def setupClicksend(config): if "Notifications" in config: if "clicksendAPI_username" in config['Notifications']: configuration = clicksend_client.Configuration() configuration.username = config['Notifications'][ 'clicksendAPI_username'] configuration.password = config['Notifications'][ 'clicksendAPI_password'] self.notificationNumber = config['Notifications'][ 'phonenumber'] # create an instance of the API class self.smsAccountAPI = clicksend_client.AccountApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) try: # Get account information api_response = self.smsAccountAPI.account_get() if "http_code': 200" not in api_response: print("Invalid clicksend API response") print(api_response) self.smsAccountAPI = False else: self.smsAPI = clicksend_client.SMSApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) except ApiException as e: print( "Exception when calling AccountApi->account_get: %s\n" % e) except Exception as err: print("Eception when calling clicksend API") print(err)
def textSender(): configuration = clicksend_client.Configuration() configuration.username = '' configuration.password = '' # create an instance of the API class api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi(clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) # If you want to explictly set from, add the key _from to the message. sms_message = SmsMessage(source="sdk", body="Delivery Driver needed for Cake's Bakery. Contact at 214-557-4834", to="" ) sms_messages = clicksend_client.SmsMessageCollection(messages=[sms_message]) try: # Send sms message(s) api_response = api_instance.sms_send_post(sms_messages) print(api_response) return(jsonify(api_response)) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling SMSApi->sms_send_post: %s\n" % e) return("error")
def __init__(self): print("Initializing Garage Door Monitor") GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self.BEAM_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #GPIO.add_event_detect(self.BEAM_PIN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=self.break_beam_callback) atexit.register(self.exitHandler) config = configparser.ConfigParser()'settings.conf') # While there is no internet... run a continously loop. # THIS IS BLOCKING THE ENTIRE STATUS CHECK SCRIPT! noInternetCount = 0 while not self.internet(): print("No internet %s!!!" % noInternetCount) noInternetCount += 1 time.sleep(5) # Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth username = config['Notifications']['clicksendAPI_username'] password = config['Notifications']['clicksendAPI_password'] notificationNumber = config['Notifications']['phonenumber'] notificationNumber2 = config['Notifications']['benjaminWork'] notificationNumber3 = config['Notifications']['annaCell'] configuration = clicksend_client.Configuration() configuration.username = username configuration.password = password # create an instance of the API class self.api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi(clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) # If you want to explictly set from, add the key _from to the message. sms_message = SmsMessage(source="python", body="Hey, the garage door has been open for five minutes.", to=notificationNumber) sms_message2 = SmsMessage(source="python", body="Hey, the garage door has been open for several minutes.", to=notificationNumber2) sms_message3 = SmsMessage(source="python", body="Hey, the garage door has been open for several minutes.", to=notificationNumber3) self.sms_messages = clicksend_client.SmsMessageCollection(messages=[sms_message,sms_message2,sms_message3]) garageDoorStatusThread = threading.Thread(target=self.doorStatusLoop) sendSMSThread = threading.Thread(target=self.sendSMS) garageDoorStatusThread.start() sendSMSThread.start()
def send_sms(self, phone, code): api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi(clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) sms_message = SmsMessage(source="php", body="Your security code for MEDD is {}".format(code), to=phone, schedule=1436874701) sms_messages = clicksend_client.SmsMessageCollection(messages=[sms_message]) try: # Send sms message(s) api_response = api_instance.sms_send_post(sms_messages) print(api_response) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling SMSApi->sms_send_post: %s\n" % e)
def send_invite_sms(self, company, phone, link): api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi(clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) sms_message = SmsMessage(source="php", body="Hello! Your company {} " "invited you as a representative manager to the MEDD platform." " Please, follow this link and confirm your participation {}".format(company, link), to=phone, schedule=1436874701) sms_messages = clicksend_client.SmsMessageCollection(messages=[sms_message]) try: # Send sms message(s) api_response = api_instance.sms_send_post(sms_messages) print(api_response) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling SMSApi->sms_send_post: %s\n" % e)
def main(): # create an instance of the API class api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) sms_message = SmsMessage(source="sdk", body="This is the body of the message.", country='US', to="+13129709819") sms_messages = clicksend_client.SmsMessageCollection( messages=[sms_message]) try: # Send sms message(s) api_response = api_instance.sms_send_post(sms_messages) sent_list = api_response['data']['messages'] print(sent_list) # then - # # inbound except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling SMSApi->sms_send_post: %s\n" % e) return
if x > -1: num = num[:x].strip().replace(",", "") if num.isdigit(): if int(num) != url['LastNum']: if url['LastNum'] > 0: msg += f"{url['Company']}: Old:{url['LastNum']}, Current:{num}\n" s = f"update JodyEmployees set LastNum = {num} where intID = {url['intID']}" SQLExec(s, cursor, conn) if msg != "": configuration = clicksend_client.Configuration() configuration.username = smsUser configuration.password = smsPass api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) toSend = [] for phone in phones: toSend.append( SmsMessage(source="python", _from=srcPhone, body=msg, to=phone)) sms_messages = clicksend_client.SmsMessageCollection(messages=toSend) try: api_response = api_instance.sms_send_post(sms_messages) print(api_response) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling SMSApi->sms_send_post: %s\n" % e) s = "update JodyConfig set LastChecked = getdate()"
def __init__(self, config, bgRun=True): self.config = config if "Elasticsearch" in config: esHost = config['Elasticsearch']['host'] esUser = config['Elasticsearch']['username'] esPass = config['Elasticsearch']['password'] esPort = config['Elasticsearch']['port'] = Elasticsearch([esHost], http_auth=(esUser, esPass), ssl_show_warn=False, verify_certs=False, port=esPort) if "Notifications" in config: if "clicksendAPI_username" in config['Notifications']: configuration = clicksend_client.Configuration() configuration.username = config['Notifications'][ 'clicksendAPI_username'] configuration.password = config['Notifications'][ 'clicksendAPI_password'] self.notificationNumber = config['Notifications'][ 'phonenumber'] # create an instance of the API class self.smsAccountAPI = clicksend_client.AccountApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) try: # Get account information api_response = self.smsAccountAPI.account_get() if "http_code': 200" not in api_response: print("Invalid clicksend API response") print(api_response) self.smsAccountAPI = False else: self.smsAPI = clicksend_client.SMSApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration)) except ApiException as e: print( "Exception when calling AccountApi->account_get: %s\n" % e) except Exception as err: print("Eception when calling clicksend API") print(err) if "Wemo" in config: if "AlwaysOn" in config['Wemo']: print("Loading always on devices") self.alwaysOnDevices = config['Wemo']['AlwaysOn'].split(",") if print("Connecting to ES") try: if not print( raise ConnectionError( "Error connecting to Elasticsearch host: %s" % esHost) except Exception as err: print("Error connecting to ES") self.discovery() self.bgRun = bgRun if self.bgRun: self.bgUpdateThread = threading.Thread(target=self.update) self.bgUpdateThread.start()
def __init__(self) -> None: configuration = clicksend_client.Configuration() configuration.username = self.USERNAME configuration.password = self.PASSWORD self.api_instance = clicksend_client.SMSApi( clicksend_client.ApiClient(configuration))