def test_ba_get_bid(self): """ Tests that the bid_advisor's get_new_bid() method returns correct bid information. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) instance_type = "m3.large" zones = ["us-west-2b"] # Manually populate the prices so that spot-instance prices are chosen. bidadv.on_demand_price_dict["m3.large"] = "100" bidadv.spot_price_list = [{ 'InstanceType': instance_type, 'SpotPrice': '80', 'AvailabilityZone': "us-west-2b" }] bid_info = bidadv.get_new_bid(zones, instance_type) assert bid_info is not None, "BidAdvisor didn't return any " + \ "now bid information." assert bid_info["type"] == "spot" assert isinstance(bid_info["price"], str) # Manually populate the prices so that on-demand instances are chosen. bidadv.spot_price_list = [{ 'InstanceType': instance_type, 'SpotPrice': '85', 'AvailabilityZone': "us-west-2b" }] bid_info = bidadv.get_new_bid(zones, instance_type) assert bid_info is not None, "BidAdvisor didn't return any now " + \ "bid information." assert bid_info["type"] == "on-demand"
def __init__(self, cluster_name, region, refresh_interval_seconds=300, **kwargs): super(AWSMinionManager, self).__init__(region) self._cluster_name = cluster_name aws_profile = kwargs.get("aws_profile", None) if aws_profile: boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=region, profile_name=aws_profile) else: boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=region) self._ac_client = boto_session.client('autoscaling') self._ec2_client = boto_session.client('ec2') self._refresh_interval_seconds = refresh_interval_seconds self._asg_metas = [] self.instance_type = None # Setting default termination to one instance at a time self.terminate_percentage = 1 self.on_demand_kill_threads = {} self.minions_ready_checker_thread = None self.bid_advisor = AWSBidAdvisor( on_demand_refresh_interval=4 * SECONDS_PER_HOUR, spot_refresh_interval=15 * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, region=region) self.price_reporter = AWSPriceReporter( self._ec2_client, self.bid_advisor, self._asg_metas)
def test_ba_price_update(self): """ Tests that the AXBidVisor actually updates the pricing info. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) od_updater = bidadv.OnDemandUpdater(bidadv) od_updater.get_on_demand_pricing() sp_updater = bidadv.SpotInstancePriceUpdater(bidadv) sp_updater.get_spot_price_info() # Verify that the pricing info was populated. assert len(bidadv.on_demand_price_dict) > 0 assert len(bidadv.spot_price_list) > 0 # Make the price dicts empty to check if they get updated. bidadv.on_demand_price_dict = {} bidadv.spot_price_list = {} od_updater.get_on_demand_pricing() sp_updater.get_spot_price_info() # Verify that the pricing info is populated again. assert len(bidadv.on_demand_price_dict) > 0 assert len(bidadv.spot_price_list) > 0
def test_ba_get_bid_no_data(self): """ Tests that the BidAdvisor returns the default if the pricing information hasn't be obtained yet. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) bid_info = bidadv.get_new_bid(['us-west-2a'], 'm3.large') assert bid_info["type"] == "on-demand"
def test_ba_spot_pricing(self): """ Tests that the AWSBidVisor correctly gets the spot instance pricing. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) assert len(bidadv.spot_price_list) == 0 updater = bidadv.SpotInstancePriceUpdater(bidadv) updater.get_spot_price_info() assert len(bidadv.spot_price_list) > 0
def test_ba_on_demand_pricing(self): """ Tests that the AWSBidVisor correctly gets the on-demand pricing. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) assert len(bidadv.on_demand_price_dict) == 0 updater = bidadv.OnDemandUpdater(bidadv) updater.get_on_demand_pricing() assert len(bidadv.on_demand_price_dict) > 0
def test_ba_lifecycle(self): """ Tests that the AWSBidVisor starts threads and stops them correctly. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) assert len(bidadv.all_bid_advisor_threads) == 0 assert len(bidadv.all_bid_advisor_threads) == 2 bidadv.shutdown() assert len(bidadv.all_bid_advisor_threads) == 0
def test_ba_get_current_price(self): """ Tests that the BidAdvisor returns the most recent price information. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) od_updater = bidadv.OnDemandUpdater(bidadv) od_updater.get_on_demand_pricing() sp_updater = bidadv.SpotInstancePriceUpdater(bidadv) sp_updater.get_spot_price_info() # Verify that the pricing info was populated. assert len(bidadv.on_demand_price_dict) > 0 assert len(bidadv.spot_price_list) > 0 price_info_map = bidadv.get_current_price() assert price_info_map["spot"] is not None assert price_info_map["on-demand"] is not None
def test_ba_parse_row(self): """ Tests that the BidAdvisor parses the rows in on-demand price information. """ bidadv = AWSBidAdvisor(REFRESH_INTERVAL, REFRESH_INTERVAL, REGION) od_updater = bidadv.OnDemandUpdater(bidadv) row = {} row['RateCode'] = "JRTCKXETXF.6YS6EN2CT7" row["TermType"] = "OnDemand" row["PriceDescription"] = "On Demand Linux" row["Location"] = "US West (Oregon)" row["Operating System"] = "Linux" row["Pre Installed S/W"] = "NA" row["Tenancy"] = "Shared" row["PricePerUnit"] = "0.453" row["Instance Type"] = "m5.4xlarge" od_updater.parse_price_row(row) assert od_updater.bid_advisor.on_demand_price_dict[ 'm5.4xlarge'] == "0.453" od_updater.parse_price_row(row) assert od_updater.bid_advisor.on_demand_price_dict[ 'm5.4xlarge'] == "0.453" row["PricePerUnit"] = "0.658" od_updater.parse_price_row(row) assert od_updater.bid_advisor.on_demand_price_dict[ 'm5.4xlarge'] == "0.658" row["PricePerUnit"] = "0.00" od_updater.parse_price_row(row) assert od_updater.bid_advisor.on_demand_price_dict[ 'm5.4xlarge'] == "0.658" row['RateCode'] = "Some Random RateCode" od_updater.parse_price_row(row)