm = np.zeros(npairs)
    Inorm2D = np.zeros((nbins, nbins))
    for ipair in range(npairs):
        ibin = pairs[0, ipair]
        jbin = pairs[1, ipair]
        integrand = dV * windows[ibin, :] * windows[jbin, :]
        integral = integrate.simps(integrand, zz)
        Inorm[ipair] = integral
        Inorm2D[ibin, jbin] = integral
        Inorm2D[jbin, ibin] = integral
    #Flag pairs with too small overlap as unreliable
    #Note: this will also speed up later computations
    #Default tolerance : tol=1e-3
    flag = np.zeros(npairs, dtype=int)
    for ipair in range(npairs):
        ibin = pairs[0, ipair]
        jbin = pairs[1, ipair]
        ratio = abs(Inorm2D[ibin, jbin]) / np.sqrt(
            abs(Inorm2D[ibin, ibin] * Inorm2D[jbin, jbin]))
        if ratio < tol:
            flag[ipair] = 1

    # Compute U(i,j;kk)
    keq = 0.02 / h  #Equality matter radiation in 1/Mpc (more or less)
    klogwidth = 10  #Factor of width of the integration range. 10 seems ok
    kmin = min(keq, 1. / comov_dist.max()) / klogwidth
    kmax = max(keq, 1. / comov_dist.min()) * klogwidth
    nk = 2**precision  #10 seems to be enough. Increase to test precision, reduce to speed up.
    #kk          = np.linspace(kmin,kmax,num=nk)                   #linear grid on k
    logkmin = np.log(kmin)
    logkmax = np.log(kmax)
    logk = np.linspace(logkmin, logkmax, num=nk)
    kk = np.exp(logk)  #logarithmic grid on k
    Pk = np.zeros(nk)
    for ik in range(nk):
        Pk[ik] = cosmo.pk(kk[ik], 0.)  #In Mpc^3
    Uarr = np.zeros((npairs, nk))
    for ipair in range(npairs):
        if flag[ipair] == 0:
            ibin = pairs[0, ipair]
            jbin = pairs[1, ipair]
            for ik in range(nk):
                kr = kk[ik] * comov_dist
                integrand = dV * windows[ibin, :] * windows[
                    jbin, :] * growth * np.sin(kr) / kr
                Uarr[ipair, ik] = integrate.simps(integrand, zz)

    # Compute Sijkl finally
    Cl_zero = np.zeros((nbins, nbins, nbins, nbins))
    #For ipair<=jpair
    for ipair in range(npairs):
        if flag[ipair] == 0:
            U1 = Uarr[ipair, :] / Inorm[ipair]
            ibin = pairs[0, ipair]
            jbin = pairs[1, ipair]
            for jpair in range(ipair, npairs):
                if flag[jpair] == 0:
                    U2 = Uarr[jpair, :] / Inorm[jpair]
                    kbin = pairs[0, jpair]
                    lbin = pairs[1, jpair]
                    integrand = kk**2 * Pk * U1 * U2
                    #integral = 2/(i * integrate.simps(integrand,kk)     #linear integration
                    integral = 2 / pi * integrate.simps(integrand * kk,
                                                        logk)  #log integration
                    #Run through all valid symmetries to fill the 4D array
                    #Symmetries: i<->j, k<->l, (i,j)<->(k,l)
                    Cl_zero[ibin, jbin, kbin, lbin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[ibin, jbin, lbin, kbin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[jbin, ibin, kbin, lbin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[jbin, ibin, lbin, kbin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[kbin, lbin, ibin, jbin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[kbin, lbin, jbin, ibin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[lbin, kbin, ibin, jbin] = integral
                    Cl_zero[lbin, kbin, jbin, ibin] = integral
    Sijkl = Cl_zero / (4 * pi)

    return Sijkl

# End of PySSC.py
コード例 #4
#Prepare logarithmically spaced array of wavenumbers
kvec = np.exp(np.log(10) * np.arange(-5, 1, 0.1))
nk = len(kvec)

#Interpolate the linear theory power spectrum
Pvec = np.zeros(nk)
for i in range(nk):
    Pvec[i] = cosmo.pk_lin(kvec[i], z_lin)

#Store the linear power spectrum data as text file (before rescaling!)
PowData = np.array([kvec, Pvec])
np.savetxt("PowData.txt", PowData.T, header="k [1/Mpc] Pk [Mpc^3]")

#Perform rescaling if necessary
D_0 = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(0)
D_f = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(z_f)
D_lin = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(z_lin)
print("D_0: ", D_0)
print("D_f: ", D_f)
print("D_lin: ", D_lin)

#MeshPT needs a z=0 power spectrum, so one can rescale a power spectrum to z=0
#if a different input redshift is desired
if (not z_lin == 0):
    print("Rescaling the linear theory power spectrum")
    Pvec *= (D_0 / D_lin)**2

