class ClickhouseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = Client('localhost') self.client.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test') self.client.execute( 'CREATE TABLE test (id String, x Int32, dict String) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree() ORDER BY id' ) self.new_client = CustomClickhouse() def _add_records(self): documents = [{ 'x': 1, "id": "1" }, { 'x': 2, "id": "2" }, { 'x': 3, "id": "3" }, { 'x': 100, "id": "100" }] formatted_documents = [{ "_id": doc["id"], "_source": { 'x': doc["x"] } } for doc in documents] self.client.execute('INSERT INTO test (id, x) VALUES', documents) return formatted_documents def test_search(self): formatted_documents = self._add_records() result ="test", fields=["x"]) self.assertCountEqual(formatted_documents, result) def test_search_with_query(self): formatted_documents = self._add_records() formatted_documents = [ doc for doc in formatted_documents if doc["_source"]['x'] < 3 ] result ="test", query="WHERE x < 3", fields=["x"]) self.assertSequenceEqual(formatted_documents, result) def test_count(self): formatted_documents = self._add_records() formatted_documents = [ doc for doc in formatted_documents if doc["_source"]['x'] < 3 ] result = self.new_client.count(index="test", query="WHERE x < 3") assert result == len(formatted_documents) def test_iterate(self): test_per = 2 formatted_documents = self._add_records() formatted_documents = [ doc for doc in formatted_documents if doc["_source"]['x'] < 4 ] result = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=["x"], query="WHERE x < 4", per=test_per) self.assertSequenceEqual(formatted_documents[0:test_per], next(result)) self.assertSequenceEqual(formatted_documents[test_per:2 * test_per], next(result)) def test_multiple_iterate(self): test_per = 2 self._add_records() first_result = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=["x"], per=test_per) next(first_result) second_result = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=["x"], per=test_per) next(second_result) def test_iterate_without_id(self): self._add_records() result = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=["distinct(ceiling(x / 10))"], return_id=False) result = next(result) assert len(result) == 2 def test_iterate_with_and_without_final(self): self._add_records() self._add_records() result_with_final = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=[]) result_without_final = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=[], final=False) assert len(next(result_without_final)) > len(next(result_with_final)) def test_iterate_with_derived_fields(self): self._add_records() result = self.new_client.iterate(index="test", fields=["x - 1 AS y"]) result_record = next(result)[0] assert "y" in result_record["_source"] def test_bulk_index(self): documents = [{"x": i} for i in range(10)] self.new_client.bulk_index(index="test", docs=[d.copy() for d in documents], id_field="x") result = self.client.execute('SELECT id FROM test') self.assertCountEqual(result, [(str(doc["x"]), ) for doc in documents]) def test_bulk_index_check_schema(self): self.new_client.bulk_index(index="test", docs=[{"y": 1, "id": 1}]) result = self.client.execute('SELECT id FROM test') self.assertCountEqual(result, [('1', )]) def test_bulk_index_empty_fields(self): documents = [{"id": 1, "x": 1}] self.new_client.bulk_index(index="test", docs=[d for d in documents]) def test_bulk_index_dict_values(self): documents = [{"x": i, "dict": {"test": i}} for i in range(10)] self.new_client.bulk_index(index="test", docs=[d.copy() for d in documents], id_field="x") result = self.client.execute('SELECT dict FROM test') self.assertCountEqual(result, [(json.dumps(doc["dict"]), ) for doc in documents]) def test_bulk_index_split_records(self): test_docs = [{"docs": True}] test_chunks = ["records1", "records2"] self.new_client._split_records = MagicMock(return_value=test_chunks) self.new_client.client.execute = MagicMock() self.new_client._set_id = MagicMock() self.new_client._filter_schema = MagicMock() self.new_client.bulk_index(index="test_index", docs=test_docs) self.new_client._split_records.assert_called_with(test_docs) calls = [call(ANY, records) for records in test_chunks] self.new_client.client.execute.assert_has_calls(calls) def test_send_sql_request(self): formatted_documents = self._add_records() result = self.new_client.send_sql_request("SELECT max(x) FROM test") assert result == max(doc["_source"]["x"] for doc in formatted_documents) def test_split_records(self): test_record = {"test": "123"} test_record_size = sys.getsizeof(test_record) test_records = [test_record] * 5 chunks = list( self.new_client._split_records(test_records, max_bytes=test_record_size * 2 + 1)) self.assertSequenceEqual( chunks, [[test_record] * 2, [test_record] * 2, [test_record]]) def test_split_records_one_record(self): test_record = {"test": "123"} test_record_size = sys.getsizeof(test_record) test_records = [test_record] chunks = list( self.new_client._split_records(test_records, max_bytes=test_record_size)) self.assertSequenceEqual(chunks, [[test_record]]) def test_split_records_same_chunk(self): test_record = {"test": "123"} test_record_size = sys.getsizeof(test_record) test_records = [test_record] * 6 chunks = list( self.new_client._split_records(test_records, max_bytes=test_record_size * 2)) self.assertSequenceEqual( chunks, [[test_record] * 2, [test_record] * 2, [test_record] * 2])
class ClickhouseEvents: def __init__(self, indices=INDICES, parity_hosts=PARITY_HOSTS): self.client = CustomClickhouse() self.indices = indices self.web3 = Web3( HTTPProvider(parity_hosts[0][-1], request_kwargs={'timeout': 100})) def _iterate_block_ranges(self, range_size=EVENTS_RANGE_SIZE): """ Iterate over unprocessed block ranges with given size Parameters ---------- range_size : list Size of each block range Returns ------- generator Generator that iterates through unprocessed block ranges """ range_query = "distinct(toInt32(floor(number / {}))) AS range".format( range_size) flags_query = "ANY LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, value FROM {} FINAL WHERE name = 'events_extracted') USING id WHERE value IS NULL".format( self.indices["block_flag"]) for ranges_chunk in self.client.iterate(index=self.indices["block"], fields=[range_query], query=flags_query, return_id=False): for range in ranges_chunk: range_bounds = (range["_source"]["range"] * range_size, (range["_source"]["range"] + 1) * range_size) yield range_bounds def _get_events(self, block_range): """ Get events from parity for given block range Parameters ---------- block_range : tuple Start and end of block range Returns ------- list Events inside given block range (not including end block) """ event_filter = self.web3.eth.filter({ "fromBlock": block_range[0], "toBlock": block_range[1] - 1 }) events = event_filter.get_all_entries() return events def _save_events(self, events): """ Prepare and save each event to a database Parameters ---------- events : list Events extracted from parity """ events = [self._process_event(event) for event in events] if events: self.client.bulk_index(index=self.indices["event"], docs=events) def _process_event(self, event): """ Prepare event - parse hexadecimal numbers, assign id, lowercase each string Parameters ---------- event : dict Event extracted from parity Returns ------- dict Prepared event """ processed_event = event.copy() processed_event["transactionLogIndex"] = int( event["transactionLogIndex"], 0) processed_event["id"] = "{}.{}".format( event['transactionHash'].hex(), processed_event["transactionLogIndex"]) processed_event["address"] = event["address"].lower() processed_event["blockHash"] = event["blockHash"].hex() processed_event["transactionHash"] = event["transactionHash"].hex() processed_event["topics"] = [topic.hex() for topic in event["topics"]] return processed_event def _save_processed_blocks(self, block_range): """ Save events_extracted flag for processed blocks Parameters ---------- block_range : tuple Start and end of processed block range """ block_flags = [{ "id": block, "name": "events_extracted", "value": 1 } for block in range(*block_range)] self.client.bulk_index(index=self.indices["block_flag"], docs=block_flags) def extract_events(self): """ Extract parity events to a database This function is an entry point for extract-events operation """ for block_range in self._iterate_block_ranges(): events = self._get_events(block_range) self._save_events(events) self._save_processed_blocks(block_range)
class ClickhouseContractMethods: """ Check if contract is token, is it compliant with token standards and get variables from it such as name or symbol Parameters ---------- indices: dict Dictionary containing exisiting database indices parity_hosts: list List of tuples that includes 3 elements: start block, end_block and Parity URL """ _external_links = {} _constants_types = [ ('name', { "string": lambda x: str(x).replace("\\x00", ""), "bytes32": lambda x: str(x).replace("\\x00", "")[2:-1].strip() }, ''), ('symbol', { "string": lambda x: str(x).replace("\\x00", ""), "bytes32": lambda x: str(x).replace("\\x00", "")[2:-1].strip() }, ''), ('decimals', { "uint8": None }, 18), ('totalSupply', { "uint256": None }, 