def list_directory(self, path): try: list = os.listdir(path) except os.error: self.send_error(404, "No permission to list directory") return None list.sort(key=lambda a: a.lower()) f = StringIO() displaypath = cgi.escape(urllib.unquote(self.path)) f.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">') f.write("<html>\n<title>Diabetic retinopathy screening</title>\n") f.write("<body>\n<a href=\"\"><img style=\"position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Fork me on GitHub\" data-canonical-src=\"\"></a><h2>Diabetic retinopathy screening</h2>\n") f.write("<hr>\n") f.write("<form accept-charset=utf-8 ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\">") f.write("<input name=\"file\" type=\"file\"/>") f.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"upload\"/></form>\n") f.write("</body></html>") length = f.tell() self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.send_header("Content-Length", str(length)) self.end_headers() cleanup.clean() return f
def test_increasealiaskarmawithcombine(self): cleanup.clean() # Process alias instead via process() text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1) stampy.plugin.alias.createalias('patata', 'creilla') # Process alias instead via process() text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) # Karma has been given to patata, but alias gave it to creilla and also it was combined with previous karma self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 2)
def start(self, widget, data): arr = [] def dofor(model, path, theiter, data=None): arr.append([model.get_value(theiter, 0)]) data['treemodel'].foreach(dofor) self.window.hide() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(block=False) ModLoader(arr).prepMods().load() runGame() clean() gtk.main_quit()
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_info(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/info', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
def test_increasealiaskarmawithcombine(self): cleanup.clean() # Process alias instead via process() text = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(text) self.assertEqual(plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1) plugin.alias.createalias('patata', 'creilla') # Process alias instead via process() text = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(text) # Karma has been given to patata, but alias gave it to creilla and also it was combined with previous karma self.assertEqual(plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) self.assertEqual(plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 2)
def tokens(file_name): """ Input: file name of the source text Output: list of tokens from a text """ clean_text = clean(file_name) split_words = clean_text.split() print(len(split_words)) return split_words
def update(self, iterable): """Update this histogram with the items in the given iterable""" for item in iterable: item = cleanup.clean(item) self.tokens += 1 if item not in self: self[item] = 1 self.types += 1 else: self[item] += 1
def prepare_data(paragraphs): sentences = [] for paragraph in paragraphs: sentences = sentences + prepare.prepare(cleanup.clean(paragraph)) model = {} for sentence in sentences: model = make_pairs(tokenize.tokenize(sentence), model) return model
def test_increasealiaskarma(self): cleanup.clean() stampy.plugin.karma.putkarma('patata', 1) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1) # Alias doesn't get increased as the 'aliases' modifications are in # process, not in the individual functions self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 0) # Reset patata status for the next test stampy.plugin.karma.putkarma('patata', 0) # Create alias stampy.plugin.alias.createalias(word='patata', value='creilla') # Process alias instead via process() text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) # Karma has been given to patata, but alias gave it to creilla self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 1)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_createautok(self): self.assertEqual( stampy.plugin.autokarma.createautok('transcod', 'chupito'), True) def test_getautok(self): self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.autokarma.getautok('transcod'), ['chupito']) def test_removeautok(self): self.assertEqual( stampy.plugin.autokarma.deleteautok('transcod', 'chupito'), True)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_putkarma(self): stampy.plugin.karma.putkarma('patata', 0) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) def test_updatekarmaplus(self): stampy.plugin.karma.updatekarma('patata', 2) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 2) def test_updatekarmarem(self): stampy.plugin.karma.updatekarma('patata', -1) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_00stats(self): # test that no empty [] groups are added stampy.plugin.stats.updatestats(type='chat', id=-1, name="Test", date=False, memberid=[]) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.stats.getstats(id=-1, type='chat'), ('chat', -1, u"Test", u'False', 1, [])) def test_01pingchat(self): stampy.plugin.stats.pingchat(-1) (type, id, name, date, count, memberid) = stampy.plugin.stats.getstats(type='chat', id=-1) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.stats.getstats(id=-1, type='chat'), ('chat', -1, u"Test", date, count, []))