#Get background quantities from CLASS (reverse the order of the arrays)
background = cosmo.get_background()
bg_t = background['proper time [Gyr]'][::-1]
コード例 #5
ファイル: PySSC.py プロジェクト: PhilippeBaratta/PySSC
def Sij_alt(z_arr,

    # Assert everything as the good type and shape, and find number of redshifts, bins etc
    zz = np.asarray(z_arr)
    win = np.asarray(windows)

    assert zz.ndim == 1, 'z_arr must be a 1-dimensional array'
    assert win.ndim == 2, 'windows must be a 2-dimensional array'

    nz = len(zz)
    nbins = win.shape[0]
    assert win.shape[1] == nz, 'windows must have shape (nbins,nz)'

    assert zz.min() > 0, 'z_arr must have values > 0'

    # If the cosmology is not provided (in the same form as CLASS), run CLASS
    if cosmo_Class is None:
        cosmo = Class()
        dico_for_CLASS = cosmo_params
        dico_for_CLASS['output'] = 'mPk'
        cosmo = cosmo_Class

    h = cosmo.h()  #for  conversions Mpc/h <-> Mpc

    # Define arrays of r(z), k, P(k)...
    zofr = cosmo.z_of_r(zz)
    comov_dist = zofr[0]  #Comoving distance r(z) in Mpc
    dcomov_dist = 1 / zofr[1]  #Derivative dr/dz in Mpc
    dV = comov_dist**2 * dcomov_dist  #Comoving volume per solid angle in Mpc^3/sr
    growth = np.zeros(nz)  #Growth factor
    for iz in range(nz):
        growth[iz] = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz[iz])

    keq = 0.02 / h  #Equality matter radiation in 1/Mpc (more or less)
    klogwidth = 10  #Factor of width of the integration range.
    #10 seems ok ; going higher needs to increase nk_fft to reach convergence (fine cancellation issue noted in Lacasa & Grain)
    kmin = min(keq, 1. / comov_dist.max()) / klogwidth
    kmax = max(keq, 1. / comov_dist.min()) * klogwidth
    nk_fft = 2**11  #seems to be enough. Increase to test precision, reduce to speed up.
    k_4fft = np.linspace(kmin, kmax,
                         nk_fft)  #linear grid on k, as we need to use an FFT
    Deltak = kmax - kmin
    Dk = Deltak / nk_fft
    Pk_4fft = np.zeros(nk_fft)
    for ik in range(nk_fft):
        Pk_4fft[ik] = cosmo.pk(k_4fft[ik], 0.)  #In Mpc^3
    dr_fft = np.linspace(0, nk_fft // 2, nk_fft // 2 + 1) * 2 * pi / Deltak

    # Compute necessary FFTs and make interpolation functions
    fft0 = np.fft.rfft(Pk_4fft) * Dk
    dct0 = fft0.real
    dst0 = -fft0.imag
    Pk_dct = interp1d(dr_fft, dct0, kind='cubic')

    # Compute sigma^2(z1,z2)
    sigma2_nog = np.zeros((nz, nz))
    #First with P(k,z=0) and z1<=z2
    for iz in range(nz):
        r1 = comov_dist[iz]
        for jz in range(iz, nz):
            r2 = comov_dist[jz]
            rsum = r1 + r2
            rdiff = abs(r1 - r2)
            Icp0 = Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm0 = Pk_dct(rdiff)
            sigma2_nog[iz, jz] = (Icm0 - Icp0) / (4 * pi**2 * r1 * r2)
    #Now fill by symmetry and put back growth functions
    sigma2 = np.zeros((nz, nz))
    for iz in range(nz):
        growth1 = growth[iz]
        for jz in range(nz):
            growth2 = growth[jz]
            sigma2[iz, jz] = sigma2_nog[min(iz, jz),
                                        max(iz, jz)] * growth1 * growth2

    # Compute normalisations
    Inorm = np.zeros(nbins)
    for i1 in range(nbins):
        integrand = dV * windows[i1, :]**2
        Inorm[i1] = integrate.simps(integrand, zz)

    # Compute Sij finally
    prefactor = sigma2 * (dV * dV[:, None])
    Sij = np.zeros((nbins, nbins))
    #For i<=j
    for i1 in range(nbins):
        for i2 in range(i1, nbins):
            integrand = prefactor * (windows[i1, :]**2 *
                                     windows[i2, :, None]**2)
            Sij[i1, i2] = integrate.simps(integrate.simps(integrand, zz),
                                          zz) / (Inorm[i1] * Inorm[i2])
    #Fill by symmetry
    for i1 in range(nbins):
        for i2 in range(nbins):
            Sij[i1, i2] = Sij[min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2)]

    return Sij
コード例 #6
ファイル: PySSC.py プロジェクト: PhilippeBaratta/PySSC
def turboSij(zstakes=default_zstakes,

