コード例 #1
def test_Bitmap_copy_is_not_creating_not_exists_directory(static_png,
                                                          hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``copy`` method creating directory is not exists."""
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, hotspot)
    copy_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp("test_copy_dir"))
コード例 #2
def test_static_Bitmap_repr(static_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``__repr__`` datamethod for **static png**."""
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, hotspot)
    assert (
        bmp.__repr__() ==
        f"{{ 'png':{static_png}, 'key':'test-0', 'animated':False, 'size':(20, 20), 'width':20, 'height':20, 'x_hot':{hotspot[0]}, 'y_hot':{hotspot[1]} }}"
コード例 #3
def test_animated_Bitmap_repr(animated_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``__repr__`` datamethod for **animated png**."""
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, hotspot)
    assert (
        bmp.__repr__() ==
        f"{{ 'grouped_png':{animated_png}, 'key':'test', 'animated':True, 'size':(20, 20), 'width':20, 'height':20, 'x_hot':{hotspot[0]}, 'y_hot':{hotspot[1]} }}"
コード例 #4
def test_animated_Bitmap_str(animated_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``__str__`` datamethod for **animated png**."""
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, hotspot)
    assert (
        bmp.__str__() ==
        f"Bitmap(grouped_png={animated_png}, key={animated_png[0].stem.rsplit('-',1)[0]}, animated=True, size=(20, 20), width=20, height=20, x_hot={hotspot[0]}, y_hot={hotspot[1]})"
コード例 #5
def test_static_Bitmap_str(static_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``__str__`` datamethod for **static png**."""
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, hotspot)
    assert (
        bmp.__str__() ==
        f"Bitmap(png={static_png}, key={static_png.stem}, animated=False, size=(20, 20), width=20, height=20, x_hot={hotspot[0]}, y_hot={hotspot[1]})"
コード例 #6
def test_animated_Bitmap_hotspot_overflow_exception(animated_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class hotspot ``ValueError`` (provided ``hotspot`` is \
    larger than image pixel size) exception for animated png.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert Bitmap(animated_png, (12, 60))
        assert Bitmap(animated_png, (55, 60))
コード例 #7
def test_animated_Bitmap_hotspot_underflow_exception(animated_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class hotspot ``ValueError`` (provided ``hotspot`` is \
    smaller than image pixel size) exception for animated png.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert Bitmap(animated_png, (2, -3))
        assert Bitmap(animated_png, (-2, -3))
コード例 #8
def test_static_Bitmap_resize_with_save(static_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``resize`` method with ``save`` flag for static png."""
    new_size = (10, 10)
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, (10, 10))
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10
    is_return = bmp.resize(size=new_size, save=True)
    assert is_return is None
    assert bmp.x_hot == 5
    assert bmp.y_hot == 5
    with Image.open(static_png) as i:
        assert i.size == new_size
コード例 #9
def test_static_Bitmap_rename(static_png: Path, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``rename`` method with static png."""
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, hotspot)
    assert bmp.key == "test-0"
    assert bmp.png == static_png
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.grouped_png

    assert bmp.key == "new_test"
    assert bmp.png == static_png.with_name("new_test.png")
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.grouped_png
コード例 #10
def test_static_Bitmap_reproduce_with_save(static_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``reproduce`` method with ``save`` flag for static png."""
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, (10, 10))
    return_value = bmp.reproduce(size=(10, 10),
                                 canvas_size=(10, 10),
    assert return_value is None
    assert bmp.size == (10, 10)
    assert bmp.x_hot == 5
    assert bmp.y_hot == 5
    with Image.open(static_png) as i:
        assert i.size == (10, 10)
コード例 #11
def test_animated_Bitmap_resize_with_save(animated_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``resize`` method with ``save`` flag for animated png."""
    new_size = (10, 10)
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, (10, 10))
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10
    is_return = bmp.resize(size=new_size, save=True)
    assert is_return is None
    assert bmp.x_hot == 5
    assert bmp.y_hot == 5
    for frame in animated_png:
        with Image.open(frame) as i:
            assert i.size == new_size
コード例 #12
def test_animated_Bitmap_rename(animated_png: List[Path], hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``rename`` method with animated png."""
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, hotspot)
    assert bmp.key == "test"
    assert bmp.grouped_png == animated_png
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.png

    assert bmp.key == "new_test"
    for i, frame in enumerate(bmp.grouped_png):
        stem: str = animated_png[i].stem.replace("test", "new_test", 1)
        assert frame == frame.with_name(f"{stem}.png")
コード例 #13
def test_animated_Bitmap_resize_without_save(animated_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``resize`` method without ``save`` flag for animated png."""
    new_size = (10, 10)
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, (10, 10))
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10
    return_images = bmp.resize(size=new_size, save=False)
    assert return_images is not None
    assert isinstance(return_images, list)
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10
    for image in return_images:
        assert image.size == new_size
コード例 #14
def test_static_Bitmap_resize_without_save(static_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``resize`` method without ``save`` flag for static png."""
    new_size = (10, 10)
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, (10, 10))
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10
    return_image = bmp.resize(size=new_size, save=False)
    assert return_image is not None
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10

