def export_to_fits(cli): # # Read in the model: # file = filename(cli, "plot") file += ".rtout" model = ModelOutput(file) # # Write fits file: # if(cli.mode == "images"): los = [0 for i in range(3)] los[0] = 'x' los[1] = 'y' los[2] = 'z' for k in range(0, 3): image = model.get_image(distance=1*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='total', group=k) Nwavelength=image.val.shape[2] for i in range(0, Nwavelength): file = filename(cli, "fits") file += "_wavelength=" + str(image.wav[i]) + "micron_los=" + los[k] + ".fits" fits.writeto(file, image.val[:, :, i], clobber=True) if(cli.verbose): print(" The fits file was written to", file) else: print("ERROR: The specified mode", mode, "is not available. Use 'images' only.")
def plot_results(cli): file = filename(cli, "plot") file += ".rtout" # # Read in the model: # model = ModelOutput(file) if(cli.mode == "images"): # # Extract the quantities # g = model.get_quantities() # # Get the wall positions: # ww = g.w_wall / pc zw = g.z_wall / pc pw = g.p_wall grid_Nw = len(ww) - 1 grid_Nz = len(zw) - 1 grid_Np = len(pw) - 1 # # Graphics: # fig = plt.figure() los = [0 for i in range(3)] los[0] = 'x' los[1] = 'y' los[2] = 'z' #Imaxp = [0 for i in range(4)] ##Imaxp[0] = 1e-4 #Imaxp[1] = 1e-5 #Imaxp[2] = 1e-7 #Imaxp[3] = 1e-8 for k in range(0, 3): if(cli.verbose): print("Group: ", k) image = model.get_image(distance=1*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='total', group=k) source_emit = model.get_image(distance=1*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='source_emit', group=k) dust_emit = model.get_image(distance=1*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='dust_emit' , group=k) source_scat = model.get_image(distance=1*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='source_scat', group=k) dust_scat = model.get_image(distance=1*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='dust_scat' , group=k) if(cli.verbose): print(" Data cube: ", image.val.shape) print(" Wavelengths =", image.wav) print(" Uncertainties =", image.unc) image_Nx=image.val.shape[0] image_Ny=image.val.shape[1] Nwavelength=image.val.shape[2] if(cli.verbose): print(" Image Nx =", image_Nx) print(" Image Ny =", image_Ny) print(" Nwavelength =", Nwavelength) for i in range(0, Nwavelength): if(cli.verbose): print(" Image #", i,":") print(" Wavelength =", image.wav[i]) Imin = np.min(image.val[:, :, i]) Imax = np.max(image.val[:, :, i]) # TODO: compute the mean value as well and use this for specifying the maximum value/color?! if(cli.verbose): print(" Intensity min =", Imin) print(" Intensity max =", Imax) #Imax=Imaxp[i] #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if(image.wav[i] < 10.0): ax.imshow(source_scat.val[:, :, i] + dust_scat.val[:, :, i], vmin=Imin, vmax=Imax/10,, origin='lower') else: ax.imshow(image.val[:, :, i], vmin=Imin, vmax=Imax/10,, origin='lower') ax.set_xticks([0,100,200,300], minor=False) ax.set_yticks([0,100,200,300], minor=False) ax.set_xlabel('x (pixel)') ax.set_ylabel('y (pixel)') ax.set_title(str(image.wav[i]) + ' microns' + '\n' + los[k] + '-direction', y=0.88, x=0.5, color='white') #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) #ax.imshow([np.logspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),100),np.logspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),100)], vmin=Imin, vmax=Imax/10, #ax.set_xticks(np.logspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),1), minor=False) ##ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),10), minor=False) #ax.set_yticks([], minor=False) #ax.set_xlabel('flux (MJy/sr)') file = filename(cli, "plot") file += "_wavelength=" + str(image.wav[i]) + "micron_los=" + los[k] + ".png" fig.savefig(file, bbox_inches='tight') if(cli.verbose): print(" The image graphics was written to", file) plt.clf() elif(cli.mode == "sed"): # # Graphics: # fig = plt.figure() z_center = [0 for i in range(3)] z_center[0] = '2.5' z_center[1] = '5.0' z_center[2] = '7.5' for k in range(0, 3): if(cli.verbose): print("Group: ", k) sed = model.get_sed(distance=1*pc, inclination=0, aperture=-1, group=k) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.loglog(sed.wav, sed.val) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ [$\mu$m]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\lambda F_\lambda$ [ergs/s/cm$^2$]') ax.set_xlim(0.01, 2000.0) #ax.set_ylim(2.e-16, 2.e-9) file = filename(cli, "plot") file += "_z=" + z_center[k] + ".png" fig.savefig(file) if(cli.verbose): print(" The sed graphics was written to", file) plt.clf() else: print("ERROR: The specified mode", mode, "is not available. Use 'images' or 'sed' only.")
# Resolution in pc: cli.resolution = 100.0 # Photons per grid cell: cli.photons_temperature = 1 cli.photons_raytracing = 1 cli.photons_imaging = 1 for in [1, 2]: for cli.opticaldepth in [0.256434, 1.28217, 6.41084]: for cli.mode in ["temperature", "images", "seds"]: # Setup step: setup_model(cli); # Compute step: file = filename(cli, cli.mode) model =".rtin") model.write("temp.rtin")".rtout", logfile=file+".hyout", overwrite=True) # Plotting step: #TODO: if(cli.mode == "temperature"): visualize_setup + visualize_results => plot_setup if(cli.mode != "temperature"): plot_results(cli); # Export to fits format: if(cli.mode == "images"): export_to_fits(cli);
def setup_model(cli): lsun_TRUST = 3.839e33 # # Hyperion setup: # model = Model() if(cli.mode == "temperature"): # # Dust properties: # dust_properties = SphericalDust('dust_integrated_full_scattering.hdf5') # # Write dust properties: # dust_properties.write('dust_properties.hdf5') dust_properties.plot('dust_properties.png') # # Specify galaxy setup: # hR = 4000.0*pc # [cm] Rmax = 5.0*hR # [cm] hz_oldstars = 350.0*pc # [cm] hz_youngstars = 200.0*pc # [cm] hz_dust = 200.0*pc # [cm] zmax_oldstars = 5.0*hz_oldstars # [cm] zmax_youngstars = 5.0*hz_youngstars # [cm] zmax_dust = 5.0*hz_dust # [cm] zmax = zmax_oldstars # [cm] reff = 1600.0*pc # [cm] n = 3.0 q = 0.6 bn = 2.0*n - 1.0/3.0 + 4.0/405.0/n + 46.0/25515.0/n/n + 131.0/1148175.0/n/n/n temperature_oldstars = 3500.0 # [K] temperature_youngstars = 10000.0 # [K] temperature_bulge = 3500.0 # [K] luminosity_oldstars = 4.0e+10*lsun_TRUST # [ergs/s] luminosity_youngstars = 1.0e+10*lsun_TRUST # [ergs/s] luminosity_bulge = 3.0e+10*lsun_TRUST # [ergs/s] w_oldstars = 0.25 w_youngstars = 0.75 w_dust = 0.75 phi0_oldstars = 0.0 phi0_youngstars = 20.0 * pi/180.0 phi0_dust = 20.0 * pi/180.0 modes = 2 pitchangle = 20.0 * pi/180.0 # # Grid setup: # grid_wmin = 0.0 grid_wmax = Rmax grid_zmin = -zmax grid_zmax = +zmax grid_pmin = 0.0 grid_pmax = 2.0*pi grid_dx = cli.resolution*pc grid_dw = grid_dx # uniform resolution grid_dz = grid_dx # uniform resolution grid_dp = grid_dx # resolution at characteristic radial disk spatial scale hR = 4000.0 pc grid_Nw = int((grid_wmax - grid_wmin) / grid_dw) + 1 grid_Nz = int((grid_zmax - grid_zmin) / grid_dz) + 1 if( == 1): grid_Np = 1 if( == 2): grid_Np = int((grid_pmax - grid_pmin) * hR / grid_dp) if(cli.verbose): print("Grid setup:") print(" Grid resolution =",cli.resolution, "pc.") print(" grid_Nw =",grid_Nw) print(" grid_Nz =",grid_Nz) print(" grid_Np =",grid_Np) #grid_w = np.logspace(np.log10(grid_wmin), np.log10(grid_wmax), grid_Nw) #grid_w = np.hstack([0., grid_w]) # add innermost cell interface at w=0 grid_w = np.linspace(grid_wmin, grid_wmax, grid_Nw+1) grid_z = np.linspace(grid_zmin, grid_zmax, grid_Nz+1) grid_p = np.linspace(grid_pmin, grid_pmax, grid_Np+1) model.set_cylindrical_polar_grid(grid_w, grid_z, grid_p) # # Dust density and sources setup: # rho_oldstars = np.zeros(model.grid.shape) rho_youngstars = np.zeros(model.grid.shape) rho_bulge = np.zeros(model.grid.shape) rho_dust = np.zeros(model.grid.shape) for k in range(0, grid_Np): for j in range(0, grid_Nz): for i in range(0, grid_Nw): R =[k,j,i] z = model.grid.gz[k,j,i] m = math.sqrt(R*R + z*z/q/q) rho_dust[k,j,i] = math.exp(- R/hR -abs(z)/hz_dust ) rho_oldstars[k,j,i] = math.exp(- R/hR -abs(z)/hz_oldstars ) rho_youngstars[k,j,i] = math.exp(- R/hR -abs(z)/hz_youngstars) rho_bulge[k,j,i] = math.pow(m/reff, 0.5/n - 1.0) * math.exp(- bn * math.pow(m/reff, 1.0/n)) if( == 2): phi =[k,j,i] perturb = math.sin(modes * (math.log(R/hR) / math.tan(pitchangle) - (phi - phi0_dust))) rho_dust[k,j,i] *= (1.0 + w_dust * perturb) perturb = math.sin(modes * (math.log(R/hR) / math.tan(pitchangle) - (phi - phi0_oldstars))) rho_oldstars[k,j,i] *= (1.0 + w_oldstars * perturb) perturb = math.sin(modes * (math.log(R/hR) / math.tan(pitchangle) - (phi - phi0_youngstars))) rho_youngstars[k,j,i] *= (1.0 + w_youngstars * perturb) rho_dust[ > grid_wmax] = 0 rho_dust[model.grid.gz < grid_zmin] = 0 rho_dust[model.grid.gz > grid_zmax] = 0 kappa_ref = dust_properties.optical_properties.interp_chi_wav(0.55693) rho0 = cli.opticaldepth / (2.0 * hz_dust * kappa_ref) rho_dust[:] *= rho0 model.add_density_grid(rho_dust, 'dust_properties.hdf5') source_oldstars = model.add_map_source() source_oldstars.luminosity = luminosity_oldstars source_oldstars.temperature = temperature_oldstars = rho_oldstars source_youngstars = model.add_map_source() source_youngstars.luminosity = luminosity_youngstars source_youngstars.temperature = temperature_youngstars = rho_youngstars source_bulge = model.add_map_source() source_bulge.luminosity = luminosity_bulge source_bulge.temperature = temperature_bulge = rho_bulge # # Check face-on optical depth at 1.0 micron (per gram dust) through the dust disk: # tau = 0 k = 0 i = 0 for j in range(0, grid_Nz): #print(model.grid.gz[k,j,i]/pc, rho_dust[k,j,i]) dz = model.grid.widths[1,k,j,i] dtau = dz * rho_dust[k,j,i] * kappa_ref tau += dtau deviation = 100.0 * abs(cli.opticaldepth - tau) / cli.opticaldepth if(cli.verbose): print("Check optical depth of dust density setup:") print(" kappa(0.55693 micron) = ", kappa_ref, "cm^2 g^-1") print(" Numerical integration of the face-on optical depth at 0.55693 micron through the central dust disk yields tau = ", tau) print(" This corresponds to a deviation to the chosen setup value of", deviation, "percent") # # Check central dust density: # rho_max = np.max(rho_dust) if(cli.opticaldepth < 1.0): rho_setup = 1.04366e-4 * msun/pc/pc/pc if(cli.opticaldepth < 3.0): rho_setup = 5.21829e-4 * msun/pc/pc/pc else: rho_setup = 2.60915e-3 * msun/pc/pc/pc deviation = 100.0 * abs(rho_setup - rho_max) / rho_setup if(cli.verbose): print("Check value of central dust density:") print(" rho_max = ", rho_max, "g cm^-3") print(" This corresponds to a deviation to the chosen setup value of", deviation, "percent") # # To compute total photon numbers: # grid_N = grid_Nw * grid_Nz * grid_Np if(cli.verbose): print("Radiation setup:") print(" photons_temperature / cell =", cli.photons_temperature) print(" photons_temperature total =", grid_N * cli.photons_temperature) file = filename(cli, "temperature") file += ".rtin" else: file = filename(cli, "temperature") file += ".rtout" try: with open(file): if(cli.verbose): print("Using the specific