    # If the cosmology is not provided (in the same form as CLASS), run CLASS
    if cosmo_Class is None:
        cosmo = Class()
        dico_for_CLASS = cosmo_params
        dico_for_CLASS['output'] = 'mPk'
        cosmo = cosmo_Class

    h = cosmo.h()  #for  conversions Mpc/h <-> Mpc

    # Define arrays of z, r(z), k, P(k)...
    nzbins = len(zstakes) - 1
    nz_perbin = 10
    z_arr = np.zeros((nz_perbin, nzbins))
    comov_dist = np.zeros((nz_perbin, nzbins))
    for j in range(nzbins):
        z_arr[:, j] = np.linspace(zstakes[j], zstakes[j + 1], nz_perbin)
        comov_dist[:, j] = (cosmo.z_of_r(z_arr[:, j]))[0]  #In Mpc
    keq = 0.02 / h  #Equality matter radiation in 1/Mpc (more or less)
    klogwidth = 10  #Factor of width of the integration range. 10 seems ok ; going higher needs to increase nk_fft to reach convergence (fine cancellation issue noted in Lacasa & Grain)
    kmin = min(keq, 1. / comov_dist.max()) / klogwidth
    kmax = max(keq, 1. / comov_dist.min()) * klogwidth
    nk_fft = 2**11  #seems to be enough. Increase to test precision, reduce to speed up.
    k_4fft = np.linspace(kmin, kmax,
                         nk_fft)  #linear grid on k, as we need to use an FFT
    Deltak = kmax - kmin
    Dk = Deltak / nk_fft
    Pk_4fft = np.zeros(nk_fft)
    for ik in range(nk_fft):
        Pk_4fft[ik] = cosmo.pk(k_4fft[ik], 0.)  #In Mpc^3
    dr_fft = np.linspace(0, nk_fft // 2, nk_fft // 2 + 1) * 2 * pi / Deltak

    # Compute necessary FFTs and make interpolation functions
    fft2 = np.fft.rfft(Pk_4fft / k_4fft**2) * Dk
    dct2 = fft2.real
    dst2 = -fft2.imag
    km2Pk_dct = interp1d(dr_fft, dct2, kind='cubic')
    fft3 = np.fft.rfft(Pk_4fft / k_4fft**3) * Dk
    dct3 = fft3.real
    dst3 = -fft3.imag
    km3Pk_dst = interp1d(dr_fft, dst3, kind='cubic')
    fft4 = np.fft.rfft(Pk_4fft / k_4fft**4) * Dk
    dct4 = fft4.real
    dst4 = -fft4.imag
    km4Pk_dct = interp1d(dr_fft, dct4, kind='cubic')

    # Compute Sij finally
    Sij = np.zeros((nzbins, nzbins))
    for j1 in range(nzbins):
        rmin1 = (comov_dist[:, j1]).min()
        rmax1 = (comov_dist[:, j1]).max()
        zmean1 = ((z_arr[:, j1]).min() + (z_arr[:, j1]).max()) / 2
        growth1 = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zmean1)
        pref1 = 3. * growth1 / (rmax1**3 - rmin1**3)
        for j2 in range(nzbins):
            rmin2 = (comov_dist[:, j2]).min()
            rmax2 = (comov_dist[:, j2]).max()
            zmean2 = ((z_arr[:, j2]).min() + (z_arr[:, j2]).max()) / 2
            growth2 = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zmean2)
            pref2 = 3. * growth2 / (rmax2**3 - rmin2**3)
            #p1p2: rmax1 & rmax2
            rsum = rmax1 + rmax2
            rdiff = abs(rmax1 - rmax2)
            rprod = rmax1 * rmax2
            Icp2 = km2Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm2 = km2Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Isp3 = km3Pk_dst(rsum)
            Ism3 = km3Pk_dst(rdiff)
            Icp4 = km4Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm4 = km4Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Fp1p2 = -Icp4 + Icm4 - rsum * Isp3 + rdiff * Ism3 + rprod * (Icp2 +
            #p1m2: rmax1 & rmin2
            rsum = rmax1 + rmin2
            rdiff = abs(rmax1 - rmin2)
            rprod = rmax1 * rmin2
            Icp2 = km2Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm2 = km2Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Isp3 = km3Pk_dst(rsum)
            Ism3 = km3Pk_dst(rdiff)
            Icp4 = km4Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm4 = km4Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Fp1m2 = -Icp4 + Icm4 - rsum * Isp3 + rdiff * Ism3 + rprod * (Icp2 +
            #m1p2: rmin1 & rmax2
            rsum = rmin1 + rmax2
            rdiff = abs(rmin1 - rmax2)
            rprod = rmin1 * rmax2
            Icp2 = km2Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm2 = km2Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Isp3 = km3Pk_dst(rsum)
            Ism3 = km3Pk_dst(rdiff)
            Icp4 = km4Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm4 = km4Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Fm1p2 = -Icp4 + Icm4 - rsum * Isp3 + rdiff * Ism3 + rprod * (Icp2 +
            #m1m2: rmin1 & rmin2
            rsum = rmin1 + rmin2
            rdiff = abs(rmin1 - rmin2)
            rprod = rmin1 * rmin2
            Icp2 = km2Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm2 = km2Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Isp3 = km3Pk_dst(rsum)
            Ism3 = km3Pk_dst(rdiff)
            Icp4 = km4Pk_dct(rsum)
            Icm4 = km4Pk_dct(rdiff)
            Fm1m2 = -Icp4 + Icm4 - rsum * Isp3 + rdiff * Ism3 + rprod * (Icp2 +
            #now group everything
            Fsum = Fp1p2 - Fp1m2 - Fm1p2 + Fm1m2
            Sij[j1, j2] = pref1 * pref2 * Fsum / (4 * pi**2)