    assert isinstance(return_image, Image.Image)
    assert return_image.size == new_size
コード例 #15
def test_animated_Bitmap_reproduce_with_save(animated_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``reproduce`` method with ``save`` flag for animated png."""
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, (10, 10))
    return_value = bmp.reproduce(size=(10, 10),
                                 canvas_size=(10, 10),
    assert return_value is None
    assert bmp.size == (10, 10)
    assert bmp.x_hot == 5
    assert bmp.y_hot == 5
    for frame in animated_png:
        with Image.open(frame) as i:
            assert i.size == (10, 10)
コード例 #16
def test_animated_Bitmap_reproduce_without_save(animated_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``reproduce`` method without ``save`` flag for animated png."""
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, (10, 10))
    return_value = bmp.reproduce(size=(10, 10),
                                 canvas_size=(10, 10),
    assert return_value is not None
    assert isinstance(return_value, list)
    assert bmp.size == (20, 20)
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10

    for frame in return_value:
        assert frame.size == (10, 10)
コード例 #17
def test_static_Bitmap_reproduce_without_save(static_png) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``reproduce`` method without ``save`` flag for static png."""
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, (10, 10))
    return_value = bmp.reproduce(size=(10, 10),
                                 canvas_size=(10, 10),
    assert return_value is not None
    assert isinstance(return_value, list) is False
    assert isinstance(return_value, Image.Image)
    assert return_value.size == (10, 10)

    assert bmp.size == (20, 20)
    assert bmp.x_hot == 10
    assert bmp.y_hot == 10
コード例 #18
def test_CursorAlias_rename_with_animated_bitmap(image_dir) -> None:
    """Testing CursorAlias rename method with animated bitmap."""
    animated_bitmap = Bitmap(create_test_image(image_dir, 4), (0, 0))
    alias = CursorAlias(animated_bitmap)
    alias.create((10, 10))

    old_alias = alias

    assert alias.prefix == "test_key__alias"
    assert (sorted(
        filter(lambda x: x.is_file is True,
               old_alias.alias_dir.glob("*/**"))) == [])

    assert file_tree(alias) == [

    with alias.alias_file.open("r") as f:
        assert f.readlines() == [
            "10 0 0 10x10/test_key-0.png 10\n",
            "10 0 0 10x10/test_key-1.png 10\n",
            "10 0 0 10x10/test_key-2.png 10\n",
            "10 0 0 10x10/test_key-3.png 10",

コード例 #19
def test_Bitmap_png_must_had_equal_width_and_height_exception(
        image_dir, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``ValueError`` (Image width and height not same) \
    exception for **static png**.
    png = create_test_image(image_dir, 1, size=(2, 3))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert Bitmap(png, hotspot)
コード例 #20
def test_static_Bitmap_copy_with_path_argument(static_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``copy`` method with passing ``Path`` type argument for \
    static png.
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, hotspot)

    assert bmp.png == static_png
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.grouped_png

    copy_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp("test_copy_dir"))
    copy_file = copy_dir / static_png.name

    copy_bmp = bmp.copy(copy_dir)
    assert copy_file.exists()
    assert copy_bmp.png == copy_file
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.grouped_png
コード例 #21
def test_animated_Bitmap_all_png_size_must_be_equal_exception(
        image_dir, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``ValueError`` (Image width and height not same) \
    exception for **animated png**.
    png = create_test_image(image_dir, 2, size=(2, 2))
    png.extend(create_test_image(image_dir, 1, size=(3, 6)))
    png.extend(create_test_image(image_dir, 1, size=(3, 3)))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert Bitmap(png, hotspot)
コード例 #22
def test_static_Bitmap_copy_without_path_argument(static_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``copy`` method without passing ``Path`` type argument for \
    static png.
    bmp = Bitmap(static_png, hotspot)

    assert bmp.png == static_png
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.grouped_png

    copy_bmp = bmp.copy()

    # Without `path` argument Bitmap.copy() is creating temporary directory or not.
    assert str(tempfile.tempdir) in str(copy_bmp.png)

    is_tmp_dir = copy_bmp.png.parent
    assert is_tmp_dir.exists()
    assert is_tmp_dir.name.__contains__(copy_bmp.key)
    assert is_tmp_dir.name.__contains__("__copy__")