energy distribution from file", file) model.use_geometry(file) model.use_quantities(file, only_initial=False, copy=False) model.use_sources(file) except IOError: print("ERROR: File '", file, "' cannot be found. \nERROR: This file, containing the specific energy density, has to be computed first via calling hyperion.") exit(2) # # To compute total photon numbers: # grid_Nw = len([0,0,:]) grid_Nz = len([0,:,0]) grid_Np = len([:,0,0]) grid_N = grid_Nw * grid_Nz * grid_Np if(cli.verbose): print("Grid setup:") print(" grid_Nw =",grid_Nw) print(" grid_Nz =",grid_Nz) print(" grid_Np =",grid_Np) print("Radiation setup:") print(" photons_temperature / cell =", cli.photons_temperature) print(" photons_temperature total =", grid_N * cli.photons_temperature) print(" photons_raytracing / cell =", cli.photons_raytracing) print(" photons_raytracing total =", grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing) print(" photons_imaging / cell =", cli.photons_imaging) print(" photons_imaging total =", grid_N * cli.photons_imaging) file = filename(cli, "") file += ".rtin" ## ## Temperature, Images, and SEDs: ## if(cli.mode == "temperature"): model.set_raytracing(True) model.set_n_photons( initial = grid_N * cli.photons_temperature, raytracing_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, raytracing_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, imaging = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging ) elif(cli.mode == "images"): model.set_n_initial_iterations(0) model.set_raytracing(True) # old setup: model.set_monochromatic(True, wavelengths=[0.4, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 500.0]) model.set_monochromatic(True, wavelengths=[0.45483, 1.2520, 26.114, 242.29]) model.set_n_photons( raytracing_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, raytracing_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, imaging_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging, imaging_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging ) # group = 0 image1 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True) image1.set_image_size(501, 501) image1.set_image_limits(-12500.0*pc, +12500.0*pc, -12500.0*pc, +12500.0*pc) image1.set_viewing_angles([30],[0]) image1.set_uncertainties(True) image1.set_output_bytes(8) image1.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 1 image2 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True) image2.set_image_size(501, 501) image2.set_image_limits(-12500.0*pc, +12500.0*pc, -12500.0*pc, +12500.0*pc) image2.set_viewing_angles([80],[90]) image2.set_uncertainties(True) image2.set_output_bytes(8) image2.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 2 image3 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True) image3.set_image_size(501, 501) image3.set_image_limits(-12500.0*pc, +12500.0*pc, -12500.0*pc, +12500.0*pc) image3.set_viewing_angles([88],[0]) # mostly edge-on image3.set_uncertainties(True) image3.set_output_bytes(8) image3.set_track_origin('basic') elif(cli.mode == "seds"): model.set_n_initial_iterations(0) model.set_raytracing(True) model.set_n_photons( raytracing_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, raytracing_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, imaging = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging ) # group = 0 sed1 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False) sed1.set_wavelength_range(47, 0.081333, 1106.56) sed1.set_viewing_angles([30],[0]) sed1.set_peeloff_origin((0, 0, 0)) sed1.set_aperture_range(1, 25000.0*pc, 25000.0*pc) sed1.set_uncertainties(True) sed1.set_output_bytes(8) sed1.