    return Sij
コード例 #7
ファイル: PySSC.py プロジェクト: PhilippeBaratta/PySSC
def Sij(z_arr,

    # Assert everything as the good type and shape, and find number of redshifts, bins etc
    zz = np.asarray(z_arr)
    win = np.asarray(windows)

    assert zz.ndim == 1, 'z_arr must be a 1-dimensional array'
    assert win.ndim == 2, 'windows must be a 2-dimensional array'

    nz = len(zz)
    nbins = win.shape[0]
    assert win.shape[1] == nz, 'windows must have shape (nbins,nz)'

    assert zz.min() > 0, 'z_arr must have values > 0'

    # If the cosmology is not provided (in the same form as CLASS), run CLASS
    if cosmo_Class is None:
        cosmo = Class()
        dico_for_CLASS = cosmo_params
        dico_for_CLASS['output'] = 'mPk'
        cosmo = cosmo_Class

    h = cosmo.h()  #for  conversions Mpc/h <-> Mpc

    # Define arrays of r(z), k, P(k)...
    zofr = cosmo.z_of_r(zz)
    comov_dist = zofr[0]  #Comoving distance r(z) in Mpc
    dcomov_dist = 1 / zofr[1]  #Derivative dr/dz in Mpc
    dV = comov_dist**2 * dcomov_dist  #Comoving volume per solid angle in Mpc^3/sr
    growth = np.zeros(nz)  #Growth factor
    for iz in range(nz):
        growth[iz] = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz[iz])

    # Compute normalisations
    Inorm = np.zeros(nbins)
    for i1 in range(nbins):
        integrand = dV * windows[i1, :]**2
        Inorm[i1] = integrate.simps(integrand, zz)

    # Compute U(i,k)
    keq = 0.02 / h  #Equality matter radiation in 1/Mpc (more or less)
    klogwidth = 10  #Factor of width of the integration range. 10 seems ok
    kmin = min(keq, 1. / comov_dist.max()) / klogwidth
    kmax = max(keq, 1. / comov_dist.min()) * klogwidth
    nk = 2**precision  #10 seems to be enough. Increase to test precision, reduce to speed up.
    #kk          = np.linspace(kmin,kmax,num=nk)                   #linear grid on k
    logkmin = np.log(kmin)
    logkmax = np.log(kmax)
    logk = np.linspace(logkmin, logkmax, num=nk)
    kk = np.exp(logk)  #logarithmic grid on k
    Pk = np.zeros(nk)
    for ik in range(nk):
        Pk[ik] = cosmo.pk(kk[ik], 0.)  #In Mpc^3
    Uarr = np.zeros((nbins, nk))
    for ibin in range(nbins):
        for ik in range(nk):
            kr = kk[ik] * comov_dist
            integrand = dV * windows[ibin, :]**2 * growth * np.sin(kr) / kr
            Uarr[ibin, ik] = integrate.simps(integrand, zz)

    # Compute Sij finally
    Cl_zero = np.zeros((nbins, nbins))
    #For i<=j
    for ibin in range(nbins):
        U1 = Uarr[ibin, :] / Inorm[ibin]
        for jbin in range(ibin, nbins):
            U2 = Uarr[jbin, :] / Inorm[jbin]
            integrand = kk**2 * Pk * U1 * U2
            #Cl_zero[ibin,jbin] = 2/pi * integrate.simps(integrand,kk)     #linear integration
            Cl_zero[ibin, jbin] = 2 / pi * integrate.simps(
                integrand * kk, logk)  #log integration
    #Fill by symmetry
    for ibin in range(nbins):
        for jbin in range(nbins):
            Cl_zero[ibin, jbin] = Cl_zero[min(ibin, jbin), max(ibin, jbin)]
    Sij = Cl_zero / (4 * pi)

    return Sij
コード例 #8
    def fitEE(self):

        # function to cimpute the band powers

        cosmo = Class()

        if self.settings.include_neutrino:



        except CosmoComputationError as failure_message:


            self.sigma_8 = np.nan


            return np.array([np.nan] * self.nzcorrs * self.bo_EE), np.array(
                [np.nan] * self.nzcorrs * self.bo_EE), np.array(
                    [np.nan] * self.nzcorrs * self.bo_EE)

        except CosmoSevereError as critical_message:


            self.sigma_8 = np.nan


            return np.array([np.nan] * self.nzcorrs * self.bo_EE), np.array(
                [np.nan] * self.nzcorrs * self.bo_EE), np.array(
                    [np.nan] * self.nzcorrs * self.bo_EE)