0), ('owner', { "address": lambda x: x.lower() }, None) ] def __init__(self, indices=INDICES, parity_hosts=PARITY_HOSTS): self.indices = indices self.client = CustomClickhouse() self.w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(parity_hosts[0][2])) self.standard_token_abi = standard_token_abi self._set_external_links() def _set_external_links(self): """ Sets website slug and cmc_id for this object """ with open('{}/tokens.json'.format(CURRENT_DIR)) as json_file: tokens = json.load(json_file) for token in tokens: self._external_links[token["address"]] = { "website_slug": token["website_slug"], "cmc_id": token["cmc_id"], } def _iterate_unprocessed_contracts(self): """ Iterate over ERC20 contracts that were not processed yet Returns ------- generator Generator that iterates over contracts in database """ return self.client.iterate(index=self.indices["contract"], fields=["address"], query=""" WHERE standard_erc20 = 1 AND id not in( SELECT id FROM {} ) """.format(self.indices["contract_description"])) def _round_supply(self, supply, decimals): """ Divide supply by 10 ** decimals, and round it Parameters ---------- supply: int Contract total supply decimals: int Contract decimals Returns ------- str Contract total supply without decimals """ if decimals > 0: supply = supply / math.pow(10, decimals) supply = Decimal(supply) supply = round(supply) return min(supply, MAX_TOTAL_SUPPLY) def _get_constant(self, address, constant, types, placeholder=None): """ Get value through contract function marked as constant Tries every type from types dict and returns first value that are not empty If it fails, returns placeholder Parameters ---------- address: str Contract address constant: str Name of constant types: dict Dict with all possible types and converter functions for target value placeholder Default value for target value Returns ------- Value returned by a contract and converted with the function Placeholder, if there are no non-empty values """ contract_checksum_addr = self.w3.toChecksumAddress(address) contract_abi = [{ "constant": True, "inputs": [], "name": constant, "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": None }], "payable": False, "type": "function" }] response = None for constant_type, convert in types.items(): try: contract_abi[0]["outputs"][0]["type"] = constant_type contract_instance = self.w3.eth.contract( address=contract_checksum_addr, abi=contract_abi) response = getattr(contract_instance.functions, constant)().call() if convert: response = convert(response) if response: return response except Exception as e: pass if type(response) != int: return placeholder else: return response def _get_constants(self, address): """ Return contract ERC20 info Parameters ---------- address: str Contract address Returns ------- list Name, symbol, decimals, total supply, owner address """ contract_constants = [] for constant, types, placeholder in self._constants_types: response = self._get_constant(address, constant, types, placeholder) contract_constants.append(response) contract_constants[3] = self._round_supply(contract_constants[3], contract_constants[2]) return contract_constants def _update_contract_descr(self, doc_id, body): """ Store contract description in database Parameters ---------- doc_id: str id of contract body: dict Dictionary with new values """ body["id"] = doc_id self.client.bulk_index(self.indices['contract_description'], docs=[body]) def _get_external_links(self, address): """ Add Cryptocompare and Coinmarketcap info as a field of this object """ external_links = self._external_links.get(address, { "website_slug": None, "cmc_id": None }) return external_links.get("website_slug"), external_links.get("cmc_id") def _classify_contract(self, contract): """ Extract contract ERC20 info and stores it into the database Extracts ERC20 token description from parity and from token.json file Parameters ---------- contract: dict Dictionary with contract info """ name, symbol, decimals, total_supply, owner = self._get_constants( contract['_source']['address']) website_slug, cmc_id = self._get_external_links( contract["_source"]["address"]) update_body = { 'token_name': name, 'token_symbol': symbol, 'decimals': decimals, 'total_supply': total_supply, 'token_owner': owner, "website_slug": website_slug, "cmc_id": cmc_id } self._update_contract_descr(contract['_id'], update_body) def search_methods(self): """ Extract public values for ERC20 contracts This function is an entry point for extract-tokens operation """ for contracts_chunk in self._iterate_unprocessed_contracts(): for contract in contracts_chunk: self._classify_contract(contract)