def update(self, iterable): """Update this histogram with the items in the given iterable""" for item in iterable: item = cleanup.clean(item) self.tokens += 1 if len(self) > 0: contained = False for word in self: if word[0] == item: tup = (word[0], word[1] + 1) self.remove(word) self.append(tup) contained = True break if contained == False: word = (item, 1) self.append(word) self.types += 1 elif len(self) == 0: word = (item, 1) self.append(word) self.types += 1
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_welcome(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4829, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476575, "new_chat_participant": {"id": 279488169, "first_name": "stampytest_bot", "username": "******"}, "new_chat_member": {"id": 279488169, "first_name": "stampytest_bot", "username": "******"}, "new_chat_members": [ {"id": 279488169, "first_name": "stampytest_bot", "username": "******"}]}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_putkarma(self): stampy.plugin.karma.putkarma('patata', 0) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) def test_updatekarmaplus(self): stampy.plugin.karma.updatekarma('patata', 2) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 2) def test_updatekarmarem(self): stampy.plugin.karma.updatekarma('patata', -1) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1) def test_rank(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'rank', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_skarma(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'skarma cebolla=20', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_srank(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'srank iranzo', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_skarmapurge(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'skarma purge', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
total_words = gram.tokens # create list of words and counts words, counts = zip(*histogram) # create list of weights from counts weights = [count / total_words for count in counts] # generate a random word based on weights random_word = '' while random_word == '': random_index = random.randrange(len(words)) if random.random() < weights[random_index]: random_word = words[random_index] # return random word return random_word if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from tokenize import get_words from cleanup import clean from dictogram import Dictogram words = get_words(sys.argv[1]) cleaned_words = clean(words) listogram = Dictogram(cleaned_words) random_weighted_word = get_random_word(listogram) # print random weighted word print(random_weighted_word)
def update(self): if self.updater.need_update(): result = self.updater.update() cleanup.clean(cleanup.FOLDER_STRUCTURE) return result
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 from __future__ import print_function import cleanup cleanup.clean('core', 'libs') import datetime import os import sys import core from core import logger, main_db from core.auto_process import comics, games, movies, music, tv from core.auto_process.common import ProcessResult from core.user_scripts import external_script from core.utils import char_replace, clean_dir, convert_to_ascii, extract_files, get_dirs, get_download_info, get_nzoid, plex_update, update_download_info_status try: text_type = unicode except NameError: text_type = str # post-processing def process(input_directory, input_name=None, status=0, client_agent='manual', download_id=None, input_category=None, failure_link=None): if core.SAFE_MODE and input_directory == core.NZB_DEFAULTDIR: logger.error( 'The input directory:[{0}] is the Default Download Directory. Please configure category directories to prevent processing of other media.'.format( input_directory))
def test_owner(self): cleanup.clean() self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.config.config('owner'), 'iranzo')
def test_remove_extra_spaces(self): self.assertEqual(cleanup.clean('This is foo. This is bar.'), 'This is foo. This is bar.')
