コード例 #1
def test_dtopo_io():
    r"""Test IO of dtopography class"""

    test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data", "alaska1964_test_data.tt3")
    test_dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path)

    temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        dtopo_paths = [
            os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt1'),
            os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt3')
        # os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt2'),

        for path in dtopo_paths:
            dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=path)

            assert test_dtopo.dZ.shape == dtopo.dZ.shape, \
                   "Shape of dZ not equal for topo_type = %s." % dtopo.topo_type

            assert numpy.allclose(test_dtopo.dZ, dtopo.dZ), \
                "dZ not equal for %s" % path

    except AssertionError as e:
        test_dump_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test_dtopo_io")
        shutil.copy(temp_path, test_dump_path)
        raise e
コード例 #2
def create_dtopo(location, scenario_name, N=100, estimate_mass=True, 
                 force=False, plot=False, topo_path=None):

    scenario = locations[location]["scenarios"][scenario_name]
    extent = locations[location]['extent']
    path = os.path.join("..", location, "%s.tt3" % scenario_name)

    if os.path.exists(path):
        if force:
            print("Slide file already exists.")

    # Create dtopo
    dtopo = dt.DTopography()
    dtopo.x = numpy.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], N)
    dtopo.y = numpy.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], N)
    dtopo.X, dtopo.Y = numpy.meshgrid(dtopo.x, dtopo.y)
    dtopo.times = numpy.linspace(0, scenario['t_end'], 8)
    dtopo.dZ = numpy.empty((dtopo.times.shape[0], dtopo.x.shape[0], 

    for (i, t) in enumerate(dtopo.times):
        dtopo.dZ[i, :, :] = slide_topo(dtopo.X, dtopo.Y, t, 


    if plot:
      # Load topo for comparison
      topo = tt.Topography(path=locations[location]["topo_path"], topo_type=3)

      if not os.path.exists("./%s" % scenario_name):

      for i in range(dtopo.times.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1):
          fig = plt.figure()
          axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
          extent = [numpy.min(dtopo.x), numpy.max(dtopo.x),
                    numpy.min(dtopo.y), numpy.max(dtopo.y)]
          axes.pcolor(dtopo.x, dtopo.y, dtopo.dZ_at_t(dtopo.times[i]))
          axes.contour(topo.x, topo.y, topo.Z, levels=[5000], colors='w')

          axes.set_title("t = %s" % str(dtopo.times[i]))
          fig.savefig('./%s/slide_%s.png' % (scenario_name, i))

      # make a movie
      cmd = r"ffmpeg -r 2 -i %s" % scenario_name + r"/slide_%1d.png " + \
            r"-q:a 0 -q:v 0 -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 20M -r 24 %s/%s.mp4" % (scenario_name, 
      subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
コード例 #3
    def plot_dtopo(plotdata):

        print "Creating html for other figures."
        with open('fault.html', 'w') as out_html:
            out_html.write("    <header>\n")
            out_html.write("        <title>Fault Specification</title>\n")
            out_html.write("    </header>\n")
            out_html.write("    <body>\n")
            out_html.write("        <h1>Fault Specification</h1>\n")
            out_html.write("        <img src='fault.png'>\n")
            out_html.write("        <img src='uplift.png'>\n")
            out_html.write("    </body>\n")

        # Need to save this in the run_faults section, cannot do yet
        # fault = dtopotools.Fault(path="./fault_params.txt")
        # fig = plt.figure()
        # axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        # fault.plot_subfaults(axes, slip_color=True, cmin_slip=0.0, 
                                                    # cmax_slip=120.0)
        # fig.savefig('fault.png')

        dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=dtopo_data.dtopofiles[0][3])
        fig = plt.figure()
        axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        dtopo.plot_dZ_colors(t=1.0, axes=axes)
コード例 #4
ファイル: maketopo.py プロジェクト: rjleveque/adjoint
def make_dtopo(makeplots=False):
    Create dtopo data file for deformation of sea floor due to earthquake.
    Uses the Okada model with fault parameters and mesh specified below.
    from clawpack.geoclaw import dtopotools
    import numpy

    dtopo_fname = 'AASZ04v2.tt3'
    url = 'http://students.washington.edu/bndavis/misc/dtopo/alaska/' + dtopo_fname
    clawpack.clawutil.data.get_remote_file(url, output_dir=scratch_dir,
                                           file_name=dtopo_fname, verbose=True)

    if makeplots:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        if fault.dtopo is None:
            # read in the pre-existing file:
            print "Reading in dtopo file..."
            dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography()
            dtopo.read(dtopo_fname, dtopo_type=3)
            x = dtopo.x
            y = dtopo.y
        ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
        ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
        fname = os.path.splitext(dtopo_fname)[0] + '.png'
        print "Created ",fname
コード例 #5
def test_SubdividedPlaneFault_make_dtopo(save=False):

