def init(): """Initialize the database for local development.""" click.echo(">>>> Initialization", fg='magenta', bold=True)) params = dict(db_name=database.DATABASE_NAME, db_user=database.DATABASE_USER, db_pass=database.DATABASE_PASSWORD) components = [ ( "Create database", "echo \"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {db_name} CHARACTER SET utf8;\" | mysql -u root" .format(**params), ), ( "Grant privileges to {db_user}".format(**params), "echo \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {db_user}.* TO '{db_user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{db_pass}';\" | mysql -u root" .format(**params), ), ( "Cleaning", "echo \"FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\" | mysql -u root".format(**params), ), ( "Create local service account file from a template", "cp backends/data/service-account.json.example backends/data/service-account.json", ) ] for component in components: name, cmd = component shared.execute_command(name, cmd, cwd=constants.PROJECT_DIR) click.echo("Done.", fg='magenta', bold=True))
def deploy_controller(stage, debug=False): project_id = stage.project_id_gae cloud_db_uri = stage.cloud_db_uri pubsub_verification_token = stage.pubsub_verification_token cmds = [ 'cp .gcloudignore-controller .gcloudignore', 'cp requirements-controller.txt requirements.txt', 'cp controller_app.yaml controller_app_with_env_vars.yaml', '\n'.join([ 'cat >> controller_app_with_env_vars.yaml <<EOL', 'env_variables:', f' PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN: {pubsub_verification_token}', f' DATABASE_URI: {cloud_db_uri}', 'EOL', ]), (f' {GCLOUD} app deploy controller_app_with_env_vars.yaml' f' --version=v1 --project={project_id}'), ] cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'backend') total = len(cmds) for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds): shared.execute_command(f'Deploy controller service ({i + 1}/{total})', cmd, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug)
def do_requirements(debug): """Install required Python packages.""" click.echo(">>>> Install requirements", fg='magenta', bold=True)) components = [ ( "Install interface backend requirements", "pip install -r ibackend/requirements.txt -t lib", ), ( "Install jobs backend requirements", "pip install -r jbackend/requirements.txt -t lib", ), ( "Install documentation requirements", "pip install \"sphinx==1.7.2\" \"sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1\"", ) ] for component in components: name, cmd = component shared.execute_command(name, cmd, cwd=constants.BACKENDS_DIR, debug=debug) click.echo("Done.", fg='magenta', bold=True))
def start_cloud_sql_proxy(stage, debug=False): gcloud_command = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet" commands = [ ( "mkdir -p {cloudsql_dir}".format(cloudsql_dir=stage.cloudsql_dir), False, ), ( "echo \"CLOUD_SQL_PROXY=$CLOUD_SQL_PROXY\"", False, ), ( "$CLOUD_SQL_PROXY -projects={project_id} -instances={db_instance_conn_name} -dir={cloudsql_dir} 2>/dev/null &".format( project_id=stage.project_id_gae, cloudsql_dir=stage.cloudsql_dir, db_instance_conn_name=stage.db_instance_conn_name), True, ), ( "sleep 5", # Wait for cloud_sql_proxy to start. False ), ] total = len(commands) idx = 1 for comp in commands: cmd, force_std_out = comp shared.execute_command("Start CloudSQL proxy (%d/%d)" % (idx, total), cmd, cwd='.', force_std_out=force_std_out, debug=debug) idx += 1
def setup(): """Prepare the environment before deployment.""" click.echo(">>>> Setup local env", fg='magenta', bold=True)) components = [ ("Homebrew", "command -v brew", "echo Please execute the following command first:\n\'/usr/bin/ruby " + "-e \"$(curl -fsSL\"\'", is_executable_file), ("Node.js", "command -v node", "brew install node", is_executable_file), ("Angular", "command -v ng", "npm install -g @angular/cli", is_executable_file), ("MySQL", "command -v mysql", "brew install mysql", is_executable_file), ("Google Cloud SDK", "command -v gcloud", "export CLOUDSDK_CORE_DISABLE_PROMPTS=1 && \ curl | bash", is_executable_file), ("App Engine Python", "gcloud --version | grep \"app-engine-python\"", "gcloud components install app-engine-python", is_not_empty), ] for component in components: step_name, check_cmd, install_cmd, check_cmd_res_func = component status, out, err = shared.execute_command("Check %s" % step_name, check_cmd) if status == 0 and check_cmd_res_func(out.strip()): click.echo(" Already installed.") else: shared.execute_command("Install %s" % step_name, install_cmd) click.echo("Done.", fg='magenta', bold=True))