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_createalias(self): stampy.plugin.alias.createalias('patata', 'creilla') self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.alias.getalias('patata'), 'creilla') def test_getalias(self): self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.alias.getalias('patata'), 'creilla') def test_aliaslist(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/alias list', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_aliasadd(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/alias bacon=tocino', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_aliasdel(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/alias delete bacon', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_createalias(self): stampy.plugin.alias.createalias('patata', 'creilla') self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.alias.getalias('patata'), 'creilla') def test_getalias(self): self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.alias.getalias('patata'), 'creilla') def test_increasealiaskarma(self): cleanup.clean() stampy.plugin.karma.putkarma('patata', 1) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1) # Alias doesn't get increased as the 'aliases' modifications are in # process, not in the individual functions self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 0) # Reset patata status for the next test stampy.plugin.karma.putkarma('patata', 0) # Create alias stampy.plugin.alias.createalias(word='patata', value='creilla') # Process alias instead via process() text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) # Karma has been given to patata, but alias gave it to creilla self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 1) def test_increasealiaskarmawithcombine(self): cleanup.clean() # Process alias instead via process() text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1) stampy.plugin.alias.createalias('patata', 'creilla') # Process alias instead via process() text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) # Karma has been given to patata, but alias gave it to creilla and also it was combined with previous karma self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 2) def test_removealias(self): stampy.plugin.alias.deletealias('patata') # After alias has been removed, the words are no longer linked self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 2) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 0) # Increase karma again via process and revalidate text = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'patata++', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(text) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('creilla'), 2) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.karma.getkarma('patata'), 1)
def test_replace_ellipses(self): self.assertEqual(cleanup.clean('Where is baz...'), 'Where is baz…')
def preprocess(dir, fn): """ Data preprocessing function. Given input directory, image and mask data is copied into a new temporary working directory called "data_copy". Data from the input directory is copied to "data_copy" and processed. Parameters ---------- dir : str String for the directory to perform training with. n : int The factor of augmented images to generate with Augmentor. Returns ------- None : All processed images are saved into the data_copy directory. """ # Insert condition to check whether the augmentation generates NaN data # If so, repeat the entire process again... nandetected = False while not nandetected: data_copy_dir = dir.strip('/')+'_WORKINGCOPY' training_data_dir = os.path.join(data_copy_dir, 'training_data') test_data_dir = os.path.join(data_copy_dir, 'test_data') # Clean up any old directories and create new directories cleanup.clean() os.makedirs(os.path.join(training_data_dir, 'images')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(training_data_dir, 'masks')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'images')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'masks')) # Make a working directory copy of data so we don't lose anything os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_copy_dir, 'images')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_copy_dir, 'masks')) copy_tree(os.path.join(dir, 'images'), os.path.join(data_copy_dir, 'images')) copy_tree(os.path.join(dir, 'masks'), os.path.join(data_copy_dir, 'masks')) print ('Performing basic rotation and flipping augmentation on data copy...') augmentation.basicaugment(data_copy_dir) print ('Done!') print ('Performing augmentation on data copy...') if fn>0: images_data = os.listdir(data_copy_dir+'/images/') n=fn*len(images_data) augmentation.augment(data_copy_dir,n) aug_images = glob.glob(data_copy_dir+'/images/images_original*') aug_masks = glob.glob(data_copy_dir+'/images/_groundtruth*') aug_images.sort(key=lambda x:x[-40:]) aug_masks.sort(key=lambda x:x[-40:]) for i, (image_file, mask_file) in enumerate(zip(aug_images, aug_masks)): shutil.move(image_file, image_file.replace('images_original_', '')) shutil.move(mask_file, mask_file.replace('_groundtruth_(1)_images_', '').replace('/images/', '/masks/')) print ('Augmented and saved with n='+str(n)+' samples!') print ('Randomly selecting/moving 70% training and 30% test