コード例 #1
ファイル: conda.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    if shared._is_anaconda(env):
        conda_bin = shared._conda_cmd(env)
        if hasattr(env, "conda_yaml"):
            Config = collections.namedtuple("Config", "base dist")
            config_file = Config(base=env.conda_yaml, dist=None)
            config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-conda.yaml")
        if config_file.base is None and packages is None:
            packages = []
            if to_install:
                (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
            with open(config_file.base) as in_handle:
                channels = " ".join(["-c %s" % x for x in yaml.safe_load(in_handle).get("channels", [])])
        conda_info = json.loads(env.safe_run_output("{conda_bin} info --json".format(**locals())))
        # install our customized packages
        if len(packages) > 0:
            pkgs_str = " ".join(packages)
            env.safe_run("{conda_bin} install --quiet -y {channels} {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
            for package in packages:
                _link_bin(package, env, conda_info, conda_bin)
        # work around ncurses issues -- we don't always get the R version
        # https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/issues/637
        env.safe_run("{conda_bin} update -y -c r ncurses".format(**locals()))
        for pkg in ["python", "conda", "pip"]:
            _link_bin(pkg, env, conda_info, conda_bin, [pkg], "bcbio_")
コード例 #2
ファイル: brew.py プロジェクト: JCVI-Cloud/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    """Install packages using the home brew package manager.

    Handles upgrading brew, tapping required repositories and installing or upgrading
    packages as appropriate.

    `to_install` is a CloudBioLinux compatible set of top level items to add,
    alternatively `packages` is a list of raw package names.
    config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-homebrew.yaml")
    if to_install:
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
    brew_cmd = _brew_cmd(env)
    formula_repos = ["homebrew/science"]
    env.safe_run("%s update" % brew_cmd)
    current_taps = set([x.strip() for x in env.safe_run_output("%s tap" % brew_cmd).split()])
    for repo in formula_repos:
        if repo not in current_taps:
            env.safe_run("%s tap %s" % (brew_cmd, repo))
    current_pkgs = set([x.strip() for x in env.safe_run_output("%s list" % brew_cmd).split()])
    outdated_pkgs = set([x.strip() for x in env.safe_run_output("%s outdated" % brew_cmd).split()])
    for pkg in packages:
        if pkg in outdated_pkgs:
            brew_subcmd = "upgrade"
        elif pkg in current_pkgs:
            brew_subcmd = None
            brew_subcmd = "install"
        if brew_subcmd:
            env.safe_run("%s %s %s" % (brew_cmd, brew_subcmd, pkg))
コード例 #3
ファイル: conda.py プロジェクト: jn7163/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    if shared._is_anaconda(env):
        conda_bin = shared._conda_cmd(env)
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-conda.yaml")
        if config_file.base is None and packages is None:
            packages = []
            if to_install:
                (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
            with open(config_file.base) as in_handle:
                channels = " ".join(["-c %s" % x for x in yaml.safe_load(in_handle).get("channels", [])])
        conda_info = json.loads(env.safe_run_output("{conda_bin} info --json".format(**locals())))
        if len(packages) > 0:
            pkgs_str = " ".join(packages)
            env.safe_run("{conda_bin} install -y {channels} {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
            for package in packages:
                _symlink_bin(package, env, conda_info, conda_bin)
        for pkg in ["python", "conda", "pip"]:
            _symlink_bin(pkg, env, conda_info, conda_bin, [pkg], "bcbio_")
        # remove packages that can cause failures
        # curl https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/72
        problem_packages = ["curl"]
        pkgs_str = " ".join(problem_packages)
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            env.safe_run("{conda_bin} uninstall -y {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
コード例 #4
ファイル: brew.py プロジェクト: kern3020/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    """Install packages using the home brew package manager.

    Handles upgrading brew, tapping required repositories and installing or upgrading
    packages as appropriate.