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 1 sed2 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False) sed2.set_wavelength_range(47, 0.081333, 1106.56) sed2.set_viewing_angles([80],[0]) sed2.set_peeloff_origin((0, 0, 0)) sed2.set_aperture_range(1, 25000.0*pc, 25000.0*pc) sed2.set_uncertainties(True) sed2.set_output_bytes(8) sed2.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 2 sed3 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False) sed3.set_wavelength_range(47, 0.081333, 1106.56) sed3.set_viewing_angles([88],[0]) sed3.set_peeloff_origin((0, 0, 0)) sed3.set_aperture_range(1, 25000.0*pc, 25000.0*pc) sed3.set_uncertainties(True) sed3.set_output_bytes(8) sed3.set_track_origin('basic') ## ## Write model for hyperion runs: ## model.conf.output.output_density = 'last' model.conf.output.output_specific_energy = 'last' model.conf.output.output_n_photons = 'last' model.write(file) if(cli.verbose): print("The input file for hyperion was written to", file)
def setup_model(cli): # # Hyperion setup: # model = Model() if(cli.mode == "temperature"): # # Dust properties: # dust_properties = SphericalDust('dust_integrated_full_scattering.hdf5') # # Write dust properties: # dust_properties.write('dust_properties.hdf5') dust_properties.plot('dust_properties.png') # # Grid setup: # grid_wmin = 0 grid_wmax = 5.0*pc # 4.0*pc grid_zmin = 0.0*pc grid_zmax = 10.0*pc grid_pmin = 0 grid_pmax = 2*pi grid_dx = cli.resolution*pc grid_dw = grid_dx # uniform resolution grid_dz = grid_dx # uniform resolution grid_dp = grid_dx # resolution at filament location at r = 1 pc grid_Nw = int((grid_wmax - grid_wmin) / grid_dw) grid_Nz = int((grid_zmax - grid_zmin) / grid_dz) grid_Np = int(2*pi * 1.0*pc / grid_dp) if(cli.verbose): print("Grid setup:") print(" Grid resolution =",cli.resolution, "pc.") print(" grid_Nw =",grid_Nw) print(" grid_Nz =",grid_Nz) print(" grid_Np =",grid_Np) #grid_w = np.logspace(np.log10(grid_wmin), np.log10(grid_wmax), grid_Nw) #grid_w = np.hstack([0., grid_w]) # add innermost cell interface at w=0 grid_w = np.linspace(grid_wmin, grid_wmax, grid_Nw+1) grid_z = np.linspace(grid_zmin, grid_zmax, grid_Nz+1) grid_p = np.linspace(grid_pmin, grid_pmax, grid_Np+1) model.set_cylindrical_polar_grid(grid_w, grid_z, grid_p) # # Dust density setup: # RC = 0.1*pc nC = 6.6580e+03 # in cm^-3 nC *= cli.opticaldepth # the optical depth at 1 micron nC *= m_h # in g cm^-3 nC /= 100.0 # converts from gas to dust density rho = np.zeros(model.grid.shape) # # n(r) = nC / [ 1.0 + (r/RC)**2.0 ] # x = -sin(2.0×pi×t) pc, y = +cos(2.0×pi×t) pc, z = 10.0×t pc, t = [0.0, 1.0] # => t = m.grid.gz / (10*pc) # => phi(t) = mod(360*t+270, 360) # for k in range(0, grid_Np): for j in range(0, grid_Nz): for i in range(0, grid_Nw): t = model.grid.gz[k,j,i] / (10*pc) if(cli.filament == "linear"): filament_center_x = 0 filament_center_y = 0 elif(cli.filament == "spiraling"): filament_center_x = - math.sin(2*pi*t)*pc filament_center_y = + math.cos(2*pi*t)*pc spherical_grid_r =[k,j,i] spherical_grid_phi =[k,j,i] cartesian_grid_x = spherical_grid_r * math.cos(spherical_grid_phi) cartesian_grid_y = spherical_grid_r * math.sin(spherical_grid_phi) rsquared = ( (cartesian_grid_x - filament_center_x)**2 + (cartesian_grid_y - filament_center_y)**2 ) rho[k,j,i] = nC / (1.0 + (rsquared / (RC*RC))) if rsquared**0.5 > 3*pc: rho[k,j,i] = 0 rho[ > grid_wmax] = 0 rho[model.grid.gz < grid_zmin] = 0 rho[model.grid.gz > grid_zmax] = 0 model.add_density_grid(rho, 'dust_properties.hdf5') # # Check optical depth through the filament: # # (y,z = 0, 2.5 pc goes through the filament center in all setups) # # Determine index of closest grid cell to z = 2.5 pc: # dz_last = 