data...') images_data = natsorted(os.listdir(data_copy_dir+'/images/')) masks_data = natsorted(os.listdir(data_copy_dir+'/masks/')) # Changed the sampling so they sample approximately the same distribution # Now sampling is 75:25 test_images_data = images_data[::4] test_masks_data = [f.replace('/images/', '/masks/') for f in test_images_data] training_images_data = [x for x in images_data if x not in test_images_data] training_masks_data = [f.replace('/images/', '/masks/') for f in training_images_data] # Old random sampling method for 70:30 data split # random.shuffle(images_data) # training_images_data = images_data[:int(0.7*len(images_data))] # training_masks_data = [f.replace('/images/', '/masks/') for f in training_images_data] # test_images_data = images_data[int(0.7*len(images_data)):] # test_masks_data = [f.replace('/images/', '/masks/') for f in test_images_data] for f in training_images_data: shutil.copy(os.path.join(data_copy_dir,'images',f), os.path.join(training_data_dir,'images',f)) for f in training_masks_data: shutil.copy(os.path.join(data_copy_dir,'masks',f), os.path.join(training_data_dir,'masks',f)) for f in test_images_data: shutil.copy(os.path.join(data_copy_dir,'images',f), os.path.join(test_data_dir,'images',f)) for f in test_masks_data: shutil.copy(os.path.join(data_copy_dir,'masks',f), os.path.join(test_data_dir,'masks',f)) print ('Done!') training_data_images = [] training_data_masks = [] test_data_images = [] test_data_masks = [] print ('Loading data...') for imagepath, maskpath in zip(natsorted(glob.glob(training_data_dir+'/images/*')), natsorted(glob.glob(training_data_dir+'/masks/*'))): image =, 512), resample=Image.BILINEAR) mask =, 512), resample=Image.NEAREST) training_data_images.append(np.array(image)) training_data_masks.append(np.array(mask)) for imagepath, maskpath in zip(natsorted(glob.glob(test_data_dir+'/images/*')), natsorted(glob.glob(test_data_dir+'/masks/*'))): image =, 512), resample=Image.BILINEAR) mask =, 512), resample=Image.NEAREST) test_data_images.append(np.array(image)) test_data_masks.append(np.array(mask)) training_data_images = np.array(training_data_images).astype(np.float32) training_data_masks = np.array(training_data_masks).astype(np.float32) test_data_images = np.array(test_data_images).astype(np.float32) test_data_masks = np.array(test_data_masks).astype(np.float32) print ('Done!') print ('Running normalisation...') for idx, img in enumerate(training_data_images): training_data_images[idx] = (img-np.min(img))/(np.max(img)-np.min(img)) for idx, img in enumerate(training_data_masks): if np.sum(img) > 0: img[img < (np.min(img)+np.max(img))/2] = 0. img[img >= (np.min(img)+np.max(img))/2] = 1. training_data_masks[idx] = img for idx, img in enumerate(test_data_images): test_data_images[idx] = (img-np.min(img))/(np.max(img)-np.min(img)) for idx, img in enumerate(test_data_masks): if np.sum(img) > 0: img[img < (np.min(img)+np.max(img))/2] = 0. img[img >= (np.min(img)+np.max(img))/2] = 1. test_data_masks[idx] = img print ('Done!') print ('Checking nan...') if np.isnan(training_data_images).any() or np.isnan(training_data_masks).any() or np.isnan(test_data_images).any() or np.isnan(test_data_masks).any(): print ('NaN value detected. Repeating the augmentation process again...') else: nandetected = True print ('Done!') training_data_images = training_data_images[..., np.newaxis] training_data_masks = training_data_masks[..., np.newaxis] test_data_images = test_data_images[..., np.newaxis] test_data_masks = test_data_masks[..., np.newaxis] return (training_data_images, training_data_masks, test_data_images, test_data_masks)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_kick(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/kick"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_whois(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/whois"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_deopall(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/deopall"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_opall(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/opall"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_mute(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/mute"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_unmute(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/unmute"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_topic(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/topic test channel"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_deop(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/deop"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_op(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/op"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_unban(self): true = True messages = [{"update_id": 240168933, "message": {"message_id": 4831, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476585, "reply_to_message": {"message_id": 4830, "from": {"id": 5812695, "first_name": "Pablo", "last_name": "Iranzo G\u00f3mez", "username": "******", "language_code": "es"}, "chat": {"id": -158164217, "title": "BOTdevel", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": true}, "date": 1497476576, "text": "test"}, "text": "/unban"}}] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import