    `to_install` is a CloudBioLinux compatible set of top level items to add,
    alternatively `packages` is a list of raw package names.
    config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-homebrew.yaml")
    if to_install:
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
    # if we have no packages to install, do not try to install or update brew
    if len(packages) == 0:
    brew_cmd = _brew_cmd(env)
    formula_repos = ["homebrew/science", "chapmanb/cbl"]
    current_taps = set([x.strip() for x in env.safe_run_output("%s tap" % brew_cmd).split()])
    _safe_update(env, brew_cmd, formula_repos, current_taps)
    for repo in formula_repos:
        if repo not in current_taps:
            env.safe_run("%s tap %s" % (brew_cmd, repo))
    env.safe_run("%s tap --repair" % brew_cmd)
    ipkgs = {"outdated": set([x.strip() for x in env.safe_run_output("%s outdated" % brew_cmd).split()]),
             "current": _get_current_pkgs(env, brew_cmd)}
    _install_brew_baseline(env, brew_cmd, ipkgs, packages)
    for pkg_str in packages:
        _install_pkg(env, pkg_str, brew_cmd, ipkgs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: cloudman.py プロジェクト: Altoros/cloudbiolinux
def _setup_env(env):
    Setup the system environment required to run CloudMan. This means
    installing required system-level packages (as defined in CBL's
    ``packages.yaml``, or a flavor thereof) and Python dependencies
    (i.e., libraries) as defined in CloudMan's ``requirements.txt`` file.
    # Get and install required system packages
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages.yaml")
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, 'cloudman')
        # Allow flavors to modify the package list
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        env.logger.warn("No CloudMan system package dependencies for CentOS")
    # Get and install required Python libraries
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            url = os.path.join(CM_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'requirements.txt')
            _create_python_virtualenv(env, 'CM', reqs_url=url)
    # Add a custom vimrc
    vimrc_url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', 'vimrc')
    remote_file = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
    if env.safe_exists("/etc/vim"):
        env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, vimrc_url))
        env.logger.debug("Added a custom vimrc to {0}".format(remote_file))
    # Setup profile
    aliases = ['alias lt="ls -ltr"', 'alias ll="ls -l"']
    for alias in aliases:
        _add_to_profiles(alias, ['/etc/bash.bashrc'])
    env.logger.info("Done setting up CloudMan's environment")
コード例 #6
ファイル: cloudman.py プロジェクト: csw/cloudbiolinux
def _setup_env(env):
    """ Setup the system environment required to run CloudMan. This primarily
        refers to installing required Python dependencies (ie, libraries) as
        defined in CloudMan's requirements.txt file.
    # Get and install required system packages
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        conf_file = 'config.yaml'    
        url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', conf_file)
        cf = urllib.urlretrieve(url)
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(cf[0], 'cloudman')
    elif env.distibution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        env.logger.warn("No CloudMan system package dependencies for CentOS")
    reqs_file = 'requirements.txt'
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            # Get and install requried Python libraries
            url = os.path.join(CM_REPO_ROOT_URL, reqs_file)
            run("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (reqs_file, url))
            sudo("pip install --upgrade --requirement={0}".format(reqs_file))
    # Add a custom vimrc
    vimrc_url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', 'vimrc')
    remote_file = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, vimrc_url))
    env.logger.debug("Added a custom vimrc to {0}".format(remote_file))
    env.logger.debug("Done setting up CloudMan's environment")
コード例 #7
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: aryantaheri/cloudbiolinux
def install_custom(p, automated=False, pkg_to_group=None):
    """Install a single custom package by name.

    This method fetches names from custom.yaml that delegate to a method
    in the custom/name.py program.

    fab install_custom_package:package_name
    env.logger.info("Install custom software packages")
    if not automated:
        pkg_config = os.path.join(env.config_dir, "custom.yaml")
        packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, None)
        env.logger.debug("Import %s" % p)
        mod = __import__("cloudbio.custom.%s" % pkg_to_group[p],
                         fromlist=["cloudbio", "custom"])
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Need to write a %s module in custom." %
    replace_chars = ["-"]
        for to_replace in replace_chars:
            p = p.replace(to_replace, "_")
        fn = getattr(mod, "install_%s" % p)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImportError("Need to write a install_%s function in custom.%s"
                % (p, pkg_to_group[p]))
コード例 #8
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: pajanne/cloudbiolinux
def _custom_installs(to_install):
    if not exists(env.local_install):
        run("mkdir -p %s" % env.local_install)
    pkg_config = os.path.join(env.config_dir, "custom.yaml")
    packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    for p in env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("custom", packages):
        install_custom(p, True, pkg_to_group)
コード例 #9
ファイル: deb.py プロジェクト: OpenSourceCancer/cloudbiolinux
def _apt_packages(to_install):
    """Install packages available via apt-get.
    env.logger.info("Update and install all packages")
    pkg_config_file = os.path.join(env.config_dir, "packages.yaml")
    subs_pkg_config_file = os.path.join(env.config_dir, "packages-%s.yaml" %
    if not os.path.exists(subs_pkg_config_file): subs_pkg_config_file = None
    sudo("apt-get update") # Always update
    # Retrieve final package names
    (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config_file, to_install,
    # At this point allow the Edition to rewrite the package list - 
    # this is shared within and between editions.
    # Ref:  https://github.com/chapmanb/cloudbiolinux/pull/10#issuecomment-1616423
    packages = env.edition.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)

