def sync_branch(self, branch): """Sync clowder repo to specified branch""" try: repo = Repo(self.clowder_path) except: repo_path_output = colored(self.clowder_path, 'cyan') print("Failed to create Repo instance for " + repo_path_output) else: if git_is_detached(self.clowder_path): try: repo.git.checkout(branch) except: print("Failed to checkout branch " + branch) print_exiting() if != branch: try: repo.git.checkout(branch) except: print("Failed to checkout branch " + branch) print_exiting() self._validate() self.print_status() git_pull(self.clowder_path) self.symlink_yaml()
def _validate(self, group_names): """Validate status of all projects for specified groups""" valid = True for group in self.groups: if in group_names: group.print_validation() if not group.is_valid(): valid = False if not valid: print_exiting()
def sync(self): """Sync clowder repo""" self._validate() self.print_status() if not git_is_detached(self.clowder_path): git_pull(self.clowder_path) self.symlink_yaml() else: print(' - HEAD is detached') print_exiting()
def _validate_projects_exist(self): """Validate existence status of all projects for specified groups""" projects_exist = True for group in self.groups: group.print_existence_message() if not group.projects_exist(): projects_exist = False if not projects_exist: herd_output = colored('clowder herd', 'yellow') print('') print('First run ' + herd_output + ' to clone missing projects') print_exiting()
def symlink_yaml(self, version=None): """Create symlink pointing to clowder.yaml file""" if version == None: yaml_file = os.path.join(self.root_directory, 'clowder', 'clowder.yaml') path_output = colored('clowder/clowder.yaml', 'cyan') else: relative_path = os.path.join('clowder', 'versions', version, 'clowder.yaml') path_output = colored(relative_path, 'cyan') yaml_file = os.path.join(self.root_directory, relative_path) if os.path.isfile(yaml_file): yaml_symlink = os.path.join(self.root_directory, 'clowder.yaml') print(' - Symlink ' + path_output) force_symlink(yaml_file, yaml_symlink) else: print(path_output + " doesn't seem to exist") print_exiting()
def fix_version(self, version): """Save current commits to a clowder.yaml in the versions directory""" self._validate_projects_exist() self._validate(self.get_all_group_names()) versions_dir = os.path.join(self.root_directory, 'clowder', 'versions') version_name = version.replace('/', '-') # Replace path separateors with dashes version_dir = os.path.join(versions_dir, version_name) if not os.path.exists(version_dir): os.makedirs(version_dir) yaml_file = os.path.join(version_dir, 'clowder.yaml') yaml_file_output = colored(yaml_file, 'cyan') version_output = colored(version_name, attrs=['bold']) if not os.path.exists(yaml_file): with open(yaml_file, 'w') as file: print('Fixing version ' + version_output + ' at ' + yaml_file_output) yaml.dump(self._get_yaml(), file, default_flow_style=False) else: print('Version ' + version_output + ' already exists at ' + yaml_file_output) print_exiting()
def exit_clowder_not_found(): """Print clowder not found message and exit""" cprint('No clowder found in the current directory, exiting...\n', 'red') print_exiting()
def exit_unrecognized_command(parser): """Print unrecognized command message and exit""" cprint('Unrecognized command\n', 'red') parser.print_help() print_exiting()
def _validate(self): """Validate status of clowder repo""" if not validate_repo_state(self.clowder_path): print_validation(self.clowder_path) print_exiting()