        # retrieve Omega_m and h from cosmo (CLASS)
        self.Omega_m = cosmo.Omega_m()
        self.small_h = cosmo.h()

        self.rho_crit = self.get_critical_density()

        # derive the linear growth factor D(z)
        linear_growth_rate = np.zeros_like(self.redshifts)
        # print self.redshifts
        for index_z, z in enumerate(self.redshifts):
                # for CLASS ver >= 2.6:
                    index_z] = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(z)
            except BaseException:
                # my own function from private CLASS modification:
                linear_growth_rate[index_z] = cosmo.growth_factor_at_z(z)
        # normalize to unity at z=0:
            # for CLASS ver >= 2.6:
            linear_growth_rate /= cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(0.)
        except BaseException:
            # my own function from private CLASS modification:
            linear_growth_rate /= cosmo.growth_factor_at_z(0.)

        # get distances from cosmo-module:
        r, dzdr = cosmo.z_of_r(self.redshifts)

        self.sigma_8 = cosmo.sigma8()

        # Get power spectrum P(k=l/r,z(r)) from cosmological module
        # this doesn't really have to go into the loop over fields!
        pk = np.zeros((self.settings.nellsmax, self.settings.nzmax), 'float64')
        k_max_in_inv_Mpc = self.settings.k_max_h_by_Mpc * self.small_h

        # note that this is being computed at only nellsmax
        # followed by an interplation
        record = np.zeros((self.settings.nellsmax, self.settings.nzmax))
        record_k = np.zeros((self.settings.nellsmax, self.settings.nzmax))
        for index_ells in range(self.settings.nellsmax):
            for index_z in range(1, self.settings.nzmax):
                k_in_inv_Mpc = (self.ells[index_ells] + 0.5) / r[index_z]
                z = self.redshifts[index_z]

                record[index_ells, index_z] = self.baryon_feedback_bias_sqr(
                    k_in_inv_Mpc / self.small_h,
                record_k[index_ells, index_z] = k_in_inv_Mpc

        self.record_bf = record[:, 1:].flatten()
        self.record_k = record_k[:, 1:].flatten()
        self.k_max_in_inv_Mpc = k_max_in_inv_Mpc

        for index_ells in range(self.settings.nellsmax):
            for index_z in range(1, self.settings.nzmax):
                # standard Limber approximation:
                # k = ells[index_ells] / r[index_z]
                # extended Limber approximation (cf. LoVerde & Afshordi 2008):
                k_in_inv_Mpc = (self.ells[index_ells] + 0.5) / r[index_z]
                if k_in_inv_Mpc > k_max_in_inv_Mpc:
                    pk_dm = 0.
                    pk_dm = cosmo.pk(k_in_inv_Mpc, self.redshifts[index_z])
                # pk[index_ells,index_z] = cosmo.pk(ells[index_ells]/r[index_z], self.redshifts[index_z])
                if self.settings.baryon_feedback:
                       index_z] = pk_dm * self.baryon_feedback_bias_sqr(
                           k_in_inv_Mpc / self.small_h,
                    pk[index_ells, index_z] = pk_dm

    # for KiDS-450 constant biases in photo-z are not sufficient:
        if self.settings.bootstrap_photoz_errors:
            # draw a random bootstrap n(z); borders are inclusive!
            random_index_bootstrap = np.random.randint(
                int(self.settings.index_bootstrap_high) + 1)
            # print 'Bootstrap index:', random_index_bootstrap
            pz = np.zeros((self.settings.nzmax, self.nzbins), 'float64')
            pz_norm = np.zeros(self.nzbins, 'float64')

            for zbin in range(self.nzbins):

                redshift_bin = self.redshift_bins[zbin]
                # ATTENTION: hard-coded subfolder!
                # index can be recycled since bootstraps for tomographic bins
                # are independent!
                fname = os.path.join(
                        self.settings.photoz_method, redshift_bin,
                z_hist, n_z_hist = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True)

                shift_to_midpoint = np.diff(z_hist)[0] / 2.
                spline_pz = itp.splrep(z_hist + shift_to_midpoint, n_z_hist)
                mask_min = self.redshifts >= z_hist.min() + shift_to_midpoint
                mask_max = self.redshifts <= z_hist.max() + shift_to_midpoint
                mask = mask_min & mask_max
                # points outside the z-range of the histograms are set to 0!
                pz[mask, zbin] = itp.splev(self.redshifts[mask], spline_pz)

                dz = self.redshifts[1:] - self.redshifts[:-1]
                pz_norm[zbin] = np.sum(0.5 * (pz[1:, zbin] + pz[:-1, zbin]) *

            pr = pz * (dzdr[:, np.newaxis] / pz_norm)

            pr = self.pz * (dzdr[:, np.newaxis] / self.pz_norm)
            # pr[pr < 0] = 0

        g = np.zeros((self.settings.nzmax, self.nzbins), 'float64')

        for zbin in range(self.nzbins):
            # assumes that z[0] = 0
            for nr in range(1, self.settings.nzmax - 1):
                # for nr in range(self.nzmax - 1):
                fun = pr[nr:, zbin] * (r[nr:] - r[nr]) / r[nr:]
                g[nr, zbin] = np.sum(0.5 * (fun[1:] + fun[:-1]) *
                                     (r[nr + 1:] - r[nr:-1]))
                g[nr, zbin] *= 2. * r[nr] * (1. + self.redshifts[nr])