def _get_regions(project_id): gcloud = '$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet' cmd = f'{gcloud} app describe --verbosity critical --project={project_id}' cmd += '| grep locationId' status, out, err = shared.execute_command('Get App Engine region', cmd, stream_output_in_debug=False) if status == 0: # App Engine app had already been deployed in some region. region = out.strip().split()[1] else: # Get the list of available App Engine regions and prompt user. click.echo(' No App Engine app has been deployed yet.') cmd = f"{gcloud} app regions list --format='value(region)'" status, out, err = shared.execute_command( 'Get available App Engine regions', cmd, stream_output_in_debug=False) regions = out.strip().split('\n') for i, region in enumerate(regions): click.echo(f'{i + 1}) {region}') i = -1 while i < 0 or i >= len(regions): i = click.prompt( 'Enter an index of the region to deploy CRMint in', type=int) - 1 region = regions[i] sql_region = region if region[-1].isdigit() else f'{region}1' return region, sql_region
def copy_src_to_workdir(stage, debug=False): copy_src_cmd = "rsync -r --delete \ --exclude=.git \ --exclude=.idea \ --exclude='*.pyc' \ --exclude=frontend/node_modules \ --exclude=backends/data/*.json . {workdir}".format( workdir=stage.workdir) copy_insight_config_cmd = "cp backends/data/insight.json {workdir}/backends/data/insight.json".format( workdir=stage.workdir) copy_service_account_cmd = "cp backends/data/{service_account_filename} {workdir}/backends/data/service-account.json".format( workdir=stage.workdir, service_account_filename=stage.service_account_file) copy_db_conf = "echo \'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=\"{cloud_db_uri}\"\' > {workdir}/backends/instance/".format( workdir=stage.workdir, cloud_db_uri=stage.cloud_db_uri) copy_app_data = """ cat > %(workdir)s/backends/data/app.json <<EOL { "notification_sender_email": "%(notification_sender_email)s", "app_title": "%(app_title)s" } EOL""".strip() % dict( workdir=stage.workdir, app_title=stage.app_title, notification_sender_email=stage.notification_sender_email) # We dont't use prod environment for the frontend to speed up deploy. copy_prod_env = """ cat > %(workdir)s/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts <<EOL export const environment = { production: true, app_title: "%(app_title)s", enabled_stages: %(enabled_stages)s } EOL""".strip() % dict( workdir=stage.workdir, app_title=stage.app_title, enabled_stages="true" if stage.enabled_stages else "false") commands = [ copy_src_cmd, copy_insight_config_cmd, copy_service_account_cmd, copy_db_conf, copy_app_data, copy_prod_env, ] total = len(commands) idx = 1 for cmd in commands: shared.execute_command("Copy source code to working directory (%d/%d)" % (idx, total), cmd, cwd=constants.PROJECT_DIR, debug=debug) idx += 1
def create_pubsub_subscriptions(stage, debug=False): existing_subscriptions = _get_existing_pubsub_entities( stage, 'subscriptions', debug) project_id = stage.project_id_gae service_account = f'{project_id}' for topic_id in SUBSCRIPTIONS: subscription_id = f'{topic_id}-subscription' if subscription_id in existing_subscriptions: click.echo( f' PubSub subscription {subscription_id} already exists') continue subscription = SUBSCRIPTIONS[topic_id] if subscription is None: continue path = subscription['path'] token = stage.pubsub_verification_token push_endpoint = f'https://{project_id}{path}?token={token}' ack_deadline = subscription['ack_deadline_seconds'] minimum_backoff = subscription['minimum_backoff'] min_retry_delay = f'{minimum_backoff}s' cmd = ( f' {GCLOUD} --project={project_id} pubsub subscriptions create' f' {subscription_id} --topic={topic_id} --topic-project={project_id}' f' --ack-deadline={ack_deadline} --min-retry-delay={min_retry_delay}' f' --expiration-period=never --push-endpoint={push_endpoint}' f' --push-auth-service-account={service_account}') shared.execute_command( f'Creating PubSub subscription {subscription_id}', cmd, debug=debug)