cleanup cleanup.clean(cleanup.FOLDER_STRUCTURE) import datetime import os import sys import core from core import logger, main_db from core.auto_process import comics, games, movies, music, tv from core.auto_process.common import ProcessResult from core.user_scripts import external_script from core.utils import char_replace, convert_to_ascii, plex_update, replace_links from six import text_type def process_torrent(input_directory, input_name, input_category, input_hash, input_id, client_agent): status = 1 # 1 = failed | 0 = success root = 0 found_file = 0 if client_agent != 'manual' and not core.DOWNLOADINFO: logger.debug('Adding TORRENT download info for directory {0} to database'.format(input_directory)) my_db = main_db.DBConnection() input_directory1 = input_directory input_name1 = input_name
def update(self): if self.updater.need_update(): result = self.updater.update() cleanup.clean('core', 'libs') return result
textPrint.indent() for i in range( hats ): hat = joystick.get_hat( i ) textPrint.print(screen, "Hat {} value: {}".format(i, str(hat)) ) textPrint.unindent() textPrint.unindent() new_a = joystick.get_axis(0) + float(1) new_a = (new_a * float(-1)) + float(2) new_a = (new_a * float(85)) + float(10) new_a = int(new_a) servo.update(new_a) if joystick.get_button(3) == 1: done = True # ALL CODE TO DRAW SHOULD GO ABOVE THIS COMMENT # Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn. pygame.display.flip() # Limit to 20 frames per second clock.tick(60) # Close the window and quit. pygame.quit () cleanup.clean()
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_createfowrard(self): stampy.plugin.forward.createforward(source=1, target=2) for each in stampy.plugin.forward.getforward(source=1): self.assertEqual(each, u"2") def test_forwardlist(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/forward list', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_forwardadd(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/forward 211213=2123123', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_forwarddelete(self): messages = [{ u'message': { u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/forward delete 211213=2123123', u'from': { u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695 }, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': { u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel' } }, u'update_id': 837253571 }] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
def test_cleanup(): import cleanup cleanup.clean(cleanup.FOLDER_STRUCTURE)
class TestStampy(TestCase): cleanup.clean() def test_00stats(self): # test that no empty [] groups are added stampy.plugin.stats.updatestats(type='chat', id=-1, name="Test", date=False, memberid=[]) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.stats.getstats(id=-1, type='chat'), ('chat', -1, u"Test", u'False', 1, [])) def test_01pingchat(self): stampy.plugin.stats.pingchat(-1) (type, id, name, date, count, memberid) = stampy.plugin.stats.getstats( type='chat', id=-1) self.assertEqual(stampy.plugin.stats.getstats(id=-1, type='chat'), ('chat', -1, u"Test", date, count, [])) def test_02statsshow(self): messages = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/stats show', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_02statsshowtype(self): messages = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/stats show chat', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_02statssearch(self): messages = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/stats search', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -158164217, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_dochatcleanup(self): stampy.plugin.stats.dochatcleanup() def test_statsgetout(self): messages = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'/getout', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -234, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_allping(self): messages = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'@all', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -15124124, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(messages) def test_allkarma(self): messages = [{u'message': {u'date': 1478361249, u'text': u'@all++', u'from': {u'username': u'iranzo', u'first_name': u'Pablo', u'last_name': u'Iranzo G\xf3mez', u'id': 5812695}, u'message_id': 108, u'chat': {u'all_members_are_administrators': True, u'type': u'group', u'id': -15124124, u'title': u'BOTdevel'}}, u'update_id': 837253571}] stampy.stampy.process(messages)
if request.method in ('PUT',"POST"): return redirect(url_for('light'), code=302) else: return helpers.toggle() @app.route('/button') @app.route('/button/short', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']) def short(): return power.short() @app.route('/button/long', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']) def long(): return power.long() @app.route('/button/state', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']) def state(): return powerstate.status(), @app.route('/light/state', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']) def lightstate(): return light.status(), if __name__ == '__main__': app.debug = True"",)# ssl_context=context) except: cleanup.clean() print "cleaned"