    # get a unit source fault plane as starting point:
    sift_slip = {'acsza1': 1.}
    fault = dtopotools.SiftFault(sift_slip)
    fault_plane = fault.subfaults[0]
    # Mo = fault_plane.Mo()
    # print "original Mo = ",Mo

    fault2 = dtopotools.SubdividedPlaneFault(fault_plane, nstrike=5, ndip=3)
    # print "new Mo = ",fault2.Mo()

    assert abs(fault2.Mw() - 6.83402) < 1e-4, \
           "*** Mw is wrong: %g" % fault.Mw()

    xlower = 162.
    xupper = 168.
    ylower = 53.
    yupper = 59.

    # dtopo parameters:
    points_per_degree = 4  # 15 minute resolution
    dx = 1. / points_per_degree
    mx = int((xupper - xlower) / dx + 1)
    xupper = xlower + (mx - 1) * dx
    my = int((yupper - ylower) / dx + 1)
    yupper = ylower + (my - 1) * dx

    x = numpy.linspace(xlower, xupper, mx)
    y = numpy.linspace(ylower, yupper, my)

    times = [1.]
    dtopo = fault2.create_dtopography(x, y, times)

    test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data",
    if save:
        dtopo.write(test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)
    compare_data = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path)
    compare_data.read(path=test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)

    assert dtopo.dZ.shape == compare_data.dZ.shape, \
        "dtopo.dZ.shape is %s, should be %s" \
        % (dtopo.dZ.shape, compare_data.dZ.shape)

    assert numpy.allclose(compare_data.dZ, dtopo.dZ)
コード例 #6
def test_read_csv_make_dtopo(save=False):
    r"""Test reading and making of a CSV subfault speficied dtopo."""

    subfault_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'data', 'alaska1964.csv')
    input_units = {
        "length": "km",
        "width": "km",
        "depth": "km",
        "slip": "m",
        "mu": "dyne/cm^2"
    fault = dtopotools.CSVFault()
               coordinate_specification="noaa sift")

    assert abs(fault.Mw() - 8.53336) < 1e-4, "*** Mw is wrong: %g" % fault.Mw()

    xlower = 203
    xupper = 214.  # approximate - adjusted below
    ylower = 55
    yupper = 60.  # approximate - adjusted below

    # dtopo parameters:
    points_per_degree = 4  # 15 minute resolution
    dx = 1. / points_per_degree
    mx = int((xupper - xlower) / dx + 1)
    xupper = xlower + (mx - 1) * dx
    my = int((yupper - ylower) / dx + 1)
    yupper = ylower + (my - 1) * dx

    x = numpy.linspace(xlower, xupper, mx)
    y = numpy.linspace(ylower, yupper, my)

    dtopo = fault.create_dtopography(x, y, times=[1.])

    test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data", "alaska1964_test_data.tt3")
    if save:
        dtopo.write(test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)
    compare_data = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path)
    compare_data.read(path=test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)

    assert dtopo.dZ.shape == compare_data.dZ.shape, \
        "dtopo.dZ.shape is %s, should be %s" \
        % (dtopo.dZ.shape, compare_data.dZ.shape)

    assert numpy.allclose(compare_data.dZ, dtopo.dZ)
コード例 #7
def test_read_ucsb_make_dtopo(save=False):
    r"""Test reading and making of a UCSB subfault speficied dtopo."""

    subfault_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'data', 'tohoku_ucsb.txt')
    fault = dtopotools.UCSBFault()

    assert abs(fault.Mw() -
               9.13957973) < 1e-4, "*** Mw is wrong: %g" % fault.Mw()

    xlower = 140.
    xupper = 146.
    ylower = 35.
    yupper = 41.

    # dtopo parameters:
    points_per_degree = 4  # 15 minute resolution
    dx = 1. / points_per_degree
    mx = int((xupper - xlower) / dx + 1)
    xupper = xlower + (mx - 1) * dx
    my = int((yupper - ylower) / dx + 1)
    yupper = ylower + (my - 1) * dx

    x = numpy.linspace(xlower, xupper, mx)
    y = numpy.linspace(ylower, yupper, my)

    tmax = 0.
    for s in fault.subfaults:
        tmax = max(tmax, s.rupture_time + s.rise_time + s.rise_time_ending)

    fault.rupture_type = 'dynamic'
    times = numpy.linspace(0, tmax, 10)
    dtopo = fault.create_dtopography(x, y, times)

    test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data", "tohoku_test_data.tt3")
    if save:
        dtopo.write(test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)
    compare_data = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path)
    compare_data.read(path=test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)

    assert dtopo.dZ.shape == compare_data.dZ.shape, \
        "dtopo.dZ.shape is %s, should be %s" \
        % (dtopo.dZ.shape, compare_data.dZ.shape)

    assert numpy.allclose(compare_data.dZ, dtopo.dZ)
コード例 #8
ファイル: kmltools.py プロジェクト: silvermang/geoclaw
def dtopo2kml(dtopo_file_name, dtopo_type, color='8888FF'):
    Create a kml file putting a box around the region covered by a dtopofile.
    Color is pink by default.