2*abs(grid_zmax-grid_zmin) for j in range(0, grid_Nz): dz = abs(model.grid.gz[0,j,0] - 2.5*pc) if(dz > dz_last): j=j-1 break else: dz_last = dz # # Opacity at 1.0 micron (per gram dust): # chi = dust_properties.optical_properties.interp_chi_wav(1.0) tau_max = 0 for k in range(0, grid_Np): tau = 0 for i in range(0, grid_Nw): dr = model.grid.widths[0,k,j,i] dtau = dr * rho[k,j,i] * chi tau += dtau tau_max = max(tau_max, tau) if(cli.filament == "linear"): tau_max *= 2 dev = 100 * abs(cli.opticaldepth - tau_max) / cli.opticaldepth if(cli.verbose): print("Check:") print(" Numerical integration of the optical depth through the filament center yields tau = ", tau_max) print(" This corresponds to a deviation to the chosen setup value of", dev, "percent") # # Source: # if(cli.sources == "external"): nu, jnu = np.loadtxt('bg_intensity_modified.txt', unpack=True) source_R = 5*pc source = model.add_external_spherical_source() source.peeloff = False source.position = (0, 0, 5.0*pc) # in a Cartesian frame source.radius = source_R source.spectrum = (nu, jnu) #source_MeanIntensity_J = <integrate bg_intensity.txt> #source_Area = 4.0 * pi * source_R*source_R source.luminosity = 8237.0*lsun #source_Area * pi * source_MeanIntensity_J elif(cli.sources == "stellar"): source = model.add_point_source() source.luminosity = 3.839e35 # in ergs s^-1 source.temperature = 10000.0 # in K if(cli.filament == "linear"): source.position = (3.0*pc, 0, 5.0*pc) elif(cli.filament == "spiraling"): source.position = (0 , 0, 3.0*pc) # # To compute total photon numbers: # grid_N = grid_Nw * grid_Nz * grid_Np if(cli.verbose): print("Radiation setup:") print(" photons_temperature / cell =", cli.photons_temperature) print(" photons_temperature total =", grid_N * cli.photons_temperature) file = filename(cli, "temperature") file += ".rtin" else: file = filename(cli, "temperature") file += ".rtout" try: with open(file): if(cli.verbose): print("Using the specific energy distribution from file", file) model.use_geometry(file) model.use_quantities(file, only_initial=False, copy=False) model.use_sources(file) except IOError: print("ERROR: File '", file, "' cannot be found. \nERROR: This file, containing the specific energy density, has to be computed first via calling hyperion.") exit(2) # # To compute total photon numbers: # grid_Nw = len([0,0,:]) grid_Nz = len([0,:,0]) grid_Np = len([:,0,0]) grid_N = grid_Nw * grid_Nz * grid_Np if(cli.verbose): print("Grid setup:") print(" grid_Nw =",grid_Nw) print(" grid_Nz =",grid_Nz) print(" grid_Np =",grid_Np) print("Radiation setup:") print(" photons_temperature / cell =", cli.photons_temperature) print(" photons_temperature total =", grid_N * cli.photons_temperature) print(" photons_raytracing / cell =", cli.photons_raytracing) print(" photons_raytracing total =", grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing) print(" photons_imaging / cell =", cli.photons_imaging) print(" photons_imaging total =", grid_N * cli.photons_imaging) file = filename(cli, "") file += ".rtin" ## ## Temperature, Images, and SEDs: ## if(cli.mode == "temperature"): model.set_raytracing(True) model.set_n_photons( initial = grid_N * cli.photons_temperature, raytracing_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, raytracing_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, imaging = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging ) elif(cli.mode == "images"): model.set_n_initial_iterations(0) model.set_raytracing(True) model.set_monochromatic(True, wavelengths=[100.0, 500.0, 0.55, 2.2]) model.set_n_photons( raytracing_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, raytracing_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, imaging_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging, imaging_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging ) # group = 0 image1x = model.