コード例 #1
def update_index(references=REFS):
    global edited, index
    refs = CLIENT.loadJson (REFS)

    for i in list(refs.keys ()):
        transcript = str ()
        title = str ()
        alt = str ()
        complete_str = str ()

        #FIXME: I really need to fix these magic numbers
        if refs[i]['stat_com']['status'] == 0:
            edited = True
            # Retrieve the comic info from the references
            title = refs[i]['comic']['title']
            alt = refs[i]['comic']['alt']
            if refs[i]['stat_tr']['status'] >= -1:
                transcript = XKCD.removeNoise (refs[i]['comic']['transcript'])

        complete_str = XKCD.removePunk('{} {} {}'.format(title, alt,  transcript)) 

        # Record the comic in the index
        XKCD.indexComic (complete_str, i, index, black_list)

    # save file
    if edited:
        with open (INDEX, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump (index, outfile, indent = 4)
コード例 #2

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/nhatz/Code/bots/randi/python/lib')
import json
import client_helpers as CLIENT
import xkcd_helpers as XKCD

PREPATH = '/home/nhatz/Code/bots/randi/'
REFS = PREPATH + 'json/xkcd.references.json'
#INDEX = PREPATH + 'json/xkcd.index.json'
INDEX = 'xkcd.index.json'
BLACK_LIST = PREPATH + 'json/xkcd.common.json'

index = dict()
refs = CLIENT.loadJson(REFS)
black_list = CLIENT.loadJson(BLACK_LIST)

for i in list(refs.keys()):
    transcript = str()
    title = str()
    alt = str()
    complete_str = str()

    #FIXME: I really need to fix these magic numbers
    if refs[i]['stat_com']['status'] == 0:
        # Retrieve the comic info from the references
        title = refs[i]['comic']['title']
        alt = refs[i]['comic']['alt']
        if refs[i]['stat_tr']['status'] >= -1:
            transcript = XKCD.removeNoise(refs[i]['comic']['transcript'])
コード例 #3
async def on_message(message):
    global xkcd_refs, xkcd_index
    if not message.content.startswith(wame_config['prefix']):
        if Wame.user.mentioned_in(message) and not message.mention_everyone \
                and not len(message.content.split("@here")) > 1 \
                and len(message.mentions) == 1:
            await Wame.send_message \
                    (message.channel, embed = wame_help)
        args = await CLIENT.parse_args(message.content, wame_config['prefix'])
        command = args[0]
        args = args[1:]
        logging.info ('\nFull mess: {}\nCommand  : {}\nArgs     : {}'\
                .format (message.content, command, args))

        if command == 'xkcd':
            tmp = await Wame.send_message(message.channel, 'Searching...')

            if len(args) is 0:
                embed_comic = await CLIENT.random_embed(xkcd_refs)
                await Wame.edit_message(tmp, ' ', embed=embed_comic)
                result = await CLIENT.search \
                    (' '.join(args), xkcd_index, xkcd_refs, blk_list)
                # 0 == comic found
                if result['status'] == 0:
                    # Create embed
                    embed_comic = await \
                            CLIENT.create_embed (result['comic'])
                    await Wame.edit_message(tmp, ' ', embed=embed_comic)
                    # It hasn't been found, too bad
                    not_found = discord.Embed (description =
                        "_I found nothing. I'm so sawry and sad :(_. \
                    \nReply with **`random`** for a surprise\n"                                                               , \
                    colour = (0x000000))
                    await Wame.edit_message(tmp, " ", embed=not_found)
                    msg = await Wame.wait_for_message \
                            (author = message.author, \
                            content = "random", timeout = 20)
                    if (msg):
                        embed_comic = await CLIENT.random_embed(xkcd_refs)
                        await Wame.send_message \
                                (message.channel, embed = embed_comic)
                        await Wame.edit_message(tmp, "Timeout")
        elif command == 'random':
            embed_comic = await CLIENT.random_embed(xkcd_refs)
            await Wame.send_message(message.channel, embed=embed_comic)
        elif command == 'latest':
            online_latest = await CLIENT.get_online_xkcd()

            if online_latest['status'] is 0:
                embed_comic = await \
                local_latest = xkcd_refs[str(
                    max(map(lambda x: int(x), xkcd_refs.keys())))]
                embed_comic = await \
                        CLIENT.create_embed (local_latest)
            await Wame.send_message(message.channel, embed=embed_comic)
        elif command == 'report':
            bug_channel = Wame.get_channel(wame_config['report_channel'])
            embed_report = await CLIENT.report_embed (message, \
                    {'type': 'User', 'color': (0xff0000), 'client': Wame})
            report = await Wame.send_message(bug_channel, embed=embed_report)
            await Wame.pin_message(report)
        elif command == 'update':
            from update_references import update_ref
            from index import update_index

            xkcd_refs = CLIENT.loadJson(REF)
            xkcd_index = CLIENT.loadJson(INDEX)