def deploy_backends(stage, debug=False): gcloud_command = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet" commands = [ ". env/bin/activate && {gcloud_bin} --project={project_id} app deploy gae_ibackend.yaml --version=v1".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae), ". env/bin/activate && {gcloud_bin} --project={project_id} app deploy gae_jbackend.yaml --version=v1".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae), ". env/bin/activate && {gcloud_bin} --project={project_id} app deploy cron.yaml".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae), ". env/bin/activate && {gcloud_bin} --project={project_id} app deploy \"{workdir}/frontend/dispatch.yaml\"".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae, workdir=stage.workdir), ] cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'backends') total = len(commands) idx = 1 for cmd in commands: shared.execute_command("Deploy backend services (%d/%d)" % (idx, total), cmd, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug) idx += 1
def _run_flask_command(stage, step_name, flask_command_name="--help", debug=False): cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'backends') command = ". env/bin/activate && python -m flask {command_name}".format( command_name=flask_command_name) shared.execute_command(step_name, command, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug)
def deploy_dispatch_rules(stage, debug=False): project_id = stage.project_id_gae cmd = f' {GCLOUD} --project={project_id} app deploy dispatch.yaml' cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'frontend') shared.execute_command('Deploy dispatch rules', cmd, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug)
def create_appengine(stage, debug=False): if _check_if_appengine_instance_exists(stage, debug=debug): click.echo(' App Engine app already exists.') return project_id = stage.project_id_gae region = stage.project_region cmd = f'{GCLOUD} app create --project={project_id} --region={region}' shared.execute_command('Create App Engine instance', cmd, debug=debug)
def now(stage_name, debug): """Generate Vertex AI pipelines.""" msg = " _ _ ___________ _____ _______ __ ___ _____ _ _ _____ _ _\n", fg='bright_blue') msg += "| | | | ___| ___ \_ _| ___\ \ / / / _ \|_ _| | \ | | _ || | | |\n", fg='bright_blue') msg += "| | | | |__ | |_/ / | | | |__ \ V / / /_\ \ | | | \| | | | || | | |\n", fg='bright_red') msg += "| | | | __|| / | | | __| / \ | _ | | | | . ` | | | || |/\| |\n", fg='bright_red') msg += "\ \_/ / |___| |\ \ | | | |___/ /^\ \ | | | |_| |_ | |\ \ \_/ /\ /\ /\n", fg='bright_yellow') msg += " \___/\____/\_| \_| \_/ \____/\/ \/ \_| |_/\___/ \_| \_/\___/ \/ \/\n", fg='bright_green') click.echo(msg) stage_name, stage = cloud.fetch_stage_or_default(stage_name, debug=debug, silent_step_name=True) stage = shared.before_hook(stage, stage_name) platforms = ['GA4', 'Universal Analytics'] click.echo( 'Vertex AI Now is available for both GA4 & Universal Analytics\n' 'Google Analytics property types.\n' '--------------------------------------------') for i, p in enumerate(platforms): click.echo(f'{i + 1}) {p}') ind = click.prompt( 'Enter the index for the Google Analytics property type', type=int) - 1 platform = platforms[ind] if platform == 'GA4': training_file, prediction_file = pipelines._get_ga4_config(stage, ml='vertex') if platform == 'Universal Analytics': training_file, prediction_file = pipelines._get_ua_config(stage, ml='vertex') local_db_uri = stage.local_db_uri env_vars = f'DATABASE_URI="{local_db_uri}"' cloud.install_required_packages(stage) cloud.display_workdir(stage) cloud.copy_src_to_workdir(stage) cloud.download_cloud_sql_proxy(stage) cloud.start_cloud_sql_proxy(stage) cloud.install_python_packages(stage) cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'backend') cmd = (' . .venv_controller/bin/activate &&' f' {env_vars} python -m flask import-pipelines {training_file} &&' f' {env_vars} python -m flask import-pipelines {prediction_file}') shared.execute_command('Importing training & prediction pipelines', cmd, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug) cloud.stop_cloud_sql_proxy(stage)
def download_config_files(stage, debug=False): stage_file_path = shared.get_stage_file(stage.stage_name) service_account_file_path = shared.get_service_account_file(stage) command = "cloudshell download-files \ \"{stage_file}\" \ \"{service_account_file}\"".format( stage_file=stage_file_path, service_account_file=service_account_file_path) shared.execute_command("Download configuration files", command, debug=debug)