    # At this point allow the Flavor to rewrite the package list
    packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)

    # A single line install is much faster - note that there is a max
    # for the command line size, so we do 30 at a time
    group_size = 30
    i = 0
    env.logger.info("Updating %i packages" % len(packages))
    while i < len(packages):
        sudo("apt-get -y --force-yes install %s" % " ".join(packages[i:i+group_size]))
        i += group_size
    sudo("apt-get clean")
コード例 #10
ファイル: conda.py プロジェクト: druvus/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    if shared._is_anaconda(env):
        conda_bin = shared._conda_cmd(env)
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-conda.yaml")
        if config_file.base is None and packages is None:
            packages = []
            if to_install:
                (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
            with open(config_file.base) as in_handle:
                channels = " ".join(["-c %s" % x for x in yaml.safe_load(in_handle).get("channels", [])])
        conda_info = json.loads(env.safe_run_output("{conda_bin} info --json".format(**locals())))
        # Transition change -- ensure installed perl is perl-threaded
        system_packages = ["perl", "perl-threaded"]
        pkgs_str = " ".join(system_packages)
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            env.safe_run("{conda_bin} uninstall -y {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
        # install our customized packages
        if len(packages) > 0:
            pkgs_str = " ".join(packages)
            env.safe_run("{conda_bin} install -y {channels} {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
            for package in packages:
                _link_bin(package, env, conda_info, conda_bin)
        for pkg in ["python", "conda", "pip"]:
            _link_bin(pkg, env, conda_info, conda_bin, [pkg], "bcbio_")
        # remove packages we want the system to supply
        # curl https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/72
        system_packages = ["curl"]
        pkgs_str = " ".join(system_packages)
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            env.safe_run("{conda_bin} uninstall -y {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
コード例 #11
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: janusz005/cloudbiolinux
def _custom_installs(to_install, ignore=None):
    if not env.safe_exists(env.local_install) and env.local_install:
        env.safe_run("mkdir -p %s" % env.local_install)
    pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "custom.yaml").base
    packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    packages = [p for p in packages if ignore is None or p not in ignore]
    for p in env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("custom", packages):
        install_custom(p, True, pkg_to_group)
コード例 #12
ファイル: deb.py プロジェクト: i000/cloudbiolinux
def _apt_packages(to_install=None, pkg_list=None, pkg_config_file_path=None):
    Install packages available via apt-get.
    Note that ``to_install`` and ``pkg_list`` arguments cannot be used simultaneously.

    :type to_install:  list
    :param to_install: A list of strings (ie, groups) present in the ``main.yaml``
                       config file that will be used to filter out the specific
                       packages to be installed.

    :type pkg_list:  list
    :param pkg_list: An explicit list of packages to install. No other files,
                     flavors, or editions are considered.

    :type pkg_config_file_path:  string
    :param pkg_config_file_path: Allows a custom path to be specified where
                                 ``packages.yaml`` and ``packages-[dist].yaml``
                                 are stored. Note that the file names cannot
                                 be customized, only the path.
    env.logger.info("Update the system")
    sudo("apt-get update") # Always update
    if to_install is not None:
        env.logger.info("Will install all packages (as listed in packages*.yaml "
                "files in {0})".format(pkg_config_file_path))
        if pkg_config_file_path is None:
            pkg_config_file_path = env.config_dir
        pkg_config_file = os.path.join(pkg_config_file_path, "packages.yaml")
        subs_pkg_config_file = os.path.join(pkg_config_file_path, "packages-%s.yaml" %
        if not os.path.exists(subs_pkg_config_file): subs_pkg_config_file = None
        # Retrieve final package names
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config_file, to_install,
        # At this point allow the Edition to rewrite the package list - 
        # this is shared within and between editions.
        # Ref:  https://github.com/chapmanb/cloudbiolinux/pull/10#issuecomment-1616423
        packages = env.edition.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)