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.grouped_png
コード例 #23
def test_animated_Bitmap_copy_with_path_argument(animated_png,
                                                 hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap ``copy`` method with passing ``Path`` type argument for \
    animated png.
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, hotspot)

    assert bmp.grouped_png == animated_png
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.png

    copy_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp("test_copy_dir"))
    copy_files = list(map(lambda x: x.name, animated_png))
    copy_bmp = bmp.copy(copy_dir)

    for i, f in enumerate(copy_files):
        copy_file = copy_dir / f
        assert copy_file.exists()
        assert copy_bmp.grouped_png[i] == copy_file
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert bmp.png
コード例 #24
def test_animated_Bitmap_context_manager(animated_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class contextmanagment datamethod for **animated png**."""
    with Bitmap(animated_png, hotspot) as bmp:
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assert bmp.png
        assert bmp.grouped_png == animated_png
        assert bmp.animated is True
        assert bmp.height == 20
        assert bmp.width == 20
        assert bmp.compress == 0
        assert bmp.key == "test"
        assert bmp.x_hot == hotspot[0]
        assert bmp.y_hot == hotspot[1]
コード例 #25
def test_invalid_animated_Bitmap_name_exception(image_dir, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``ValueError`` (Invalid image name) \
    exception for **animated png**.
    png = []
    images = create_test_image(image_dir, 3, size=(5, 5))

    for idx, p in enumerate(images):
        target = p.with_name(f"notvalidframe{idx}.png")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert Bitmap(png, hotspot)
コード例 #26
def test_animated_Bitmap_group_had_same_key_exception(image_dir,
                                                      hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class ``ValueError`` (Invalid image key) \
    exception for **animated png**.
    png = []
    images = create_test_image(image_dir, 3, size=(5, 5))

    for idx, p in enumerate(images):
        target = p.with_name(f"{str(randint(9999,453334))}-{idx}.png")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert Bitmap(png, hotspot)
コード例 #27
def test_animated_Bitmap_as_Path(animated_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class with passing args as `Path` type for \
    **animated png**.
    bmp = Bitmap(animated_png, hotspot)

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
        assert bmp.png
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "'Bitmap' object has no attribute 'png'"

    assert bmp.grouped_png == animated_png
    assert bmp.animated is True
    assert bmp.height == 20
    assert bmp.width == 20
    assert bmp.compress == 0
    assert bmp.key == "test"
    assert bmp.x_hot == hotspot[0]
    assert bmp.y_hot == hotspot[1]
コード例 #28
def test_static_Bitmap_as_str(static_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class members value for **static png**."""
    str_static_png = str(static_png)
    bmp = Bitmap(str_static_png, hotspot)

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
        assert bmp.grouped_png
    assert str(
        excinfo.value) == "'Bitmap' object has no attribute 'grouped_png'"

    assert bmp.png == static_png
    assert bmp.animated is False
    assert bmp.height == 20
    assert bmp.width == 20
    assert bmp.compress == 0
    assert bmp.key == "test-0"
    assert bmp.x_hot == hotspot[0]
    assert bmp.y_hot == hotspot[1]
コード例 #29
def test_animated_Bitmap_as_str(animated_png, hotspot) -> None:
    """Testing Bitmap class members value for **animated png**."""
    str_animated_png: List[str] = list(
        map(lambda x: str(x.absolute()), animated_png))
    bmp = Bitmap(str_animated_png, hotspot)

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
        assert bmp.png
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "'Bitmap' object has no attribute 'png'"

    assert bmp.grouped_png == animated_png
    assert bmp.animated is True
    assert bmp.height == 20
    assert bmp.width == 20
    assert bmp.compress == 0
    assert bmp.key == "test"
    assert bmp.x_hot == hotspot[0]
    assert bmp.y_hot == hotspot[1]
コード例 #30
def test_CursorAlias_create_with_animated_bitmap_and_single_size(
        image_dir) -> None:
    """Testing CursorAlias create method with single pixel size and animated bitmap."""
    animated_png = create_test_image(image_dir, 4)
    animated_bitmap = Bitmap(animated_png, (13, 6))
    alias = CursorAlias(animated_bitmap)

    assert len(sorted(alias.alias_dir.iterdir())) == 0
    alias.create((10, 10), delay=999999)

    def as_list(frames: List[Path]) -> List[str]:
        return sorted(map(lambda x: x.stem, frames))

    for file in alias.alias_dir.iterdir():
        if file.is_dir():
            frames = list(file.iterdir())
            assert as_list(frames) == as_list(animated_png)
            assert file.stem == animated_bitmap.key

            with file.open("r") as f:
                assert f.readlines() == [
                    "10 6 3 10x10/test-0.png 999999\n",
                    "10 6 3 10x10/test-1.png 999999\n",
                    "10 6 3 10x10/test-2.png 999999\n",
                    "10 6 3 10x10/test-3.png 999999",

    files = []
    for f in alias.alias_dir.glob("**/*"):

    assert sorted(files) == sorted([
        "10x10", "test-0.png", "test-1.png", "test-2.png", "test-3.png",