            local_latest = xkcd_refs[str(
                max(map(lambda x: int(x), xkcd_refs.keys())))]
            embed_comic = await \
                    CLIENT.create_embed (local_latest)
            await Wame.send_message(message.channel, embed=embed_comic)
        elif command == 'help':
            await Wame.send_message (message.channel, \
                    embed = wame_help)
コード例 #4
JSON = PATH['json']
# Yep you should rename your config.json and append priv to it
# This way you won't add even more private stuff on github
CONFIG = JSON + "xkcd.config.json.priv"
INDEX = JSON + "xkcd.index.json"
REF = JSON + "xkcd.references.json"
BL = JSON + "xkcd.common.json"


wame_config = dict()
xkcd_index = dict()
xkcd_refs = dict()

wame_config = CLIENT.loadJson(CONFIG)
xkcd_index = CLIENT.loadJson(INDEX)
xkcd_refs = CLIENT.loadJson(REF)
blk_list = CLIENT.loadJson(BL)

wame_help = discord.Embed \
        (title = wame_config['help']['title'], \
        colour = discord.Colour(0x123654), \
        url = wame_config['help']['url'], \
        description = wame_config['help']['description'])
wame_help.set_footer (text = wame_config['help']['footer'], \
        icon_url = wame_config['help']['icon_url'])

Wame = discord.Client()
wgame = discord.Game(name=wame_config['game'])
コード例 #5
import json

with open('../client/xkcd.path.json.priv') as path_file:
    PATH = json.load(path_file)
    sys.path.insert(0, PATH['lib'])

import client_helpers as CLIENT
import xkcd_helpers as XKCD

PREPATH = PATH['json']
REFS = PREPATH + 'xkcd.references.json'
INDEX = PREPATH + 'xkcd.index.json'
BLACK_LIST = PREPATH + 'xkcd.common.json'

index = dict ()
black_list = CLIENT.loadJson (BLACK_LIST)
edited = False

def update_index(references=REFS):
    global edited, index
    refs = CLIENT.loadJson (REFS)

    for i in list(refs.keys ()):
        transcript = str ()
        title = str ()
        alt = str ()
        complete_str = str ()

        #FIXME: I really need to fix these magic numbers
        if refs[i]['stat_com']['status'] == 0:
            edited = True
コード例 #6
ファイル: nhatz.py プロジェクト: nhatzHK/selfbot
    import client_helpers as CLIENT
    from command import CommandManager
except ImportError:
    print('Error: One or more modules were not found in path.')

JSON = PATH['json']
# Yep you should rename your config.json and append priv to it
# This way you won't add even more private stuff on github
CONFIG = JSON + "priv.nhk.config.json"
COMMANDS = JSON + "nhk.command.json"


nhatz_config = CLIENT.loadJson(CONFIG)
commands = CLIENT.loadJson(COMMANDS)
censored = nhatz_config['censored']

Nhatz = discord.Client()
last_msg = dict()

comanager = CommandManager(Nhatz, commands, nhatz_config)

def record_message(msg):
    if msg.channel.id in comanager.last_msg:
        comanager.last_msg[msg.channel.id] = queue.LifoQueue()
コード例 #7
ファイル: xkcd.py プロジェクト: mlposey/randi
# It's not too much of an issue if it's not there; it will be created.
# We hope the base db with the imported blacklist exists, though.
db = Collection(JSON + 'collection.sqlite')

# Yep you should rename your config.json and append priv to it
# This way you won't add even more private stuff on github
CONFIG = JSON + "xkcd.config.json.priv"

# This is displayed to the channel if requests need comics but
# the collection is empty.
EMPTY_COLLECTION_MSG = "My collection is empty :("

logging.basicConfig (level = logging.INFO)

wame_config = CLIENT.loadJson (CONFIG)

wame_help = discord.Embed \
        (title = wame_config['help']['title'], \
        colour = discord.Colour(0x123654), \
        url = wame_config['help']['url'], \
        description = wame_config['help']['description'])
wame_help.set_footer (text = wame_config['help']['footer'], \
        icon_url = wame_config['help']['icon_url'])

Wame = discord.Client ()
wgame = discord.Game (name = wame_config['game'])

async def on_ready ():
    await Wame.change_presence (game = wgame)
コード例 #8
ファイル: wamior.py プロジェクト: nhatzHK/wamior
        with open(sys.argv[1]) as path_file:
            PATH = json.load(path_file)
        print('Unable to open file {}'.format(sys.argv[1]))
    print("Usage: python wamior.py /path/to/path.json")

sys.path.insert(0, PATH['lib'])
import client_helpers as CLIENT
import parser_helpers as PARSER

CONFIG = dict()
CONFIG = CLIENT.loadJson(PATH['config'])


Wame = discord.Client()
wgame = discord.Game(name=CONFIG['game'])

async def on_ready():
    await Wame.change_presence(game=wgame)
    bug_channel = Wame.get_channel(CONFIG['report_channel'])
    CLIENT.greet(Wame, channel=bug_channel)