        # At this point allow the Flavor to rewrite the package list
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif pkg_list is not None:
        env.logger.info("Will install specific packages: {0}".format(pkg_list))
        packages = pkg_list
        raise ValueError("Need a file with packages or a list of packages")
    # A single line install is much faster - note that there is a max
    # for the command line size, so we do 30 at a time
    group_size = 30
    i = 0
    env.logger.info("Installing %i packages" % len(packages))
    while i < len(packages):
        env.logger.info("Package install progress: {0}/{1}".format(i, len(packages)))
        sudo("apt-get -y --force-yes install %s" % " ".join(packages[i:i+group_size]))
        i += group_size
    sudo("apt-get clean")
コード例 #13
ファイル: cpan.py プロジェクト: Fredus14/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env):
    config_file = get_config_file(env, "perl-libs.yaml")
    (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, subs_yaml_file=config_file.dist, namesort=False)
    cpanm_cmd = find_cmd(env, "cpanm", "--version")
    for package in packages:
        if package.count("==") > 1:
            _install_from_url(env, cpanm_cmd, package)
            _install_from_cpan(env, cpanm_cmd, package)
コード例 #14
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: bijujoseph/cloudbiolinux
def _provision_puppet_classes(to_install, ignore=None):
    Much like _custom_installs, read config file, determine what to install,
    and install it.
    pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "puppet_classes.yaml").base
    packages, _ = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    packages = [p for p in packages if ignore is None or p not in ignore]
    classes = [recipe for recipe in env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("puppet_classes", packages)]
コード例 #15
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    if shared._is_anaconda(env):
        conda_bin = shared._conda_cmd(env)
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-conda.yaml")
        if to_install:
            (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
        with open(config_file.base) as in_handle:
            channels = " ".join(["-c %s" % x for x in yaml.safe_load(in_handle).get("channels", [])])
        if len(packages) > 0:
            for pkg in packages:
                env.safe_run("{conda_bin} install -y {channels} {pkg}".format(**locals()))
コード例 #16
def _provision_chef_recipes(to_install, ignore=None):
    Much like _custom_installs, read config file, determine what to install,
    and install it.
    pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "chef_recipes.yaml").base
    packages, _ = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    packages = [p for p in packages if ignore is None or p not in ignore]
    recipes = [recipe for recipe in env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("chef_recipes", packages)]
    if recipes:  # Don't bother running chef if nothing to configure
        install_chef_recipe(recipes, True)
コード例 #17
ファイル: nix.py プロジェクト: Altoros/cloudbiolinux
def _nix_packages(to_install):
    """Install packages available via nixpkgs (optional)
    if env.nixpkgs:
        env.logger.info("Update and install NixPkgs packages")
        pkg_config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-nix.yaml").base
        sudo("nix-channel --update")
        # Retrieve final package names
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config_file, to_install)
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
        for p in packages:
            sudo("nix-env -b -i %s" % p)
コード例 #18
def _custom_installs(to_install, ignore=None, add=None):
    if not env.safe_exists(env.local_install) and env.local_install:
        env.safe_run("mkdir -p %s" % env.local_install)
    pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "custom.yaml").base
    packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    packages = [p for p in packages if ignore is None or p not in ignore]
    if add is not None:
        for key, vals in add.iteritems():
            for v in vals:
                pkg_to_group[v] = key
    for p in env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("custom", packages):
        install_custom(p, True, pkg_to_group)
コード例 #19
ファイル: rpm.py プロジェクト: OpenSourceCancer/cloudbiolinux
def _yum_packages(to_install):
    """Install rpm packages available via yum.
    pkg_config = os.path.join(env.config_dir, "packages-yum.yaml")
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        sudo("yum check-update")
    sudo("yum -y upgrade")
    # Retrieve packages to get and install each of them
    (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    # At this point allow the Flavor to rewrite the package list
    packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    for package in packages:
        sudo("yum -y install %s" % package)
コード例 #20
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: nldowell/cloudbiolinux
def install_custom(p, automated=False, pkg_to_group=None, flavor=None):
    Install a single custom program or package by name.

    This method fetches program name from ``config/custom.yaml`` and delegates
    to a method in ``custom/*name*.py`` to proceed with the installation.
    Alternatively, if a program install method is defined in the appropriate
    package, it will be called directly (see param ``p``).