    import os
    from clawpack.geoclaw import dtopotools
    dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography()
    dtopo.read(dtopo_file_name, dtopo_type)
    x1 = dtopo.x.min()
    x2 = dtopo.x.max()
    y1 = dtopo.y.min()
    y2 = dtopo.y.max()
    xy = (x1, x2, y1, y2)
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(dtopo_file_name)[-1])[0]
    file_name = '%s.kml' % name
    box2kml(xy, file_name, name, color)
コード例 #9
    def interp_dz(self,dtopo_path,dtopo_type):
        Compute approximate values of deformation dz on X,Y grid using
        a specified dtopo file.
        Also calculates B0 = B - dz, attempting to recover the pre-event
        topography from the GeoClaw run topography stored in B.
        from clawpack.geoclaw import dtopotools
        from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

        dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(dtopo_path, dtopo_type=dtopo_type)
        x1d = dtopo.X[0,:]
        y1d = dtopo.Y[:,0]
        dtopo_func = RegularGridInterpolator((x1d,y1d), dtopo.dZ[-1,:,:].T, 
                        method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
        dz = dtopo_func(list(zip(numpy.ravel(self.X), numpy.ravel(self.Y))))
        self.dz = numpy.reshape(dz, self.X.shape)
        print('Over fgmax extent, min(dz) = %.2f m, max(dz) = %.2f m' \
             % (dz.min(), dz.max()))
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_dtopotools.py プロジェクト: rjleveque/geoclaw
def test_read_sift_make_dtopo(save=False):
    r"""Test reading and making of a SIFT subfault speficied dtopo"""

    sift_slip = {'acsza1': 2, 'acszb1': 3}
    fault = dtopotools.SiftFault(sift_slip)

    assert abs(fault.Mw() -
               7.966666666667) < 1e-4, "*** Mw is wrong: %g" % fault.Mw()

    xlower = 162.
    xupper = 168.
    ylower = 53.
    yupper = 59.

    # dtopo parameters:
    points_per_degree = 4  # 15 minute resolution
    dx = 1. / points_per_degree
    mx = int((xupper - xlower) / dx + 1)
    xupper = xlower + (mx - 1) * dx
    my = int((yupper - ylower) / dx + 1)
    yupper = ylower + (my - 1) * dx

    x = numpy.linspace(xlower, xupper, mx)
    y = numpy.linspace(ylower, yupper, my)

    times = [1.]
    dtopo = fault.create_dtopography(x, y, times)

    test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data", "sift_test_data.tt3")
    if save:
        dtopo.write(test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)
    compare_data = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path)
    compare_data.read(path=test_data_path, dtopo_type=3)

    assert dtopo.dZ.shape == compare_data.dZ.shape, \
        "dtopo.dZ.shape is %s, should be %s" \
        % (dtopo.dZ.shape, compare_data.dZ.shape)

    assert numpy.allclose(compare_data.dZ, dtopo.dZ)
コード例 #11
ファイル: maketopo.py プロジェクト: yoon-gu/geoclaw
def make_dtopo(makeplots=False):
    Create dtopo data file for deformation of sea floor due to earthquake.
    Uses the Okada model with fault parameters and mesh specified below.
    from clawpack.geoclaw import dtopotools
    import numpy

    dtopo_fname = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "dtopo_usgs100227.tt3")

    # Specify subfault parameters for this simple fault model consisting
    # of a single subfault:

    usgs_subfault = dtopotools.SubFault()
    usgs_subfault.strike = 16.
    usgs_subfault.length = 450.e3
    usgs_subfault.width = 100.e3
    usgs_subfault.depth = 35.e3
    usgs_subfault.slip = 15.
    usgs_subfault.rake = 104.
    usgs_subfault.dip = 14.
    usgs_subfault.longitude = -72.668
    usgs_subfault.latitude = -35.826
    usgs_subfault.coordinate_specification = "top center"

    fault = dtopotools.Fault()
    fault.subfaults = [usgs_subfault]

    print "Mw = ", fault.Mw()

    if os.path.exists(dtopo_fname):
        print "*** Not regenerating dtopo file (already exists): %s" \
                    % dtopo_fname
        print "Using Okada model to create dtopo file"

        x = numpy.linspace(-77, -67, 100)
        y = numpy.linspace(-40, -30, 100)
        times = [1.]