def grant_app_engine_default_service_account_permissions(stage, debug=False): project_id = stage.project_id_gae cmd = ( f'{GCLOUD} projects add-iam-policy-binding {project_id}' f' --member="serviceAccount:{project_id}"' f' --role="roles/editor"') shared.execute_command( "Grant App Engine default service account permissions", cmd, debug=debug)
def create_cloudsql_database_if_needed(stage, debug=False): if _check_if_cloudsql_database_exists(stage, debug=debug): click.echo(' CloudSQL database already exists.') return project_id = stage.project_id_gae db_instance_name = stage.db_instance_name db_name = stage.db_name cmd = (f' {GCLOUD} sql databases create {db_name}' f' --instance={db_instance_name} --project={project_id}') shared.execute_command('Creating CloudSQL database', cmd, debug=debug)
def run_reset_pipelines(stage, debug=False): local_db_uri = stage.local_db_uri env_vars = f'DATABASE_URI="{local_db_uri}"' cmd = (' . .venv_controller/bin/activate &&' f' {env_vars} python -m flask reset-pipelines') cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'backend') shared.execute_command('Reset statuses of jobs and pipelines', cmd, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug)
def create_appengine(stage, debug=False): if _check_if_appengine_instance_exists(stage, debug=debug): click.echo(" App Engine already exists.") return gcloud_command = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet" command = "{gcloud_bin} app create --project={project_id} --region={region}".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae, region=stage.project_region) shared.execute_command("Create the App Engine instance", command, debug=debug)
def run_db_migrations(stage, debug=False): local_db_uri = stage.local_db_uri env_vars = f'DATABASE_URI="{local_db_uri}"' cmd = (' . .venv_controller/bin/activate &&' f' {env_vars} python -m flask db upgrade &&' f' {env_vars} python -m flask db-seeds') cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'backend') shared.execute_command('Applying database migrations', cmd, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug)
def deploy_dispatch_rules(stage, debug=False): gcloud_command = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet" # NB: Limit the node process memory usage to avoid overloading # the Cloud Shell VM memory which makes it unresponsive. command = "{gcloud_bin} --project={project_id} app deploy dispatch.yaml".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae) cmd_workdir = os.path.join(stage.workdir, 'frontend') shared.execute_command("Deploy the dispatch.yaml rules", command, cwd=cmd_workdir, debug=debug)
def install_required_packages(_, debug=False): cmds = [ 'mkdir -p ~/.cloudshell', '> ~/.cloudshell/no-apt-get-warning', 'sudo apt-get install -y rsync libmysqlclient-dev python3-venv', ] total = len(cmds) for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds): shared.execute_command(f'Install required packages ({i + 1}/{total})', cmd, debug=debug)
def create_scheduler_job(stage, debug=False): if _check_if_scheduler_job_exists(stage, debug=debug): click.echo(' Cloud Scheduler job already exists.') return project_id = stage.project_id_gae cmd = (f' {GCLOUD} scheduler jobs create pubsub crmint-cron' f" --project={project_id} --schedule='* * * * *'" f' --topic=crmint-start-pipeline' f' --message-body=\'{{"pipeline_ids": "scheduled"}}\'' f' --attributes="start_time=0" --description="CRMint\'s cron job"') shared.execute_command('Create Cloud Scheduler job', cmd, debug=debug)
def grant_pubsub_permissions(stage, debug=False): project_id = stage.project_id_gae project_number = _get_project_number(stage, debug) pubsub_sa = f'service-{project_number}' cmd = (f' {GCLOUD} projects add-iam-policy-binding {project_id}' f' --member="serviceAccount:{pubsub_sa}"' f' --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"') shared.execute_command( "Granting Cloud Pub/Sub the permission to create tokens", cmd, debug=debug)
def create_pubsub_topics(stage, debug=False): existing_topics = _get_existing_pubsub_entities(stage, 'topics', debug) crmint_topics = SUBSCRIPTIONS.keys() topics_to_create = [t for t in crmint_topics if t not in existing_topics] if not topics_to_create: click.echo(" CRMint's PubSub topics already exist") return project_id = stage.project_id_gae topics = ' '.join(topics_to_create) cmd = f'{GCLOUD} --project={project_id} pubsub topics create {topics}' shared.execute_command("Creating CRMint's PubSub topics", cmd, debug=debug)