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True) image1x.set_image_size(300, 300) image1x.set_image_limits(-5*pc, +5*pc, 0, 10*pc) image1x.set_viewing_angles([90],[0]) # along the x-direction image1x.set_uncertainties(True) image1x.set_output_bytes(8) image1x.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 1 image1y = model.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True) image1y.set_image_size(300, 300) image1y.set_image_limits(-5*pc, +5*pc, 0, 10*pc) image1y.set_viewing_angles([90],[90]) # along the y-direction image1y.set_uncertainties(True) image1y.set_output_bytes(8) image1y.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 2 image1z = model.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True) image1z.set_image_size(300, 300) image1z.set_image_limits(-5*pc, +5*pc, -5*pc, +5*pc) image1z.set_viewing_angles([0],[0]) # along the z-direction image1z.set_uncertainties(True) image1z.set_output_bytes(8) image1z.set_track_origin('basic') elif(cli.mode == "sed"): model.set_n_initial_iterations(0) model.set_raytracing(True) model.set_n_photons( raytracing_sources = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, raytracing_dust = grid_N * cli.photons_raytracing, imaging = grid_N * cli.photons_imaging ) # group = 0 sed1 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False) sed1.set_wavelength_range(250, 0.01, 2000.0) sed1.set_viewing_angles([90],[0]) # along the x-direction sed1.set_peeloff_origin((0, 0, 2.5*pc)) sed1.set_aperture_range(1, 0.3*pc, 0.3*pc) sed1.set_uncertainties(True) sed1.set_output_bytes(8) sed1.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 1 sed2 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False) sed2.set_wavelength_range(250, 0.01, 2000.0) sed2.set_viewing_angles([90],[0]) # along the x-direction sed2.set_peeloff_origin((0, 0, 5.0*pc)) sed2.set_aperture_range(1, 0.3*pc, 0.3*pc) sed2.set_uncertainties(True) sed2.set_output_bytes(8) sed2.set_track_origin('basic') # group = 2 sed3 = model.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False) sed3.set_wavelength_range(250, 0.01, 2000.0) sed3.set_viewing_angles([90],[0]) # along the x-direction sed3.set_peeloff_origin((0, 0, 7.5*pc)) sed3.set_aperture_range(1, 0.3*pc, 0.3*pc) sed3.set_uncertainties(True) sed3.set_output_bytes(8) sed3.set_track_origin('basic') ## ## Write model for hyperion runs: ## model.conf.output.output_density = 'last' model.conf.output.output_specific_energy = 'last' model.conf.output.output_n_photons = 'last' model.write(file) if(cli.verbose): print("The input file for hyperion was written to", file)
def plot_results(cli): file = filename(cli, "plot") file += ".rtout" # # Read in the model: # model = ModelOutput(file) los = [0 for k in range(3)] los[0] = '30degree' los[1] = '80degree' los[2] = '88degree' if(cli.mode == "images"): # # Extract the quantities # g = model.get_quantities() # # Get the wall positions: # ww = g.w_wall / pc zw = g.z_wall / pc pw = g.p_wall grid_Nw = len(ww) - 1 grid_Nz = len(zw) - 1 grid_Np = len(pw) - 1 # # Graphics: # fig = plt.figure() Imaxp = [0 for i in range(5)] Imaxp[0] = 1e-15 # in W/cm^2 Imaxp[1] = 1e-14 # in W/cm^2 Imaxp[2] = 1e-15 # in W/cm^2 Imaxp[3] = 1e-15 # in W/cm^2 Imaxp[4] = 1e-18 # in W/cm^2 for k in range(0, 3): if(cli.verbose): print("Group: ", k) image = model.get_image(distance=1e+7*pc, units='ergs/cm^2/s', inclination=0, component='total', group=k) #source_emit = model.get_image(distance=1e+7*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='source_emit', group=k) #dust_emit = model.get_image(distance=1e+7*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='dust_emit' , group=k) #source_scat = model.get_image(distance=1e+7*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='source_scat', group=k) #dust_scat = model.get_image(distance=1e+7*pc, units='MJy/sr', inclination=0, component='dust_scat' , group=k) if(cli.verbose): print(" Data cube: ", image.val.shape) print(" Wavelengths =", image.wav) print(" Uncertainties =", image.unc) image_Nx=image.val.shape[0] image_Ny=image.val.shape[1] Nwavelength=image.val.shape[2] if(cli.verbose): print(" Image Nx =", image_Nx) print(" Image Ny =", image_Ny) print(" Nwavelength =", Nwavelength) for i in range(0, Nwavelength): if(cli.verbose): print(" Image #", i,":") print(" Wavelength =", image.wav[i]) image.val[:, :, i] *= 1e-4 # in W/m^2 #Imin = np.min(image.val[:, :, i]) #Imax = np.max(image.val[:, :, i]) #Imax = Imaxp[i] #Imin = Imax/1e+20 Imax = np.max(image.val[:, :, i])/5 Imin = 0.0 if(cli.verbose): print(" Intensity min data values =", np.min(image.val[:, :, i])) print(" Intensity max data values =", np.max(image.val[:, :, i])) print(" Intensity min color-table =", Imin) print(" Intensity max color-table =", Imax) #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # 'hot', see ax.imshow(image.val[:, :, i], vmin=Imin, vmax=Imax,, origin='lower') ax.set_xticks([0,100,200,300,400,500], minor=False) ax.set_yticks([0,100,200,300,400,500], minor=False) ax.set_xlabel('x (pixel)') ax.set_ylabel('y (pixel)') ax.set_title(str(image.wav[i]) + ' microns' + '\n' + los[k], y=0.88, x=0.5, color='white') #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) #ax.imshow([np.logspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),100),np.logspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),100)], vmin=Imin, vmax=Imax/10, #ax.set_xticks(np.logspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),1), minor=False) ##ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(np.log10(Imin+1e-10),np.log10(Imax/10),10), minor=False) #ax.set_yticks([], minor=False) #ax.set_xlabel('flux (MJy/sr)') #x = plt.colorbar() #print(x) file = filename(cli, "plot") file += "_wavelength=" + str(image.wav[i]) + "micron_los=" + los[k] + ".png" fig.savefig(file, bbox_inches='tight') if(cli.verbose): print(" The image graphics was written to", file) plt.clf() elif(cli.mode == "seds"): # # Graphics: # fig = plt.figure() for k in range(0, 3): if(cli.verbose): print("Group: ", k) sed = model.get_sed(distance=1e+7*pc, inclination=0, aperture=-1, group=k) #units='ergs/cm^2/s' # = default, if distance is specified ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.loglog(sed.wav, sed.val) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ [$\mu$m]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\lambda F_\lambda$ [ergs/s/cm$^2$]') ax.set_xlim(0.09, 1000.0) ax.set_ylim(1.e-13, 1.e-7) file = filename(cli, "plot") file += "_los=" + los[k] + ".png" fig.savefig(file) if(cli.verbose): print(" The sed graphics was written to", file) plt.clf() # # Data files: # for k in range(0, 3): sed = model.get_sed(distance=1e+7*pc, inclination=0, aperture=-1, group=k) file = filename(cli, "plot") file += "_los=" + los[k] + ".dat" sedtable = open(file, 'w') sedtable.write("# wavelength [micron] - flux [erg cm^-2 s^-1]\n") for lp in range(0, len(sed.wav)): l = len(sed.wav)-lp-1 line = str("%.4e" % sed.wav[l]) + " " + str("%.4e" % sed.val[l]) + "\n" sedtable.write(line) sedtable.close() else: print("ERROR: The specified mode", mode, "is not available. Use 'images' or 'seds' only.")