        # Start loop over l for computation of C_l^shear
        Cl_GG_integrand = np.zeros(
            (self.settings.nzmax, self.nzbins, self.nzbins), 'float64')
        Cl_GG = np.zeros((self.settings.nellsmax, self.nzbins, self.nzbins),

        Cl_II_integrand = np.zeros_like(Cl_GG_integrand)
        Cl_II = np.zeros_like(Cl_GG)

        Cl_GI_integrand = np.zeros_like(Cl_GG_integrand)
        Cl_GI = np.zeros_like(Cl_GG)

        dr = r[1:] - r[:-1]
        for index_ell in range(self.settings.nellsmax):

            # find Cl_integrand = (g(r) / r)**2 * P(l/r,z(r))
            for zbin1 in range(self.nzbins):
                for zbin2 in range(zbin1 + 1):  # self.nzbins):
                    Cl_GG_integrand[1:, zbin1, zbin2] = g[1:, zbin1] * \
                        g[1:, zbin2] / r[1:]**2 * pk[index_ell, 1:]

                    factor_IA = self.get_factor_IA(
                        self.redshifts[1:], linear_growth_rate[1:],
                        self.systematics['A_IA'])  # / self.dzdr[1:]
                    # print F_of_x
                    # print self.eta_r[1:, zbin1].shape
                    Cl_II_integrand[1:, zbin1, zbin2] = pr[1:, zbin1] * \
                        pr[1:, zbin2] * factor_IA**2 / r[1:]**2 * pk[index_ell, 1:]
                    pref = g[1:, zbin1] * pr[1:, zbin2] + g[1:, zbin2] * pr[
                        1:, zbin1]
                    Cl_GI_integrand[1:, zbin1,
                                    zbin2] = pref * factor_IA / r[1:]**2 * pk[
                                        index_ell, 1:]

            # Integrate over r to get C_l^shear_ij = P_ij(l)
            # C_l^shear_ii = 9/4 Omega0_m^2 H_0^4 \sum_0^rmax dr (g_i(r) g_j(r)
            # /r**2) P(k=l/r,z(r))
            for zbin1 in range(self.nzbins):
                for zbin2 in range(zbin1 + 1):  # self.nzbins):
                    Cl_GG[index_ell, zbin1, zbin2] = np.sum(
                        0.5 * (Cl_GG_integrand[1:, zbin1, zbin2] +
                               Cl_GG_integrand[:-1, zbin1, zbin2]) * dr)
                    # here we divide by 16, because we get a 2^2 from g(z)!
                    Cl_GG[index_ell, zbin1, zbin2] *= 9. / 16. * \
                        self.Omega_m**2  # in units of Mpc**4
                    # dimensionless
                    Cl_GG[index_ell, zbin1,
                          zbin2] *= (self.small_h / 2997.9)**4

                    Cl_II[index_ell, zbin1, zbin2] = np.sum(
                        0.5 * (Cl_II_integrand[1:, zbin1, zbin2] +
                               Cl_II_integrand[:-1, zbin1, zbin2]) * dr)

                    Cl_GI[index_ell, zbin1, zbin2] = np.sum(
                        0.5 * (Cl_GI_integrand[1:, zbin1, zbin2] +
                               Cl_GI_integrand[:-1, zbin1, zbin2]) * dr)
                    # here we divide by 4, because we get a 2 from g(r)!
                    Cl_GI[index_ell, zbin1, zbin2] *= 3. / 4. * self.Omega_m
                    Cl_GI[index_ell, zbin1,
                          zbin2] *= (self.small_h / 2997.9)**2

        # ordering of redshift bins is correct in definition of theory below!
        theory_EE_GG = np.zeros((self.nzcorrs, self.bo_EE), 'float64')
        theory_EE_II = np.zeros((self.nzcorrs, self.bo_EE), 'float64')
        theory_EE_GI = np.zeros((self.nzcorrs, self.bo_EE), 'float64')

        index_corr = 0
        # A_noise_corr = np.zeros(self.nzcorrs)
        for zbin1 in range(self.nzbins):
            for zbin2 in range(zbin1 + 1):  # self.nzbins):
                # correlation = 'z{:}z{:}'.format(zbin1 + 1, zbin2 + 1)
                # print(zbin1, zbin2)