    Usage: fab [-i key] [-u user] -H host install_custom:program_name

    :type p:  string
    :param p: A name of the custom program to install. This has to be either a name
              that is listed in ``custom.yaml`` as a subordinate to a group name or a
              program name whose install method is defined in either ``cloudbio`` or
              ``custom`` packages
              (e.g., ``cloudbio/custom/cloudman.py -> install_cloudman``).

    :type automated:  bool
    :param automated: If set to True, the environment is not loaded and reading of
                      the ``custom.yaml`` is skipped.
    p = p.lower() # All packages listed in custom.yaml are in lower case
    time_start = _print_time_stats("Custom install for '{0}'".format(p), "start")
    if not automated:
        _configure_fabric_environment(env, flavor)
        pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "custom.yaml").base
        packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, None)

        env.logger.debug("Import %s" % p)
        # Allow direct calling of a program install method, even if the program
        # is not listed in the custom list (ie, not contained as a key value in
        # pkg_to_group). For an example, see 'install_cloudman' or use p=cloudman.
        mod_name = pkg_to_group[p] if p in pkg_to_group else p
        mod = __import__("cloudbio.custom.%s" % mod_name,
                         fromlist=["cloudbio", "custom"])
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Need to write a %s module in custom." %
    replace_chars = ["-"]
        for to_replace in replace_chars:
            p = p.replace(to_replace, "_")
        fn = getattr(mod, "install_%s" % p)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImportError("Need to write a install_%s function in custom.%s"
                % (p, pkg_to_group[p]))
    _print_time_stats("Custom install for '%s'" % p, "end", time_start)
コード例 #21
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: rsanka/cloudbiolinux
def install_custom(p, automated=False, pkg_to_group=None):
    """Install a single custom package by name.
    This method fetches names from custom.yaml that delegate to a method
    in the custom/name.py program. Alternatively, if a program install method is
    defined in approapriate package, it will be called directly (see param p).
    Usage: fab [-i key] [-u user] -H host install_custom:program_name
    :type p:  string
    :param p: A name of a custom program to install. This has to be either a name
              that is listed in custom.yaml as a subordinate to a group name or a
              program name whose install method is defined in either cloudbio or
              custom packages (eg, install_cloudman).
    :type automated:  bool
    :param automated: If set to True, the environment is not loaded and reading of
                      the custom.yaml is skipped.
    p = p.lower() # All packages are listed in custom.yaml are in lower case
    time_start = _print_time_stats("Custom install for '{0}'".format(p), "start")
    if not automated:
        pkg_config = os.path.join(env.config_dir, "custom.yaml")
        packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, None)