        fault.create_dtopography(x, y, times)
        dtopo = fault.dtopo
        dtopo.write(dtopo_fname, dtopo_type=3)

    if makeplots:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        if fault.dtopo is None:
            # read in the pre-existing file:
            print "Reading in dtopo file..."
            dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography()
            dtopo.read(dtopo_fname, dtopo_type=3)
            x = dtopo.x
            y = dtopo.y
        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
        ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
        ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
        fault.plot_subfaults(axes=ax1, slip_color=True)
        ax1.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max())
        ax1.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max())
        dtopo.plot_dZ_colors(1., axes=ax2)
        fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(dtopo_fname)[-1])[0] + '.png'
        print "Created ", fname
コード例 #12
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: kbarnhart/geoclaw
Set up the plot figures, axes, and items to be done for each frame.

This module is imported by the plotting routines and then the
function setplot is called to set the plot parameters.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy
from clawpack.geoclaw import dtopotools

dtopo1 = dtopotools.DTopography('dtopo1.tt3', 3)
dtopo2 = dtopotools.DTopography('dtopo2.tt3', 3)

def setplot(plotdata):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of pyclaw.plotters.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps, geoplot

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # To plot gauge locations on pcolor or contour plot, use this as
コード例 #13
def make_dtopo(params, makeplots=False):
    Create dtopo data file for deformation of sea floor due to earthquake.
    Uses the Okada model with fault parameters and mesh specified below.

    dtopo_fname = os.path.join('./InputData/', "dtopo.tt3")

    # number of cols = number of rectangles * number of changing params + number of constant params
    n = (len(params) - 4) // 5

    # Specify subfault parameters for this simple fault model consisting
    # of a single subfault:

    subfaults = []
    for i in range(n):
        usgs_subfault = dtopotools.SubFault()
        usgs_subfault.strike = params['Strike' + str(i + 1)]
        usgs_subfault.length = params['Sublength']
        usgs_subfault.width = params['Subwidth']
        usgs_subfault.depth = params['Depth' + str(i + 1)]
        usgs_subfault.slip = params['Slip']
        usgs_subfault.rake = params['Rake']
        usgs_subfault.dip = params['Dip' + str(i + 1)]
        usgs_subfault.longitude = params['Longitude' + str(i + 1)]
        usgs_subfault.latitude = params['Latitude' + str(i + 1)]
        usgs_subfault.coordinate_specification = "centroid"

    fault = dtopotools.Fault()
    fault.subfaults = subfaults

    print("Mw = ", fault.Mw())
    print("Mo = ", fault.Mo())

    if os.path.exists(dtopo_fname):
        print("*** Not regenerating dtopo file (already exists): %s" \
                    % dtopo_fname)
        print("Using Okada model to create dtopo file")

        #x = numpy.linspace(-77, -67, 100)
        #y = numpy.linspace(-40, -30, 100)
        times = [1.]

        with open('./PreRun/InputData/model_bounds.txt') as json_file:
            model_bounds = json.load(json_file)

        xlower = model_bounds['xlower']
        xupper = model_bounds['xupper']
        ylower = model_bounds['ylower']
        yupper = model_bounds['yupper']

        # dtopo parameters

        points_per_degree = 60  # 1 minute resolution
        dx = 1. / points_per_degree
        mx = int((xupper - xlower) / dx + 1)
        xupper = xlower + (mx - 1) * dx
        my = int((yupper - ylower) / dx + 1)
        yupper = ylower + (my - 1) * dx
        print("New upper bounds:\n")
        print("latitude:", yupper)
        print("longitude:", xupper)
        x = np.linspace(xlower, xupper, mx)
        y = np.linspace(ylower, yupper, my)

        fault.create_dtopography(x, y, times, verbose=True)
        dtopo = fault.dtopo
        dtopo.write(dtopo_fname, dtopo_type=3)

    if makeplots:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        if fault.dtopo is None:
            # read in the pre-existing file:
            print("Reading in dtopo file...")
            dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography()
            dtopo.read(dtopo_fname, dtopo_type=3)
            x = dtopo.x
            y = dtopo.y
        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
        ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
        ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
        fault.plot_subfaults(axes=ax1, slip_color=True)
        ax1.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max())
        ax1.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max())
        dtopo.plot_dZ_colors(1., axes=ax2)
        fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(dtopo_fname)[-1])[0] + '.png'
        print("Created ", fname)