                Cl_sample_GG = Cl_GG[:, zbin1, zbin2]
                spline_Cl_GG = itp.splrep(self.ells, Cl_sample_GG)
                D_l_EE_GG = self.ell_norm * \
                    itp.splev(self.ells_sum, spline_Cl_GG)

                theory_EE_GG[index_corr, :] = self.get_theory(

                Cl_sample_GI = Cl_GI[:, zbin1, zbin2]
                spline_Cl_GI = itp.splrep(self.ells, Cl_sample_GI)
                D_l_EE_GI = self.ell_norm * \
                    itp.splev(self.ells_sum, spline_Cl_GI)
                theory_EE_GI[index_corr, :] = self.get_theory(

                Cl_sample_II = Cl_II[:, zbin1, zbin2]
                spline_Cl_II = itp.splrep(self.ells, Cl_sample_II)
                D_l_EE_II = self.ell_norm * \
                    itp.splev(self.ells_sum, spline_Cl_II)
                theory_EE_II[index_corr, :] = self.get_theory(

                index_corr += 1


        return theory_EE_GG.flatten(), theory_EE_GI.flatten(
        ), theory_EE_II.flatten()
コード例 #9
    'omega_b': 0.023,
    'Omega_cdm': 0.1093,
    'Omega_Lambda': 0.73

# Create an instance of the CLASS wrapper
cosmo = Class()

# Set the parameters to the cosmological code

#### Define the linear growth factor and growth rate (growth factor f in class)
h = cosmo.h()
fz = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor_f(z)
Dz = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(z)
karray = np.logspace(np.log10(kmin), np.log10(kmax), kbins)
#~ Plin = cosmo.get_pk_cb_array(karray*h, np.array([z]), len(karray), znumber, 0) # if we want Pcb
Plin = np.zeros(len(karray))
for i, k in enumerate(karray):
    Plin[i] = (cosmo.pk(k, z))  # function .pk(k,z)

### Compute the non linear power spectrum

# A summary of your configuration is printed in the terminal
P1 = ps_calc(coord[0], kcase, Mnu, mbin, rsd, bias_model, karray, z, fog, Plin,
             fz, Dz)
コード例 #10
def constraints(params, zs):
    cosmo = Class()
    h = cosmo.Hubble(0) * 299792.458
    om0 = cosmo.Omega0_m()
    zarr2 = cosmo.get_background().get('z')
    hz = cosmo.get_background().get('H [1/Mpc]')
    hf = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(zarr2[-1:0:-1], hz[-1:0:-1])
    chiz = cosmo.get_background().get('comov. dist.')
    chif = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(zarr2[-1:0:-1],

    pkz = np.zeros((nk, nz))
    pklz2 = np.zeros((nk, nz))
    dprime = np.zeros((nk, 1))
    zarr = np.linspace(0, zmax, nz)
    karr = np.logspace(-3, np.log10(20), nk)
    rcollarr = np.zeros(nz)
    kcarr = np.zeros(nz)
    delz = 0.01

    for i in np.arange(nz):
        Dz = (cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zarr[i]) /
        sigz = lambda x: Dz * cosmo.sigma(x, zarr[i]) - 1.192182033080519
        if (sigz(1e-5) > 0) & (sigz(10) < 0):
            rcollarr[i] = optimize.brentq(sigz, 1e-5, 10)
            rcollarr[i] = 0
        for j in np.arange(nk):
            pkz[j, i] = cosmo.pk(karr[j], zarr[i])
    for i in np.arange(nk):
        pklz0 = np.log(cosmo.pk(karr[i], zs - delz) / cosmo.pk(karr[i], 0))
        pklz1 = np.log(cosmo.pk(karr[i], zs + delz) / cosmo.pk(karr[i], 0))
        pklz2[i] = cosmo.pk(karr[i], 0)
        dprime[i] = -hf(zs) * np.sqrt(
            cosmo.pk(karr[i], zs) / pklz2[i, 0]) * (pklz1 - pklz0) / 4 / delz
        #divided by 2 for step size, another for defining D'

    w0 = params.get('w0_fld')
    wa = params.get('wa_fld')
    mt = 5 * np.log10(cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs))
    #mt = 5*np.log10(fanal.dlatz(zs, om0, og0, w0, wa))
    Rc = (2 * 4.302e-9 * Mc / h**2 / om0)**(1 / 3)
    mask = (0 < rcollarr) & (rcollarr < Rc)
    kcarr[mask] = 2 * np.pi / rcollarr[mask]
    mask = (rcollarr >= Rc)
    kcarr[mask] = 2 * np.pi / Rc
    #plt.semilogy(zarr, kcarr)
    pksmooth = pdf.pkint(karr, zarr, pkz, kcarr)