        env.logger.debug("Import %s" % p)
        # Allow direct calling of a program install method, even if the program
        # is not listed in the custom list (ie, not contained as a key value in
        # pkg_to_group). For an example, see 'install_cloudman' or use p=cloudman.
        mod_name = pkg_to_group[p] if p in pkg_to_group else p
        mod = __import__("cloudbio.custom.%s" % mod_name,
                         fromlist=["cloudbio", "custom"])
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Need to write a %s module in custom." %
    replace_chars = ["-"]
        for to_replace in replace_chars:
            p = p.replace(to_replace, "_")
        fn = getattr(mod, "install_%s" % p)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImportError("Need to write a install_%s function in custom.%s"
                % (p, pkg_to_group[p]))
    _print_time_stats("Custom install for '%s'" % p, "end", time_start)
コード例 #22
ファイル: rpm.py プロジェクト: sebhtml/cloudbiolinux
def _yum_packages(to_install):
    """Install rpm packages available via yum.
    if env.distribution == "scientificlinux":
        package_file = "packages-scientificlinux.yaml"
        package_file = "packages-yum.yaml"
    pkg_config = get_config_file(env, package_file).base
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        sudo("yum check-update")
    sudo("yum -y upgrade")
    # Retrieve packages to get and install each of them
    (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, to_install)
    # At this point allow the Flavor to rewrite the package list
    packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    for package in packages:
        sudo("yum -y install %s" % package)
コード例 #23
ファイル: conda.py プロジェクト: vladsaveliev/cloudbiolinux
def install_packages(env, to_install=None, packages=None):
    if shared._is_anaconda(env):
        conda_bin = shared._conda_cmd(env)
        if hasattr(env, "conda_yaml"):
            Config = collections.namedtuple("Config", "base dist")
            config_file = Config(base=env.conda_yaml, dist=None)
            config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages-conda.yaml")
        if config_file.base is None and packages is None:
            packages = []
            if to_install:
                (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install, config_file.dist)
            with open(config_file.base) as in_handle:
                channels = " ".join(["-c %s" % x for x in yaml.safe_load(in_handle).get("channels", [])])
        conda_envs = _create_environments(env, conda_bin, packages)
        conda_info = json.loads(env.safe_run_output("{conda_bin} info --json".format(**locals())))
        # Uninstall old R packages that clash with updated versions
        # Temporary fix to allow upgrades from older versions that have migrated
        # r-tximport is now bioconductor-tximport
        # py2cairo is incompatible with r 3.4.1
        # libedit pins to curses 6.0 but bioconda requires 5.9
        for problem in ["r-tximport", "py2cairo", "libedit"]:
            cur_packages = [x["name"] for x in
                            json.loads(env.safe_run_output("{conda_bin} list --json {problem}".format(**locals())))]
            if problem in cur_packages:
                env.safe_run("{conda_bin} remove --force -y {problem}".format(**locals()))
        # install our customized packages
        if len(packages) > 0:
            for env_name, env_packages in _split_by_condaenv(packages):
                if env_name:
                    assert env_name in conda_envs, (env_name, conda_envs)
                    env_str = "-n %s" % env_name
                    env_str = ""
                pkgs_str = " ".join(env_packages)
                env.safe_run("{conda_bin} install --quiet -y {env_str} {channels} {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()))
                conda_pkg_list = json.loads(env.safe_run_output(
                    "{conda_bin} list --json {env_str}".format(**locals())))
                for package in env_packages:
                    _link_bin(package, env, conda_info, conda_bin, conda_pkg_list,
        conda_pkg_list = json.loads(env.safe_run_output("{conda_bin} list --json".format(**locals())))
        for pkg in ["python", "conda", "pip"]:
            _link_bin(pkg, env, conda_info, conda_bin, conda_pkg_list, files=[pkg], prefix="bcbio_")
コード例 #24
ファイル: deb.py プロジェクト: Traksewt/cloudbiolinux
def _apt_packages(to_install=None, pkg_list=None):
    Install packages available via apt-get.
    Note that ``to_install`` and ``pkg_list`` arguments cannot be used simultaneously.

    :type to_install:  list
    :param to_install: A list of strings (ie, groups) present in the ``main.yaml``
                       config file that will be used to filter out the specific
                       packages to be installed.

    :type pkg_list:  list
    :param pkg_list: An explicit list of packages to install. No other files,
                     flavors, or editions are considered.
    if env.edition.short_name not in ["minimal"]:
        env.logger.info("Update the system")
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo("apt-get update")
    if to_install is not None:
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages.yaml")
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, to_install,
        # Allow editions and flavors to modify the package list
        packages = env.edition.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif pkg_list is not None:
        env.logger.info("Will install specific packages: {0}".format(pkg_list))
        packages = pkg_list
        raise ValueError("Need a file with packages or a list of packages")
    # A single line install is much faster - note that there is a max
    # for the command line size, so we do 30 at a time
    group_size = 30
    i = 0
    env.logger.info("Installing %i packages" % len(packages))
    while i < len(packages):
        env.logger.info("Package install progress: {0}/{1}".format(
            i, len(packages)))
        sudo("apt-get -y --force-yes install %s" % " ".join(
            packages[i:i + group_size]))
        i += group_size
    sudo("apt-get clean")
コード例 #25
def install_custom(p, automated=False, pkg_to_group=None, flavor=None):
    Install a single custom program or package by name.

    This method fetches program name from ``config/custom.yaml`` and delegates
    to a method in ``custom/*name*.py`` to proceed with the installation.
    Alternatively, if a program install method is defined in the appropriate
    package, it will be called directly (see param ``p``).

    Usage: fab [-i key] [-u user] -H host install_custom:program_name

    :type p:  string
    :param p: A name of the custom program to install. This has to be either a name
              that is listed in ``custom.yaml`` as a subordinate to a group name or a
              program name whose install method is defined in either ``cloudbio`` or
              ``custom`` packages
              (e.g., ``cloudbio/custom/cloudman.py -> install_cloudman``).