def install_required_packages(stage, debug=False): commands = [ "mkdir -p ~/.cloudshell", "> ~/.cloudshell/no-apt-get-warning", "sudo apt-get install -y rsync libmysqlclient-dev", ] total = len(commands) idx = 1 for cmd in commands: shared.execute_command("Install required packages (%d/%d)" % (idx, total), cmd, debug=debug) idx += 1
def create_cloudsql_instance_if_needed(stage, debug=False): if _check_if_cloudsql_instance_exists(stage, debug=debug): click.echo(' CloudSQL instance already exists.') return db_instance_name = stage.db_instance_name project_id = stage.project_id_gae project_sql_region = stage.project_sql_region project_sql_tier = stage.project_sql_tier cmd = (f' {GCLOUD} sql instances create {db_instance_name}' f' --tier={project_sql_tier} --region={project_sql_region}' f' --project={project_id} --database-version MYSQL_5_7' f' --storage-auto-increase') shared.execute_command("Creating a CloudSQL instance", cmd, debug=debug)
def create_mysql_database_if_needed(stage, debug=False): if _check_if_mysql_database_exists(stage, debug=debug): click.echo(" MySQL database already exists.") return gcloud_command = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet" command = "{gcloud_bin} sql databases create {db_name} \ --instance={db_instance_name} \ --project={project_id}".format(gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae, db_instance_name=stage.db_instance_name, db_name=stage.db_name) shared.execute_command("Creating MySQL database", command, debug=debug)
def grant_cloud_build_permissions(stage, debug=False): project_id = stage.project_id_gae cmd = (f'{GCLOUD} projects list ' f' --filter="{project_id}" ' f' --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)"') _, out, _ = shared.execute_command("Getting the project number", cmd, debug=debug) project_number = out.strip() cmd = ( f'{GCLOUD} projects add-iam-policy-binding {project_id}' f' --member="serviceAccount:{project_number}"' f' --role="roles/storage.objectViewer"') shared.execute_command("Grant Cloud Build permissions", cmd, debug=debug)
def copy_src_to_workdir(stage, debug=False): workdir = stage.workdir app_title = stage.app_title notification_sender_email = stage.notification_sender_email enabled_stages = 'true' if stage.enabled_stages else 'false' copy_src_cmd = (f' rsync -r --delete' f' --exclude=.git' f' --exclude=.idea' f" --exclude='*.pyc'" f' --exclude=frontend/node_modules' f' --exclude=backend/data/*.json' f' --exclude=tests' f' . {workdir}') copy_insight_config_cmd = ( f' cp backend/data/insight.json {workdir}/backend/data/insight.json') # copy_db_conf = "echo \'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=\"{cloud_db_uri}\"\' > {workdir}/backends/instance/".format( # workdir=stage.workdir, # cloud_db_uri=stage.cloud_db_uri) copy_app_data = '\n'.join([ f'cat > {workdir}/backend/data/app.json <<EOL', '{', f' "notification_sender_email": "{notification_sender_email}",', f' "app_title": "{app_title}"', '}', 'EOL', ]) # We dont't use prod environment for the frontend to speed up deploy. copy_prod_env = '\n'.join([ f'cat > {workdir}/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts <<EOL', 'export const environment = {', ' production: true,', f' app_title: "{app_title}",', f' enabled_stages: {enabled_stages}', '}', 'EOL', ]) cmds = [ copy_src_cmd, copy_insight_config_cmd, copy_app_data, copy_prod_env, ] total = len(cmds) for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds): shared.execute_command( f'Copy source code to working directory ({i + 1}/{total})', cmd, cwd=constants.PROJECT_DIR, debug=debug)
def create_service_account_key_if_needed(stage, debug=False): if shared.check_service_account_file(stage): click.echo(" Service account key already exists.") return service_account_file = shared.get_service_account_file(stage) gcloud_command = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/bin/gcloud --quiet" command = "{gcloud_bin} iam service-accounts keys create \"{service_account_file}\" \ --iam-account=\"{project_id}\" \ --key-file-type='json' \ --project={project_id}".format( gcloud_bin=gcloud_command, project_id=stage.project_id_gae, service_account_file=service_account_file) shared.execute_command("Create the service account key", command, debug=debug)