    par2 = {'w0': w0, 'wa': wa, 'Omega_m': om0}
    #kmin = conv.kmin(zs, chif, hf)*(-3./2.*hf(0)**2*om0)
    kvar = conv.kvar(zs, pksmooth, chif, hf) * (3. / 2. * hf(0)**2 * om0)**2
    #sigln = np.log(1+kvar/np.abs(kmin)**2)
    #L = pdf.convpdf(kmin, sigln, sig, mfid-mt)
    #sigln = np.sqrt(sig**2+(5/np.log(10))**2*kvar)
    #L = pdf.gausspdf(sig, mfid-mt)
    #lnL = mt/sig
    vvar = np.trapz(pklz2[:, 0] * dprime[:, 0]**2,
                    karr) / 6 / np.pi**2 * (1 -
                                            (1 + zs) / hf(zs) / chif(zs))**2
    #var_tot = norm*kvar+sig**2
    lnL = -mt**2 / 2
    print('Sigmasq = {}, {}, Likelihood = {}'.format(kvar, vvar, lnL))
    return [mt, kvar, vvar]

#[mt, var_tot]
コード例 #11
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: bengranett/synmock
class ModelPk(object):
    """ """
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def __init__(self, **param_dict):
        """ """
        self.params = params.copy()

        self.class_params = class_params.copy()
        self.set(**param_dict)  #other params for CLASS

        self._cosmo = None
        self._redshift_func = None
        self._logpk_func = None

        if self.params['mpk'] is not None:

    def load_pk_from_file(self, path):
        """ """
        self.logger.info(f"Loading matter power spectrum from file {path}")
        k, pk = np.loadtxt(path, unpack=True)
        self.logger.info(f"min k: {k.min()}, max k: {k.max()}, steps {len(k)}")
        pk *= self.params['bias']**2
        lk = np.log(k)
        lpk = np.log(pk)
        self._logpk_func = interpolate.interp1d(lk,
                                                fill_value=(0, 0))

    def set(self, **param_dict):
        """ """
        for key, value in param_dict.items():
            if key == 'non_linear':
                key = 'non linear'
            self.logger.debug("Set %s=%s", key, value)
            found = False
            if key in self.class_params:
                self.class_params[key] = value
                found = True
            if key in self.params:
                self.params[key] = value
                found = True
            if not found:

    def cosmo(self):
        """ """
        if not self._cosmo:
            self._cosmo = Class()

            self.logger.info("Initializing Class")

            if self.params['fix_sigma8']:
                sig8 = self._cosmo.sigma8()
                A_s = self._cosmo.pars['A_s']
                # renormalize to fix sig8
                self.A_s = A_s * (self.params['sigma8'] * 1. / sig8)**2

            sig8 = self._cosmo.sigma8()

            self.params['sigma8'] = sig8
            self.params['A_s'] = self._cosmo.pars['A_s']
                'sigma8z'] = sig8 * self._cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(
            self.params['f'] = self._cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor_f(

            self.logger.info(f"          z: {self.class_params['z_pk']}")
            self.logger.info(f"    sigma_8: {self.params['sigma8']}")
            self.logger.info(f" sigma_8(z): {self.params['sigma8z']}")
            self.logger.info(f"       f(z): {self.params['f']}")
                f"f sigma8(z): {self.params['f']*self.params['sigma8z']}")
        return self._cosmo

    def class_pk(self, k):
        """ """
        self.logger.info("Computing power spectrum with Class")

        z = np.array([self.class_params['z_pk']]).astype('d')

        shape = k.shape
        k = k.flatten()

        nk = len(k)
        k = np.reshape(k, (nk, 1, 1))

        pk = self.cosmo.get_pk(k * self.class_params['h'], z, nk, 1,
                               1).reshape((nk, ))
        k = k.reshape((nk, ))

        # set h units
        pk *= self.class_params['h']**3

        pk *= self.params['bias']**2

        pk = pk.reshape(shape)

        return pk

    def get_pk(self, k):
        ii = k > 0
        out = np.zeros(k.shape, dtype='d')
        out[ii] = np.exp(self.logpk_func(np.log(k[ii])))
        return out

    def logpk_func(self):
        if self._logpk_func is None:
            k = np.logspace(self.params['log_kmin'], self.params['log_kmax'],
            pk = self.class_pk(k)
            lk = np.log(k)
            lpk = np.log(pk)
            print("logk min", lk.min())
            self._logpk_func = interpolate.interp1d(lk,
                                                    fill_value=(0, 0))
        return self._logpk_func

    def comoving_distance(self, z):
        """ """
        return (1 +
                z) * self.cosmo.angular_distance(z) * self.class_params['h']

    def redshift_at_comoving_distance(self, r):
        """ """
            z = 10**self.redshift_func(r) - 1
        except ValueError:
            self.logger.error(f"r min {r.min()} max {r.max()}",
        return z

    def redshift_func(self):
        """ """
        if self._redshift_func is None:
            zz = np.logspace(self.params['logzmin'], self.params['logzmax'],
                             self.params['logzsteps']) - 1
            r = np.zeros(len(zz))
            for i, z in enumerate(zz):
                r[i] = self.comoving_distance(z)
            self._redshift_func = interpolate.interp1d(r, np.log10(1 + zz))
        return self._redshift_func