    :type automated:  bool
    :param automated: If set to True, the environment is not loaded and reading of
                      the ``custom.yaml`` is skipped.
    p = p.lower() # All packages listed in custom.yaml are in lower case
    if not automated:
        _configure_fabric_environment(env, flavor, ignore_distcheck=True)
        pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "custom.yaml").base
        packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, None)
    time_start = _print_time_stats("Custom install for '{0}'".format(p), "start")
    fn = _custom_install_function(env, p, pkg_to_group)
    ## TODO: Replace the previous 4 lines with the following one, barring
    ## objections. Slightly different behavior because pkg_to_group will be
    ## loaded regardless of automated if it is None, but IMO this shouldn't
    ## matter because the following steps look like they would fail if
    ## automated is True and pkg_to_group is None.
    # _install_custom(p, pkg_to_group)
    _print_time_stats("Custom install for '%s'" % p, "end", time_start)
コード例 #26
ファイル: conda.py プロジェクト: chapmanb/cloudbiolinux
def install_in(conda_bin, system_installdir, config_file=None, packages=None):
    """Install packages inside a given anaconda directory.

    New approach, local only and not dependent on fabric.
    if config_file is None and packages is None:
        packages = []
        check_channels = []
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file)
        with open(config_file) as in_handle:
            check_channels = yaml.safe_load(in_handle).get("channels", [])
    channels = " ".join(["-c %s" % x for x in check_channels])
    conda_envs = _create_environments(conda_bin, packages)
    for env_dir in conda_envs.values():
    conda_info = json.loads(subprocess.check_output("{conda_bin} info --json".format(**locals()), shell=True))
    # Uninstall old R packages that clash with updated versions
    # Temporary fix to allow upgrades from older versions that have migrated
    # r-tximport is now bioconductor-tximport
    # py2cairo is incompatible with r 3.4.1+
    problems = ["r-tximport", "py2cairo"]
    # Add packages migrated into separate environments, like python2
    for env_name, env_packages in _split_by_condaenv(packages):
        if env_name:
            problems += env_packages
    if problems:
        print("Checking for problematic or migrated packages in default environment")
        cur_packages = [x["name"] for x in
                        json.loads(subprocess.check_output("%s list --json" % (conda_bin), shell=True))
                        if x["name"] in problems and x["channel"] in check_channels]
        if cur_packages:
            print("Found packages that moved from default environment: %s" % ", ".join(cur_packages))
            problems = " ".join(cur_packages)
            subprocess.check_call("{conda_bin} remove -y {problems}".format(**locals()), shell=True)
    # install our customized packages
    if len(packages) > 0:
        for env_name, env_packages in _split_by_condaenv(packages):
            print("# Installing into conda environment %s: %s" % (env_name or "default", ", ".join(env_packages)))
            if env_name:
                assert env_name in conda_envs, (env_name, conda_envs)
                env_str = "-n %s" % env_name
                env_str = ""
            pkgs_str = " ".join(["'%s'" % x for x in sorted(env_packages)])
            py_version = ENV_PY_VERSIONS[env_name]
            # During openssl transition, pin to 1.1.1 to avoid slow resolve times
            extra_pins = "'openssl=1.1.1b'"
            if "deepvariant" in env_packages:
                # Ignore /etc/boto.cfg which creates conflicts with conda gsutils
                # https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gsutil/issues/516
                exports = "export BOTO_CONFIG=/ignoreglobal && "
                exports = ""
            subprocess.check_call("{exports}{conda_bin} install -y {env_str} {channels} "
                                  "{py_version} {extra_pins} {pkgs_str}".format(**locals()), shell=True)
            conda_pkg_list = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(
                "{conda_bin} list --json {env_str}".format(**locals()), shell=True))
            for package in env_packages:
                _link_bin(package, system_installdir, conda_info, conda_bin, conda_pkg_list,
    conda_pkg_list = json.loads(subprocess.check_output("{conda_bin} list --json".format(**locals()), shell=True))
    for pkg in ["python", "conda", "pip"]:
        _link_bin(pkg, system_installdir, conda_info, conda_bin, conda_pkg_list, files=[pkg], prefix="bcbio_")
コード例 #27
def _install_custom(p, pkg_to_group=None):
    if pkg_to_group is None:
        pkg_config = get_config_file(env, "custom.yaml").base
        packages, pkg_to_group = _yaml_to_packages(pkg_config, None)
    fn = _custom_install_function(env, p, pkg_to_group)